Friday 9 January 2009





Becoming a member of the Seventh-day Church is far too easy. When the invitation is made for people to accept Me, Yahushua, as Adonai (Lord) and Saviour, all that they are required to do is to indicate by standing up, raising their hands or going to the front of the congregation. They are not made to publicly confess Me, Yahushua, as Adonai with their mouths as is written in Romans 10: 9, 10 and 1 John 4:15. Neither are they baptised with the Ruach Ha Kodesh as is recorded in Mark 1: 8; John 20: 22; Acts 1:5; Acts 19: 1-7. Once they have indicated or ask personally to be made a member, they are welcomed with open arms. Some are given studies on the doctrines and beliefs of the Church, following which many are baptised and received into the fellowship of the SDA Church.

There are the genuine persons who love Me, Yahushua, and are fully committed to love and serve Me. There are, however, the counterfeits who know how easy it is to gain membership in the Church and target it. In this way, many demonic people gain membership without any proof that they are converted or have genuinely accepted Me, Yahushua as their Lord. Although they are baptised in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Ghost, it makes no difference to those who are demonic and engage in the works of iniquity. These demonic people easily infiltrate the Church where they find a safe haven to hide and do their wicked and evil deeds. Thus there are witches, wizards, sorcerers, necromancers, and others like them in the Church, including some in high office. There are also thieves and fraudsters who make the Church there place of business!!

Once baptised, those who are evil and agents of Satan know that they are safe to do as much evil as they want to members, ministers and their families and to as many as possible whom they target. At the same time they pretend to be good, loyal and faithful members. There are many such cases. The following are three examples.

1. On one island there was a Seventh-Day Adventist Church elder who was in charge of the church in his area for Decades as the local minister and was very well respected. Some time before he died, he began to openly confess all the wicked and evil things he had done to others, both in his church and in the area where he lived. His confession included the names of those whom he had maimed, kept down or killed through his demonic activities.

That elder, a servant of Satan, was deeply involved with the powers of darkness. He had hidden in his local church for many years as a respected elder and did his evil deeds undetected. Thus when he began to confess the evils he had done to others, everyone in the local church and the surrounding areas were shocked. Great shame came the local SDA Church and it was forced to close down. Today, there is no SDA Church in the area where that elder lived and ministered.

2. In one church, a pastor’s wife who had spent a few years in Africa, was asked to give some talks on witchcraft in the Youth Meetings. After her first talk, a member called her husband and told him to tell his wife that she is to stop giving the talks. The reason she gave, was that people had left these things in the world and did not want to hear them in the church.

Soon after, the Pastor visited that same member. Before he left, the lady gave him some food stuff to be given to his wife. He gave the food items to his wife. Included in the things she was sent was a type of pudding, which she ate. Shortly after eating it, the minister’s wife became very ill. There was much fasting and prayer over her deteriorating health and the strange happenings which had begun to occur in her life. In time the Ruach Ha Kodesh revealed to her that her strange and mysterious illness resulted from the pudding she had eaten. It was laced with poison and evil from the member who sent it (This member was well respected in the local church and was one of the soloists, who held important offices in her local church). The Pastor’s wife did not die, as was intended by the woman who sent her the poisoned food, because of Me, Yahushua, Who in mercy intervened and saved her life.

3. In another case, there were troublesome certain members who wanted to defy the standards of the Church and live by their own standards. The resident Pastor took a firm stand against their activities. One day he visited the church building of his local church while the Cleaner was cleaning. The member who was cleaning called the Pastor and showed him a brown dust on the Pulpit. This brown dust was also on the open Bible and on the Communion table. The Pastor was surprised to see this brown dust and remarked that it could only be pollen. He was stopped in mid-sentence by the brother, who had shown it to him. This brother who was not unwise to the devices of Satan, responded: “Pollen Pastor?? Pollen???”

The next Sabbath the Pastor ministered in the Pulpit. A few days later he became seriously ill with a very mysterious illness and would have died, but I came to his aid and healed him.

Many of the members in the local church were aware of the cause of his mysterious illness and began to speak about it. The Ruach Ha Kodesh had also revealed to the Pastor’s wife the cause of his illness. All pointed to the same person in the church who had been openly hostile to the Pastor. The member in question held important offices in the church and had been well respected. She was also the choir leader and one of the soloists in the church.

Sometime after the Pastor recovered from his illness, a church member in another city (who had not known the Pastor nor knew about his illness, but who had known his mother) was shown in a dream everything about the cause of his illness. Thus she was able to tell the Pastor’s that it was a certain member in his church (who was the same person whom the Ruach Ha Kodesh had revealed to the Pastor’s wife, and whom the members of the church had suspected) who had employed demonic powers against him in her attempt to kill him.

These evil acts are always going on in the Church in many parts of the world and are an abomination to Elohim Yahweh, the Father, the Ruach Ha Kodesh and Myself, Yahushua. These evils and abominable practices have always been because they are Satan’s secret weapons against My people. That is why I warned the children of Israel:

“When thou art come into the land which [Yahweh] the LORD thy[Elohim] God giveth thee, thou shalt not learn to do after the abominations of those nations. There shall not be found among you anyone that maketh his son or his daughter to pass through the fire, or that useth divination, or an observer of times, or an enchanter, or a witch, Or a charmer, or a consulter with familiar spirits, or a wizard, or a necromancer. For all that do these things are an abomination unto [Yahweh] the LORD: and because of these abominations [Yahweh] the LORD thy [Elohim] God doth drive them out from before thee. Thou shalt be perfect with [Yahweh] the LORD thy [Elohim] God”. Deuteronomy 18: 9-13.

