Thursday, 29 January 2009


St. John 14:12-14

“Verily, verily I say unto you he who believes in Me
The works that I do, he will also do;
And greater works than I do Will he do;
Because I go to My Father.
And whatsoever you will ask in My name I will do
That the Father will be glorified in the Son.”

Gracious Father, Yahweh, in the Name of Yahushua, please fill us with the Ruach Ha Kodesh, Your Holy Spirit
And give us His power as You gave to Adam, father of the race.
The same power we plead that was in Enoch, Seth and Noah;
And their off-springs, Abraham, Isaac and Israel, Your saints.
For they kept Your Name alive in the earth in their day
And the Ruach Ha Kodesh was in them and worked His wonders.

Then there was Joseph, who went to Egypt and refused to sin;
Whom You promoted to be Prime minister of that land,
Because the Ruach Ha Kodesh was in him and through him saved
His father’s household and world from hunger so long ago.
Oh loving Father, Yahweh, in the Name of Yahushua, please bless us as
You blessed them
And fill us too with Your Holy Spirit, the Ruach Ha Kodesh, and do Your work in us, also, we pray.

Great Yahweh, our Father, You filled the man, Moses, with the Ruach Ha Kodesh,
And through him and his brother, Aaron, worked great miracles
And wonders before the mighty Pharaoh and his people,
Until they were sore afraid and trembled without control.
Then You brought Your children out of Egypt with a mighty hand;
While You caused Pharaoh and his army to drown in the sea.

The Judges: Gideon, Jephthah, Deborah and others like them
Were greatly filled with the Ruach Ha Kodesh so that they delivered Israel
From their enemies round about when they turned and cried to You.
Kind Father, Yahweh, You chose the boy, David, and filled him with
the Ruach Ha Kodesh, Your Holy Spirit;
And also Solomon, his son, so that there were no king like him whom
You blessed with great wisdom, knowledge, understanding and riches.

Yes Elohim, Yahweh, our Father, Your Holy Spirit, the Ruach Ha Kodesh was in Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel Daniel,
Amos and all the prophets of old, as their works still testify.
When our Saviour, Yahushua, came You were in Him and with Him always
And wrought Your great miracles, signs and wonders in the land;
So that multitudes thronged Him for they had never heard or seen
Anyone teach and preach or do the wondrous works which He did.

Loving Yahushua, You knew the power and importance of the Ruach Ha Kodesh
And told Your disciples that You had to return to Yahweh, Your Father,
Whom You would ask to send them the same Ruach Ha Kodesh, the Holy Spirit.
Ten days after You returned to Your heavenly Father, Yahweh,
the Ruach Ha Kodesh came
As a rushing mighty wind and filled the house where the disciples sat
As He sat upon them as tongues of fire, so that they spoke with tongues (Acts 2:1-3).

Those disciples were filled and empowered by the Ruach Ha Kodesh,
Our Elohim here upon earth, so that they did many mighty works:
In His power, Peter and John commanded the cripple man to walk
And he who had never walked went leaping and jumping for joy.
The shadow of Peter healed many as he walked by the way
For he was empowered by the Ruach Ha Kodesh.

Stephen, the Deacon, was filled with the Ruach Ha Kodesh and did many miracles.
Unafraid, he rebuked the enemies of Yahushua and was stoned to death.
Philip was greatly anointed by the Ruach Ha Kodesh so that through him
many miracles were wrought.
Led of the Ruach Ha Kodesh he taught the Ethiopian Eunuch the way of salvation.
Saul, the persecutor, was converted, then his name was changed to Paul
And being filled, taught and anointed the Ruach Ha Kodesh, hankies from him healed the sick.

Elohim Yahweh, our Father, in the Name of Yahushua and through the power of Ruach Ha Kodesh, Your Holy Spirit,
Ever since the Day of Pentecost, You continue to work in the lives of men
And women, performing mighty miracles, signs and wonders in this world.
So loving Father, Yahweh, we ask You in Yahushua’s Name to give us, too,
Your Holy Spirit, the Ruach Ha Kodesh;
That like your prophets, judges, apostles of old and many others,
We, too, will do great and mighty works through His power and give You the glory, for Yahushua said:

“Verily, verily I say unto you he who believes in Me
The work that I do, he will also do;
And greater works than I do Will he do;
Because I go to My Father.
And whatsoever you will ask in My name I will do
That the Father will be glorified in the Son.”

--EBR. Darrel-Asherel©2009

Tuesday, 13 January 2009





The message of Salvation and of My Soon Return MUST be told to the entire world before I, Yahushua Ha Mashiach, Return to this world. Therefore, I am using everything at My disposal to make it known throughout the earth, including the use of satellites which have no ports, borders or restrictions. I am also using all who will yield themselves to be used as My messengers of the Good News of Salvation because I am no respecter of persons.

I, Yahushua, am appearing to many, especially in Moslem lands and proving to them that I am Yahushua the ONLY SAVIOUR of the world. I have also brought back many from the dead in recent years to tell of My soon Return and also to tell of their experiences of what took place after their deaths. They are also telling that there is a place called HELL and that there is indeed a place called HEAVEN, which is very real places. Whereas the people will not listen to those who preach My Word and refuse to accept Me, Yahushua, in their lives; they are listening to those who are brought back from the dead, including many witches and others from the realm of Satan.


A Buddhist monk who rose up from his pyre just before it was lit and gave the message I had given to him to the thousands who had gathered for his funeral. Today he continues to proclaim the message of salvation and of My soon return.

Ian McCormack, a New Zealander, who was stung by deadly jelly fishes in Mauritius and died. He was not a Christian but I met him on his death bed, converted and saved His soul. After His spirit and soul had departed from his body, I took him to Hell where he would have spent the rest of eternity, had he not repented just before he died. Then I took him out of that place of darkness and torment and transported him to Heaven, where I dwell, and showed him its glories and what awaits My followers. I gave back his life to him and sent him back to the world to bear testimony of Me, Yahushua; to tell of his experience both in Hell and in Heaven; to inform the world of My imminent Second Coming and to lead men and women, boys and girls to Me, their Saviour.

My servant, Ian McCormack, since his death and resurrection in 1982, has been to many countries telling his resurrection story and about what he experienced in death. He is also faithfully giving the message of My imminent return. His story is on the Video entitled, “A Glimpse of Eternity”.

Dr George Rodonaia, a Russian Jew, who was a scientist and avowed Atheist, was deliberately mowed down by a car in Russia and killed during the Communist regime. I, Yahushua, converted him during his death (because his spirit had not died). Then I resurrected him after three days and sent him back with the message of My imminent Return. Today he, too, is witnessing for Me and telling his story of what took place after he died and of his resurrection. He is also giving the Message which I gave him for the world, i.e. that I am ready to Return to this world for all those who have accepted Me, Yahushua, as their Saviour and to encourage the people to be ready for My imminent return. His story is included on the video “To Hell and Back” recorded by the Trinity Broadcasting Network based in America.

There is also the story of the Nigerian pastor, Pastor Daniel Ekechukwu, who died in a fatal car accident in December 2001 and was embalmed for burial. I resurrected him after three days in answer to the Rich man’s request (Luke 16: 19-31). Then I, Yahushua Ha Mashiach, sent him back to give the Message that I am ready to Return for followers. He, too, is telling of the wonderful experiences he had in Heaven where I dwell. He is also telling of the horrors, torments and sufferings which he saw when he was given a tour of Hell. Since the resurrection of Pastor Daniel Ekechukwu, the Ruach Ha Kodesh has been moving mightily in Nigeria and He has led millions of people in that country to give their lives to Me, Yahushua. The story of Pastor Daniel Ekechukwu is on the video: “Raised From the Dead”, from Reinhard Bonnke’s Ministries.

The distributors of these videos are as follows:

Chapel Lane, Hampton Bishop, Hereford, HR1 4JR UK.
Tel: (01432) 870437; Fax: (01432) 870430.

TBN. P.O. Box A, Santa Ana, CA92711

Ian McCormack, St Pauls
DVD, CD or Video From:
FCS Sound Services Ltd.
Phone 0845 120 4925
Web Site:

These stories of the dead being resurrected will become more widespread as the time draws nearer to My Return to this world.


This is NOT the time for the SDA Church to live in a world of make-believe and to be asleep with the false idea that she is safe and secure. These are very serious times which the world is passing through. She needs to be fully awake and be on the alert like many other Christians. She needs to draw close to Us, her Elohim: Yahweh, Yahushua and the Ruach Ha Kodesh and to spend time in fasting and prayer, whereby she can be filled spiritually, get the help and support she needs, live a life that is patterned after My life and thus make her calling and election sure.

My Coming is at hand and for this reason Satan has the eyes of the SDA Church blinded by trivialities and things which do not matter. The terrible things including the great disasters, acts of terrorism, man’s inhumanity to man, the economic crisis facing the world and the severe persecution and martyrdom of My followers in many lands, are all clear signs of My Soon Return. However, they are looked upon as normal occurrences and are thus taken for granted. This is similar to the people of Noah's day who watched the ark being built and took it for granted. Those Antediluvians remained hardened, complacent and insensitive even when the animals and other creatures were going into the ark for safety. Likewise, when the Angels went to Sodom to destroy it they had to take Lot’s two daughters forcefully by their hands and lead them to safety out of Sodom. In spite of the Angels’ effort to save them, Lot's wife died because her soul was still in Sodom.

This is the same thing that is happening in the SDA Church. The majority of members are too caught up in the world and are misreading the signs all around them. They are too blind and at ease to see the things which are happening. They are secure in the thought that they alone have “truth”; that they are My special people and the only ones who will be saved. Deceived by this false security, they are eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage and carrying on with their own business, just as the antediluvians did. Unless the SDA Church wakes up and comes to her senses, she will experience a similar thing as the antediluvians did. Thus she, too, will realise her plight when it is far too late!

