Monday 12 January 2009





The changes which are to be made in the Church include:

She realises that the Ruach Ha Kodesh (the Holy Spirit) is Elohim here upon earth, Whom Elohim Yahweh, the Father, sent to be Comforter, Teacher, Helper and Guide and My Witness Who will reveal My Will. The Elohim Who will always be with the believers and give to them His wisdom, knowledge and understanding, as well as power to the believers and to do His mighty acts, among His many roles (John 14: 16-17, 26; John 15:26; Isaiah 11:2).

She should know and understand that He is a Person who is equal with Elohim Yahweh and Me, Yahushua, and Who should not be slighted or ignored but should be given the respect and reverence which are due to Him (Matthew 3:16, 17).

Allow the Ruach Ha Kodesh to come in and do His work as Elohim.

Educate the members that the Ruach Ha Kodesh is Elohim, the Third Person in the Godhead, Whose roles are important in the Church and in each individual life.

Show reverent respect to the Ruach Ha Kodesh and address Him by His Name and not by the derogatory term, “IT”.

The SDA Church should understand that the Ruach Ha Kodesh is no respecter of persons and chooses and uses whom He wills to reveal My will as it is recorded in Joel 2: 28, 29.

The Church MUST also wake up to the fact that the Ruach Ha Kodesh did not die with the deceased Mrs Ellen G. White. Likewise, that He is not confined to her, nor are her writings the Spirit of Prophecy. The Church MUST understand that He, the RUACH HAKODESH IS THE SPIRIT OF PROPHECY and NOT the writings of the late Mrs Ellen G White (Revelation 19:10; 1 Corinthians 12:10).

The Church MUST STOP committing BLASPHEMY AGAINST THE RUACH HA KODESH by ascribing to Satan the miracles of healing and others miracles which He does in my Name through My followers (Matthew 12: 25-32).

That she allows the Ruach Ha Kodesh to do His work un-molested and unhindered through whom He chooses and when He chooses to do so. Likewise, the Church should not frustrate or hinder the Ruach Ha Kodesh from doing His work through signs and wonders, healing and deliverance in the Church (Acts 2: 14-19; Acts 3: 3-16; Acts 5: 5-12; Acts 19: 1-6; 11-19).

That her members know and understand what it is to be “slain in the Spirit”! That to be “slain” is not satanic, demonic or mesmerism. Neither is the one “slain” pushed over by the minister through whom the Ruach Ha Kodesh is working. They should be made to realise that those who are slain, go down under the power of the Ruach Ha Kodesh during which time He ministers to them according to their needs.

Leaders, ministers and members are to pray to be baptised with the Ruach Ha Kodesh and for His spiritual gifts to be in their lives, including the gift of praying in new tongues, which is the prayer language of Heaven and not “Gibberish” as it is often described by many un the SDA Church (Acts 1: 5; 1 Corinthians 12: 1-11; Mark 16: 17).

Once the gift is given then each one who receives it should begin to pray in the “spirit” and “in the Holy Ghost” (1 Corinthians 14: 14,15; Jude 20). This precious gift should not be ignored, frowned upon or referred to as “Gibberish” but should be adopted as an important part of one’s prayer life.

The Church must set aside time to give true worship to Us: Elohim Yahweh, the Father, the Ruach Ha Kodesh and Me, Yahushua Ha Mashiach. She should also acknowledge that We Co-Exist and work Together at all times and in all things, including the Plan of Redemption.

She should spend quality time when she meets for worship, worshipping Us: Elohim Yahweh, Yahushua Ha Mashiach and the Ruach Ha Kodesh, with songs of praise and worship, accompanied by the instruments of music, where this is possible. The worshippers should also be allowed and encouraged to worship before Us, their Elohim (without criticism or snide looks and remarks) with singing, the clapping and lifting up of their hands, as they express themselves joyfully, including reverent dancing (Psalm 149: 3; 150: 4) before Us, when it is appropriate to do so. Then let them also learn what it is to tarry in Our Presence, to receive Our blessings and see Our power at work.

The SDA Church should educate her members on What it is to be “born again”; to be “baptised with the Holy Ghost”; to “pray in the spirit” and “in the Holy Ghost”. The members also need to know What it is to “be saved” and to be “empowered by the Ruach Ha Kodesh” (John 3:3, 5-8; Act 1: 5; Ephesians 6: 18; Jude 20; Ephesians 2:8; Acts 1: 8).

The Church should fulfil her duty and make the topic of the “Spirit”, the “Soul” and the “Body” an important subject and ensure that it is taught. Likewise, she is to ensure that the members know that they have an immortal spirit and soul, which do not die along with the body (1 Thessalonians 5: 23; 2 Corinthians 5: 1-8; Philippians 1: 21-23; John 11: 25, 26; Luke 16: 12-31).

She should also ensure that her members are fully aware of what happens to their spirits and souls once they vacate their bodies at death.

The Church should endeavour to firmly impress upon each member that his/her eternal salvation must be secured while they are still in their mortal bodies in this world.

