Thursday 1 January 2009





The Church does not know how to wage spiritual warfare or how to prevail in prayer. She does not know how to ward off the attacks of Satan; cast out his demons, or how to bind and render them powerless. She takes spiritual warfare lightly because it is not a war that is fought in the flesh, or seen with the naked eyes. Thus she is at ease while Satan goes unchallenged and has the full run with his army of evil spirits over the Church. That accounts for the many troubles in the Church often between brethren and also against the pastors. This is due to the prevalence of the “works of the flesh” (Galatians 5:19-21) which is innate in her midst.

Ease, false security and fullness of bread, keep the Church comfortable so that she does not realise that she is in grave danger! Thus she fails to realise that she is in a serious battle which is not being waged against flesh and blood but against an artful, extremely skilful and experienced enemy, Satan. In addition, she is fighting “against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places”, as Ephesians 6: 12 clearly states.

Her only weapon, as a Church, against Satan and his host is to be fully clad in the Christian’s armour (Ephesians 6: 10-18). A part of that armour is:

“Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints”. Eph. 6:18.(KJV).

This means she cannot ignore the fact that she is engaged in a war. Neither can she wage war in her own strength. To fight this war, she must depend upon the Ruach Ha Kodesh and allow Him to be in full control. Therefore, she must spend time in fasting and prayer, especially praying in the Spirit or in the Prayer language of Heaven. Hence the admonition:

“…Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit”.

This means she must make supplication in the Spirit. Prayer and supplication in the Spirit is to pray in the Heavenly language, which is known only to Elohim. That is why the Church cannot continue to ignore, belittle, despise or reject the “new tongues” which I spoke about in Mark 16: 17 and which consists of both known and un-known tongues. The battle is not a physical one. It is a spiritual one. Praying therefore in one’s understanding is not enough because Satan understands those prayers and renders them powerless as soon as they are uttered. That is why it is imperative that prayers are prayed in the language of Heaven because such prayers are known only to Elohim.

Things pertaining to the Spirit must be done in the spirit. Hence the Scripture in John 4:24:

“[Elohim] God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth”. (KJV).

When spiritual warfare is waged through prayer and supplication in the Spirit, the spirit of man (not the breath) is in direct communication with the Ruach Ha Kodesh. In turn, the Ruach Ha Kodesh prays to the Father and intercedes on their behalf (Romans 8: 26, 27). When that is done I, Yahushua Ha Mashiach, am then able to release the required number of angels from the armies of Heaven to engage in the battle being waged and defeat Satan and his host.

At such times demons and devils will be driven out and those who are held captives by Satan, will be released. Likewise, at such times demonic attacks will be broken. Mighty things will be done by the power of the Ruach Ha Kodesh which will cause Satan and his demons to be defeated. On the other hand, lack of spiritual warfare and lack of knowledge on how to wage it, give Satan and his host full access to wage his own vicious war against the Church and prevail because there is no opposition or resistance against him.


Spiritual warfare is more needed now than ever before as Satan and his host, accompanied by the people he claims as his, fight viciously against Me, Yahushua. This is an age when My Commandments are trampled in the ground. Good is regarded as evil, while evil and wickedness are embraced as good and are replacing My Commandments. No more is sin spoken against and punished, instead it is often rewarded. Thus everyman does what is right in his own eyes and becomes a law unto himself. Anarchy reigns as corruption and wickedness become the order of the day. The world has become a very dangerous place for young and old alike. No one is safe because Satan is fighting for his life in this his last and final battle, even though he knows he has lost the war!!

It is in such a climate that the SDA Church is at ease and bedded down, feeling safe and secure. Thus she fails to realise that destruction awaits her! THIS IS NOT THE TIME FOR HER TO BE COMFORTABLE, SECURE AND AT EASE IN THIS WORLD!! IT IS TIME FOR THE CHURCH TO WAKE UP AND BE ALERT!! It is time for her to realise her danger and the danger of those around her.

