Thursday 8 January 2009




There should be a special ministry for the children in the Church. The Sabbath School classes, attending the services on Sabbaths and the social activities, where these are provided, are not enough. There should be specially trained teachers and pastors who will care just for children. They must be taught by precepts and examples about Yahweh, their heavenly Father, the Ruach Ha Kodesh and about Me, Yahushua. They must be made aware that We are not just to be mentioned on the lips, and made to believe that We are far away; hard and harsh Who are just waiting to destroy them. Instead, they should be told about Our love for them, that We are Alive and Real, that We love them. They are to be made aware that We are not in some far off country but that We are alive and live within their hearts. They should also be taught that We meet with Our children in the churches and other places of worship, as well as in their homes.

As the children grow older, they should be told that they are very special to Yahweh, their Father, the Ruach Ha Kodesh and Me, Yahushua. It is to be impressed upon them that they were brought into the world for a purpose so that they could bless their fellowmen and bring glory to Us, their Elohim. Great care should be taken to see that they are protected and that they are not harmed or led astray.

These children in the Church should be taught what it is to have their own personal relationship with Us, their Elohim, and what it is to be “born again”. Then they should be encouraged to surrender their young lives to Me, Yahushua, and to be baptised while they are still young and uncorrupted by the evils in this world.

The children should also be taught about the importance of being baptised with the Ruach Ha Kodesh and His baptism should be ministered to them while they are still young. These young ones should be taught that within their being is the spirit and the soul, their inner self, which must be surrendered to Me, Yahushua, because Satan wants to be in possession of that part of their being in order to destroy them. They must be taught that they came into this world not to please themselves to be My ambassadors and to fulfil the roles for which they were born.

The children are to be given active roles in the Church according to their abilities, including being a part of the choir, playing their musical instruments, singing and giving musical items. As they get older and become more responsible, they should be encouraged to help with prayer meetings and taking the prayer meetings when they are old enough to do so. They are to be encouraged to memorise the Scriptures and to recite them. They are to be commended when they read the Scriptures or render items should not be laughed at or discouraged.

From early childhood and into their teens and adulthood, interest should be taken in their progress at school. They should be encouraged at all times to do well and to choose professions and vocations in which they can best minister for Me, Yahushua, and for their fellowmen. Great care should be taken to see that the children are not turned away from following Me, Yahushua, because of the ungodly behaviour and practise of some of the members. These negative traits include: gossiping, fault finding, spiritual cannibalism, disrespect for the ministers, elders and others.

The same attention and care placed on the teachings given to the adults, should also be done for the children. Let there be joy and love in My church which will reflect My glory and pass automatically to them. The Church should not resist the Ruach Ha Kodesh but should give Him free access to manifest His power so that His anointing can fall. Then as His anointing falls, it will also fall upon the children so that they too will flow in the things of the Spirit. Once the Ruach Ha Kodesh has captivated them, His anointing will be upon them and will remain with them throughout their lives, not only to bring glory to My Name, Yahushua, but for their own good, protection and spiritual growth and enrichment.

Once the power of the Ruach Ha Kodesh has fallen upon these children, they will be empowered to do My will and will live committed Christian lives with the help of the Ruach Ha Kodesh throughout their days. The children are the men and women of tomorrow and My ministers to carry the Gospel Commission and do My work in the earth. My Word for them still stands:

“Lo, children are an heritage of [Yahweh] the LORD: and the fruit of the womb is his reward. As arrows are in the hand of a mighty man; so are children of the youth”. Psalms 127: 3, 4.

“Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it”. Proverbs 22: 6.

“Suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me: for of such is the kingdom of heaven”. Matthew 19: 14.

“Verily I say unto you, Except ye be converted, and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven. Whosoever therefore shall humble himself as this little child, the same is greatest in the kingdom of heaven. And whoso shall receive one such little child in my name receiveth me. But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea”. Matthew 18:2-6.

“Take heed that ye despise not one of these little ones; for I say unto you, That in heaven their angels do always behold the face of my Father which is in heaven”. St. Matthew 18: 10.

