Wednesday 7 January 2009





The worship in many SDA churches is insipid and lifeless! It is so dead that My presence, My Father's presence and the presence of the Ruach Ha Kodesh and the attending angels are driven away!! This is the reason many churches cannot grow and why many of the members leave the Church including many young persons. They do so because there is nothing to attract or encourage them to remain in the Church.

The sad and lifeless worship have come about because the Church will not worship Us: Elohim Yahweh, the Ruach Ha Kodesh and Me, Yahushua Ha Mashiach, and show forth Our praise, as she is instructed in the Scriptures. Such Scriptures include: Psalms 98; Psalms 146:1-3; Psalms 147: 1, 7; Psalms 148, Psalms 149 and Psalms 150.

Much is written in the Holy Scriptures about the importance of worship. Among what is written are Psalms 67 and 100. That is how important worship is to Us. Whenever Our children meet they should be given time to sing praises unto Us and to worship US, their Elohim. That is more important than all the sermons they hear because as they sing, We will take delight and will come and tabernacle with them and bless them because We take delight in the “praises” of Israel.

During the time of worship in songs, there should be no restrictions. Thus those who want to lift their hands up in worship; dance before Us, their Elohim (where appropriate); clap their hands with joy, “sing unto [Elohim] the Lord with the voice of triumph” and play upon the musical instruments as Psalm 150 states, should not be prevented from doing so. The worshippers should be encouraged to shout their Amens! Praise Elohim! and Hal-le-lu-jahs!, without any inhibition. These expressions of worship should also be said in the various services of the Church when the worshippers are led by the Ruach Ha Kodesh to do so. No one should be afraid to give Us the praise and glory due to Us, their Elohim, because there are those self-righteous ones who frown upon anyone when they speak forth Our praises, by saying Amen! Praise Adonai (the Lord) or Hal-le-lu-jah!

Worship is important to Us, the Elohim of all flesh and when none is given to Us, We are not in her midst. We are worshipped when Our children spend time singing and praising, worshipping, exalting and magnifying Us because that is the only part of the worship which is dedicated to Us, the Godhead in any service. The rest of time spent in the service is for the benefit of the worshippers, i.e. the reading of the Scriptures, the prayer and the sermon.

Praise and worship are important to Us: Yahweh, Yahushua and the Ruach Ha Kodesh, that is why the Psalmist prayed:

“Save us, O [Yahweh our Elohim] LORD our God, and gather us from among the heathen, to give thanks unto thy holy name, and to triumph in thy praise”. Psalm 106: 47.

Hence the church is admonished:

“O clap your hands, all ye people; shout unto [Elohim] God with the voice of triumph. For [Yahweh] the LORD most high is terrible; he is a great King over all the earth. He shall subdue the people under us, and the nations under our feet. He shall choose our inheritance for us, the excellency of Jacob whom he loved. Selah. [Elohim] God is gone up with a shout, [Yahweh] the LORD with the sound of a trumpet. Sing praises to [Elohim] God, sing praises: sing praises unto our King, sing praises. For [Yahweh] God is the King of all the earth: sing ye praises with understanding”. Psalms 47: 1-7.

We, the Elohim of Heaven and Earth and all worlds, inhabit the praises of Our children (Psalm 22:3). Therefore, as they sing and give glory and praise to Us, Our presence will be felt in the midst of the congregation and holy angels will join in and enrich the worship. Lifeless worship drives Our presence away. Therefore, those who go to the services should be given freedom and allowed to worship and give Us the praise, the glory and the honour that are duly Ours. In turn they will receive the blessings which come from such worship where Our Names are uplifted, exalted and magnified.

In order for Our presence to be seen and felt in the congregations, there must be a change from the old lifeless worship! No longer, therefore, should there be just two or three lifeless songs slotted in between a sermon, some of which are just as dead and lulls the congregations to sleep.

