Monday 5 January 2009





The SDA Church takes great pride in Revelation 14:12:

“Here is the patience of the saints: here are they that keep the commandments of [Yahweh] God, and the faith of [Yahushua] Jesus”.

As a Church she believes this passage of Scripture relates to her alone and this is what all her members believe. The Church, however is under a great delusion!! She does not have the exclusive rights to that verse of Scripture or any other Scriptures in My Holy Word. Neither does she have “the patience of the saints”; “keep the commandments of [Yahweh] God” or “the faith of [Yahushua] Jesus”. These to her are just religious clichés, like so many of the pet saying and jargons which are commonly spoken by her.

The Church looks upon herself with great pride because she goes to church on the Bible Sabbath. She delights in using such terms as having the “Sabbath truth”, the “Third Angels’ Message” and the “Advent Message”. Like the Jews, who placed much emphasis on Circumcision and the Sabbath, the SDA Church also places great emphasis on the Sabbath. She looks upon the Sabbath as though it is the only commandment out of the Decalogue that is important in My sight and by her actions, she literally worships the Sabbath itself rather than she worships Us, her Elohim, the Creator and Adonai (Lord) of the Sabbath.

I, Yahushua, see the negative attitude of the Church, how the Sabbath is kept by her and the hypocrisy which surrounds it. No one keeps the Sabbath as I said it should be kept, and try as they may to do so, they will encounter difficulties for the following reasons:

When sunset begins on Friday evening, few are ready to meet with US, their Elohim, to welcome the Sabbath and acknowledge OUR Presence, or to worship US.

During the Sabbath hours conversations remain the same as on any other day of the week. The Divine worship is not exempted because even during the service there are those who continue with their normal conversation. After the Service, it is like any other day as friends meet and talk with each other, mostly about their week's activities.

There are those who go to Church on the Sabbath but continue with their normal work, as well as everything which they do normally during the week, once they leave the church service. Thus the Sabbath, which she claims to keep holy, is far from being kept as Sabbath should be kept. Often those holy hours amount to just three hours or so spent in church on a Sabbath.

The hours which follow are taken up with much laughing and jesting as families and any friends present meet around the dinner table. This may be followed by other activities. At such times, rarely does anyone remember that it is still the holy Sabbath day.

Worship on the Sabbath is important because it is the Day that has been set aside from the Creation of the world as the day of rest and worship. It is also one of the Ten Commandments given in the Moral Law, which I, Yahweh, spoke in the hearing of the children of Israel and then wrote with my finger on tablets of stone. When I was upon the earth, I went to the Synagogue on the Sabbath day and worshipped. It was My custom and My Father's Commandment but I DID NOT WORSHIP THE DAY!! Instead, I set an example of how the Sabbath should be kept by taking off the burdens the Jews had placed upon My holy day.

I also did good works to show how the Sabbath should be kept. Thus I demonstrated divine love which is the true meaning of the Sabbath.

Sadly, all that I, Yahushua, did to unburden the Sabbath, the SDA Church is trying to redo, for they, too, have placed restrictions and burdens upon My holy Day and look upon its observance, as though it is her Lord and Saviour!

The hypocrisy and self-righteousness with which she surrounds the Seventh-day Sabbath and her keeping of it, makes what she regards as worship very un-savoury before Me, Yahushua. The SDA Church is so steeped in tradition that she does not realise that she is not worshipping Us, the Elohim of Heaven. Instead, the worship which she renders is stale and meaningless! Her sacred regard for the Sabbath makes her very hypocritical because although her members speak about keeping the Sabbath holy and use it to judge others, they are unable to keep it themselves.

The Church claims the Sabbath-day belongs to Us, the Elohim of Heaven, yet she takes it and divides it up into chunks and does as she wishes. From those holy hours she grudgingly sets aside two or three hours when she goes to church and carries out a ritual. None of that time is devoted to Yahweh, the Ruach Ha Kodesh or Myself, Yahushua. We are not given any worship or praise during that time, neither are We up-lifted and glorified in songs of praise and worship.

During the time the sermon is presented, if the minister goes over his allotted time then her eyes begin to look at the watch or follow the clock. This is sometimes accompanied with much shuffling as the signals are sent out to bring the sermon to an end. That is then accompanied by complaints of just how long the sermon was. Thus even the sermon is meant to be tailor-made and suited to her agenda.

Spending time singing and praising, exalting and magnifying OUR Holy Name is the only time devoted to US and the only worship that is given to US, the Godhead in any service. That is why We “inhabit the praises of Israel”. Psalm 22:3. The Church, however does none of these because she devotes all the time to cater for her own needs.

Once she is out of the Services, she uses the rest of the Sabbath to feast and speak her own words, much of which is spent in idle chatter and doing as she wishes. During My time upon the earth there was similar hypocrisy by the scribes and Pharisees, which led Me to say to them:

“Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye pay tithe of mint and anise and cummin, and have omitted the weightier matters of the law, judgment, mercy, and faith: these ought ye to have done, and not to leave the other undone. Ye blind guides, which strain at a gnat, and swallow a camel.” Matthew 23: 23,24.

Likewise, I say to the Seventh-Day Adventist Church:

“Woe unto you Seventh-Day Adventists, hypocrites! For you use the Sabbath to be a pedestal from which you judge and condemn others, and as a beating rod!”

“Woe unto you Seventh-Day Adventists, hypocrites! For you do not keep the Sabbath but wrap it as a cloak around yourselves and trample upon its holy hours”.

“Woe unto you Seventh-Day Adventists, hypocrites! You have deliberately omitted the weightier matters of the law, judgment, mercy, and faith and love, which you should have done and should be doing!”

The observance of the Sabbath by the Church should be like a light and a beacon to guide those in the darkness of sin to Me, Yahushua. This should be seen through the love she demonstrates toward her fellowmen. Instead, through her self-righteous attitude and lack of true love, she is covered by darkness! This darkness over her can only be removed when she realises that her Sabbath keeping cannot save her, nor the keeping of any of the other Commandments. It is important she realises the danger she is in because:

“…by the deeds of the law there shall no flesh be justified in his sight: for by the law is the knowledge of sin”. Romans 3:20.

The only hope there is for the SDA Church is that she sees her need of the Ruach Ha Kodesh, Who will guide her, intercede for her and cause her to turn to Me, Yahushua, in righteousness. She needs to know that “I am the light of the world" and those who follow Me, “shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life” (John 8:12). I am also the “Way”, the “truth” and the “Life” (John 14:6). Until the Church realises these things, she remains in her deceptions.

What is the True Purpose of the Sabbath to the SDA Church?

What is the true meaning and purpose of the Seventh-day Sabbath? And what good does the Church do on the Sabbath in relation to what I did when I, Yahushua, was upon the earth? Is the Sabbath just a time to be in church, to entertain and to be entertained? Is it a day to display the latest fashion and to meet and talk with friends? What is its significance and meaning to Seventh-Day Adventists? How do others regard Seventh-Day Adventists for being Sabbath keepers? And what example is she setting for others to see My love and give their lives to Me, Yahushua? These are questions for you, the Leaders, to answer.

Going to church on the Seventh-day Sabbath and boasting about the “Sabbath Truth” the “Advent Message”, being the “Remnant” and those who will be the “144,000”, will be of no avail and will profit her nothing if she remains in her traditions. She MUST follow after “holiness”, without which no one, including her, can see Me, Yahushua (Hebrew 12:14). Moreover, these claims which she claims for herself are all false because none of those jargons which she has coined for herself belongs to her or to anyone else.

NB: Scriptures quoted in this Post are taken from the KJV of the Bible