Wednesday 31 December 2008





During the three and a half years in which I, Yahushua, ministered upon the earth, many mighty miracles were done through the Ruach Ha Kodesh Who anointed and empowered Me. This was in addition to the preaching and teaching of the Gospel which I did throughout My ministry. I trained and sent out My disciples to do likewise (Matthew 10: 1, 7, 8; Luke 10: 1-2, 9, 17-20); then in Matthew 28: 19, 20, I gave them the Great Commission. This was followed by the command I gave to the disciples in Mark 16: 15-18, before l finally left them and returned to My throne in Heaven and to Elohim Yahweh, Who played the role of Father while I was in this world.

The commands I gave in Matthew 10: 1, 7, 8; Luke 10: 1-2, 9, 17-20, were not limited to the Apostles alone. They were given for ALL believers who would believe on Me, Yahushua, right up to My Second Coming. This includes the SDA Church. The Church has refused to do the works I have given command to do in My Name. Due to this neglect, many members and those who should benefit from the provisions I have put in place for them, when they are ill, have to suffer unduly and seek whatever help they can find and from whomever they can to be healed. Sometimes the treatments they are given worsen their conditions, cause bad reactions and even their deaths. Many of them pay heavy financial costs for such treatments.

In spite of what they suffer or see others suffer, many in the Church rise up and fight against Divine Healing if it is ever mentioned. Immediately the topic is raised the spirits of rebellion, anger, doubt, resentment, unbelief, disunity, disharmony, arguments, quarrels and other like demonic spirits take over as ministers and members alike fight against it. Thus the very ones in the Church who should exalt and honour US, their Elohim; are the very ones who cause OUR Names to be trampled in the dirt!! Whenever there is objection and rebellion against doing good to your fellowmen through these deeds of mercy which I, Yahushua, have given commands to do; Satan and his demons rejoice because they know they have the Church members, including the ministers firmly under their control.

Whenever there is so much resentment and refusal to carry out these deeds of mercy, Elohim Yahweh, the Father, the Ruach Ha Kodesh and Myself, Yahushua, as well as all Heaven are pained and saddened because those who should be ministering in the Healing and Deliverance Ministry, and those who should be foremost in supporting and promoting Our miraculous power, are the most vehement ones who war against it. Whereas as Christians they despise supernatural healing and deliverance performed in My Name, Yahushua, they do not oppose the man-made treatments.

Church members who are ill gladly consult whoever they can in order to receive treatment for their condition. They willingly give themselves to any doctor they can find and accept the treatment they offer. Many are not worried or concerned whether the ones they go to for help are Christians, pagans, heathens or from the powers of darkness. There are even those who turn to witch doctors, obeah men, voodoo doctors and others similar to them, regardless of My instructions not to consult such persons (Deuteronomy 18:10-14).

Some of the treatments they receive only worsen their conditions. In addition, demonic spirits are transferred into some of those who seek treatments from those dealing in the dark powers or in certain herbal medicines and concoctions which were previously dedicated to pagan gods or demons. Such treatments come at very high costs but they are never hesitant to pay out, regardless of the sum that is involved. On the other hand prayer for Divine Healing which I have put in place free of charge for everyone and which is only a prayer away, is rejected and fought against by the same professed Christians!!

Bona fide medical treatment is good and has its place but it should not be given first place. Neither should prayer for healing and deliverance be condemned, rejected and left as a last resort (which is rarely ever done). There should be no need for members or anyone, in or out of the Church, to suffer unduly. Neither should they have to depend totally upon doctors or upon those operating in the demonic realm because My Power to heal is just as powerful now as it was two thousand years ago.

The time has come for the SDA Church to step out in faith and begin to obey the commands I, Yahushua, have given, including Matthew 10: 1, 7, 8 and Mark 16: 17, 18. Therefore, she should begin to have Healing and Deliverance Services in the churches for those who need healing and deliverance. There is no reason for her to be fearful. The healing of My followers is already assured because it was done long ago when I, Yahushua, suffered and died. My suffering was not in vain but was for the healing of My people as Isaiah prophesied:

“Surely he hath borne our griefs, and carried our sorrows: yet we did esteem him stricken, smitten of [Yahweh] God, and afflicted. But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed.” Isaiah 53: 4, 5. (KJV).

This prophecy was fulfilled. Concerning its fulfilment Matthew wrote:

“When the even was come, they brought unto him many that were possessed with devils: and he cast out the spirits with his word, and healed all that were sick: That it might be fulfilled which was spoken by Esaias the prophet, saying, Himself took our infirmities, and bare our sicknesses.” Matthew 8: 16, 17. (KJV)

The HEALINGS and DELIVERANCES of the people from various illnesses, diseases and devils which I did on a daily basis while I was upon the earth, did not come to end when I went to the Cross. The Power of healing and deliverance which began during My earthly ministry have both continued ever since. Therefore, all who pray to Elohim Yahweh in My Name, Yahushua, will be ministered to by the Ruach Ha Kodesh.

The same Healing Power is available for the SDA Church but she must be obedient to My Word and do that which I have commanded. It is important, however, that she exercises faith and prays to Elohim Yahweh, the Father, in My Name, Yahushua, for those who are in need of healing. Once she has done her part, I will perform the healing through the power of the Ruach Ha Kodesh, Who will be present at all times. Therefore, there is no reason why the Church should be afraid thinking that if the people are not healed, she would be regarded as a fake! At no time should these negative vibes overpower her. She should step out in faith and do as I have commanded, then leave the rest to Me, Yahushua, and the Ruach Ha Kodesh.

