Sunday 11 January 2009





The SDA Church has long dealt upon the matter of the Antichrist. She has taught that Papacy is the Antichrist; the Power which persecuted and killed millions of Christians; changed the Sabbath from Saturday to Sunday, who will again persecute the Church leading up to My Second Coming. Thus SDA members are taught to look upon the Roman Catholic Church as the Antichrist.

Leaders, I, Yahushua, do not need to go into the details about your beliefs and teachings about the Roman Catholic Church because you know the teachings. The Roman Catholic Church is doing everything in her power and with the light that she has to serve and worship Me, Yahushua, her Saviour. She cannot be held responsible for what took place in her history hundreds of years ago. Today she is just as vulnerable as any other Christian denomination and is persecuted and martyred more than any other (because she has a large following) in the countries where My Name is rejected.

The SDA Church must realise that I, Yahushua Ha Mashiach, am the Judge of all the earth because Elohim Yahweh, the Father, has given judgment to me. In spite of that, I do not condemn or judge anyone because it is My Word which will judge the people on the Day of Judgment (John 5:22; John 12: 47, 48).

What right then has the SDA Church to make herself the Judge over the lives of others and to despise and condemn them because they do not belong to her denomination, nor believe as she does? Who gave her the authority to be the judge of others??

The SDA Church has criticised, maligned, condemned and preached against others for far too long. The Roman Catholic Church is her main target. Therefore, it is time she changes her attitude towards others in My Body including the Roman Catholics. It is time that as a Church, she refrains from preaching against her and accusing her of being the Antichrist. I will agree that the Papacy did great atrocities in past centuries but that does not account for the attitude of the SDA Church toward her and her continued criticism, condemnation and suspicion of her.

It is also time that the SDA Church realises that it was not the Roman Catholic Church which was responsible for the evils which were done in past centuries but the Power which was behind her. That Power is the same Power which worked with the Jews to reject Me, Yahushua, and which entered into Judas to betray Me. It was the same Power which entered into some of the Jewish people to condemn Me, Yahushua Ha Mashiach, to death and then to crucify Me. That Power is the same Power behind the SDA Church which has filled her with arrogance and pride and causes her to regard herself as the ONLY TRUE CHURCH and the ONLY CHURCH WITH TRUTH; so that she disregards all others in My Body. It is also the same Power which uses her at times to be a mini persecuting power to some of those in her ranks who are regarded as subordinates!! THAT POWER IS NONE OTHER THAN THE ENEMY, SATAN, HIMSELF.

As SDAs, many of you will frown upon what you are reading and disagree with it. For those who are in disagreement, please consider these questions:
1. What are the Church’s teachings and attitude toward the Papacy and her church, the Roman Catholic Church?

2. How are some of the members, as well as some of her pastors treated when accusations are made against them; or they are regarded as the underdogs by those in the hierarchy or in the local churches?

There are senior officers in leadership who have treated some of their subordinates with no love and much unkindness. Likewise, it is not uncommon for some members of the Church to treat members, including their pastors, cruelly and even to persecute them. One example of the lack of love and persecution relates to the Rwandan War:

During that War when fellow Seventh-Day Adventists who were running for their lives, went to the SDA Churches in Rwanda to seek refuge among their own SDA brethren; it was not My Name, Yahushua, which mattered or brotherly love which prevailed. It was tribal allegiance! Thus right in the churches and among their own fellow Seventh-Day Adventists, those who sought refuge and protection were massacred in the very churches where they worshipped as brethren and sisters.

Another example of just how evil and wicked some SDA Church members can be is as follows:

In one country, leading Seventh-Day Adventist members threatened to burn the missionaries alive and they would have gladly done so if they had the slightest opportunity to carry out their desire.

There are SDA members in various conferences and churches who are unfairly treated by those in authority. This unfair treatment also takes place in some SDA Institutions as well as in some of the local churches. Those who are the victims suffer from emotional and mental torture which cause resentment by those who are persecuted. Unless such ones have faith and have a personal relationship with Me, Yahushua, they turn against the Church and against Me, their Saviour.

