Friday 9 January 2009





It is very important that members of the SDA Church know and understand that they MUST FORGIVE one another. This is irregardless of how much they are hurt. Animosity and unforgiveness will keep many out of My kingdom. I set the example and forgave those who Crucified Me. Stephen also forgave his murderers as he was being stoned to death (Luke 23: 34; Acts 7: 60). I also taught the importance of Forgiveness in Matthew 6:11, 12, 14, 15 and Matthew 18: 21, 22. Many will be kept out of the Kingdom of Heaven and the New Earth because of this sin of unforgiveness. Therefore, it should not be ignored or glossed over. It must be brought to the attention of the entire Church.


In the Church there are also those who are racists. They openly display their racial tendencies toward others whom they despise due to the person’s ethnic origin, nationality or the colour of their skin. They do the same to those who are in mixed marriages, including the children born in these marriages; as well as anyone else to whom they take an exception. Such persons do not care how their attitudes affect those whom they oppose, or the adverse effect upon them. They have no feeling for the pain and the rejection they inflict. Neither do they care about the psychological trauma which they deliberately cause.

These hateful members persist in their wayward ways without any thought or regard that those whom they despise and mistreat are also those whom I love and purchased with My blood. Neither do they take into consideration that these are My followers, who are despised in their eyes and whom I gave My life to save. These hateful members fail to realise that I do not look upon the colour of the skin, the colour of the eyes, the texture of the hair, the ethnic origin or nationality. Moreover, they fail to realise that with such attitudes, they automatically disqualify themselves from ever entering the Kingdom of Glory in Heaven or becoming citizens in the New Earth.

The day will come when these proud and arrogant ones will leave this world and then they will realise the stupidity of their ways. At that time they will come to the realisation that they are lost souls and will be very surprised, shocked and afraid! However, it will be too late at that time to set the records straight because they will have left this world where they had the opportunity to change their ways and seek forgiveness. In the Judgment their records will be brought before them and videos of their lives. They will realise then that every negative word and action, including every slight and insult were recorded by the recording angels. These will all testify against them and will condemn them as they stand before Me, Yahushua, the Just Judge.

Racism and racial segregations are sins which should not be entertained, encouraged or tolerated in the Church which is called by My Name. In this life here upon earth, those who are racists need to learn how much I hate racism and just how loathsome it is to Me, Yahushua. The Church should make it her duty to educate her members that those who are racists will not and cannot enter the Kingdom of Glory in Heaven unless they repent of this sin of racism, as well as all other sins. Likewise, it is her duty to teach them the importance of repentance and that they genuinely ask for forgiveness, as well as make amends, where possible, to those whom they have wronged.

There are church members who also show utter disrespect toward many of the ministers who are their shepherds. Such ones have un-bridled tongues which they deliberately refuse to bring under control. Thus they speak disrespectfully and abusively to the pastors regardless of the circumstances or where they are. They are not afraid to treat the pastors with disdain, even to the extent where they will physically attack them. Many of those disgruntled members go to the Board Meetings, Members’ Meetings and Business Meetings just to pour out their venom on the pastors and show their contempt, abhorrence and disrespect for them. In addition, they get others to join them and bring about factions and divisions in the Church. Thus they make the lives of many of the pastors unbearable and cause them to endure much worry, stress, anxiety and sleepless nights, in addition to the burdens they already carry as shepherds.

These things are grievous in Our sight as Elohim and drive Our presence away from her midst. In the “Messages for the Church Today” which were sent to many of the conferences around the world in 1991, I, Yahushua, spoke in more detail about the un-christ-like behaviour which is often seen and tolerated by the Church. However, the “Messages” were despised. They were meant for the Church to address the many problems which are prevalent in her midst and to bring them in line with My Word. However, they were rejected. Nothing therefore has been done to stem the tide of the un-christ-like behaviour which is so prevalent among some of the members, hence its prevalence is still in the Church today.

I, Yahushua, have given specific instructions in My Word how ministers of the Gospel should be regarded. Those instructions still apply today. It does not matter if in the eyes of the members they do not measure up to the required standard. The commands still stand!! Those who are unhappy with the behaviour of their pastors, should pray in My Name and ask Yahweh, My Father, to deal with the matter. At no time should they take it upon themselves to solve the matter as they see fit because they will be punished severely for doing so. Therefore, this matter of mistreating ministers should be brought to the attention of all the church members. They should be given strong warnings against such behaviour because their actions will not be overlooked.