THIS IS THE TIME WHEN SPIRITUAL WARFARE IS NEEDED!! All around souls are in grave danger and are perishing!! Satan is unrelentless as he constantly claims as many as he can for his kingdom, for the fires of hell and for their final reward in the Lake of molten fire and brimstone in the final Judgment.

Satan claims his victims from all areas and has the majority in this world under his control. Many of his victims are caught up in false teachings and beliefs, gang warfare, the world of drugs and drug peddling; murders, robberies, rapes and many more such crimes which are commonplace. These happenings are so common that they have become second nature and are accepted as part of society. Due to Satan’s strong hold in this world, human suffering and human grief are beyond human comprehension as people suffer from the effects of wars, terrorisms, diseases, disasters and an innumerable number of evils in the world around them.

These are the perilous times which were prophesied in 2 Timothy 3:1-5. It is a time when My people should lift up their heads with confidence and assurance, knowing that their redemption draws nigh (Luke 21:28). This is not the time for the Church to be snug and settled; neither should it be a time for her to be entertaining herself! IT IS THE TIME FOR SPIRITUAL WARFARE!! A war which she cannot fight alone, therefore; she needs to fast and pray so that she can get divine help!

Many of her churches are in areas for decades and yet the people in some of those areas do not know what goes on or the beliefs of those who attend. All they know is that every Saturday the people are dressed as though they are going to weddings. The members rarely go into the neighbourhoods and witness but remain in their churches feeding themselves spiritually (as well as physically in some churches) without any thought or care for those around them. Whereas I, Yahushua, went about during My ministry teaching and preaching the Good News and ministering to the needs of the people, the SDA Church spends most of the time looking after herself alone and her own interests; while she forgets those who are desperately in need of her help to show them the way of life and salvation.

The Church was not raised up in the world to please, pamper and care alone for herself!! She was raised up to make My will known to her fellowmen, and for the saving of her own soul, i.e. that of her members. She cannot sit back thinking there is nothing for her to do because there is 3ABN Telecast reaching out to the world. 3ABN Telecast will reach a number of people but that is only a drop in the ocean of souls.

Each person in the Church has a work and duty to perform. People need the personal touch and for someone to reach out to them in love. Even so the SDA Church can only reach a certain number of souls. That is why other Christians are working to reach souls throughout the world, even in the most inhospitable of places. In order for Me, Yahushua, to Return for My followers, the Gospel of the Kingdom must first be preached in all the world for a witness, as I commanded in Matthew 24:14. This prophecy is almost fully fulfilled but the Church still has her part to do while the door of mercy remains open.

Therefore, things must change from what they are. She must now begin to do the work which she is commissioned to do in Matthew 28:18-20; Mark 16:15-18 and other like commands. When she does this work, she will help to save her own soul (i.e. the souls of her members) and that of many others. She will not accomplish anything by sitting behind her church doors in comfort and warmth Sabbath after Sabbath enjoying a feast, while the world is suffering from spiritual starvation!

The Church must come from behind those closed doors and from her comforts. She must not allow Satan to hold her down any longer, blind her eyes or give her the feeling of false security which she has been under for all these many years. In order for her to fulfil the mission for which she was raised up to carry out in this world, she needs Divine help which the Ruach Ha Kodesh is waiting to give to her. She must therefore, spend time in fasting and prayer seeking His help; His anointing and power which will enable her to do the works I, Yahushua, have commanded My followers to do.

Once she has received the anointing from the Ruach Ha Kodesh, she should begin to engage in spiritual warfare in order to regain the territory Satan and his armies have taken. Once again much time must be spent in fasting and prayer, including all night prayer meetings in order to fight in this battle against Satan and his hosts. This intensity in prayer is needed because the battle is not being waged in the physical but the spiritual. In other words, the battle is not against flesh and blood but against principalities and powers and against the rulers of darkness in the second heaven, where Satan and his great number of demons reside (Ephesians 6:12). Let the Church arrange Prayer Warriors who are serious about prayer, who will go into areas and prayer-walk the streets. They should take with them consecrated olive oil; i.e. oil (where it is possible to get it) that has been prayed over. As they walk the streets and pray in My Name, Yahushua, they are to pour the oil along the way and consecrate those areas for Me. I have promised that everywhere their feet tread, will be theirs (Joshua 1:3).