It is not uncommon when certain problems arise for those in leadership to join together and persecute those who work under them, or make life very difficult or unbearable for them. Those in authority and in senior positions find it easier to support one another, rather than do what is right and pleasing in My sight and in the sight of their fellowmen. Due to this same party-spirit and failure to do what is fair, honest and just; there are members of the Church who are not afraid to seek redress in the Courts of Law. Thus the once “fair name” of the Church has been tarnished because that which was so often hidden or covered up, is now being brought out into the open. Such adverse publicity has caused the Church much embarrassment in more recent times.

The Church's hands are not spotless!! Therefore, it is time she sees her own condition and turns to Me, Yahushua, in righteousness and seeks forgiveness for her own sins. It is not time for her to elevate herself above others and pull them down with criticisms. The time has come for the SDA Church to stop preaching and planting negative things in the minds of her members against the Roman Catholic Church. It is also time for her to stop labelling the Papacy as the Antichrist. She should also bring to an end her contempt for other Christian denominations. Likewise, she should put away her arrogance and refrain from speaking negatively about others in My Body and bring an end to her judgmental attitude against them. It is also time for her to stop viewing others in My body with suspicion and thus condemning them as NOT having “TRUTH”, which she claims she has.

The SDA Church has dealt in the criticism and condemnation of others in My Body for far too long. It has now become so serious that it is consuming her!! This is a very serious matter which she fails to realise. Satan is the accuser of the brethren (Revelation 12: 10). Due to her air of superiority and her negative attitude toward others in My Body, Satan has successfully used her to do his evil work for him.

I have not given the SDA Church the permission or authority to destroy, pull down and condemn others who are in My Body. As a Church, she needs to realise that she is far from being perfect and that she has not staked out a place in Heaven, nor in the New Earth!! Neither is Heaven or the New Earth meant for herself alone. Unless she realises her condition, and changes her attitude towards others in My Body; there is no hope for her. That is the reason it is clearly stated in I John 2: 11:

9Whoever says he is in the Light and [yet] hates his brother [Christian, [born-again child of God his Father] is in darkness even until now. 10Whoever loves his brother [believer] abides (lives) in the Light, and in It or in him there is no occasion for stumbling or cause for error or sin. 11But he who hates (detests, despises) his brother [in Christ] is in darkness and walking (living) in the dark; he is straying and does not perceive or know where he is going, because the darkness has blinded his eyes. (Amplified Bible).

Due to the attitude of the Church toward others in My Body, her exclusive nature and her illusion that she alone has TRUTH, she has placed herself in a serious situation. The spiritual condition of the SDA Church is a very serious one but Satan has effectively blinded her eyes so that she is unable to see her dismal condition.

Unless she realises her serious spiritual condition and seeks for divine intervention, she will find herself in the Judgment with Satan and his host, with whom she will have to share his reward throughout the rest of eternity!! Therefore, it is high time for the SDA Church to realise her sins and her need for repentance. Once she does she fast and pray for forgiveness. Next she needs to focus on Me, Yahushua, so that she can see her need to be converted; to be washed and cleansed in My blood and to be “born again”. Likewise, she needs to see her need to be baptised with the Ruach Ha Kodesh, the Holy Spirit.

It is only when these important changes have truly taken place in her life that the scales will be removed from her eyes!! This will occur because the Ruach Ha Kodesh will be able to enter her life whereby He will be able to empower her and do His work in and through her. With His help also, she will see the importance of having a personal relationship with Elohim Yahweh, her Father, the Ruach Ha Kodesh and Me, Yahushua, her only Saviour.

It is only when this transition takes place in her life, that the SDA Church will no longer view herself as being the “chosen generation”, a “royal priesthood”, the “little flock”, the “remnant” and the selected “144,000”. Instead, she will see herself as part of My Body and will love others in My Body and will willingly join with them to work together and finish the Gospel Commission which I, Yahushua Ha Mashiach, gave in Matthew 28: 19, 20 and Mark 16: 15-18.

It will only be by a renewed relationship with Me, Yahushua, and with true love for her fellowmen, including all others who are My followers, that the SDA Church will find satisfaction, true peace and be assured of a place in the Kingdom of Glory in Heaven, as well as in the New Earth.