When, therefore, the Church meets for worship there should be joyous praise and worship given to Us, the Godhead. The congregation should be given time to sing joyful and vibrant songs of praise and worship to bless the souls of the worshippers and to bring glory to Us, their Elohim. Without the presence of the Ruach Ha Kodesh and His anointing, the worship will always be dead. We are not present in the dead worship given in many of the churches. Such dead worship only caters for Satan and his demons who hold sway over far too many of the churches.

It should now become a rule that whenever the Church meets for worship, a portion of the time is devoted to the singing of songs of praise and worship to Us, the Godhead. During that part of the worship service the hearts of the worshippers will be blessed. Thus with joy and gladness they will raise their arms toward Heaven and the cries of Halleluiahs and Amens will flow out spontaneously. At such times and where possible, let there be musical instruments to swell and enrich the worship in songs, as Psalm 150 and others Psalms admonish. Then as the congregations sing, We will come and inhabit their praises and will bless them.


From now on worship in songs and praise must be planned and become an important part of service. Therefore, let suitable worship leaders be appointed to lead out in the worship in songs. We inhabit the praises of Our children (Psalm 22:3). Therefore, as the praises ascend, We will pervade the atmosphere with Our presence and holy angels will give a rich glow to the worship. At such times WE will minister to the needs of Our children.

Worship in Heaven is rich and beautiful and that is how it should be here in this world. In churches where worship in songs are accompanied with musical instruments, where the worshippers worship Us, their Elohim, with their entire beings and where the worship is rich and vibrant, there is a great difference in the attendance.

Those churches are packed to capacity as people pour into them, for they receive the blessings they seek. Thus after being in Our presence and having drank from the Fountain of all Blessings, they return to their homes blest and refreshed spiritually.


There are ministers who are showmen, who just exalt and glorify themselves in the pulpits before the congregations. Often the sermons presented are filled with self and to show their eloquence. They have nothing to do with My Father, Yahweh, Myself, Yahushua, or the Ruach Ha Kodesh. There is rarely any mention of Our Names, except for the Scripture reading and an odd reference at times to Myself, Yahushua. Thus, We, the Elohim of Heaven, are not present in those services!!

It is this lack of Our Presence in the midst of the congregations and the poor spiritual diet upon which the people are fed, why there are so many weak and emaciated members who are unable to gain spiritual strength and grow in the things of Yahweh, the Ruach Ha Kodesh, or Myself, Yahushua. It is due to the lack of our Presence also why so many members of the SDA Church go to church week after week spiritually empty and return home worse than when they set out from their homes.

Many attend the services because it is their way of life, however, many are tired of such tasteless and soul destroying worship. They want a living faith and a living worship and unless they get that which they seek, many will not leave their homes on Sabbaths to go to church. This accounts for the poor numbers in many of the SDA Churches and why so many are shutting down. It also accounts for the reason why so many leave the churches soon after they are baptised. The world does everything to cater for those seeking its pleasures, even though many such pleasures lead to paths of degradation, death and Hell. In spite of this lack of our presence, the Church is so steeped in her traditions that he is unable to attract and draw people to Me, Yahushua, the Light of Life, Who gives pleasures for evermore.


Many of those who attend the services are longing for a more meaningful worship. Many have the Christian Channels in their homes where they are now seeing My power at work in other churches and ministries. That has led them to question why the same things are not happening in the SDA Church. She has 3ABN Television Network which some of her members have and are able to watch.

Watching other Christian Channels, however, is strongly discouraged by some of the pastors. Some go as far as to liken those Christian Channels to be Satanic! Thus the eyes of many of the members continue to be blinded by the very ones who should be promoting these Channels which are bringing honour and glory to Us, the Elohim of Heaven, around the world. Sadly, because they do not watch other Christian programmes except 3ABN, they do not know what I am doing around the world. Neither do they know the mighty workings of the Ruach Ha Kodesh throughout the earth and what He is doing in the life of so many of Our children as the countdown for My Coming rapidly draws closer.

