Tuesday 13 January 2009





The message of Salvation and of My Soon Return MUST be told to the entire world before I, Yahushua Ha Mashiach, Return to this world. Therefore, I am using everything at My disposal to make it known throughout the earth, including the use of satellites which have no ports, borders or restrictions. I am also using all who will yield themselves to be used as My messengers of the Good News of Salvation because I am no respecter of persons.

I, Yahushua, am appearing to many, especially in Moslem lands and proving to them that I am Yahushua the ONLY SAVIOUR of the world. I have also brought back many from the dead in recent years to tell of My soon Return and also to tell of their experiences of what took place after their deaths. They are also telling that there is a place called HELL and that there is indeed a place called HEAVEN, which is very real places. Whereas the people will not listen to those who preach My Word and refuse to accept Me, Yahushua, in their lives; they are listening to those who are brought back from the dead, including many witches and others from the realm of Satan.


A Buddhist monk who rose up from his pyre just before it was lit and gave the message I had given to him to the thousands who had gathered for his funeral. Today he continues to proclaim the message of salvation and of My soon return.

Ian McCormack, a New Zealander, who was stung by deadly jelly fishes in Mauritius and died. He was not a Christian but I met him on his death bed, converted and saved His soul. After His spirit and soul had departed from his body, I took him to Hell where he would have spent the rest of eternity, had he not repented just before he died. Then I took him out of that place of darkness and torment and transported him to Heaven, where I dwell, and showed him its glories and what awaits My followers. I gave back his life to him and sent him back to the world to bear testimony of Me, Yahushua; to tell of his experience both in Hell and in Heaven; to inform the world of My imminent Second Coming and to lead men and women, boys and girls to Me, their Saviour.

My servant, Ian McCormack, since his death and resurrection in 1982, has been to many countries telling his resurrection story and about what he experienced in death. He is also faithfully giving the message of My imminent return. His story is on the Video entitled, “A Glimpse of Eternity”.

Dr George Rodonaia, a Russian Jew, who was a scientist and avowed Atheist, was deliberately mowed down by a car in Russia and killed during the Communist regime. I, Yahushua, converted him during his death (because his spirit had not died). Then I resurrected him after three days and sent him back with the message of My imminent Return. Today he, too, is witnessing for Me and telling his story of what took place after he died and of his resurrection. He is also giving the Message which I gave him for the world, i.e. that I am ready to Return to this world for all those who have accepted Me, Yahushua, as their Saviour and to encourage the people to be ready for My imminent return. His story is included on the video “To Hell and Back” recorded by the Trinity Broadcasting Network based in America.

There is also the story of the Nigerian pastor, Pastor Daniel Ekechukwu, who died in a fatal car accident in December 2001 and was embalmed for burial. I resurrected him after three days in answer to the Rich man’s request (Luke 16: 19-31). Then I, Yahushua Ha Mashiach, sent him back to give the Message that I am ready to Return for followers. He, too, is telling of the wonderful experiences he had in Heaven where I dwell. He is also telling of the horrors, torments and sufferings which he saw when he was given a tour of Hell. Since the resurrection of Pastor Daniel Ekechukwu, the Ruach Ha Kodesh has been moving mightily in Nigeria and He has led millions of people in that country to give their lives to Me, Yahushua. The story of Pastor Daniel Ekechukwu is on the video: “Raised From the Dead”, from Reinhard Bonnke’s Ministries.

The distributors of these videos are as follows:

Chapel Lane, Hampton Bishop, Hereford, HR1 4JR UK.
Tel: (01432) 870437; Fax: (01432) 870430.
e-mail: chapellane@aol.com

TBN. P.O. Box A, Santa Ana, CA92711

Ian McCormack, St Pauls
DVD, CD or Video From:
FCS Sound Services Ltd.
Phone 0845 120 4925
Web Site: fcscassettes.co.uk.

These stories of the dead being resurrected will become more widespread as the time draws nearer to My Return to this world.


This is NOT the time for the SDA Church to live in a world of make-believe and to be asleep with the false idea that she is safe and secure. These are very serious times which the world is passing through. She needs to be fully awake and be on the alert like many other Christians. She needs to draw close to Us, her Elohim: Yahweh, Yahushua and the Ruach Ha Kodesh and to spend time in fasting and prayer, whereby she can be filled spiritually, get the help and support she needs, live a life that is patterned after My life and thus make her calling and election sure.

