Friday 9 January 2009





Ministers have a divine responsibility to care for the flock they shepherd and to win souls for My Kingdom. I, Yahushua, their Saviour, expect no less from them. Due to the fact that the majority of ministers work on their own, what they do is entirely left up to them. Many are hard working and work too hard at times, thus wearing and burning themselves out. There are those, however, who do as they wish because there is no one looking over their shoulders. As such, they are lazy and do just the minimum of what they should do at the expense of the members who are languishing for spiritual care. There is also the harvest of souls to be reaped but they leave their part of the vineyard untouched, except for touching a little at the borders. Thus souls are perishing while they idle their time away and do what ever they wish while they are given healthy salaries for doing almost nothing.

Due to the laziness of many ministers, accompanied by their pride and insubordination, many church members are dissatisfied and are asking the question: “What are the ministers doing?” Many members only see their pastors at times on Sabbath mornings in the pulpit. Other than that, they are nowhere to be found. Those dissatisfied members do not see them when they are ill, hospitalised or in need of spiritual help. Yet these are the very same neglected members who faithfully pay Tithes so that the salaries of these hireling ministers can be paid.

I, Yahushua, want to point out that whereas the members are dissatisfied and neglected; I am angry, very angry and I will take action against such pastors who have attached themselves to the Ministry as parasites. Day by day the recording angels are recording the deeds and actions of these hirelings, who number far too many. My Word in Ezekiel 34, still stands and it will be used against such ones. Let Me, Yahushua, bring that passage to your attention:

“And the word of [Yahweh] the LORD came unto me, saying, Son of man, prophesy against the shepherds of Israel, prophesy, and say unto them, Thus saith [Adonai Yahweh] the Lord GOD unto the shepherds; Woe be to the shepherds of Israel that do feed themselves! should not the shepherds feed the flocks? Ye eat the fat, and ye clothe you with the wool, ye kill them that are fed: but ye feed not the flock. The diseased have ye not strengthened, neither have ye healed that which was sick, neither have ye bound up that which was broken, neither have ye brought again that which was driven away, neither have ye sought that which was lost; but with force and with cruelty have ye ruled them. And they were scattered, because there is no shepherd: and they became meat to all the beasts of the field, when they were scattered. My sheep wandered through all the mountains, and upon every high hill: yea, my flock was scattered upon all the face of the earth, and none did search or seek after them”.

“Therefore, ye shepherds, hear the word of [Yahweh] the LORD; As I live, saith [Adonai Yahweh] the Lord GOD, surely because my flock became a prey, and my flock became meat to every beast of the field, because there was no shepherd, neither did my shepherds search for my flock, but the shepherds fed themselves, and fed not my flock; Therefore, O ye shepherds, hear the word of [Yahweh] the LORD; Thus saith [Adonai Yahweh] the Lord GOD; Behold, I am against the shepherds; and I will require my flock at their hand, and cause them to cease from feeding the flock; neither shall the shepherds feed themselves any more; for I will deliver my flock from their mouth, that they may not be meat for them”. Ezekiel 34: 1-10.

Leaders, the situation is a very serious one. I, Yahushua, want you to address this matter without delay. You must bring My Word to the attention of all the ministers and re-emphasise to them what is written in the above Scripture Passage. I will not take lightly this negligence or tolerate such slackness now or at any other time!! Ministers have a duty and that duty they must perform. If they do not want to do the work they are paid to do, they should leave the paid ministry and take up other employments. These hireling ministers must be made aware that whereas they can hide from man and spend the time doing as they wish; they cannot hide from Me, Yahushua, or from Yahweh, the Father, neither the Ruach Ha Kodesh. Likewise, they cannot hide from the recording angels who are constantly recording all their deeds.

No one must be under the illusion that they are free to please themselves because they are left on their own to get on with the work of caring for the flock and winning souls. I am not an Elohim (God) to be trifled with, neither the souls for whom I died. I left My throne in glory and came to this world where I suffered and died for every man, woman and child. Their souls are very precious to Me, Yahushua Ha Mashiach. Therefore, I will not overlook or allow ministers who refuse to care for the flock and to win souls who are perishing, to go un-punished. Each of them will have to give a personal account of their work in this world to Me, Yahushua, because the most important work in this world is soul winning and caring for My precious flock.

Those who are the shepherds must therefore endeavour to give those under their care, the spiritual care and attention which they need. Those pastors should ensure that their flocks are fed spiritually on healthy diets of My Word and encouraged to read and study My Word, the Holy Scriptures.

To be fully effective and productive, ministers of the Gospel should be baptised with the Ruach Ha Kodesh so that they can receive His power to do the work of ministry in which they are engaged. Likewise, they should devote time for prayer and fasting so that they can have a close relationship with Us, their Elohim.


Soul winning is the responsibility and duty of every member. It is not confined to the ministers alone who are in the paid Ministry. Everyone who becomes a member of My Body, should become a soul winner and work for their fellowmen.