Although there is a resistance to the move of the Ruach Ha Kodesh in the SDA Church, He is working and moving upon the hearts of many individuals and causing a stir within them. Such ones are convinced in their spirits and want to see His power in operation and want to be spiritually fed. They want more than just going to church week after week to attend, in many cases, lifeless church services where they do not receive the blessings or spiritual food they need and seek. Members are away from Church six days per week and on Sabbaths when they attend the services, they want to receive nourishing spiritual food and the blessings that We, the Elohim of Heaven, give.

Members with a yearning desire want to see the manifest power of the Ruach Ha Kodesh in the Church and to be a part of what He is doing in the world. Many are dissatisfied, or are becoming dissatisfied with the cold, dead worship in many of the churches and the lack of the manifestation of the power of the Ruach Ha Kodesh through signs and wonders in their midst. These members are tired of the routine, tradition, lack of love and the manifestations of the “works of the flesh” which are so prevalent in many of the churches.

These dissatisfied ones are spiritually hungry and many are dying from spiritual starvation. They are hungering and thirsting for My Word and are craving to see tangible evidence of My presence and that of the Ruach Ha Kodesh among them. For this reason many of the members go from church to church when there are visiting preachers to listen to them, with the hope that their spiritual hunger will be satisfied. Whereas they go seeking My holy presence and that of the Ruach Ha Kodesh, they find neither. Thus they go away disappointed and suffering from spiritual indigestion due to the poor spiritual food which they often receive.

This spiritual starvation coupled with their dissatisfaction and disappointment at the failure of the Church to meet their spiritual needs, are causing many in the Church to seek a more profitable and satisfying form of worship. They want more than the weekly exercise of just attending church as a routine Sabbath after Sabbath. They want to worship Us, the Heavenly Trinity, in spirit and in truth. They want to spend time in Our presence worshipping and praising Us, their Elohim, instead of just singing two or three lifeless songs and then listening to a similar message in which Our Names and Word are seldom mentioned.

These dissatisfied members want to spend more time fasting and praying and to be drawn closer to Us, their Elohim. They want to see more than just preaching! They want to see Our power manifested among them and to be actively engaged in doing what I have commanded in My Word: i.e. the preaching of the Gospel of the Kingdom, healing the sick, cleansing the lepers, casting out demons and raising the dead.

These members want a purpose in life and to be sure that We, the Elohim of Heaven, are REAL and that We are not just a figment of the imagination!! They want to be prepared and ready for My Soon Return and to hear more messages preached about it. They want a real and personal relationship with Yahweh, their Father, and with the Ruach Ha Kodesh and with Myself, Yahushua. Likewise, they also want to experience Our power through the performance of signs and wonders in their midst. They do not want an Elohim Who seems far away and Who is useless, helpless and impotent!! They want to know Us, their Elohim and to be assured that We are there for them at all times. They want to know they are not just paying Tithes and giving offerings in vain!!

My people want to worship Yahweh, their Father, the Ruach Ha Kodesh and Myself, Yahushua, in spirit and in truth. This is their right and they should not be denied the worship they deserve and seek because of the Church’s stance and routine way of worship. Whenever these members go to the church services, they want to worship Us freely and do not want to be restricted, prevented or to be confined in straitjackets! They want to feel the presence of the Ruach Ha Kodesh and to have Us, their Elohim, in their midst electrifying the atmosphere! They want to worship and be blessed in their spirits, their souls and their bodies.

Time should also be given in the worship Service each week to worship Us, their Elohim, according to the worship which is given to Us, the Godhead. Part of the worship that is given to Us in Heaven by the heavenly host is recorded in Revelation 4: 8-11; 5: 11-14; 7: 9-12, Revelation 19: 1-7. Therefore, let the Church begin to pattern her worship services after what is written in the Scriptures, including that which is written in Psalm 148-150. Let her also allow the Ruach Ha Kodesh to be in full control. Thus My followers will be joyous in worship and will be blessed.

NB: Scriptures used in this Post are taken from the KJV of the Bible