My Coming is at hand and for this reason Satan has the eyes of the SDA Church blinded by trivialities and things which do not matter. The terrible things including the great disasters, acts of terrorism, man’s inhumanity to man, the economic crisis facing the world and the severe persecution and martyrdom of My followers in many lands, are all clear signs of My Soon Return. However, they are looked upon as normal occurrences and are thus taken for granted. This is similar to the people of Noah's day who watched the ark being built and took it for granted. Those Antediluvians remained hardened, complacent and insensitive even when the animals and other creatures were going into the ark for safety. Likewise, when the Angels went to Sodom to destroy it they had to take Lot’s two daughters forcefully by their hands and lead them to safety out of Sodom. In spite of the Angels’ effort to save them, Lot's wife died because her soul was still in Sodom.

This is the same thing that is happening in the SDA Church. The majority of members are too caught up in the world and are misreading the signs all around them. They are too blind and at ease to see the things which are happening. They are secure in the thought that they alone have “truth”; that they are My special people and the only ones who will be saved. Deceived by this false security, they are eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage and carrying on with their own business, just as the antediluvians did. Unless the SDA Church wakes up and comes to her senses, she will experience a similar thing as the antediluvians did. Thus she, too, will realise her plight when it is far too late!

It is time, high time that you, the Leaders, ministers and members of the SDA Church wake up to what is taking place in the earth and put off the façade of self-righteousness which blankets the Church and turn to Me, Yahushua Ha Mashiach, with all your hearts. It is very important that you do so because I, Yahushua, am Coming Soon, much sooner than you dare to believe.

I, your Creator and Saviour, Yahushua Ha Mashiach, am Coming for a Church that is ready and waiting. I am Coming to fulfil My Promise in John 14: 1-3 which I made before I went to the Cross and was crucified. I am Coming for those who have accepted My Death for them and are yearning and longing for My Soon Return. I am Coming to put an end to Satan, his demons, Sin and sinners and to bring an end to human misery, as well as to end the misery of all My other creatures which share Planet Earth. I am Coming to bring in peace and everlasting righteousness and restore this world to its Edenic beauty and tranquillity.

The Church must be made aware that although I am Coming Soon, she may meet Me sooner than at My Second Coming. Therefore, she MUST be ready to meet Me at all times because as soon as a person dies his/her fate is fixed. At that time the soul either comes to Me, Yahushua, in Heaven and continues the rest of eternity, or goes to Satan in Hell and continues the rest of eternity there.

I, Yahushua Ha Mashiach, the Life Giver, have resurrected many people from the dead and sent them back to give the message of My soon Return. Due to their testimonies many people are accepting Me, Yahushua, as their Adonai (Lord) and Saviour.

Many people around the world are also waking up for they realise just how serious the times are. Unfortunately the same cannot be said of the SDA Church because she is too much at ease, too smug in her self-righteousness and too blind to see the unusual things which are happening all around her. I, Yahushua, want you, the Leaders of the Church, and those over whom you have charge, to prepare the people so that as a Church you too can be ready and waiting along with the rest of those in My Body for My glorious Second Coming.

Therefore, as Leaders you need to set aside time for fasting and prayer to seek after righteousness. You need to know the Ruach Ha Kodesh and to be empowered by Him. You are to call the pastors and others who are employed by the Church and encourage them to also fast and pray and seek after righteousness. In turn the pastors are to call the churches in which they minister throughout the entire world to do likewise.

During these special times of fasting and prayer, everyone is to pray to Elohim Yahweh, in My Name, Yahushua. Then with the divine power of the Ruach Ha Kodesh He will intervene and break the power of Satan from over the Church and deliver the members from his power and control.

Everyone should go into prayer and pray for a willing heart to be obedient to ALL My commands which includes the works I did and left for My followers to do (Matthew 10: 7, 8). They must pray for the Ruach Ha Kodesh to take over and empower and anoint each person in the Church, as He empowered and anointed Me, Yahushua, while I was upon Earth. Under His anointing they will be equipped to minister before Me and be prepared and ready for My Soon Return.

This is NOT the time for the leaders, ministry and members to fight the Ruach Ha Kodesh and to say what they “believe" from what they do not “believe” concerning what is written in My Word. It does not matter whether they “believe” or do not “believe” because their beliefs will not alter, annul or change one jot or tittle from My Word.

Leaders, you along with the pastors (with the help of the Ruach Ha Kodesh) MUST obey ALL the instructions and commands I have given in My Holy Word. You must also educate the members to do the same. Partial obedience to My commands, instructions and requirements, will not do. Partial obedience IS STILL DISOBEDIENCE!!

