Thursday 8 January 2009





The Church has a great responsibility to her members including the children in her midst. Unfortunately, she has failed to care for the lambs in the flock as she should. When babies are brought for dedication, they are prayed over but after that they are rarely ever prayed over again while they are growing up. Children brought in by parents and guardians, who were never dedicated, are never prayed over and blessed unless a request is made to pray for them. As the children in the Church grow up, they go through the various Sabbath School classes and sit through the Church services. Apart from that and the stories which are sometimes told by some of the speakers during the Divine Service, little else is done for them. There are planned programmes, such as the Pathfinder clubs, in some of churches but such programmes do not satisfy their spiritual needs.

These lambs in the flock are never prayed over when they have their birthdays or other special occasions. As they grow up there are no special services for them during which time they are prayed over and blessed, baptised with the Ruach Ha Kodesh or made to know that they are special to Me, Yahushua, and that there is a calling and anointing upon their lives for service in My work. When the time comes for them to go into Higher Education, rarely are they prayed over, committed to My care, covered with My blood or blessed. Sadly, at such times they leave the Church and go into the world vulnerable and without any protection from evil or the knowledge that they belong to Me, Yahushua. Satan, who is like a roaring lion, quickly devours many of them with the things of the world and with its heartaches and woes.

These young ones are not taught about the Ruach Ha Kodesh and the importance of Him living in their lives. They are told little about My Father and know about Me, Yahushua, only in Name because of the singing and preaching and the stories they hear about Me. However, they do not see My power at work that would help to draw them closer to Me. Neither is it impressed upon many of them just how important it is to give their lives to Me, Yahushua, while they are still young. Sometimes at baptisms when appeals are made for people to surrender their lives to Me, their Adonai (Lord), some go forward and make the commitment to follow Me. Others just drift through the Church as the years go by, never making a commitment to Me, neither do they see the necessity of doing so. They are in Church for a few hours each week. The rest of the time they are at school and in their own environments where they are greatly influenced by the secular and other things which attract their interests and attention.

As the years slip by these children make their choice, often to be like their friends and associates and go the way of the world and seek its pleasures. The outcome in many cases would have been the opposite if the pastors, elders and others in positions of influence, were living close to Me, Yahushua and had a personal relationship with Me. Likewise, if they allowed the Ruach Ha Kodesh to empower and fill them and give them wisdom and understanding to see the need of leading these children to Me, Yahushua, while they were still young and impressionable, their path in life would have been totally different. Had these people of influence taken the time with these lambs in the flock and taught them what is written in My Word; led them to make a commitment to Me, their Saviour, and ensured that they are “born again” before Satan took hold of them; many of them would have given their lives to Me, their Saviour, and Satan would not have had them in his kingdom of darkness.

Likewise, had many of these parents (SDA Church members) realised that their home is the first mission field and that their first and foremost responsibility was to lead their children to accept Me, Yahushua, as their own personal Saviour; many of those children would have remained loyal to Me and become workers in My cause.

Sadly, the children, like the members in the SDA Church, grow up without knowing anything about the importance of their souls or their spirits (their inner self), and like all others look upon themselves as only physical beings of just body and breath. Nothing is said about the other parts of their being, the immortal spirit and soul, the real persons whom they really are, living within their bodies. They are not told that these two parts of their being the spirit and the soul do not die when the body dies but that they go to Me, Yahushua, in Heaven in the case of the righteous; or to Hell and torment, for those who have not committed their lives to Me in this life.

While these young ones are growing up in the Church, very rarely are they called and encouraged to give their young lives to Me, their only Saviour, and challenged to live holy and virtuous lives. Neither are they instructed in My ways apart from the teachings in the Sabbath Schools, the sermons preached during the Services or the instructions they receive when preparing for baptism. It is just taken for granted that because they are in the Church, that they will automatically become Christians. Yet in spite of the rate at which these children brought up in the Church leave once they are old enough to do so, the lesson is not learnt. Thus they are not ministered to and no one seems to care about their souls or wellbeing.

These children brought up in the Church are not told just how evil and wicked Satan is and his plans to deceive and destroy them. Neither is it emphasised and impressed upon their minds how important it is that their souls are saved. It is not made a reality to them that they have a real Hell to shun and real Heaven to gain! Thus few see the importance to accept Me, Yahushua, as their personal Saviour and Adonai (Lord) and to request baptism while they are growing up and still attending Church. Sadly, the apostasy rate among those who do get baptised, while they are still young, is high because baptism is not being converted or being “born again”. In addition, they have not had a personal relationship with Me and do not have the Ruach Ha Kodesh in their lives; neither were they baptised with Him and thus received His power. Sadly, due to all these failures and shortcomings in the Church, many of these children and youths become tired of the traditions and empty religion and thus they leave the Church.

This is a shame on the part of the pastors and other leaders and many parents who fail to see their spiritual duties and responsibilities toward these children, many of whom were brought up in the Church from infancy. Ministers have influence and the power to pray and bless these My followers while they are growing up. During that time they can help to guide and direct them by precept and example to follow in My Way before the world stamps its influence upon them. Sadly, they fail to do so because they, themselves, do not know My power; neither are they “born again” or baptised with the Ruach Ha Kodesh. Therefore, they cannot give what they themselves do not know, nor have.