It is time, high time that you, the Leaders, ministers and members of the SDA Church wake up to what is taking place in the earth and put off the façade of self-righteousness which blankets the Church and turn to Me, Yahushua Ha Mashiach, with all your hearts. It is very important that you do so because I, Yahushua, am Coming Soon, much sooner than you dare to believe.

I, your Creator and Saviour, Yahushua Ha Mashiach, am Coming for a Church that is ready and waiting. I am Coming to fulfil My Promise in John 14: 1-3 which I made before I went to the Cross and was crucified. I am Coming for those who have accepted My Death for them and are yearning and longing for My Soon Return. I am Coming to put an end to Satan, his demons, Sin and sinners and to bring an end to human misery, as well as to end the misery of all My other creatures which share Planet Earth. I am Coming to bring in peace and everlasting righteousness and restore this world to its Edenic beauty and tranquillity.

The Church must be made aware that although I am Coming Soon, she may meet Me sooner than at My Second Coming. Therefore, she MUST be ready to meet Me at all times because as soon as a person dies his/her fate is fixed. At that time the soul either comes to Me, Yahushua, in Heaven and continues the rest of eternity, or goes to Satan in Hell and continues the rest of eternity there.

I, Yahushua Ha Mashiach, the Life Giver, have resurrected many people from the dead and sent them back to give the message of My soon Return. Due to their testimonies many people are accepting Me, Yahushua, as their Adonai (Lord) and Saviour.

Many people around the world are also waking up for they realise just how serious the times are. Unfortunately the same cannot be said of the SDA Church because she is too much at ease, too smug in her self-righteousness and too blind to see the unusual things which are happening all around her. I, Yahushua, want you, the Leaders of the Church, and those over whom you have charge, to prepare the people so that as a Church you too can be ready and waiting along with the rest of those in My Body for My glorious Second Coming.

Therefore, as Leaders you need to set aside time for fasting and prayer to seek after righteousness. You need to know the Ruach Ha Kodesh and to be empowered by Him. You are to call the pastors and others who are employed by the Church and encourage them to also fast and pray and seek after righteousness. In turn the pastors are to call the churches in which they minister throughout the entire world to do likewise.

During these special times of fasting and prayer, everyone is to pray to Elohim Yahweh, in My Name, Yahushua. Then with the divine power of the Ruach Ha Kodesh He will intervene and break the power of Satan from over the Church and deliver the members from his power and control.

Everyone should go into prayer and pray for a willing heart to be obedient to ALL My commands which includes the works I did and left for My followers to do (Matthew 10: 7, 8). They must pray for the Ruach Ha Kodesh to take over and empower and anoint each person in the Church, as He empowered and anointed Me, Yahushua, while I was upon Earth. Under His anointing they will be equipped to minister before Me and be prepared and ready for My Soon Return.

This is NOT the time for the leaders, ministry and members to fight the Ruach Ha Kodesh and to say what they “believe" from what they do not “believe” concerning what is written in My Word. It does not matter whether they “believe” or do not “believe” because their beliefs will not alter, annul or change one jot or tittle from My Word.

Leaders, you along with the pastors (with the help of the Ruach Ha Kodesh) MUST obey ALL the instructions and commands I have given in My Holy Word. You must also educate the members to do the same. Partial obedience to My commands, instructions and requirements, will not do. Partial obedience IS STILL DISOBEDIENCE!!

Please remember My words:

“Ye are my friends, if ye do whatsoever I command you”. John 15: 14.

Presidents of the various Conferences, Unions and Missions of the SDA Church:

This is My Message to you through My elected ambassador. You may reject it, thinking that this is her work and that it has nothing to do with Me, Yahushua Ha Mashiach, the One Who died for this world. That was also the attitude of Israel to many of the messages I sent her through My prophets but they paid the price every time they rejected the messages I sent them.

I, Yahushua, have sent this Message to the leadership of the Church. You are over My flock and the changes which are needed in My Church, rest upon you. You may reject it and cast it aside as you have done with Messages in the past since you believe you have the writings of the late Mrs Ellen G. White. Please realise that to reject the Messages which I send out of My great love and concern, through My delegated messengers, is to spit in My face and kick Me in My mouth!! It is also to seal your own doom and to witness against you in the final Judgment when those who are not saved in My Kingdom of Glory will be judged around the great white throne!!

I, Yahushua Ha Mashiach, am not cut off from the world as I am made out to be by the SDA Church. I am acutely aware of all that is happening in the entire earth and in My Body, the Church. In many of the other ministries and churches I am able to speak to them through My designated prophets and prophetesses. However, it is not so with the SDA Church because she has cut herself off from the rest of My Body and has shut Me, her Saviour, out of her life. The Church has also rejected the Ruach Ha Kodesh, Whom I asked Elohim Yahweh, the Father, to send to My Church almost 2000 years ago. Likewise, because the Church believes that the ONLY prophet she has, is my late servant, Ellen G. White, who died in 1915.

The Church adheres to this belief in spite of what is written in My Word in Joel 2: 28, 29:

“And it shall come to pass afterward, that I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh; and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see visions: And also upon the servants and upon the handmaids in those days will I pour out my spirit”.(KJV).

Once again I am making another attempt to get My Message of Warning to you, the Leaders of the Church, through the same method I have always used, the human connection. Therefore, its acceptance or rejection; or its success or failure rests upon you the Leaders, and with that will go My reward for good or ill.

I, Yahushua Ha Mashiach (Jesus Christ), have taken time to send you, the Leaders of the Church, this Message so that it can be shared with the entire body of the Church. It is sent because of My love for you and the members of the SDA Church. This Message has been stern at times and repetitive in parts but it is for emphasis because I want to get certain points over to you. Stern though it is in parts, it is not sent to condemn. It is for the Church to examine herself and make amends; remembering that those whom I love, I rebuke and chasten in order that they may repent before it is too late (Rev. 3:19).

I, Yahushua Ha Mashiach, Who left My Throne in Glory, Came to the sinful world and Suffered and Died for the Sins of the world, have spoken through Elohim Ruach Ha Kodesh, Who, in turn, spoke through My messenger and friend, Benita.

Leaders in the SDA Church, take heed to what you read in this Message and in My Word, the Sacred Scriptures. I have sent you this Message out of My great love for the Church and in response to all those who are interceding before Elohim Yahweh, their Father, in the various churches on her behalf.

I, King Yahushua, am Coming for My entire Church of which the Seventh-Day Adventist Church is a member. There are many faithful people in the SDA Church who love Me dearly but who are misguided in many things. These, My followers, must be enlightened so that they can make the necessary changes in their lives through the help of the Ruach Ha Kodesh, Who is Elohim upon the earth, and be prepared to meet Me, their Saviour, at all times.

The time has come for Me, Yahushua, to fulfil My Promise in St. John 14:1-3:

“Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in [Yahweh] God, believe also in me. In my Fathers house are many mansions: if it were not so I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again" and receive you unto myself; that where I am" there ye may be also”.

And finally:

“. . . behold, I come quickly; and my reward is with me, to give every man according as his work shall be.” Revelation 22: 12.

Leaders of the SDA Church:

Please remember that I, Yahushua Ha Mashiach, have overcome the world and My Promise to Return for My followers will soon be a reality. I am coming back for My entire Church, My Body, of whom the SDA Church is also a member.

I am Yahushua Ha Mashiach, your Saviour, Who suffered and Died for the sins of this world; Rose from the Dead and Ascended on High. I am now ready to Return for all those who have accepted Me as their Saviour and Adonai. Therefore, to each one I say:


NB: Scriptures used in this Post are taken from the KJV of the Bible

Monday, 12 January 2009





The changes which are to be made in the Church include:

She realises that the Ruach Ha Kodesh (the Holy Spirit) is Elohim here upon earth, Whom Elohim Yahweh, the Father, sent to be Comforter, Teacher, Helper and Guide and My Witness Who will reveal My Will. The Elohim Who will always be with the believers and give to them His wisdom, knowledge and understanding, as well as power to the believers and to do His mighty acts, among His many roles (John 14: 16-17, 26; John 15:26; Isaiah 11:2).

She should know and understand that He is a Person who is equal with Elohim Yahweh and Me, Yahushua, and Who should not be slighted or ignored but should be given the respect and reverence which are due to Him (Matthew 3:16, 17).

Allow the Ruach Ha Kodesh to come in and do His work as Elohim.

Educate the members that the Ruach Ha Kodesh is Elohim, the Third Person in the Godhead, Whose roles are important in the Church and in each individual life.

Show reverent respect to the Ruach Ha Kodesh and address Him by His Name and not by the derogatory term, “IT”.

The SDA Church should understand that the Ruach Ha Kodesh is no respecter of persons and chooses and uses whom He wills to reveal My will as it is recorded in Joel 2: 28, 29.

The Church MUST also wake up to the fact that the Ruach Ha Kodesh did not die with the deceased Mrs Ellen G. White. Likewise, that He is not confined to her, nor are her writings the Spirit of Prophecy. The Church MUST understand that He, the RUACH HAKODESH IS THE SPIRIT OF PROPHECY and NOT the writings of the late Mrs Ellen G White (Revelation 19:10; 1 Corinthians 12:10).

The Church MUST STOP committing BLASPHEMY AGAINST THE RUACH HA KODESH by ascribing to Satan the miracles of healing and others miracles which He does in my Name through My followers (Matthew 12: 25-32).

That she allows the Ruach Ha Kodesh to do His work un-molested and unhindered through whom He chooses and when He chooses to do so. Likewise, the Church should not frustrate or hinder the Ruach Ha Kodesh from doing His work through signs and wonders, healing and deliverance in the Church (Acts 2: 14-19; Acts 3: 3-16; Acts 5: 5-12; Acts 19: 1-6; 11-19).

