Monday 5 January 2009





There is a matter of grave concern which is before Me, Yahushua. It is the matter of Prayer and Fasting. There is very little time devoted to prayer and far less, if any, to fasting. Much time is spent on the mundane things of life and at least once each week, on the Sabbath a feast is prepared by most Seventh-Day Adventists to cater for the physical man. Sadly, no spiritual feast is prepared for the spirit and the soul! Feeding the inner man, the spirit and the soul, is what the Church should focus on and make important in the life of all her members. THE HOUR IS LATE!! THIS IS NOT THE TIME FOR FRIVOLITY AND FEASTING TO PAMPER THE PHYSICAL BODY. It is time to get serious about the things of the Kingdom of Glory and to be ready for My Second Coming.

In some churches there are Mid-Week Prayer Meetings but these are often poorly attended. There are members in some of the churches who feel their need of prayer and form prayer groups or have set times each week when they meet and pray. This is good. However, it is not enough for just a few persons to pray. It should be the universal practise in the Church.

The Church has officially set aside two set times each year for prayer. These times are the Youth Week or Prayer in the Spring and then the Week of Prayer for the main body of the Church in the Fall. These are good in themselves but by no means good enough. Far more time is needed for prayer, including fasting in order to feed the spirit and the soul; to draw closer to Us, their Elohim, and allow the Ruach Ha Kodesh to commune and teach My people.

Prayer Meetings along with days set aside for fasting and prayer, should become part of the programme in every church. These meetings should be promoted and members and non-members alike encouraged to attend them. Prayer is the life-blood of the Church and should not be neglected! Prayer meetings should be well attended just as the services on Sabbaths are attended. During these times those who attend should spend time interceding about matters which are laid upon their hearts by the Ruach Ha Kodesh; about conditions in the religious and the political worlds, as well as their own spiritual needs and that of their loved ones.

Rarely do you, the Leaders or the pastors, call for special days of fasting and prayer or spend nights in prayer interceding before Yahweh, the Father, in My Name, Yahushua. The Church prays very little but is always ready to sit down to a feast, just as the people were doing during the time of Noah. At the end of the year and the beginning of the New Year when each one who names My Name should come before Us to worship and to commit their lives into Our care, seek for Our protection, help and guidance; many are often at parties eating, drinking and enjoying themselves in a similar manner as the world does.

All these must change. Let there be more days and nights of fasting and prayer to nourish and strengthen the spirit and the soul and draw the people closer to Us, their Elohim. Therefore, let there be less eating to satisfy the physical man, which is already well nourished in lands where there is an abundance of everything. Instead, let there be more time spent on the knees searching the heart and seeking a new in-filling and anointing by the Ruach Ha Kodesh.

I, Yahushua, want you, the Leaders, to remember that where there is little prayer, there is little power! On the contrary, where there is much prayer, coupled with fasting, there is great power and an anointing from the Ruach Ha Kodesh which will be seen, felt and experienced by the entire church. Satan exults when he sees little or no prayer for he knows that he and his demons are safe and have nothing to fear. However, he trembles when he sees the Church upon her knees waging spiritual warfare. He knows then that his kingdom is under fierce attack from the armies of Heaven with Me, Yahushua, the Lord of Sabaoth, as the mighty Captain.

Satan is not a stranger to the power that comes through prayer and fasting because that was how I defeated him in My life and won the victory; thereby purchasing the salvation of all mankind. Before I, Yahushua, began My earthly ministry, I spent forty days in the wilderness praying and communing with My Father and the Ruach Ha Kodesh. During the three and a half years I ministered here upon earth, I spent many long hours in prayer and rose each day a long time before day break and spent time praying to My Father and with the Ruach Ha Kodesh.