Not being “born again” or baptised with the Ruach Ha Kodesh constitute the root cause why the children grow up without having a personal relationship with Me, Yahushua, their Lord. There is no excuse for this ignorance because ministers, elders and parents have My Word and the Ruach Ha Kodesh to teach them; therefore, I will hold them responsible for the precious souls of those children who are not saved in My Kingdom of Glory.


Much is dependent upon the Church regarding the salvation of the children brought up in her care. While the children are young, their minds are impressionable and if guided in the right direction and with the right example set for them to follow, they would gladly make a commitment to give their young lives to Me, Yahushua. Such examples include seeing members living holy consecrated lives, instead of all the back-biting, criticisms, hypocrisy and other besetting sins which plague so many of the churches.

Likewise, had the Church obeyed My commands and allowed the Ruach Ha Kodesh to work among her and manifest My power through signs and wonders and through healing and deliverance of people from their bondages, the children would have seen/would see the manifestation of My Power and would have known/know that I am not a dead Elohim but that I am Real and Alive. They would have also been encouraged/would be encouraged to obey, worship and serve Me, Yahushua, their Creator and Saviour. Thus they would have known/would know that I am the True and Living Elohim and not just an Elohim who is spoken about; Who to them is non-existent. They would then have had/have the assurance that the Ruach Ha Kodesh would/will be with them throughout their entire lives. Sadly, the ministers and others who should see the necessity of leading the children to Me, Yahushua, and to accept Me as their Saviour, lack spiritual vision and insight.

In most churches very little is done for the children both spiritually and socially. Apart from the few hours at Church on the Sabbath, much of which is spent playing and socialising with their young friends, there is no other time to fellowship or to be given any spiritual food or encouragement. Instead, the doors of many of their local churches are closed until the next Sabbath. Thus many of the children and youth instead of seeing the Church as a place of refuge from the troubles and perils of life; look upon her as a place where they are forced to go, and sadly, where they find no joy or pleasure; neither see any manifestation of My power or My love in action.

Unfortunately from an early age the things these children witness in the Church are the manifestations of the “works of the flesh” in action and little or no love at all being demonstrated. Likewise, they see very little of the “fruit of the Spirit”, or the “gifts of the Spirit” being manifested. Like angels, these children cannot be fooled and so from an early age they begin to make the decision to leave the Church. Their decisions are then strengthened by the type of Christianity they see in some of the churches, as well as in some of their homes.

Often what they see taking place are: gossiping, back-biting, tale-baring, lying, cheating, stealing, conning, envy, jealously, favouritism, marital unfaithfulness, immorality, in some cases, and ‘spiritual cannibalism’. Likewise, many see the pride and superior attitude of the Church toward other Christians who are not in her Denomination as well as her isolation and prejudice against them. Sadly, these negative vibes continue to spill over in some of the homes. The children observe that there is no difference between what is sacred and what is unholy because of the un-godly behaviour of many of the members of the Church, some being in their own homes.

These children reason within themselves that such behaviour is not of Me, Yahushua, therefore they do not see the reason why they should remain in the Church. Thus they bide their time and then leave as soon as they are old enough to do so. Sadly, without realising it, many of these negative traits which they observed also become part of their way of life. Unfortunately with many of these ungodly traits engrained in them, they find themselves in all kinds of trouble during youth and adult life and cannot understand why they have been so ill-fated!

Due to the bad example seen in some of the churches and the poor Christian up-bringing of some of the children in some homes, there should be no question why so many children brought up in the Church from infancy, turn their backs on her and go the way of the world once they are old enough, or do the same when they leave home and go into the institutions of learning or begin working.

These children are precious to Me, Yahushua, and so are their spirits and souls. They should not be just left alone to wander aimlessly as they grow up. They should be loved, nurtured and cared for at every stage of their lives. Thus from an early age everything possible should be done to protect them from the “works of the flesh” which is often so prevalent in the churches and far more so in the world.


Parents should be strongly advised to be careful concerning the things they say before their children. They should also be very careful about the example they set them in their homes. As parents and guardians, they should be told what are their spiritual responsibilities toward their own children and the other children in the Church. This also includes those who are friends of their children.

Parents and guardians should be told that their homes are the children's first mission field! They should be made aware that the responsibility of the salvation of their spirits and souls rest heavily upon them as parents and guardians. Therefore, as parents and guardians, they should learn to depend upon the Ruach Ha Kodesh, Who is their Teacher, Helper and Guide.

Parents should feel their need for prayer and should pray to Us, their Elohim (God), each day for help in order that they may set the right examples in what they do, what they say and how they conduct themselves. They should be encouraged to have daily worship in their own homes, during which time My Word should be read. They should also endeavour to maintain a spiritual atmosphere at all times in their homes. Parents should also be encouraged to live close to Me, Yahushua, and the Ruach Ha Kodesh. Thus with My help and the help of the Ruach Ha Kodesh, their Teacher, these parents and guardians should be able to set right examples before their children and others. They should also endeavour each day with the help of the Ruach Ha Kodesh to live consecrated, godly lives. When they do, they will receive the necessary blessings and reward for their faithfulness.

The Church, for the children growing up in them, should be a place of joy and happiness, filled with good memories, to which they are constantly drawn as they get older. It should not be the opposite way. They are the men and women of tomorrow and future workers in My vineyard. Anyone, therefore, who puts a stumbling block in their way, harm them in any way or cause them to go astray, will incur My wrath!! For such ones it would surely be better for millstones to be put around their necks and for them to be cast into the bottom of the sea (Matthew 18: 6). Such is My concern, love and care for the children who have been brought up or are being brought up in the Church.