That her members know and understand what it is to be “slain in the Spirit”! That to be “slain” is not satanic, demonic or mesmerism. Neither is the one “slain” pushed over by the minister through whom the Ruach Ha Kodesh is working. They should be made to realise that those who are slain, go down under the power of the Ruach Ha Kodesh during which time He ministers to them according to their needs.

Leaders, ministers and members are to pray to be baptised with the Ruach Ha Kodesh and for His spiritual gifts to be in their lives, including the gift of praying in new tongues, which is the prayer language of Heaven and not “Gibberish” as it is often described by many un the SDA Church (Acts 1: 5; 1 Corinthians 12: 1-11; Mark 16: 17).

Once the gift is given then each one who receives it should begin to pray in the “spirit” and “in the Holy Ghost” (1 Corinthians 14: 14,15; Jude 20). This precious gift should not be ignored, frowned upon or referred to as “Gibberish” but should be adopted as an important part of one’s prayer life.

The Church must set aside time to give true worship to Us: Elohim Yahweh, the Father, the Ruach Ha Kodesh and Me, Yahushua Ha Mashiach. She should also acknowledge that We Co-Exist and work Together at all times and in all things, including the Plan of Redemption.

She should spend quality time when she meets for worship, worshipping Us: Elohim Yahweh, Yahushua Ha Mashiach and the Ruach Ha Kodesh, with songs of praise and worship, accompanied by the instruments of music, where this is possible. The worshippers should also be allowed and encouraged to worship before Us, their Elohim (without criticism or snide looks and remarks) with singing, the clapping and lifting up of their hands, as they express themselves joyfully, including reverent dancing (Psalm 149: 3; 150: 4) before Us, when it is appropriate to do so. Then let them also learn what it is to tarry in Our Presence, to receive Our blessings and see Our power at work.

The SDA Church should educate her members on What it is to be “born again”; to be “baptised with the Holy Ghost”; to “pray in the spirit” and “in the Holy Ghost”. The members also need to know What it is to “be saved” and to be “empowered by the Ruach Ha Kodesh” (John 3:3, 5-8; Act 1: 5; Ephesians 6: 18; Jude 20; Ephesians 2:8; Acts 1: 8).

The Church should fulfil her duty and make the topic of the “Spirit”, the “Soul” and the “Body” an important subject and ensure that it is taught. Likewise, she is to ensure that the members know that they have an immortal spirit and soul, which do not die along with the body (1 Thessalonians 5: 23; 2 Corinthians 5: 1-8; Philippians 1: 21-23; John 11: 25, 26; Luke 16: 12-31).

She should also ensure that her members are fully aware of what happens to their spirits and souls once they vacate their bodies at death.

The Church should endeavour to firmly impress upon each member that his/her eternal salvation must be secured while they are still in their mortal bodies in this world.

The Church is to ensure that her members know that everyone MUST be prepared and ready to meet Me, Yahushua, at all times because as soon as they die, their probation is not only closed but that they begin the rest of eternity immediately.

This matter that the soul does not die with the body but begins the rest of eternity at the death of the body, is contrary to what the Church believes and teaches. However, she MUST bring her teachings and beliefs in line with My Word.

The Church’s belief is that at death the deceased righteous sleeps until My Return for them; while the lost continue to sleep on until My Third Coming, when they will face the Final Judgment and be destroyed in the Lake of fire. Thus she believes a person is just the mortal, physical body alone. Due to her teachings and belief that a person is “body” plus the “breath”, which constitutes the soul; she has never taught on the SPIRITUAL BEING, or the TRUE PERSON, THE INNER SELF!! This is the IMMORTAL SPIRIT and includes both the SPIRIT and the SOUL, which inhabits the body during the lifetime of each individual and continues its existence when the body dies.

It is time, however, the SDA Church begin to teach the truth about the THREE DISTINCT BEINGS of man: The SPIRIT, the SOUL and the BODY (1 Thessalonians 5:23). Whereas, at death, the body goes back to its dust and knows nothing (Psalm 146:4; Job 14:21); the real person, the spirit of man (the spirit and the soul, the true person and the part of the being which constitutes the feelings, the emotions, the will and the intellect, which makes the decision during the lifetime for good or for ill) does not die. Instead it goes either to Heaven to be with Us, their Elohim, or it goes to Hell and torment, where it awaits the final Judgment (Luke 16: 19-31; 2 Corinthians 5: 1-8; Revelation 6:9-11). It is the part of the being which I, Yahushua, referred to in John 11: 25-26, that does not die.

The SDA Church should encourage her members to put away sin and all the “works of the flesh” (Galatians 5: 19-21), with the help of the Ruach Ha Kodesh, Who will enable them to live lives of holiness. They are also to be encouraged to pray to Yahweh, their Father, to be filled with the Ruach Ha Kodesh and to have His “fruit” and His “gifts” in their lives (1 Corinthians 12: 8-11; Galatians 5: 22-23).

There must be special care given to the children and young people in her midst, ensuring that the right example is set before them.

The Church MUST put away her prejudice, criticisms, condemnation, pride, arrogance and the misconceptions she harbours against other Christians.

This change of attitude should first begin with the pastors, some of whom are the worst offenders in this matter. These traits from the kingdom of Satan MUST come to an end. They should not once be named in the Church that is called by My name, Yahushua!

The SDA Church should begin to interact with other Christians and work together with them to finish the Gospel Commission throughout the world and put away the “Cult” mentality she has developed.

She MUST accept the fact that I, Yahushua Ha Mashiach (Jesus Christ) died for the entire world and that all who love Me and are called by My Name (not by religion or denomination) will be saved (John 3:16; John 6: 37-40).

She MUST Change her misconception that she is the ONLY TRUE CHURCH, which will be saved in My kingdom. She must also change her mindset that “all other sheep” who are not from her denomination, will have to join her or they will be lost to Satan and his host.

The SDA Church should place less emphasis on the Sabbath and should not judge others by it. She should look upon the TEN COMMANDMENTS (which I came down from Heaven and spoke in the hearing of the children of Israel and then wrote them with My own finger on tables of stone) and see that all are important and NOT JUST THE 4th COMMANDMENT ALONE!! She should also be aware that the keeping of the Sabbath, having the “Advent Truth”, the “Three Angels’ Messages”, and the “Truth” will be of no avail to her, unless she does what I have commanded in the following passage of Scripture:

“Thou shalt love [Yahweh thy Elohim] the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself; On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophet”. Matthew 22: 37-40. (KJV).

The Church should also be fully aware that keeping the Seventh-day Sabbath and going to Church on the Sabbath, Saturday, without My love and being “born again”, WILL NOT save anyone from Hell and the Lake of fire and brimstone.

The Church MUST STOP criticising, judging and condemning other Christians. Neither should she place herself on a pedestal and elevate herself above others in My Body; nor should she consider herself to be more righteous than they are. She must leave all judgment to Me, Yahushua, and know that it was I who Died for them because of My great love for them. Therefore, she should not take it upon herself to criticise, judge and condemn them. She must learn that such negative traits are NOT “gifts” or “fruit” of the Spirit. Instead, they are the works of Satan, the Adversary!

The SDA Church MUST learn that by her words she will be justified or condemned and that it is what comes from the mouth that defiles a person (Matthew 12:37; 15: 17- 20).

She should also realise that Satan is the accuser of the brethren. Therefore, when she takes it upon herself to despise and condemn others who are not of her faith, she is doing the work of Satan. Thus she declares to the world that he is indeed her true god, in accordance with Romans 6:16.

The Church should NOT encourage the “works of the flesh” (Gal. 5:19-21) to thrive in her midst and should learn the importance of Forgiveness.

She is to encourage the “fruit of the Spirit” in all her members and endeavour with the help of the Ruach Ha Kodesh practise all nine segments of His “fruit”, the main segment being that of “LOVE”!!

The SDA Church MUST learn to rebuke sin, sinners and evildoers. This should be done in love. She should not be afraid to put out of her midst those who refuse to comply and bring their lives in harmony with My divine will.

The Church MUST eat less and spend more time in fasting and prayer.

She should encourage her members to devote time to study My Word (rather than just the Sabbath School Lesson, to which many have grown accustomed) each day and to develop an intimate relationship with Us: Yahweh, Yahushua and the Ruach Ha Kodesh, through prayer.

All who become members of the SDA Church should make open confession before the local congregations as evidence that they have truly accepted Me, Yahushua, as Saviour and Lord in accordance with Romans 10: 9, 10.

All new converts should be made to say the Sinner’s Prayer, in accordance with Romans 10: 9, 10. They should also make open confession of Me, Yahushua, as their Lord and Saviour; as well as declare audibly, that they are “born again”!

All members and new converts are to be encouraged to be baptised with the Ruach Ha Kodesh and by Me, Yahushua, because I am the Baptiser (Matthew 3: 11). After they are baptised with the Ruach Ha Kodesh and He has given them His power, they are to be encouraged to exercise the spiritual gifts they are given to benefit their own local church and farther afield.

All who have truly given their hearts to Me, Yahushua, and accepted Me as their Saviour and Adonai (Lord), should know that We, the Elohim of Heaven and Earth and all other Planets: Yahweh, Yahushua and the Ruach Ha Kodesh, live and dwell with them, therefore, they are not left on their own (John 14: 16-18, 23).

All members, including the children and youth, are to use the gifts they are given to bless their individual churches, as well as others. Therefore, it should not be just a few persons (who are considered the favourite ones) who should be selected and chosen to use their gifts and talents in their churches.