Once the Church steps out in faith and her ministers begin to conduct Healing Services, they are to obey and follow the instructions in Mark 6:13 and James 5: 14-16 and apply pure olive oil (which should first be prayed over) to the forehead of those who are being prayed for. Where Healing services are large this may not be possible. However, whenever it is possible to do so, it should be done. At such times I will manifest My Self among them as the Ruach Ha Kodesh takes over and manifests His miraculous power.

There are times when the anointing of the Ruach Ha Kodesh will be very tangible. At such times the pastors who are ministering may feel fire upon them. When that happens they are not to be afraid because at such times, it is the Ruach Ha Kodesh Who is anointing them and ministering through them as He performs His miracles, signs and wonders.

Miracles, Signs and wonders will be performed, but only as the Church obeys My commands. Leaders, I, Yahushua, the Chief Shepherd, am placing upon you, the under shepherds, the responsibility to see that Healing and Deliverance become an important part of the churches which are under your care. There is nothing to fear. It was My Command before I completed My Ministry upon Earth and it is still My Command today. I will certainly do what I have promised and given command to do.


During such services of healing those who are being ministered to may fall to the floor. (Some may fall to the floor without being prayed for.) This is called “slain in the Spirit” and occurs under the power and anointing of the Ruach Ha Kodesh. This is one of the manifestations of the Ruach Ha Kodesh which the Church does not know about. No one knows how the Ruach Ha Kodesh will manifest His power and no one can limit what He will do. Often those who fall to the floor are ministered to and healed by Him while they are lying down. It is therefore advisable to have someone standing behind the person who is being ministered to, so that they can be helped safely to the floor if they are “slain”. Covers should be provided to cover those who go down to the floor under the anointing of the Ruach Ha Kodesh.


Many of the members of the SDA Church are discouraged and have left the Church or are leaving. The cause of this is because of the lack of the presence and manifestations of the Ruach Ha Kodesh in her midst. Without the Ruach Ha Kodesh and His “gifts” and “fruit” in the Church, she becomes a JUST A CLUB OF SORTS!! This is how the SDA Church is seen by many, especially in the more affluent parts of the world.

Children are born in the Church and brought up without seeing any of My power at work. Many endure the boredom of church and wait until they are old enough to make the decision to stop going altogether. Likewise, many who become members of the Church leave shortly after baptism. Many of those who have remained, have been questioning the role of the Church and her purpose in the world. Apart from Evangelistic Campaigns which are conducted by some churches, during which time aspects of the Twenty Seven Doctrines of the Church are preached, the members see very little else taking place. They are tired of the routine of going to church for a few hours on the Sabbath, week in and week out, year in and year out; just to be entertained. Many have become accustomed to the feasts which they go home to after the Sabbath Services. Apart from this feast, the routine continues week after week.

These are the days of Christian Television when the Gospel is constantly being preached throughout the earth. Many members of the Church are now watching these Christian Channels and not just 3ABN, the SDA Channel. They are hearing about the importance of the Ruach Ha Kodesh and seeing His power at work. From their own living rooms they are seeing people healed of sicknesses, diseases and disabilities, including being set free from demonic possessions and oppressions. They are hearing the testimonies and seeing with their own eyes the things I gave command to do, being done. Those who do, are realising that the works I did while I ministered here in this world did not end with My death upon the Cross. Instead, these works of mercy and compassion are now being carried out in greater measure than during My time upon the earth. Thus through many of the messages preached via the Christian Channels; as well as the teachings given and advice they receive, many are realising that their own Church has miserably failed them.

Many have begun to question the role of the SDA Church and are asking Why the same things, i.e. the many miracles and signs and wonders which they are witnessing on the Christian Channels, are not being done in the SDA Church also. The Ruach Ha Kodesh is working upon the hearts of many in the Church and there is much uneasiness because they want to see a change from the impotence and lack of power which are engrained in the Church. Thus many are praying to Elohim Yahweh, their Father, in My Name, Yahushua, and asking that We intervene and to do the same things in the SDA Church.

The Church however, is fearful and reluctant to do the works I, Yahushua Ha Mashiach, have commanded My followers to do and which many in My Body are doing through the Power of the Ruach Ha Kodesh. Whenever the matter of healing or the casting out of demons are mentioned, there is great opposition in the Church. Among those who are most vehement are the ministers themselves, who should be among the first to endorse it since they claim to obey and teach My Word.

Many members are tired with the club-like running of the Church and her lack of power. Some are leaving to set up their own ministries where they can operate freely and allow the Ruach Ha Kodesh to be in control and work through them to do His work. This discontent and leaving to set up new ministries will continue unabated. Unless the Church wakes up and begins to do what she is commanded in My Word to do, this dissatisfaction and moving away will continue. This will continue because those who see the need to be obedient to My Word and want to see souls blessed and delivered from the shackles of Satan, will not be bound by an impotent Church any longer.

This is the Time of the End and the Ruach Ha Kodesh will not be frustrated anymore because the Church has rejected Him and refuse to do what she was raised up to do. My Second Coming is at hand and the Ruach Ha Kodesh is moving among the people and He is raising up many in the Church to step out in faith and do what He commands them to do to help finish My work in the earth. UNLESS THE SDA CHURCH WAKES UP AND BEGIN TO DO AS I COMMAND, SHE WILL BE LEFT BEHIND AND WILL ONLY COME TO HER SENSES WHEN IT IS FAR TOO LATE!!