The Church is to ensure that her members know that everyone MUST be prepared and ready to meet Me, Yahushua, at all times because as soon as they die, their probation is not only closed but that they begin the rest of eternity immediately.

This matter that the soul does not die with the body but begins the rest of eternity at the death of the body, is contrary to what the Church believes and teaches. However, she MUST bring her teachings and beliefs in line with My Word.

The Church’s belief is that at death the deceased righteous sleeps until My Return for them; while the lost continue to sleep on until My Third Coming, when they will face the Final Judgment and be destroyed in the Lake of fire. Thus she believes a person is just the mortal, physical body alone. Due to her teachings and belief that a person is “body” plus the “breath”, which constitutes the soul; she has never taught on the SPIRITUAL BEING, or the TRUE PERSON, THE INNER SELF!! This is the IMMORTAL SPIRIT and includes both the SPIRIT and the SOUL, which inhabits the body during the lifetime of each individual and continues its existence when the body dies.

It is time, however, the SDA Church begin to teach the truth about the THREE DISTINCT BEINGS of man: The SPIRIT, the SOUL and the BODY (1 Thessalonians 5:23). Whereas, at death, the body goes back to its dust and knows nothing (Psalm 146:4; Job 14:21); the real person, the spirit of man (the spirit and the soul, the true person and the part of the being which constitutes the feelings, the emotions, the will and the intellect, which makes the decision during the lifetime for good or for ill) does not die. Instead it goes either to Heaven to be with Us, their Elohim, or it goes to Hell and torment, where it awaits the final Judgment (Luke 16: 19-31; 2 Corinthians 5: 1-8; Revelation 6:9-11). It is the part of the being which I, Yahushua, referred to in John 11: 25-26, that does not die.

The SDA Church should encourage her members to put away sin and all the “works of the flesh” (Galatians 5: 19-21), with the help of the Ruach Ha Kodesh, Who will enable them to live lives of holiness. They are also to be encouraged to pray to Yahweh, their Father, to be filled with the Ruach Ha Kodesh and to have His “fruit” and His “gifts” in their lives (1 Corinthians 12: 8-11; Galatians 5: 22-23).

There must be special care given to the children and young people in her midst, ensuring that the right example is set before them.

The Church MUST put away her prejudice, criticisms, condemnation, pride, arrogance and the misconceptions she harbours against other Christians.

This change of attitude should first begin with the pastors, some of whom are the worst offenders in this matter. These traits from the kingdom of Satan MUST come to an end. They should not once be named in the Church that is called by My name, Yahushua!

The SDA Church should begin to interact with other Christians and work together with them to finish the Gospel Commission throughout the world and put away the “Cult” mentality she has developed.

She MUST accept the fact that I, Yahushua Ha Mashiach (Jesus Christ) died for the entire world and that all who love Me and are called by My Name (not by religion or denomination) will be saved (John 3:16; John 6: 37-40).

She MUST Change her misconception that she is the ONLY TRUE CHURCH, which will be saved in My kingdom. She must also change her mindset that “all other sheep” who are not from her denomination, will have to join her or they will be lost to Satan and his host.

The SDA Church should place less emphasis on the Sabbath and should not judge others by it. She should look upon the TEN COMMANDMENTS (which I came down from Heaven and spoke in the hearing of the children of Israel and then wrote them with My own finger on tables of stone) and see that all are important and NOT JUST THE 4th COMMANDMENT ALONE!! She should also be aware that the keeping of the Sabbath, having the “Advent Truth”, the “Three Angels’ Messages”, and the “Truth” will be of no avail to her, unless she does what I have commanded in the following passage of Scripture:

“Thou shalt love [Yahweh thy Elohim] the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself; On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophet”. Matthew 22: 37-40. (KJV).

The Church should also be fully aware that keeping the Seventh-day Sabbath and going to Church on the Sabbath, Saturday, without My love and being “born again”, WILL NOT save anyone from Hell and the Lake of fire and brimstone.

The Church MUST STOP criticising, judging and condemning other Christians. Neither should she place herself on a pedestal and elevate herself above others in My Body; nor should she consider herself to be more righteous than they are. She must leave all judgment to Me, Yahushua, and know that it was I who Died for them because of My great love for them. Therefore, she should not take it upon herself to criticise, judge and condemn them. She must learn that such negative traits are NOT “gifts” or “fruit” of the Spirit. Instead, they are the works of Satan, the Adversary!

The SDA Church MUST learn that by her words she will be justified or condemned and that it is what comes from the mouth that defiles a person (Matthew 12:37; 15: 17- 20).

She should also realise that Satan is the accuser of the brethren. Therefore, when she takes it upon herself to despise and condemn others who are not of her faith, she is doing the work of Satan. Thus she declares to the world that he is indeed her true god, in accordance with Romans 6:16.

The Church should NOT encourage the “works of the flesh” (Gal. 5:19-21) to thrive in her midst and should learn the importance of Forgiveness.

She is to encourage the “fruit of the Spirit” in all her members and endeavour with the help of the Ruach Ha Kodesh practise all nine segments of His “fruit”, the main segment being that of “LOVE”!!