Let Me, Yahushua, remind you of the Command:

“And we beseech you, brethren, to know them which labour among you, and are over you in [Yahushua] the Lord, and admonish you; And to esteem them very highly in love for their work’s sake. And be at peace among yourselves”. 1 Thessalonians 5: 4. (KJV).

My Second Coming to this world is near at hand! I am coming for a Church, My Body of believers, of whom the SDA Church is a part. The church I am coming back to receive must be a pure church, totally free from all defiling sins. She must therefore be purified of sins and have on My righteousness. She should endeavour to let the fruit of the Spirit: “love, joy (gladness), peace, patience (an even temper, forbearance), kindness, goodness (benevolence), faithfulness, gentleness (meekness, humility), self-control (self-restraint, continence)” become her natural way of life (Galatians 5:22, 23 Amplified Bible).

My words are:

“. . .ye shall therefore be holy, for I am holy”. Leviticus 11: 45. (KJV).

“Follow peace with all men, and holiness, without which no man shall see [Elohim] the Lord”. Hebrew 12: 14. (KJV).

Leaders, you are over the Church. It is part of your duty to show My people their sins and to lead them to repentance through the aid of the Ruach Ha Kodesh. At this late stage there is no time to shy away from duty. The Church must be called to fasting and prayer during which time they must seek Me, Yahushua, in humility, confess and forsake their sins and ask for pardon and forgiveness!! Only then will there be a change in the behaviour and only then will the Ruach Ha Kodesh be able to bring about the revival which is necessary and prepare the Church for My soon Return.


The Church should be a family and there are some churches which care for each other as families; however, the vast majority of churches do not, especially those with large membership. Brotherly love, therefore, is almost unknown in those churches. Unless one has friends on whom they can call, there is no care or interest shown, except at church on the Sabbath when formalities come into play. This means that members can suffer from sickness, loneliness and bereavements, as well as from many more things and yet find there is no one to show love and compassion. Such unfortunate ones yearn for someone just to give a call, say a comforting word, or do a kind deed for them. Thus they find themselves in a Church where there is no one they can call a neighbour or a brother and where there is no love in action.

Many church members are disappointed by the coldness, lack of love and care which they experience in the church where they should find brotherly/sisterly love. This problem becomes more acute as people get older and lose their own loved ones. This matter of lack of love and care for those in the household of faith, as well as for others, should be addressed and should not be ignored. No one should be left without someone to care or to show My love to those who need it most.

To address this matter of lack of brotherly/sisterly love, a system should be set up. Thus in each church there is to be a Friendship team in which members are paired off so that they can check on each other during the course of the week. Therefore, if there is illness, a need, or other problems with one or the other, they would know very quickly. This would enable them to do what they can in the situation or to summon help, if needed. When there is such love and care shown, no one will be left to languish alone and without help.


In the Church there are those who see the members as easy targets on whom they can prey. Thus with smooth words and with touching stories they get the sympathy of unsuspecting members and win them over into lending them money or certain of their personal property. They do so with no intension of ever paying back.

Thus these thieves, fraudsters and con-artists within the Church, rob many of the unsuspecting members and cause them much grief and heartache. Members should be protected from these artful persons. Therefore, careful watch should be kept for such predators, who should not be encouraged in the Church. If they are members they must first be spoken to about their behaviour and asked to pay back the money borrowed, or return the property they borrowed. If they refuse and persist with their crimes, they should be removed from the membership of the Church.

The Church should not be afraid to turn them over to the legal authorities if the case warrants it. Those who are visitors to the Church should be told not to come back. Should they too persist with their crimes, they too should be handed over to the legal authorities. This will send out a clear message to would-be thieves and con-artists that the Church is not a soft touch for them to commit their crimes and then go free.

There are also Church members who have no control over their fleshly behaviour whenever they attend functions. At such times their holiness and the Eighth Commandment, which forbids stealing, go through the window as they help themselves to free shopping!! Bags and containers, which are usually well hidden away are then brought out and filled with as much as they can pilfer. Due to this terrible behaviour, at the end of functions often there is nothing left for those (who are often hungry) who took the pains and stood the expenses to put on the feasts.