Finally in the Judgment, for those who are lost, I shall ask:

“Where is the flock that was given thee, thy beautiful flock?” Jeremiah 13:20.

Leaders, this is how I regard the children, the little lambs in the flock. They are very precious to Me, Yahushua, Elohim Yahweh, their Father, and the Ruach Ha Kodesh. I am placing a new responsibility upon you to see that the children in the Church are cared for, taught My ways and prepared for My service and to do everything in your power to encourage them to commit their lives to Me and be saved.

From now on I, Yahushua, want the SDA Church to adopt a new way of ministering to the children. There are to be planned days set aside just to minister to them. At such times they should all be prayed over and blessed. On birthdays and other important occasions, they should be prayed over, blessed and committed to My care. As they grow older, they are to be told that I have a special work for each of them. They are to be committed to Me, Yahushua, for service, during which time the oil of anointing should be applied to their foreheads. Thus sealing them and setting them a part for My service. Special prayers and blessings should also be prayed over them when they begin school and at the beginning of every school year, at the times of their exams and as they pass through the various milestones in their lives. Prayers should also be offered for them when they enter higher education and when they set out for their life’s work.

When such love, care and attention are given to them, these children will learn that they are loved and the Church will have meaning to them. Thus instead of the anxiety to grow up quickly so that they can leave the Church, they will be encouraged to stay, make it their spiritual home and give their services to Me, Yahushua, their Saviour.

No longer must the children just be left to wander aimlessly through their days of childhood. They should not be left to their own fate to decide whether they want to have a relationship with Me, Yahushua, or not; or whether they decide to remain in the Church or not. They are in your hands, i.e. the Church, to mould while they are still young. With the help of the Ruach Ha Kodesh and constantly covered by prayer, they can be led to accept Me, Yahushua, as Saviour and Lord while they are still young. They can also be trained and inspired to devote their talents to My service in the fields they choose in life.

These are the sacred responsibilities of the Church toward the lambs among her and I will require no less from her.


There are times when the little children in the Church have little squabbles in differences between themselves. At such times some parents, instead of overlooking the squabbles of these little ones, become very involved. Their true colours then come out regardless of the Sabbath hours, as their façade of Christianity is removed and in anger they defend their children. Often the outburst of anger and the behaviour displayed become engrained on the minds of the children who were on the receiving end. As a result these children never forget and so they grow up and leave the Church without accepting Me as their Saviour, because they see nothing of My love and character in those members. Many of the members carry on such behaviour even when their children are grown, even though at times their children are in the wrong.

I, Yahushua, want all those who are guilty of hurting My lambs to know that I will not take their behaviour lightly but will mete out the necessary punishment to them.


Similar care and attention given to the children should also be given to the Youth of the Church, especially to the young men. They should not be forgotten or left to their own devices, thus giving Satan the opportunity to draw them into his net. Many youths because of the lack of care, the lack of responsibility and lack of interest shown with regards to their welfare, as well as lack of useful and meaningful activities in the Church; have left the Church and gone their own way. Thus there is a dearth of youth in many of the churches.

The situation would be different altogether if the Church had accepted the Ruach Ha Kodesh as Elohim and allowed Him to be in control. Thus these children and youths would have been led and guided by Him. They would be drawn closer to Us, their Elohim and would have given Us the glory and honour which are due to Us. I would also have baptised them this the Ruach Ha Kodesh so that they could receive His power to do My work and to bless their fellowmen and find fulfilment. Therefore, instead of leaving the Church, these youths would have inspired others to join them so that they, too, could enjoy the blessings which We give. In turn their friends would have seen Our love for them and would also have given their hearts to Us, their Elohim, and be Our witnesses. Thus the Church would have been vibrant and packed out with young people who would see the Church as a haven and refuge. In addition, instead of seeking the ways of the world, they would have been drawn closer to Me, Yahushua.

NB: Scriptures used in this Post are taken from the KJV of the Bible.