As they prayer walk and go from door to door praying as well as praying over the areas, they are to take authority and in My Name, Yahushua, bind all demonic spirits which have their strong holds and are operating over those areas. They are also to pray at the doors for the people and in My Name claim them for My kingdom. As they pray they are to speak forth to those workers of darkness in the spirit realm and in My Name, Yahushua, forbid those demonic spirits from operating in the areas and the lives of the people. Those demon spirits have names. Therefore, they are to call them by their names. Names such as: spirit of drugs, spirit of murder; spirit of poverty, spirit of prostitution, spirit of stealing and spirit of lies. They are to command them to bow in My Name, Yahushua, remembering that the Scriptures say:

“Therefore [Yahweh] God exalted him [Myself Yahushua] to the highest place and gave him the name that is above every name, that at the name of Jesus [Yahushua] every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ [Yahushua Ha Mashiach] is [Adonai] Lord, to the glory of [Yahweh] God the Father”. Philippians 2:9-11. (NIV)

Once they have given the command to those demons in My Name, Yahushua, the demons have to obey. Therefore, as the people pray and give command in My Name; the armies from the Host of Heaven will begin the battle and those demons will bow and be bound.

The members are to be reassured that they are not alone because I, Yahushua, have promised:

“. . .lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world.” Matthew 28:20 (KJV).

I have also given the assurance that:

“Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you”. Luke 10:19.

A WORD OF CAUTION!! Those who enter into spiritual warfare must not take it lightly. The demonic world is real and they are wicked and vicious. Therefore, the spiritual warriors must be covered by My blood and operate only in My Name, Yahushua, alone. Before they go out to walk the streets and pray and before any exercise in spiritual warfare, they must first pray and ask for the covering of My blood over themselves, their families and properties. Failing that, Satan and his demons will fight back and attack them as he attacked Job; and as the sons of Sceva were attacked (Acts 19:14-16).

Along with the prayer warriors, there must be those who will go from door to door in the highways and market places to speak to the people about their souls and invite them to accept Me, Yahushua, as their Adonai (Lord) and Saviour. There are Sabbaths when the congregations should go out to the people and spend part of the time witnessing. They should also go and hold services at the market places and in other places where people congregate.

On those occasions, they should be serious about what they are doing and know their mission. They are to speak simple messages to the people. The messages should be messages of conviction concerning their souls and How and Where they will spend eternity. They are to tell them of My love for them; that I died to save them and that I am coming soon for them. Following which they are to encourage them to accept Me, Yahushua, into their lives as their Adonai and Saviour. They should also pray for those who will need prayer. At such times there should be tracts/leaflets which are to be handed out to the people that will tell them something about My love for them. The address of the Church and times of meeting should also be on the tracts or leaflets.

Those who embark on this soul winning venture are to make special efforts to get contact addresses of those who show an interest so that they can make further contact for followed up programmes. Prayer changes things and once the Church begins to engage in spiritual warfare, the foundation of the enemy will be broken down. When this happens there will be a noticeable changes, such as the reduction in the crime and in the drug and murder rate. People will be drawn to seek after Me, Yahushua, and many will turn to Me in righteousness.

Prayer must be ongoing, coupled with the work of soul winning which is the work given to the church (Matthew 28:19,20). In addition, the Church should seek to join with other Christians to wage spiritual warfare. Likewise, she should endeavour to work with others in My Body to finish the work of preaching the Gospel. This is important because the greater the numbers who pray, the greater the help which will be given from Elohim Yahweh, the Ruach Ha Kodesh and Myself, Yahushua. Greater also will be blessings which will be poured out from US.

Prayer is important. Without Our children first praying, We the Godhead cannot interfere!! This is because We have given dominion to the human race in this world. Thus, We wait for them to call and request Our help and intervention. Therefore, as soon as the prayers are offered, We are given permission and authority to come in and do what is requested and required of Us. It is imperative therefore, that the members of the Church learn the importance of prayer whereby they can constantly ‘storm Heaven’ with their prayers.