Those who go to such functions and fill their containers and bags from that which is provided for everyone, are just thieves!! Such behaviour is disgraceful and certainly does not compliment those who consider themselves as My “chosen”, “elect” and “remnant” people; a people who are strict on keeping the letter of the Law!! Such behaviour should not be encouraged and should be brought to an end.


In the SDA Church there are set times each year when officers are chosen to serve for the following year. At such times there is often much corruption seen among members. It is often too a time of trouble in some churches. Many who seek important offices are not qualified for such offices but they campaign among their friends to vote them into those offices, while those who suitable and qualified and rejected. In some countries if those who seek important offices are not voted into the offices which they desire, they are not afraid to employ the powers of darkness against those who voted against them.

There are certain members who hold lifelong offices and should there be any attempt for change, then great troubles ensue and a “world war” begins! In such offices, such ones do not use their influence for good but for their own selfish gratification. Thus there is much corruption in some SDA Churches because the people who are chosen to serve and lead out in their local churches are not spiritually fit or qualified to lead out efficiently or effectively in the offices they are given. The same thing applies to some of those who are voted in as officers in the SDA Unions, Conferences and Missions around the world.

Some of those members who are troublesome, rude, arrogant, fraudsters and evil doers, are the same ones who are allowed to hold important offices in the Church and to lead out. In addition, they are some of the very ones who are often allowed to preach in the pulpits, whereby they gain respect of the members and gain influence. In this way they continue to thrive in sin or do their wicked deeds, while they treat that which is holy with impunity!! Thus they grow bolder and bolder in sin, while they consider it their right to be in the pulpit preaching before the people, regardless of their examples or the kinds of lives they live. Due to the fact that such unconverted ones are allowed to minister in holy office, which should be reserved for those who are pastors and ministers, they are strengthened in their iniquity.

Occupying the pulpit in the SDA Church is far too easy. This is made so easy to the extent that there are members who literally wage war with the ministers for the pulpit if they are not given regular preaching appointments. Such persons are often defiant, regardless of their lifestyle or their un-godly behaviour and practices. However, My words do not change and they are still the same:

“ ye clean, that bear the vessels of [Yahweh] the LORD”. Isaiah 52: 11. (KJV).

Therefore, the pulpit should not be made easily accessible to those who think it is their right to preach the sermon in the Service; even though they know that the lives they live are in contradiction with the preceding text of Scripture.

Preaching to the people in the pulpit is a sacred office and that is how it should remain. During the time of the Sanctuary and Temple service in Israel, only the Levites, whom I chose to serve before Me, were allowed to minister in holy office. That is how it should be in the Church. Only those who are set aside for the priestly office should be allowed in the pulpit to bear My message to the people.

The same applies to other offices in the Church also. There are too many people who are unfit for leading positions, yet they are quickly voted into those offices. Often they get into the offices through scheming and the support of friends. Some of these very ones who are voted in to holy office, are agents of Satan who use their offices to do his work.

I have given the test whereby those who are genuine can be known from those who are not genuine. That test is:

“Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them”. Matthew 7: 20. (KJV)

There is also the test of confessing Me, Yahushua, as Adonai (Lord). This test is found in Romans 10: 9, 10. However, the tests are never applied, therefore, many satanic people infiltrate the Church and are free to do whatever pleases them. It is important therefore, that each person who seeks membership in the Church is made to confess My Name, YAHUSHUA, openly. It is also important that the “fruits” of those who are chosen for sacred offices, including those who preach and to lead out, are thoroughly examined (because by their fruits they will be known) before placing them into church offices. There are far too many incompetent, unqualified, uncommitted, unconverted and ungodly people holding offices and leading out in many of the churches. That accounts for the blight which rests upon some of the churches and the troubles with which they are weighed down.

The disrespect and rudeness shown at times to the pastors and members alike by certain demon possessed members, many of whom are often placed in sacred offices, are just too common in the SDA Church. Such ones think it is their right to treat others in the Church, especially the ministers, as they wish and with impunity. When such rudeness and disrespect are seen, such behaviour gives a sure indication that demons are in control of the lives of such persons, or that they are agents of Satan.