The SDA Church MUST learn to rebuke sin, sinners and evildoers. This should be done in love. She should not be afraid to put out of her midst those who refuse to comply and bring their lives in harmony with My divine will.

The Church MUST eat less and spend more time in fasting and prayer.

She should encourage her members to devote time to study My Word (rather than just the Sabbath School Lesson, to which many have grown accustomed) each day and to develop an intimate relationship with Us: Yahweh, Yahushua and the Ruach Ha Kodesh, through prayer.

All who become members of the SDA Church should make open confession before the local congregations as evidence that they have truly accepted Me, Yahushua, as Saviour and Lord in accordance with Romans 10: 9, 10.

All new converts should be made to say the Sinner’s Prayer, in accordance with Romans 10: 9, 10. They should also make open confession of Me, Yahushua, as their Lord and Saviour; as well as declare audibly, that they are “born again”!

All members and new converts are to be encouraged to be baptised with the Ruach Ha Kodesh and by Me, Yahushua, because I am the Baptiser (Matthew 3: 11). After they are baptised with the Ruach Ha Kodesh and He has given them His power, they are to be encouraged to exercise the spiritual gifts they are given to benefit their own local church and farther afield.

All who have truly given their hearts to Me, Yahushua, and accepted Me as their Saviour and Adonai (Lord), should know that We, the Elohim of Heaven and Earth and all other Planets: Yahweh, Yahushua and the Ruach Ha Kodesh, live and dwell with them, therefore, they are not left on their own (John 14: 16-18, 23).

All members, including the children and youth, are to use the gifts they are given to bless their individual churches, as well as others. Therefore, it should not be just a few persons (who are considered the favourite ones) who should be selected and chosen to use their gifts and talents in their churches.

The Church should NOT be a safe haven for evildoers to hide and to practise their evil deeds. Therefore, she should pray for the gift of “Discerning of spirits” so that the Ruach Ha Kodesh can reveal who such ones are. When revealed, they are to be dealt with firmly and there should be no compromise with Satan and his host.

She should encourage every member to work for the salvation of others and to help those who are in need, as much as lies in their power. It is her duty to “make disciples of all nations” and to lead them to Me, Yahushua (Matthew 28: 19).

The Church should practise hospitality and should teach her members to do likewise. Thus they could unknowingly entertain angels. SELFISHNESS IS A SIN and should be discouraged; therefore, let the members practise kindness and generosity as much as possible.

No longer should the SDA Church use the text in Isaiah 8: 20, as a measuring rod to measure, judge and condemn other Christians, who are not Seventh-Day Adventists and accuse them of having “no light” (Isaiah 8:20)! It is not for her to decide who will be saved in My Kingdom and who will not. My Father, Yahweh, has not given Judgment to her, therefore, it is NOT her duty to presumptuously assume such a role. Her duty is to do what I have commanded all believers to do in Matthew 28: 19, 20; Matthew 20: 7, 8, Mark 16: 15-18 and other Scriptures; as well as examine herself and make her own calling and election sure (2 Peter 1: 10). Therefore she should leave judgment to Me, Yahushua, Who died for the sins of the world.

The Church should ensure that she is NOT controlled by a religious spirit but by the Ruach Ha Kodesh. Therefore, she should fast and pray and ask Yahweh to give her the Ruach Ha Kodesh (Luke 11:13). In turn, she is to yield herself to His control so that He can empower her pastors and members alike and for His anointing to flow in all her churches.

The entire SDA Church should humble herself before Me, Yahushua, and seek My face. She should endeavour and ensure that she does not portray herself as a strange “Cult” or a weekly “Club” that is without purpose or discipline!

The Church should take seriously the matter of those who seek to become members through Baptism by Immersion and ensure that no one is rushed into baptism to make up numbers. She is to ensure that all candidates have accepted Me, Yahushua, as their Saviour and that they are “born again”. She should also ensure that she asks Me, Yahushua Ha Mashiach, to baptise each one with the Ruach Ha Kodesh at the point of their conversion. They should then be baptised by Immersion.

All newly baptised members are not to be left alone to struggle spiritually. They should be followed up and given spiritual guardians (men and women in whom is the Ruach Ha Kodesh) Who will be with them and give them the help they need in their new found faith.

The Church must ensure that her members and converts understand that baptism by immersion is not being “being born”! and that it does not save anyone. Baptism by immersion is to “fulfil all righteous” (St. Matthew 3:15), and to openly declare that those who do, have chosen to accept Me, Yahushua, as Saviour and Adonai (Lord). It is also evidence that they have renounced the world and its sinful ways.

The Church must see her need to be equipped for spiritual warfare and seek the help of the Ruach Ha Kodesh to empower her.

The Church should take seriously the matter of My Return; encourage her members to put sins out of their lives, to live a holy life and be prepared and ready to meet Me, Yahushua, at all times.

The Church should ensure that My imminent Second Coming and the importance of each one being ready for My Return are always kept alive before her members and others who attend her services.