Saturday 10 January 2009





The SDA Church must take a firm stand against wrong doers. She makes too light of the sins among her, compromises far too much and fails to deal firmly with offenders. The Church has tolerated sins for far too long so that Satan and his hosts have infiltrated and taken control.

There are fraudsters, thieves and immoral persons who hide in the church and gain much respectability. When many such ones strike at the members of the Church through their fraudulent and sometimes immoral acts, the tendency is to allow them to get away with their actions since they are regarded as brethren and the policy of the Church is not to take legal action against them. These evil people know very well that they will get away with their actions because the Church will always endeavour to protect her “fair name”, as well as the fact that she should deal with such matters internally and should not go before the “unjust judge” (1 Corinthians 6:1). Hence the Church itself and many of her members have had to suffer great financial loss, at times, at the hands of thieves and fraudsters who hide in the Church and steal the Tithes or prey upon the innocent and unspecting ones, who often hold such persons in high esteem.

The refusal to deal firmly with sin must come to an end. The Church is not yet in Paradise! She is still in a sinful world and open and blatant sins must be dealt with and put out of her midst. Sin is an abomination to Elohim Yahweh, the Father, the Ruach Ha Kodesh and Me, Yahushua. Concerning the sins of “the flesh” it is clearly stated in the Scriptures:

“...that they which do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of [Yahweh] God”. Galatians 5:21. (KJV).

It is high time the Ruach Ha Kodesh is given His rightful place in the Church, so that He can do His work. However, both ministers and members must first be baptised with Him. I, Yahushua, am the Baptiser; therefore they should pray and ask Elohim Yahweh, their Father, for the Ruach Ha Kodesh, following which I will baptise them. Once baptised, the Ruach Ha Kodesh will empower them and also give to them His “gifts” and “fruit”. Thus the Church will be equipped and He will enable them to move in the things of the Spirit and to reveal Satan and his host.

Many ministers who should see that sins are dealt with and who should take a firm stand along with their boards against those who are bringing shame and disgrace to My holy Name, through the sins committed, have refused to do so. When such matters are brought to their attention, some deliberately refuse to address the matter. Likewise, many refuse to know about the sinful practices, while others are conveniently blinded, or lightly gloss over such matters.

The ministers often take such positions when there are indications of conflicts, because they want “peaceful” churches! where they are well "loved!!" Thus they refuse to uphold My standards or address the problems. They take this stance because they do not want to disturb and upset any of the members, due to the fact that many have their “families to support” and their livelihoods to think about. They fear that they could lose their jobs if they take a firm stand and rebuke sin. For this reason, the Church has become a place for every evil and abominable thing because self is always put first and before My Word.

The vast majority of ministers put the interests of their families and their own interests before the “Charge” they were given when they were ordained. This “Charge” they agreed to comply with. Once back in their churches they soon forget the “Charge” and regard it as mere formality.

The ministers may forget, take the “Charge” they were given lightly, or look upon it as just mere formality! Such ones fail to realise when the “Charge” was given and they responded publicly in agreement, that they entered into an agreement, not with men but with Us, their Elohim. That agreement is binding and cannot be cancelled. The recording angel recorded their words, which will be used as a testimony against them. That “Charge” is a serious matter. It is:

“I charge thee therefore before [Yahweh] God, and the Lord [Yahushua Ha Mashiach], who shall judge the quick and the dead at his appearing and his kingdom; Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine”. 2 Timothy 4: 1, 2. (KJV).

There will be no excuse for those who make light of this “Charge” and refuse to make full proof of their ministry.

Satan and his demons love and revel in the refusal of the ministers to carry out their “Charge” and of their fear, lack of faith and discipline, as well as their complacency. Such ones Satan delights in and in turn he makes sure that they are kept happy, while he ensures that their churches are infested with sins!! On the other hand those ministers who oppose him, he attacks viciously and makes their lives miserable and often unbearable.

Administrators, too, often fail to take a firm stand against sin because they find it difficult to tell the truth in love! Thus the standards laid down in My Word become of no effect. The main reason for this lack of firm discipline is because the Church has become a Business and Money comes before My Word, My Principles and My Standards. Due to this fact, Administrators do not want to upset or incur the wrath of the members who support the Church through their Tithes. This is due to the fact that the Tithes would be affected and thus decrease the flow of money into the treasury of the Church. Therefore, the sin problem is rarely dealt with when there is need of help from these senior officers to address it in the churches.


The lack of discipline, the lowering of the standards of the Church and the failure of ministers and leaders to deal firmly with wrongdoers are causing many to question just what is happening in the Church which claims to have the Truth! They observe all the un-godly happenings which are very common in some of the churches. Such happenings cause them to become discouraged as they see the Church completely opposite from the pure and spotless church which she portrays to be. Thus the Church has disappointed and failed many who became members believing they had come to the perfect Church.

The name, Seventh-Day Adventists, which should be a credit to Me, Yahushua, is having a bad connotation in some parts of the world. Many now look upon the Church as a place where people are well dressed, many of whom are proud and puffed up with pride and where certain evils are practised and go un-rebuked. Due to this attitude and the ungodly behaviour of some of the members, many who love Me and want something better than what they see, are leaving Church. Some have done so by forming groups of their own where they can worship US, their Elohim, based upon what is written in My Word, as well as for their own good, peace of mind and spiritual enrichment.

In addition to this unrest in the Church, many members are now watching the Christian Channels on the Television and the Internet on which they are seeing My Power at work in other churches and ministries. Thus they are seeing the works which I gave command to do being performed miraculously. Among the miracles they are seeing are: the sick bring healed from various diseases, the crippled being able to walk, the hearing of the deaf being restored; the blind receiving their sight, as well as the dead being resurrected.

This has caused them to wonder and question why the same things are not happening in the SDA Church, which claims she is My true Church!

Although the Church will not allow the Ruach Ha Kodesh to do His work in her midst, He is working and moving upon the hearts of many individuals, thus causing a stir within them. Such ones are convicted in their spirits and want more than just going to church week after week to attend, in many cases, a dead service where they do not receive the blessings they need and seek. Likewise, they want more than just the mundane services because they want to see the awesome power of the Ruach Ha Kodesh in their midst, whereby people can be set free from sicknesses, diseases and demons; as well as have their spiritual needs met.

Those who are genuine Christians and who love their fellowmen, want to see My manifest power, the power of the Ruach Ha Kodesh, the Holy Spirit, in the Church and to be a part of what I am doing. They want to receive My blessings and to know that I will do the same for them as they see happening for others on the Christian Television Channels.

Many members are becoming dissatisfied with the cold and dead services in many of the churches. They are tired of the routine, the tradition, the lack of love; the exclusiveness and the party-spirit. They are also tired of the criticism and condemnation of other believers in My Body who are not members of the Seventh-Day Adventist Church. Likewise, many members are tired of the restrictions and the discouragement the Church gives against fellowshipping with other Christians who are also in My Body. The segregation and prejudice toward other Christians, as well as the prevalence and manifestations of the “works of the flesh” in the Church, are also areas of concern to many who are tired of the negative attitude of the Church toward others in My Body.

As the appointed Leaders over My work, it is in your power with the help of the Ruach Ha Kodesh to address these matters of concern and bring in the changes which are needed in accordance with My Holy Word.

Included in the changes which are needed, there should be that of speaking to the ministers about their attitude toward other Christians. This includes the derogatory things which are sometimes preached from the pulpits. It is your responsibility as under-shepherds to see that such matters are addressed. Thus if you fail to carry out your responsibility as the designated Leaders, you will be held accountable.