Please remember My words:

“Ye are my friends, if ye do whatsoever I command you”. John 15: 14.

Presidents of the various Conferences, Unions and Missions of the SDA Church:

This is My Message to you through My elected ambassador. You may reject it, thinking that this is her work and that it has nothing to do with Me, Yahushua Ha Mashiach, the One Who died for this world. That was also the attitude of Israel to many of the messages I sent her through My prophets but they paid the price every time they rejected the messages I sent them.

I, Yahushua, have sent this Message to the leadership of the Church. You are over My flock and the changes which are needed in My Church, rest upon you. You may reject it and cast it aside as you have done with Messages in the past since you believe you have the writings of the late Mrs Ellen G. White. Please realise that to reject the Messages which I send out of My great love and concern, through My delegated messengers, is to spit in My face and kick Me in My mouth!! It is also to seal your own doom and to witness against you in the final Judgment when those who are not saved in My Kingdom of Glory will be judged around the great white throne!!

I, Yahushua Ha Mashiach, am not cut off from the world as I am made out to be by the SDA Church. I am acutely aware of all that is happening in the entire earth and in My Body, the Church. In many of the other ministries and churches I am able to speak to them through My designated prophets and prophetesses. However, it is not so with the SDA Church because she has cut herself off from the rest of My Body and has shut Me, her Saviour, out of her life. The Church has also rejected the Ruach Ha Kodesh, Whom I asked Elohim Yahweh, the Father, to send to My Church almost 2000 years ago. Likewise, because the Church believes that the ONLY prophet she has, is my late servant, Ellen G. White, who died in 1915.

The Church adheres to this belief in spite of what is written in My Word in Joel 2: 28, 29:

“And it shall come to pass afterward, that I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh; and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see visions: And also upon the servants and upon the handmaids in those days will I pour out my spirit”.(KJV).

Once again I am making another attempt to get My Message of Warning to you, the Leaders of the Church, through the same method I have always used, the human connection. Therefore, its acceptance or rejection; or its success or failure rests upon you the Leaders, and with that will go My reward for good or ill.

I, Yahushua Ha Mashiach (Jesus Christ), have taken time to send you, the Leaders of the Church, this Message so that it can be shared with the entire body of the Church. It is sent because of My love for you and the members of the SDA Church. This Message has been stern at times and repetitive in parts but it is for emphasis because I want to get certain points over to you. Stern though it is in parts, it is not sent to condemn. It is for the Church to examine herself and make amends; remembering that those whom I love, I rebuke and chasten in order that they may repent before it is too late (Rev. 3:19).

I, Yahushua Ha Mashiach, Who left My Throne in Glory, Came to the sinful world and Suffered and Died for the Sins of the world, have spoken through Elohim Ruach Ha Kodesh, Who, in turn, spoke through My messenger and friend, Benita.

Leaders in the SDA Church, take heed to what you read in this Message and in My Word, the Sacred Scriptures. I have sent you this Message out of My great love for the Church and in response to all those who are interceding before Elohim Yahweh, their Father, in the various churches on her behalf.

I, King Yahushua, am Coming for My entire Church of which the Seventh-Day Adventist Church is a member. There are many faithful people in the SDA Church who love Me dearly but who are misguided in many things. These, My followers, must be enlightened so that they can make the necessary changes in their lives through the help of the Ruach Ha Kodesh, Who is Elohim upon the earth, and be prepared to meet Me, their Saviour, at all times.

The time has come for Me, Yahushua, to fulfil My Promise in St. John 14:1-3:

“Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in [Yahweh] God, believe also in me. In my Fathers house are many mansions: if it were not so I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again" and receive you unto myself; that where I am" there ye may be also”.

And finally:

“. . . behold, I come quickly; and my reward is with me, to give every man according as his work shall be.” Revelation 22: 12.

Leaders of the SDA Church:

Please remember that I, Yahushua Ha Mashiach, have overcome the world and My Promise to Return for My followers will soon be a reality. I am coming back for My entire Church, My Body, of whom the SDA Church is also a member.

I am Yahushua Ha Mashiach, your Saviour, Who suffered and Died for the sins of this world; Rose from the Dead and Ascended on High. I am now ready to Return for all those who have accepted Me as their Saviour and Adonai. Therefore, to each one I say:


NB: Scriptures used in this Post are taken from the KJV of the Bible