There are those faithful ones who carry the burden of souls upon their backs and work constantly to win souls for My Kingdom, sparing no expense or time. This, however, is the exception and not the rule among most SDA Church members. I want these faithful ones to know that I have seen/and still see their work and labour of love and will surely reward them with stars in their crowns and other heavenly blessings in this life and in the life to come.

Unfortunately, the vast majority of members have no interest in soul winning or love for their own families, relations, neighbours or acquaintances. They regard working for souls as the work of the ministers who are paid a salary. Thus they happily sit back and do nothing for the great numbers of souls who are perishing around them. On the other hand they live as they please and use the Church only for their convenience and as a club, where they meet friends and socialise.

There are those who have formed cell groups which are meant to be out-reach programmes. Many, however, just reach inwards and feed themselves both spiritually and physically. Thus they get spiritual indigestion as well as natural indigestion. This is far from being good enough. They need to go and make disciples of others who are hungering and thirsting for the Word of Life and the Good News of Salvation but are waiting for someone to share it with them.

I, Yahushua, am sickened at the behaviour and attitude of the vast majority of members in the SDA Church. They see the Church as the ONLY TRUE CHURCH and the Church which will be saved in My kingdom (though this is a great deception of Satan). In spite of this belief many do nothing to help with soul winning for My Kingdom. Such ones happily give lip service while they do nothing to add to My Kingdom. This is due to the fact that they do not know Me, Yahushua, nor love Me. Neither are they truly converted, “born again”, committed or consecrated.

There is a spirit of meanness and selfishness among many of the members in the SDA Church. Many pay Tithes and give offerings but when it comes to reaching out to bless others, to bless My work or answer cries for help to meet the various needs; their ears are deafened and the eyes become blinded. How sad! How very, very sad, that there should be such lack of interest for the advancement of My work and lack of love and care for souls for whom I, Yahushua, died. Such ones worship Me with their lips but their hearts and pockets are far from Me.

Let no one think Heaven will be just a walk-in! Let them not think they can deliberately stand by and shirk their responsibility, live as they please under the cloak of religion; then watch others languish and die for the want of being told of My love for them. Let none of them think they will gain Heaven or the New Earth with such attitudes. Each one will reap what he/she has sown, or has not sown. This is especially so when it comes to soul winning for My Kingdom. Therefore, to work for their fellowmen and bring them to the kingdom of Heaven is also for their own good and the saving of their own souls.


The Church has fallen far from what I intended her to be when she was raised up. Instead of her being a loving, caring, honest and fair minded Church, which publishes glad tidings and leads people to Me, Yahushua; she entertains great jealously, hatred, envy, partiality, meanness, unkindness, disrespect, immorality and other sins. These are accompanied by the party spirit among some of the members, including some in leadership. There is racism, prejudice and persecution of the innocent in some cases. At the same time, these things are covered over to show the Church in a good light before the world.

In the organised Ministry, partiality, unfairness and party spirit are not uncommon among ministers, especially when it comes to some of those in leadership and senior positions. I, Yahushua, have seen how often ministers, especially those in senior positions, unite together against fellow ministers who are considered the underdogs and whom they wish to persecute. This wickedness is often carried out, even though those whom they close ranks against may be totally innocent of charges levelled against them. The same applies to the treatment given to some office staff who often suffer silently.

I, Yahushua, have seen that regardless of the facts and the truth about a case, that some leaders often join together and support one another; even if it means crushing and destroying the person who has been made the victim. At such times the carnal nature comes into play and I am pushed aside and out of the matter altogether. No thought is taken that right must be done, or that I am seeing what is taking place, or that the recording angels are making detailed and careful records of their words and actions. These are the records from which they will have to give an account on the Day of Judgment.

The same party spirit and partiality apply to settling disagreements and quarrels in the churches. Once again justice and fair play are not done because friends and those with sympathetic ears, join together and team up against the person with whom there is the disagreement. This is usually the case whether the person is proven innocent or not. At such times those who should take the appropriate actions to settle the matter fairly and honestly, deliberately fail to do so because they have no fear of Yahweh, the Ruach Ha Kodesh or Myself, Yahushua. Neither do they regard My Word, which says:

He hath shewed thee, O man, what is good; and what doth [Yahweh] the LORD require of thee, but to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy [Elohim] God?” Micah 6: 8.

I, Yahushua, am not blind to the evils which sometimes occur in the Church, among leadership, ministry and members alike. These evils are instigated by Satan and the Church which once appeared spotless on the outside is corrupt within because she has given way to him. The condition of the Church is far from ideal. In addition, she is destroying herself through the corruption which is often among her. From the seeds she sows, she will reap a harvest. I will ensure that it is a bountiful harvest!!

Leaders, once again I, Yahushua, am drawing your attention to these things so that you will take measures to address them, through the divine help of the Ruach Ha Kodesh.