I, Yahweh-Shua, warned Israel for many reasons because Satan and his demons are operating in these evil people who are always hiding in many of the churches and destroying My followers. Concerning those agents of darkness, it is written:

“Thus saith [Adonai Yahweh] the Lord God; Woe to the women that sew pillows to all armholes, and make kerchiefs upon the head of every stature to hunt souls! Will ye hunt the souls of my people, and will ye save the souls alive that come unto you? 19 And will ye pollute me among my people for handfuls of barley and for pieces of bread, to slay the souls that should not die, and to save the souls alive that should not live, by your lying to my people that hear your lies? 20 Wherefore thus saith [Adonai Yahweh] the Lord God; Behold, I am against your pillows, wherewith ye there hunt the souls to make them fly, and I will tear them from your arms, and will let the souls go, even the souls that ye hunt to make them fly”. Ezekiel 13:18-20.

Many in the Church, including ministers of the Gospel, deny that such evil people and practices are in the SDA Church. Due to this denial, evil doers are allowed to thrive because of the lack of the Ruach Ha Kodesh in her midst to reveal them. They are also allowed to thrive because of the trust the Church has in those who seek membership because she believes they genuinely want to accept Me, Yahushua, into their lives as their personal Saviour. Thus evil doers go undetected and are able to practise their wicked deeds because ministers are very quick to baptise those who seek membership and readily receive them into the fellowship of the Church, without first ascertaining whether they have genuinely accepted Me, Yahushua, as their Adonai (Lord) or not.

The Church has no set test by which she vets those who seek baptism and membership. Only the Ruach Ha Kodesh can reveal those who are demonic through the “word of knowledge” and through the “gift of discernment”. Unfortunately, the SDA Church has left the Ruach Ha Kodesh out of her midst so that she has been unable to benefit from all the help He has in store for her. That accounts for her lack of the “word of knowledge” and the “gift of discernment”. Had these gifts been in operation, such evil agents would not find the Church a comfortable place, nor a safe haven to hide and do their evils and abominable deeds. This is just one of the reasons why it is so important that the Ruach Ha Kodesh should be in the Church. Pastors and members alike all need to be baptised with the Ruach Ha Kodesh, so that His presence can be in their midst and that He could manifest His powers through them.


Most members in the SDA Church are faithful, kind, loving and law abiding persons who serve Me, Yahushua Ha Mashiach, to the best of their ability and from their hearts. They are precious in My sight and I love them. There are those, however, those who are the very opposite and they bring a smear upon My Name and give the Church a bad name and reputation.

The kind of behaviour they display is that of the “works of the flesh” found in Galatians 5: 19-21. These are:

“Adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness, Idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, variance, emulations, wrath, strife, seditions, heresies, Envying, murders, drunkenness, revellings, and such like”.

“Now the doings (practices) of the flesh are clear (obvious): they are immorality, impurity, indecency. Idolatry, sorcery, enmity, strife, jealousy, anger (ill-temper), selfishness, divisions (dissensions); party spirit (factions, sects with peculiar opinions, heresies), Envy, drunkenness, carousing, and the like. I warn you before hand, just as I did previously, that those who do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of [Yahweh] God”. Gal. 5:19-21 (Amplified Bible).

Added to this list are other sins such as: lying, covetousness, stealing, deceptions, hatred, unforgiveness, vindictiveness and spite. Those who are guilty of these sins are void of humility. They lack self-control and have no rule over their spirits. Thus they treat members and ministers alike with contempt and have no regard for My Word or for Us, the Godhead: Elohim Yahweh, the Father, the Ruach Ha Kodesh, or Me, Yahushua.

In addition to these sins are the sins of arrogance, pride and disrespect which are very common and prevalent among some of the members in the SDA Church. There are many members who are rude and disrespectful to the ministers and to one another. There are also those who slight, scorn and insult others and treat them as though they are lepers! These negative attitudes lead to animosities and feuds which sometimes develop into open quarrels in the church, which are often carried farther afield. Among such ones there is nothing of Me, Yahushua, in them. Neither is there any self control in them because of the demonic spirits which possess them and are at work in them.

As Elohim, these “works of the flesh” are abominations in Our sight and those who do them will NOT “inherit the kingdom of [Yahweh] God”, as Gal 5:21 clearly states. These sins MUST NOT be encouraged in the Church, irregardless of the persons who commit them. Those in whom these “works of the flesh” are evident, often go unchallenged or have any action taken against them; except that they grow bolder and bolder in sin as the days go by. Thus they are allowed to bring dishonour to My Name, Yahushua, and the Name of Elohim Yahweh, the Father, and also the Name of the Ruach Ha Kodesh.

These SINS OF THE FLESH MUST BE ADDRESSED!! They can no longer be swept under the carpet. There must be a thorough cleaning up of the Church from these defiling sins so that she can prosper and move ahead! This, however, can only be done as the Church sees her need for the Ruach Ha Kodesh and allow Him to come in and do His work in her and in the life of each member.

NB: Scriptures used in this Post are taken from the KJV of the Bible unless stated otherwise.