The Church should NOT be a safe haven for evildoers to hide and to practise their evil deeds. Therefore, she should pray for the gift of “Discerning of spirits” so that the Ruach Ha Kodesh can reveal who such ones are. When revealed, they are to be dealt with firmly and there should be no compromise with Satan and his host.

She should encourage every member to work for the salvation of others and to help those who are in need, as much as lies in their power. It is her duty to “make disciples of all nations” and to lead them to Me, Yahushua (Matthew 28: 19).

The Church should practise hospitality and should teach her members to do likewise. Thus they could unknowingly entertain angels. SELFISHNESS IS A SIN and should be discouraged; therefore, let the members practise kindness and generosity as much as possible.

No longer should the SDA Church use the text in Isaiah 8: 20, as a measuring rod to measure, judge and condemn other Christians, who are not Seventh-Day Adventists and accuse them of having “no light” (Isaiah 8:20)! It is not for her to decide who will be saved in My Kingdom and who will not. My Father, Yahweh, has not given Judgment to her, therefore, it is NOT her duty to presumptuously assume such a role. Her duty is to do what I have commanded all believers to do in Matthew 28: 19, 20; Matthew 20: 7, 8, Mark 16: 15-18 and other Scriptures; as well as examine herself and make her own calling and election sure (2 Peter 1: 10). Therefore she should leave judgment to Me, Yahushua, Who died for the sins of the world.

The Church should ensure that she is NOT controlled by a religious spirit but by the Ruach Ha Kodesh. Therefore, she should fast and pray and ask Yahweh to give her the Ruach Ha Kodesh (Luke 11:13). In turn, she is to yield herself to His control so that He can empower her pastors and members alike and for His anointing to flow in all her churches.

The entire SDA Church should humble herself before Me, Yahushua, and seek My face. She should endeavour and ensure that she does not portray herself as a strange “Cult” or a weekly “Club” that is without purpose or discipline!

The Church should take seriously the matter of those who seek to become members through Baptism by Immersion and ensure that no one is rushed into baptism to make up numbers. She is to ensure that all candidates have accepted Me, Yahushua, as their Saviour and that they are “born again”. She should also ensure that she asks Me, Yahushua Ha Mashiach, to baptise each one with the Ruach Ha Kodesh at the point of their conversion. They should then be baptised by Immersion.

All newly baptised members are not to be left alone to struggle spiritually. They should be followed up and given spiritual guardians (men and women in whom is the Ruach Ha Kodesh) Who will be with them and give them the help they need in their new found faith.

The Church must ensure that her members and converts understand that baptism by immersion is not being “being born”! and that it does not save anyone. Baptism by immersion is to “fulfil all righteous” (St. Matthew 3:15), and to openly declare that those who do, have chosen to accept Me, Yahushua, as Saviour and Adonai (Lord). It is also evidence that they have renounced the world and its sinful ways.

The Church must see her need to be equipped for spiritual warfare and seek the help of the Ruach Ha Kodesh to empower her.

The Church should take seriously the matter of My Return; encourage her members to put sins out of their lives, to live a holy life and be prepared and ready to meet Me, Yahushua, at all times.

The Church should ensure that My imminent Second Coming and the importance of each one being ready for My Return are always kept alive before her members and others who attend her services.





These are serious times and the time of the End of the Age!! I, Yahushua Ha Mashiach, would therefore like to pose the following questions to you, the Leaders, who are over the Church:

  • What are the Vision, Mission and Purpose of the SDA Church?
  • What nourishing spiritual food does she give to the people who attend her Services week after week expecting to be blest and filled at My table?
  • What is she doing to show forth My love to the world? With the exception of preaching, teaching, the Yearly Ingathering Programme to solicit funds for Charitable work, as well as the aid work done through ADRA, Which of My works (healing sicknesses and diseases, casting out devils, cleansing the lepers, restoring sight and hearing, or raising the dead, etc.) which I have commanded My followers to do, is the SDA Church doing to show Our love and compassion to her fellowmen and to prove that We, the Elohim of all flesh: Yahweh, Yahushua and the Ruach Ha Kodesh, are loving, caring and compassionate and that We are not dead or impotent?
  • What is she doing to prepare the six billion souls in the world for My Coming; considering she does not regard the two billion Christians (with the exception of herself) as souls who will be saved?
  • How will the SDA Church reach all of this ocean of people, considering that the few members who work to bring souls to My kingdom are equivalent to a teaspoon in that vast ocean of humanity?
  • What is she doing to keep her members from apostatising due to her exclusiveness, tradition and dull religion?
  • What is she doing to show forth Our praise and give Us, her Elohim, the glory?
  • What examples is she setting for others to obey the truths in My Word and the commands I laid down for them?
  • How does she regard others, especially those who are not members of her denomination?
  • How would it be for her if I, Yahushua Ha Mashiach, should come today? Would she be ready and could I say to her:

    “Well done good and faithful servant, enter into My joy, the joy of your Elohim?”(Matthew 25:21.)


Leaders, you and others in similar positions of leadership are the Watchmen! As Watchmen over My flock, you carry great responsibilities for the following Scriptures still apply to you who are over My people: Ezekiel 3:17-21; Ezekiel 33: 2-9; Ezekiel 34:2-10; Jeremiah. 23:1-1-5; Peter 5:2-4; 2 Timothy 4: 2-5.

Let Me, Yahushua, remind you of just one of these passages:

“Son of man, I have made thee a watchman unto the house of Israel: therefore hear the word at my mouth, and give them warning from me. When I say unto the wicked, Thou shalt surely die; and thou givest him not warning, nor speakest to warn the wicked from his wicked way, to save his life; the same wicked man shall die in his iniquity; but his blood will I require at thine hand. Yet if thou warn the wicked, and he turn not from his wickedness, nor from his wicked way, he shall die in his iniquity; but thou hast delivered thy soul. Again, When a righteous man doth turn from his righteousness, and commit iniquity, and I lay a stumblingblock before him, he shall die: because thou hast not given him warning, he shall die in his sin, and his righteousness which he hath done shall not be remembered; but his blood will I require at thine hand. Nevertheless if thou warn the righteous man, that the righteous sin not, and he doth not sin, he shall surely live, because he is warned; also thou hast delivered thy soul”. Ezekiel 3: 17-21. (KJV).

As Leaders, some of you spend much of your time going up and down your conferences and missions listening to problems which are brought about because demons are so prevalent in the Church!! This should not be the case. Your time should be spent more on spiritual things so that you can strengthen and edify the Church and show to them My requirements. Instead of going up and down to sort out the numerous problems and settle issues in the churches, you should be using that time to go up and down, promoting My Second Coming and strengthening the flock.

I, Yahushua, am calling you the Leaders and the entire ministry of the SDA Church to turn to Me and let Me take control of My Church through the power of the Ruach Ha Kodesh (the Holy Spirit). Prejudices, airs of superiority, and the “works of the flesh” MUST be put away from those who are ministers, as well as from the members of the Church. The countdown to My Coming has begun. There is no more time to waste or for the Church to be isolated and steeped in darkness, situations which she has created for herself.


As Leaders, you are at the head of the work and the ministers are under your control. There needs to be repentance, revival and returning to Us, your Elohim, with solemnity and purity of heart! In order for this revival to take place in the Church and for the Ruach Ha Kodesh to bring about the necessary changes, He must first get the attention of you, the Leaders, whereby He can begin the change in you. From you the head, He will be able to do the same with the ministers of the Church. This will be followed by a break out of revival in the churches which will then spread to the Church worldwide.

It is only as the Ruach Ha Kodesh is allowed to work with you, the Leaders, including all members of the administrative staff, pastors and members alike, will He be able to bring about the revival which is needed in the Church. Once He is allowed to begin this there will be a ripple effect which will reach the schools, colleges and universities. Thus a powerful move of the Ruach Ha Kodesh will be seen and experienced in the Church worldwide.

Satan and his hosts will fight this move of revival. However, with My help and the help of the Ruach Ha Kodesh, along with the armies of Heaven, whom We will summon; accompanied by much fasting and prayer by you, the Leaders, the ministry and the membership of the Church, this revival will be accomplished.

The Ruach Ha Kodesh wants to come into the SDA Church to do His righteous works in her midst to prepare the people for Heaven and My soon Return. In order to do so He must be given free access in the Church and HE ALONE MUST BE IN CONTROL!! He wants to put the Church on a spiritual plane whereby many will accept Me, Yahushua as their Adonai (Lord). He also wants to take away the smear which is upon her because of her pride and arrogance, as well as the lack of His power in her midst. It is only when the Ruach Ha Kodesh (the Holy Spirit) is given this free access to do His work will We, the Elohim of Heaven and Earth and of all flesh, will be at the heart of the SDA Church. Only then will she be able to fulfil her role as a part of My Body. Many perishing souls will then see their need to seek My righteousness, accept Me, Yahushua, as their Saviour and be ready for My return.

The Ruach Ha Kodesh is ready to bring about the needed change in the SDA Church; therefore, He is patiently waiting for the invitation and for receptive hearts so that He can begin the necessary change. However, first you, the Leaders, must see the need and be willing to change the course which you have pursued since the Church was organised in 1863. The change, however, must begin with you, who are at the senior Leaders at the top of the Church. Once you are willing, then the Ruach Ha Kodesh will anoint you and use you to educate and prepare the Church, including ministry and members alike to do My work and to be ready and waiting for My Second Coming.





The SDA Church does not keep My Second Coming fresh and alive before the members. It is a subject that is rarely spoken about, though the Church is supposed to be looking for My Soon Return.

My Coming is at hand and much sooner than the Church thinks. Therefore, My Second Coming must always be at the forefront. Let it become a part of the Service each time the Church meets for worship. After the Welcome is given, let the congregation with conviction say to one another:


These words of assurance and encouragement should also be said to each other at the close of the service and whenever they meet and greet one another. They should also be adopted and said when greeting relatives, friends and others.