I also spent many days just fasting and praying in order to do the work and fight the daily battles Satan was waging against Me in the spiritual realm; as well as the leading Jews who were constantly seeking to take My life. Fortified with prayer and under the anointing of the Ruach Ha Kodesh, I went about day after day doing good to mankind. Before I was arrested in the garden of Gethsemane, I was again upon My face before Yahweh, My Father. That was the way I received strength, endurance and fortitude to endure the sufferings and pay the price for Sin.

The Church, including each individual member, must also spend much time in prayer if she wants to be ready to meet Me, Yahushua, in peace and to be saved in My kingdom. The same must be done if she is to gain the victory over Satan, who is constantly alert and fighting with his armies of devils, demons and human helpers.

Prayer and fasting should not be a now and again exercise, neither should it be an option. It should become part of the life of the Church. Prayer and fasting are essential and are needed in the Church because they are two of the mighty weapons in the hands of the Christian against Satan and his host. Thus when the Church unite and pray and fast together on a regular basis, Satan will tremble like the bay tree and his kingdom will be ripped through as when a severe hurricane rips through fields and forests. Therefore, in the Church, it should not be IF WE FAST but WHEN WE FAST! Prayer, therefore, should be accompanied by fasting as often as possible. This is especially so as My Second Coming draws near.

That time is now upon the world and is clearly seen in the climate of the terrorisms, disasters, wars and unrest through which the world is passing. It is also seen in the campaigns being waged to remove My Name, Yahushua Ha Mashiach, and My Commandments from society. My Coming is very evident by what is taking place in the world to bring down Christianity. Satan is waging a fierce war to wipe My Name and all Christians and Jews from off the planet. He is waging a campaign whereby evil is now being accepted as good and right. On the other hand he is succeeding in putting down right and making it evil as he launches his final attack to destroy My Name and My people from off the earth. Most importantly the preaching of the Gospel of the Kingdom throughout the world, one of the last signs which would precede My Return to this world, is now being fulfilled.

As Leaders, you should see the need for prayer and fasting and should call the churches which are under your care to fast and pray as often as the need arises. This should not be left to individual members or churches to decide because you are the watchmen! You are the Men who should discern the times and who should know what the Church should do at all times. This is especially so in the area of spiritual warfare, for then you will take the battle to the gates and camp of the Enemy and defeat him there, instead of him attacking and defeating My people.

Fasting must be done sensibly. Plan the times of fasting and encourage the pastors to encourage as many of their members as possible to take part. Those who cannot fast a full day should be encouraged to fast for part of the day. There are longer times of fasting such as periods of three days, seven days, twenty one days and forty days. Those who undertake these fasts must do so sensibly. Those who are able to undertake the three days fast can do a dry fast without taking water or they can do a wet fast and take water. Those who undertake the longer fasts can drink water in between and have a meal at the end of each day. Those on the longer fast may choose to abstain from food altogether but they must feed the body with what it needs to function normally. Therefore, those who do must take copious amounts of water to which they MUST add powdered glucose and salt. It is best to take the water hot to avoid cramps and wind pains.

N.B. Those with medical conditions who are on medications should not be encouraged to fast. Those with such conditions who would like to join in the fast, should be discouraged from fasting for more than a day. Diabetics on Insulin and those on medications for various medical conditions, should not be encouraged to fast. Discouraging fasting in those with medical conditions who are on medication is important. This is because fasting could affect their medical conditions and the action of the medications they are on. However, those who choose to exercise their faith and join in fasting should not be discouraged.

No fasting should be done without prayer and study of the Word. Spiritual songs should also be sung when it is possible to do so, to give glory to Us: Yahweh, Yahushua and the Ruach Ha Kodesh, as well as to bless the souls of those who undertake this spiritual exercise.

Long periods of fasting must not be imposed upon anyone. This should be a voluntary exercise which should be planned. Let all those who join in corporate fasting and prayer make time to meet and pray and seek My face and an infilling of the Ruach Ha Kodesh. When prayer and fasting become a part of the life of the Church, great changes will be seen in her spiritual life; battles will be won and victories gained. Those who participate will be greatly blessed and spiritually energised.