Let there be more reading of the Scriptures on My Second Coming and more songs sung and poems read, so that it will always be fresh in the minds of the members. Once said, the Ruach Ha Kodesh will awaken a desire in the hearts of the hearers, especially non-Christians, to think seriously about their own souls.


Due to the self-righteous attitude of the SDA Church by which she is convinced that she is the only true church and her prejudice against other denominations, very few of her members watch the Christian Channels. Her members are encouraged to watch the 3BN (The Adventist Broadcasting Network) but many are advised against watching the other Christian Channels.

These Christian Channels are programmes where My Name, Yahushua Ha Mashiach, is uplifted and glorified, though the speakers may vary in some of their doctrines. Differences in doctrines should not deter members in My Body from getting the blessings of the Christian Channels.

The SDA Church members and the ministers, who lead them, should know that no one will be saved by denomination, church, ministries or doctrines. They will only be saved by My love and grace.

Satan does not want the members of the Church to see what I am doing through the Media Ministry. This is because their eyes will be opened to what I am doing in the earth and what is required of them. He knows they will see their need to be drawn closer to Me, Yahushua, their Saviour; that they must be “born again” and be baptised with the Ruach Ha Kodesh and by the Ruach Ha Kodesh. He knows they will be empowered by the Ruach Ha Kodesh to do mighty things in My Name which will place his kingdom under severe attack. Thus they will be snatched from his kingdom of darkness.

Satan knows he has the SDA Church under his control and he is holding her down with an iron plank and his feet upon her neck! Therefore, at the slightest move by her, he bears down with all his weight so that she cannot get away from his hold. That is why he is able to constantly place in her a spirit of arrogance and uses many of her ministers to do his dirty work and speak out against the Christian Channels with the exception of 3ABN.

Whereas many SDA Church members refuse to watch the Christian Channels and readily speak out against them, they do not speak about many of the un-godly and corrupt things they watch on the secular Television Channels. Neither are some of the things they do in their social lives and other areas of their lives, which do not edify them or cause them to grow spiritually, spoken against or discouraged. The carnal nature is gratified and treated as normal and almost everyone can live his or her life the way he/she wants. However, when it comes to programmes on the Christian Channels, which would be beneficial to the members and which would strengthen and help them to grow spiritually, they are spoken against and strongly discouraged because the SDA Church regards herself as having superior Doctrines to others as well as the fact that she worships on the Seventh-Day Sabbath.

The Christian Channels honour, glorify and up-lift Our Name. On those Channels, the Ruach Ha Kodesh empowers and uses many anointed men and women to bless others and to lead hundreds of thousands of people around the world to accept Me, Yahushua, as their Adonai and Saviour.

Through these Channels the works that the Ruach Ha Kodesh is doing in the earth, including the numerous miracles and the personal testimonies of those who received these miracles, are shared. Among happenings, are the stories of those who are resurrected from the dead and those to whom I am now appearing Personally (including children) and telling them of My Soon Return.

Sadly, due to the fact that the Church isolates herself and is so exclusive, she is totally unaware of what I am doing in this world. Likewise, she is unaware just how near My Coming is. As Leaders you need to discourage this negative and soul destroying attitude in the Church and encourage her to get rid of the fear, pride and prejudice which are so prevalent among her and are destroying her.


Satan is angry with My followers who preach and teach My Word and who obey and allow the Ruach Ha Kodesh to empower and use them to do mighty works in My Name when they pray to Yahweh, My Father.

Our work in this world is open for all to see and that is why Satan wants to keep the SDA Church blinded and in darkness in order that she will not do the works I have commanded My followers to do. Among such work are the commands I, Yahushua, gave in Matthew 10: 8:

“Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out devils: freely ye have received, freely give”. (KJV).

And Matthew 28: 19, 20:

“Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father [Yahweh], and of the Son [Yahushua Ha Mashiach] , and of the Holy Ghost [the Ruach Ha Kodesh]: teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I [Yahushua] have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. Amen."(KJV).

And also Mark 16: 15-18:

“Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature. 16 He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned. 17 And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name [Yahushua] shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues; 18 they shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover”. (KJV).

Satan keeps the Church blinded and impotent to his advantage because he does not want her to see Our power being manifested in the world and begin to do the works I have given to the members of My Body; i.e. healing the sick, cleansing the lepers, restoring sight to the blind and hearing to the deaf, healing to those who are crippled, raising the dead and preaching the pure Gospel of the Kingdom. These works are in addition to all other works which I did while I lived upon the earth. In these days far greater works are being done as I promised in John 14: 12-14.

Had the SDA Church obeyed My Word and do the works I, Yahushua, commanded those who love Me, to do (instead of just preaching and teaching); Satan would tremble because many souls would accept Me, Yahushua, as their Saviour and thus they would be delivered and set free from his shackles. Satan does not want such a thing to happen, hence the reason he maintains a firm hold upon the SDA Church and continues to keep her blinded!

Satan's main reason for keeping the church members in darkness, is to make out that Yahweh, their Father, the Ruach Ha Kodesh and Myself, Yahushua, are useless, helpless, impotent, uncaring and unloving. He further deceives them into thinking that as long as they create the habit of attending church week by week, return their tithes and offerings, sing a few songs; sit back and listen to a sermon of sorts and then have a wonderful Sabbath feast, then their places are firmly secured in Heaven and the New Earth.





It is high time for the SDA Church to review her Doctrines and Teachings. The early pioneers wrote the doctrines of the Church with very good intention and according to the knowledge they had. The teachings have remained unchanged since the 1800s. All the Doctrines need reviewing against what is written in the Sacred Scriptures. This includes her teachings on the Antichrist or the Papacy.

The SDA Church has always taught that the Papacy/Roman Catholic Church is the Antichrist. She must now stop all such accusations, otherwise she might find herself being legally challenged. As a Church living in these very serious times, she should be aware that the Papacy is not the enemy which she maligns. It is time she looks from where persecutions and attacks upon those who believe in Me, Yahushua, and who are My followers, are coming from.

My followers are being severely persecuted and martyred in many lands. Those who are suffering persecution the most, are Roman Catholics. These persecutions and martyrdom of My people are not carried out by the Papacy or the Roman Catholic Church. In these times the persecution of My people is occurring in many countries. Among these are some Islamic countries. Islam is on the rise and is very active in many countries and is on course to take the rest of the world that is not yet under Islamic rule and impose Sharia Law. When Islam takes over then those who do not submit to the enforced rule of Law will suffer the consequences because it is a religion of submission and not one of choice. Thus it will be, CONVERT OR DIE!!

As a Church, you have kept your eyes firmly fixed upon the Papacy and fail to see who the real enemies of My people are. It is time that the SDA Church takes her gaze off the Papacy (who is not the enemy) and focus on the real enemy/enemies of My people. Therefore, instead of preaching against the Papacy and maligning her, you should begin to study about Islam and look into its bloody history, its teachings and ideology and what are its aims and plans. It is important that you also bring to mind its terrorist activities over recent years and the security which many countries have in place to counter terrorist activities. Likewise, it is important that you find out how many of My followers have been persecuted and martyred in lands where Islam is in control and the rate at which they are still being persecuted and martyred.

In addition to Islam, there are many others who are severely persecuting My followers in many lands. Among these are Atheistic and pagan and regimes. Through these regimes, millions of My followers have been martyred. There were more Christians martyred during the 20th Century than the previous centuries. Now that the 21st Century has begun, the persecution and martyrdom of My followers have been greatly increased. My servant, Ellisa, will give you just an idea of the scale of persecution since the last Century and up to the present time.

“Over 43 million of Christ’s followers have been martyred since His death – over 50% of them in the last century.
“Over 200 million Christians face daily persecution. 60% are children.
“Over 300 people die each day for their Christian faith.
--World Evangelical Encyclopaedia

The persecution and martyrdom of My followers will continue at a far greater rate, including “religious cleansing” of Christians in many lands, as My coming gets nearer.

Due to the fact that the SDA Church has her eyes focussed upon the Papacy as the “Antichrist”, with the “Beast” with Number “666” (1 John 2:18; Revelation 13); and the Power which she is convinced will persecute the Church; and because she isolates herself from the rest of My followers, she has been deeply asleep and does not know the extent of the persecution and martyrdom which are continually occurring to many of My followers in many lands where I, Yahushua, am held in disdain!! Thus she is unaware of the large numbers of Christians who are being persecuted and martyred in many lands by Atheists, Islamists, Hindus, Buddhists and others. It is only on rare occasions when it is known that any of her members have been abducted or placed on trial for their beliefs or propagating their religion; that she wakes up, takes an interest and sends out prayer requests for the release and safety of such ones.

Due to the fact that the SDA Church is focused on the Papacy as the persecuting power, which will persecute her, she will be awakened to who is the true Antichrist/s when she finds herself the victim of persecution, as some are now experiencing in countries where persecution of My followers are rife.


Church: Look around you, enquire, make diligent search and see where the persecution of My followers are coming from. Soon this persecution of My followers will be on a global scale and you, the Church, will not escape the persecution and slaughter! You will find then that your tormentors and persecutors will NOT BE THE PAPACY but those whom Satan has employed to annihilate My followers.

Among the Doctrines in the Fundamentals of the Seventh–Day Adventist Faith to be Reviewed, are:

No.5: “The work of the Ruach Ha Kodesh”
No.13: “The Prophecy of Daniel 7”
No.20: “The Nature of Man and the State of the Dead”
No.21: “Spiritualism”.

The Church needs to re-study the above teachings and come in line with what is written in My Holy Word. Let her therefore choose some of her scholars, who are consecrated men and women who are willing to be led by the Ruach Ha Kodesh. Then let them prayerfully study the Scriptures so that He can teach, instruct and guide her in order that she can make the changes which are necessary and for the spiritual good of the entire Church.


The SDA Church needs to cast aside her prejudices and fears and embrace other Christians in My Body as her brothers and sisters also. By the deliberate avoidance of others who are in my Body and her exclusiveness, she is destroying herself. Unless she begins to integrate and have fellowship with fellow-Christians, she will write herself out of Heaven and the New Earth because there will be no segregation, exclusiveness or isolation there. Neither will there be separate sections for the different religions. There in Heaven and the New Earth everyone will live in harmony and in unity.

It is time, therefore, that as a Church she begins to unite with others in My Body. Unity in My Body is important. That is the reason I, Yahushua, prayed the Prayer of Unity in John 17. I want all My followers in this world to be united in My Name and to work together to finish the preaching of the Gospel throughout the world. Finally, that same unity will continue in Heaven and the New Earth.

Leaders: I, Yahushua, admonish you to prayerfully study My Prayer in John 17. In turn, you are to teach its importance to the entire church family because the SDA Church also needs to know that she, too, is to be brought into the “unity of the faith”, as is found in Ephesians 4: 1-6, 13:

“I . . .beseech you that ye walk worthy of the vocation wherewith ye are called, With all lowliness and meekness, with longsuffering, forbearing one another in love; Endeavouring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace. There is one body, and one Spirit, even as ye are called in one hope of your calling; One [Adonai] Lord, one faith, one baptism, One [Elohim] God and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in you all. . . .Till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of [Yahweh] God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ”. (KJV).

The SDA Church with the help of the Ruach Ha Kodesh should endeavour to adhere to the admonitions given here in Ephesians 4: 1-6, 13 and the Prayer of Unity which I, Yahushua, prayed in John 17 for all My followers.

Sunday, 11 January 2009





The SDA Church has long dealt upon the matter of the Antichrist. She has taught that Papacy is the Antichrist; the Power which persecuted and killed millions of Christians; changed the Sabbath from Saturday to Sunday, who will again persecute the Church leading up to My Second Coming. Thus SDA members are taught to look upon the Roman Catholic Church as the Antichrist.

Leaders, I, Yahushua, do not need to go into the details about your beliefs and teachings about the Roman Catholic Church because you know the teachings. The Roman Catholic Church is doing everything in her power and with the light that she has to serve and worship Me, Yahushua, her Saviour. She cannot be held responsible for what took place in her history hundreds of years ago. Today she is just as vulnerable as any other Christian denomination and is persecuted and martyred more than any other (because she has a large following) in the countries where My Name is rejected.

The SDA Church must realise that I, Yahushua Ha Mashiach, am the Judge of all the earth because Elohim Yahweh, the Father, has given judgment to me. In spite of that, I do not condemn or judge anyone because it is My Word which will judge the people on the Day of Judgment (John 5:22; John 12: 47, 48).

What right then has the SDA Church to make herself the Judge over the lives of others and to despise and condemn them because they do not belong to her denomination, nor believe as she does? Who gave her the authority to be the judge of others??

The SDA Church has criticised, maligned, condemned and preached against others for far too long. The Roman Catholic Church is her main target. Therefore, it is time she changes her attitude towards others in My Body including the Roman Catholics. It is time that as a Church, she refrains from preaching against her and accusing her of being the Antichrist. I will agree that the Papacy did great atrocities in past centuries but that does not account for the attitude of the SDA Church toward her and her continued criticism, condemnation and suspicion of her.

It is also time that the SDA Church realises that it was not the Roman Catholic Church which was responsible for the evils which were done in past centuries but the Power which was behind her. That Power is the same Power which worked with the Jews to reject Me, Yahushua, and which entered into Judas to betray Me. It was the same Power which entered into some of the Jewish people to condemn Me, Yahushua Ha Mashiach, to death and then to crucify Me. That Power is the same Power behind the SDA Church which has filled her with arrogance and pride and causes her to regard herself as the ONLY TRUE CHURCH and the ONLY CHURCH WITH TRUTH; so that she disregards all others in My Body. It is also the same Power which uses her at times to be a mini persecuting power to some of those in her ranks who are regarded as subordinates!! THAT POWER IS NONE OTHER THAN THE ENEMY, SATAN, HIMSELF.

As SDAs, many of you will frown upon what you are reading and disagree with it. For those who are in disagreement, please consider these questions:
1. What are the Church’s teachings and attitude toward the Papacy and her church, the Roman Catholic Church?

2. How are some of the members, as well as some of her pastors treated when accusations are made against them; or they are regarded as the underdogs by those in the hierarchy or in the local churches?

There are senior officers in leadership who have treated some of their subordinates with no love and much unkindness. Likewise, it is not uncommon for some members of the Church to treat members, including their pastors, cruelly and even to persecute them. One example of the lack of love and persecution relates to the Rwandan War:

During that War when fellow Seventh-Day Adventists who were running for their lives, went to the SDA Churches in Rwanda to seek refuge among their own SDA brethren; it was not My Name, Yahushua, which mattered or brotherly love which prevailed. It was tribal allegiance! Thus right in the churches and among their own fellow Seventh-Day Adventists, those who sought refuge and protection were massacred in the very churches where they worshipped as brethren and sisters.

Another example of just how evil and wicked some SDA Church members can be is as follows:

In one country, leading Seventh-Day Adventist members threatened to burn the missionaries alive and they would have gladly done so if they had the slightest opportunity to carry out their desire.

There are SDA members in various conferences and churches who are unfairly treated by those in authority. This unfair treatment also takes place in some SDA Institutions as well as in some of the local churches. Those who are the victims suffer from emotional and mental torture which cause resentment by those who are persecuted. Unless such ones have faith and have a personal relationship with Me, Yahushua, they turn against the Church and against Me, their Saviour.

It is not uncommon when certain problems arise for those in leadership to join together and persecute those who work under them, or make life very difficult or unbearable for them. Those in authority and in senior positions find it easier to support one another, rather than do what is right and pleasing in My sight and in the sight of their fellowmen. Due to this same party-spirit and failure to do what is fair, honest and just; there are members of the Church who are not afraid to seek redress in the Courts of Law. Thus the once “fair name” of the Church has been tarnished because that which was so often hidden or covered up, is now being brought out into the open. Such adverse publicity has caused the Church much embarrassment in more recent times.

The Church's hands are not spotless!! Therefore, it is time she sees her own condition and turns to Me, Yahushua, in righteousness and seeks forgiveness for her own sins. It is not time for her to elevate herself above others and pull them down with criticisms. The time has come for the SDA Church to stop preaching and planting negative things in the minds of her members against the Roman Catholic Church. It is also time for her to stop labelling the Papacy as the Antichrist. She should also bring to an end her contempt for other Christian denominations. Likewise, she should put away her arrogance and refrain from speaking negatively about others in My Body and bring an end to her judgmental attitude against them. It is also time for her to stop viewing others in My body with suspicion and thus condemning them as NOT having “TRUTH”, which she claims she has.

The SDA Church has dealt in the criticism and condemnation of others in My Body for far too long. It has now become so serious that it is consuming her!! This is a very serious matter which she fails to realise. Satan is the accuser of the brethren (Revelation 12: 10). Due to her air of superiority and her negative attitude toward others in My Body, Satan has successfully used her to do his evil work for him.

I have not given the SDA Church the permission or authority to destroy, pull down and condemn others who are in My Body. As a Church, she needs to realise that she is far from being perfect and that she has not staked out a place in Heaven, nor in the New Earth!! Neither is Heaven or the New Earth meant for herself alone. Unless she realises her condition, and changes her attitude towards others in My Body; there is no hope for her. That is the reason it is clearly stated in I John 2: 11:

9Whoever says he is in the Light and [yet] hates his brother [Christian, [born-again child of God his Father] is in darkness even until now. 10Whoever loves his brother [believer] abides (lives) in the Light, and in It or in him there is no occasion for stumbling or cause for error or sin. 11But he who hates (detests, despises) his brother [in Christ] is in darkness and walking (living) in the dark; he is straying and does not perceive or know where he is going, because the darkness has blinded his eyes. (Amplified Bible).

Due to the attitude of the Church toward others in My Body, her exclusive nature and her illusion that she alone has TRUTH, she has placed herself in a serious situation. The spiritual condition of the SDA Church is a very serious one but Satan has effectively blinded her eyes so that she is unable to see her dismal condition.

Unless she realises her serious spiritual condition and seeks for divine intervention, she will find herself in the Judgment with Satan and his host, with whom she will have to share his reward throughout the rest of eternity!! Therefore, it is high time for the SDA Church to realise her sins and her need for repentance. Once she does she fast and pray for forgiveness. Next she needs to focus on Me, Yahushua, so that she can see her need to be converted; to be washed and cleansed in My blood and to be “born again”. Likewise, she needs to see her need to be baptised with the Ruach Ha Kodesh, the Holy Spirit.

It is only when these important changes have truly taken place in her life that the scales will be removed from her eyes!! This will occur because the Ruach Ha Kodesh will be able to enter her life whereby He will be able to empower her and do His work in and through her. With His help also, she will see the importance of having a personal relationship with Elohim Yahweh, her Father, the Ruach Ha Kodesh and Me, Yahushua, her only Saviour.

It is only when this transition takes place in her life, that the SDA Church will no longer view herself as being the “chosen generation”, a “royal priesthood”, the “little flock”, the “remnant” and the selected “144,000”. Instead, she will see herself as part of My Body and will love others in My Body and will willingly join with them to work together and finish the Gospel Commission which I, Yahushua Ha Mashiach, gave in Matthew 28: 19, 20 and Mark 16: 15-18.

It will only be by a renewed relationship with Me, Yahushua, and with true love for her fellowmen, including all others who are My followers, that the SDA Church will find satisfaction, true peace and be assured of a place in the Kingdom of Glory in Heaven, as well as in the New Earth.

Saturday, 10 January 2009





The SDA Church must take a firm stand against wrong doers. She makes too light of the sins among her, compromises far too much and fails to deal firmly with offenders. The Church has tolerated sins for far too long so that Satan and his hosts have infiltrated and taken control.

There are fraudsters, thieves and immoral persons who hide in the church and gain much respectability. When many such ones strike at the members of the Church through their fraudulent and sometimes immoral acts, the tendency is to allow them to get away with their actions since they are regarded as brethren and the policy of the Church is not to take legal action against them. These evil people know very well that they will get away with their actions because the Church will always endeavour to protect her “fair name”, as well as the fact that she should deal with such matters internally and should not go before the “unjust judge” (1 Corinthians 6:1). Hence the Church itself and many of her members have had to suffer great financial loss, at times, at the hands of thieves and fraudsters who hide in the Church and steal the Tithes or prey upon the innocent and unspecting ones, who often hold such persons in high esteem.

The refusal to deal firmly with sin must come to an end. The Church is not yet in Paradise! She is still in a sinful world and open and blatant sins must be dealt with and put out of her midst. Sin is an abomination to Elohim Yahweh, the Father, the Ruach Ha Kodesh and Me, Yahushua. Concerning the sins of “the flesh” it is clearly stated in the Scriptures:

“...that they which do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of [Yahweh] God”. Galatians 5:21. (KJV).

It is high time the Ruach Ha Kodesh is given His rightful place in the Church, so that He can do His work. However, both ministers and members must first be baptised with Him. I, Yahushua, am the Baptiser; therefore they should pray and ask Elohim Yahweh, their Father, for the Ruach Ha Kodesh, following which I will baptise them. Once baptised, the Ruach Ha Kodesh will empower them and also give to them His “gifts” and “fruit”. Thus the Church will be equipped and He will enable them to move in the things of the Spirit and to reveal Satan and his host.

Many ministers who should see that sins are dealt with and who should take a firm stand along with their boards against those who are bringing shame and disgrace to My holy Name, through the sins committed, have refused to do so. When such matters are brought to their attention, some deliberately refuse to address the matter. Likewise, many refuse to know about the sinful practices, while others are conveniently blinded, or lightly gloss over such matters.

The ministers often take such positions when there are indications of conflicts, because they want “peaceful” churches! where they are well "loved!!" Thus they refuse to uphold My standards or address the problems. They take this stance because they do not want to disturb and upset any of the members, due to the fact that many have their “families to support” and their livelihoods to think about. They fear that they could lose their jobs if they take a firm stand and rebuke sin. For this reason, the Church has become a place for every evil and abominable thing because self is always put first and before My Word.

The vast majority of ministers put the interests of their families and their own interests before the “Charge” they were given when they were ordained. This “Charge” they agreed to comply with. Once back in their churches they soon forget the “Charge” and regard it as mere formality.

The ministers may forget, take the “Charge” they were given lightly, or look upon it as just mere formality! Such ones fail to realise when the “Charge” was given and they responded publicly in agreement, that they entered into an agreement, not with men but with Us, their Elohim. That agreement is binding and cannot be cancelled. The recording angel recorded their words, which will be used as a testimony against them. That “Charge” is a serious matter. It is:

“I charge thee therefore before [Yahweh] God, and the Lord [Yahushua Ha Mashiach], who shall judge the quick and the dead at his appearing and his kingdom; Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine”. 2 Timothy 4: 1, 2. (KJV).

There will be no excuse for those who make light of this “Charge” and refuse to make full proof of their ministry.

Satan and his demons love and revel in the refusal of the ministers to carry out their “Charge” and of their fear, lack of faith and discipline, as well as their complacency. Such ones Satan delights in and in turn he makes sure that they are kept happy, while he ensures that their churches are infested with sins!! On the other hand those ministers who oppose him, he attacks viciously and makes their lives miserable and often unbearable.

Administrators, too, often fail to take a firm stand against sin because they find it difficult to tell the truth in love! Thus the standards laid down in My Word become of no effect. The main reason for this lack of firm discipline is because the Church has become a Business and Money comes before My Word, My Principles and My Standards. Due to this fact, Administrators do not want to upset or incur the wrath of the members who support the Church through their Tithes. This is due to the fact that the Tithes would be affected and thus decrease the flow of money into the treasury of the Church. Therefore, the sin problem is rarely dealt with when there is need of help from these senior officers to address it in the churches.


The lack of discipline, the lowering of the standards of the Church and the failure of ministers and leaders to deal firmly with wrongdoers are causing many to question just what is happening in the Church which claims to have the Truth! They observe all the un-godly happenings which are very common in some of the churches. Such happenings cause them to become discouraged as they see the Church completely opposite from the pure and spotless church which she portrays to be. Thus the Church has disappointed and failed many who became members believing they had come to the perfect Church.

The name, Seventh-Day Adventists, which should be a credit to Me, Yahushua, is having a bad connotation in some parts of the world. Many now look upon the Church as a place where people are well dressed, many of whom are proud and puffed up with pride and where certain evils are practised and go un-rebuked. Due to this attitude and the ungodly behaviour of some of the members, many who love Me and want something better than what they see, are leaving Church. Some have done so by forming groups of their own where they can worship US, their Elohim, based upon what is written in My Word, as well as for their own good, peace of mind and spiritual enrichment.

In addition to this unrest in the Church, many members are now watching the Christian Channels on the Television and the Internet on which they are seeing My Power at work in other churches and ministries. Thus they are seeing the works which I gave command to do being performed miraculously. Among the miracles they are seeing are: the sick bring healed from various diseases, the crippled being able to walk, the hearing of the deaf being restored; the blind receiving their sight, as well as the dead being resurrected.

This has caused them to wonder and question why the same things are not happening in the SDA Church, which claims she is My true Church!

Although the Church will not allow the Ruach Ha Kodesh to do His work in her midst, He is working and moving upon the hearts of many individuals, thus causing a stir within them. Such ones are convicted in their spirits and want more than just going to church week after week to attend, in many cases, a dead service where they do not receive the blessings they need and seek. Likewise, they want more than just the mundane services because they want to see the awesome power of the Ruach Ha Kodesh in their midst, whereby people can be set free from sicknesses, diseases and demons; as well as have their spiritual needs met.

Those who are genuine Christians and who love their fellowmen, want to see My manifest power, the power of the Ruach Ha Kodesh, the Holy Spirit, in the Church and to be a part of what I am doing. They want to receive My blessings and to know that I will do the same for them as they see happening for others on the Christian Television Channels.

Many members are becoming dissatisfied with the cold and dead services in many of the churches. They are tired of the routine, the tradition, the lack of love; the exclusiveness and the party-spirit. They are also tired of the criticism and condemnation of other believers in My Body who are not members of the Seventh-Day Adventist Church. Likewise, many members are tired of the restrictions and the discouragement the Church gives against fellowshipping with other Christians who are also in My Body. The segregation and prejudice toward other Christians, as well as the prevalence and manifestations of the “works of the flesh” in the Church, are also areas of concern to many who are tired of the negative attitude of the Church toward others in My Body.

As the appointed Leaders over My work, it is in your power with the help of the Ruach Ha Kodesh to address these matters of concern and bring in the changes which are needed in accordance with My Holy Word.

Included in the changes which are needed, there should be that of speaking to the ministers about their attitude toward other Christians. This includes the derogatory things which are sometimes preached from the pulpits. It is your responsibility as under-shepherds to see that such matters are addressed. Thus if you fail to carry out your responsibility as the designated Leaders, you will be held accountable.

Friday, 9 January 2009





It is very important that members of the SDA Church know and understand that they MUST FORGIVE one another. This is irregardless of how much they are hurt. Animosity and unforgiveness will keep many out of My kingdom. I set the example and forgave those who Crucified Me. Stephen also forgave his murderers as he was being stoned to death (Luke 23: 34; Acts 7: 60). I also taught the importance of Forgiveness in Matthew 6:11, 12, 14, 15 and Matthew 18: 21, 22. Many will be kept out of the Kingdom of Heaven and the New Earth because of this sin of unforgiveness. Therefore, it should not be ignored or glossed over. It must be brought to the attention of the entire Church.


In the Church there are also those who are racists. They openly display their racial tendencies toward others whom they despise due to the person’s ethnic origin, nationality or the colour of their skin. They do the same to those who are in mixed marriages, including the children born in these marriages; as well as anyone else to whom they take an exception. Such persons do not care how their attitudes affect those whom they oppose, or the adverse effect upon them. They have no feeling for the pain and the rejection they inflict. Neither do they care about the psychological trauma which they deliberately cause.

These hateful members persist in their wayward ways without any thought or regard that those whom they despise and mistreat are also those whom I love and purchased with My blood. Neither do they take into consideration that these are My followers, who are despised in their eyes and whom I gave My life to save. These hateful members fail to realise that I do not look upon the colour of the skin, the colour of the eyes, the texture of the hair, the ethnic origin or nationality. Moreover, they fail to realise that with such attitudes, they automatically disqualify themselves from ever entering the Kingdom of Glory in Heaven or becoming citizens in the New Earth.

The day will come when these proud and arrogant ones will leave this world and then they will realise the stupidity of their ways. At that time they will come to the realisation that they are lost souls and will be very surprised, shocked and afraid! However, it will be too late at that time to set the records straight because they will have left this world where they had the opportunity to change their ways and seek forgiveness. In the Judgment their records will be brought before them and videos of their lives. They will realise then that every negative word and action, including every slight and insult were recorded by the recording angels. These will all testify against them and will condemn them as they stand before Me, Yahushua, the Just Judge.

Racism and racial segregations are sins which should not be entertained, encouraged or tolerated in the Church which is called by My Name. In this life here upon earth, those who are racists need to learn how much I hate racism and just how loathsome it is to Me, Yahushua. The Church should make it her duty to educate her members that those who are racists will not and cannot enter the Kingdom of Glory in Heaven unless they repent of this sin of racism, as well as all other sins. Likewise, it is her duty to teach them the importance of repentance and that they genuinely ask for forgiveness, as well as make amends, where possible, to those whom they have wronged.

There are church members who also show utter disrespect toward many of the ministers who are their shepherds. Such ones have un-bridled tongues which they deliberately refuse to bring under control. Thus they speak disrespectfully and abusively to the pastors regardless of the circumstances or where they are. They are not afraid to treat the pastors with disdain, even to the extent where they will physically attack them. Many of those disgruntled members go to the Board Meetings, Members’ Meetings and Business Meetings just to pour out their venom on the pastors and show their contempt, abhorrence and disrespect for them. In addition, they get others to join them and bring about factions and divisions in the Church. Thus they make the lives of many of the pastors unbearable and cause them to endure much worry, stress, anxiety and sleepless nights, in addition to the burdens they already carry as shepherds.

These things are grievous in Our sight as Elohim and drive Our presence away from her midst. In the “Messages for the Church Today” which were sent to many of the conferences around the world in 1991, I, Yahushua, spoke in more detail about the un-christ-like behaviour which is often seen and tolerated by the Church. However, the “Messages” were despised. They were meant for the Church to address the many problems which are prevalent in her midst and to bring them in line with My Word. However, they were rejected. Nothing therefore has been done to stem the tide of the un-christ-like behaviour which is so prevalent among some of the members, hence its prevalence is still in the Church today.

I, Yahushua, have given specific instructions in My Word how ministers of the Gospel should be regarded. Those instructions still apply today. It does not matter if in the eyes of the members they do not measure up to the required standard. The commands still stand!! Those who are unhappy with the behaviour of their pastors, should pray in My Name and ask Yahweh, My Father, to deal with the matter. At no time should they take it upon themselves to solve the matter as they see fit because they will be punished severely for doing so. Therefore, this matter of mistreating ministers should be brought to the attention of all the church members. They should be given strong warnings against such behaviour because their actions will not be overlooked.

Let Me, Yahushua, remind you of the Command:

“And we beseech you, brethren, to know them which labour among you, and are over you in [Yahushua] the Lord, and admonish you; And to esteem them very highly in love for their work’s sake. And be at peace among yourselves”. 1 Thessalonians 5: 4. (KJV).

My Second Coming to this world is near at hand! I am coming for a Church, My Body of believers, of whom the SDA Church is a part. The church I am coming back to receive must be a pure church, totally free from all defiling sins. She must therefore be purified of sins and have on My righteousness. She should endeavour to let the fruit of the Spirit: “love, joy (gladness), peace, patience (an even temper, forbearance), kindness, goodness (benevolence), faithfulness, gentleness (meekness, humility), self-control (self-restraint, continence)” become her natural way of life (Galatians 5:22, 23 Amplified Bible).

My words are:

“. . .ye shall therefore be holy, for I am holy”. Leviticus 11: 45. (KJV).

“Follow peace with all men, and holiness, without which no man shall see [Elohim] the Lord”. Hebrew 12: 14. (KJV).

Leaders, you are over the Church. It is part of your duty to show My people their sins and to lead them to repentance through the aid of the Ruach Ha Kodesh. At this late stage there is no time to shy away from duty. The Church must be called to fasting and prayer during which time they must seek Me, Yahushua, in humility, confess and forsake their sins and ask for pardon and forgiveness!! Only then will there be a change in the behaviour and only then will the Ruach Ha Kodesh be able to bring about the revival which is necessary and prepare the Church for My soon Return.


The Church should be a family and there are some churches which care for each other as families; however, the vast majority of churches do not, especially those with large membership. Brotherly love, therefore, is almost unknown in those churches. Unless one has friends on whom they can call, there is no care or interest shown, except at church on the Sabbath when formalities come into play. This means that members can suffer from sickness, loneliness and bereavements, as well as from many more things and yet find there is no one to show love and compassion. Such unfortunate ones yearn for someone just to give a call, say a comforting word, or do a kind deed for them. Thus they find themselves in a Church where there is no one they can call a neighbour or a brother and where there is no love in action.

Many church members are disappointed by the coldness, lack of love and care which they experience in the church where they should find brotherly/sisterly love. This problem becomes more acute as people get older and lose their own loved ones. This matter of lack of love and care for those in the household of faith, as well as for others, should be addressed and should not be ignored. No one should be left without someone to care or to show My love to those who need it most.

To address this matter of lack of brotherly/sisterly love, a system should be set up. Thus in each church there is to be a Friendship team in which members are paired off so that they can check on each other during the course of the week. Therefore, if there is illness, a need, or other problems with one or the other, they would know very quickly. This would enable them to do what they can in the situation or to summon help, if needed. When there is such love and care shown, no one will be left to languish alone and without help.


In the Church there are those who see the members as easy targets on whom they can prey. Thus with smooth words and with touching stories they get the sympathy of unsuspecting members and win them over into lending them money or certain of their personal property. They do so with no intension of ever paying back.

Thus these thieves, fraudsters and con-artists within the Church, rob many of the unsuspecting members and cause them much grief and heartache. Members should be protected from these artful persons. Therefore, careful watch should be kept for such predators, who should not be encouraged in the Church. If they are members they must first be spoken to about their behaviour and asked to pay back the money borrowed, or return the property they borrowed. If they refuse and persist with their crimes, they should be removed from the membership of the Church.

The Church should not be afraid to turn them over to the legal authorities if the case warrants it. Those who are visitors to the Church should be told not to come back. Should they too persist with their crimes, they too should be handed over to the legal authorities. This will send out a clear message to would-be thieves and con-artists that the Church is not a soft touch for them to commit their crimes and then go free.

There are also Church members who have no control over their fleshly behaviour whenever they attend functions. At such times their holiness and the Eighth Commandment, which forbids stealing, go through the window as they help themselves to free shopping!! Bags and containers, which are usually well hidden away are then brought out and filled with as much as they can pilfer. Due to this terrible behaviour, at the end of functions often there is nothing left for those (who are often hungry) who took the pains and stood the expenses to put on the feasts.

Those who go to such functions and fill their containers and bags from that which is provided for everyone, are just thieves!! Such behaviour is disgraceful and certainly does not compliment those who consider themselves as My “chosen”, “elect” and “remnant” people; a people who are strict on keeping the letter of the Law!! Such behaviour should not be encouraged and should be brought to an end.


In the SDA Church there are set times each year when officers are chosen to serve for the following year. At such times there is often much corruption seen among members. It is often too a time of trouble in some churches. Many who seek important offices are not qualified for such offices but they campaign among their friends to vote them into those offices, while those who suitable and qualified and rejected. In some countries if those who seek important offices are not voted into the offices which they desire, they are not afraid to employ the powers of darkness against those who voted against them.

There are certain members who hold lifelong offices and should there be any attempt for change, then great troubles ensue and a “world war” begins! In such offices, such ones do not use their influence for good but for their own selfish gratification. Thus there is much corruption in some SDA Churches because the people who are chosen to serve and lead out in their local churches are not spiritually fit or qualified to lead out efficiently or effectively in the offices they are given. The same thing applies to some of those who are voted in as officers in the SDA Unions, Conferences and Missions around the world.

Some of those members who are troublesome, rude, arrogant, fraudsters and evil doers, are the same ones who are allowed to hold important offices in the Church and to lead out. In addition, they are some of the very ones who are often allowed to preach in the pulpits, whereby they gain respect of the members and gain influence. In this way they continue to thrive in sin or do their wicked deeds, while they treat that which is holy with impunity!! Thus they grow bolder and bolder in sin, while they consider it their right to be in the pulpit preaching before the people, regardless of their examples or the kinds of lives they live. Due to the fact that such unconverted ones are allowed to minister in holy office, which should be reserved for those who are pastors and ministers, they are strengthened in their iniquity.

Occupying the pulpit in the SDA Church is far too easy. This is made so easy to the extent that there are members who literally wage war with the ministers for the pulpit if they are not given regular preaching appointments. Such persons are often defiant, regardless of their lifestyle or their un-godly behaviour and practices. However, My words do not change and they are still the same:

“ ye clean, that bear the vessels of [Yahweh] the LORD”. Isaiah 52: 11. (KJV).

Therefore, the pulpit should not be made easily accessible to those who think it is their right to preach the sermon in the Service; even though they know that the lives they live are in contradiction with the preceding text of Scripture.

Preaching to the people in the pulpit is a sacred office and that is how it should remain. During the time of the Sanctuary and Temple service in Israel, only the Levites, whom I chose to serve before Me, were allowed to minister in holy office. That is how it should be in the Church. Only those who are set aside for the priestly office should be allowed in the pulpit to bear My message to the people.

The same applies to other offices in the Church also. There are too many people who are unfit for leading positions, yet they are quickly voted into those offices. Often they get into the offices through scheming and the support of friends. Some of these very ones who are voted in to holy office, are agents of Satan who use their offices to do his work.

I have given the test whereby those who are genuine can be known from those who are not genuine. That test is:

“Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them”. Matthew 7: 20. (KJV)

There is also the test of confessing Me, Yahushua, as Adonai (Lord). This test is found in Romans 10: 9, 10. However, the tests are never applied, therefore, many satanic people infiltrate the Church and are free to do whatever pleases them. It is important therefore, that each person who seeks membership in the Church is made to confess My Name, YAHUSHUA, openly. It is also important that the “fruits” of those who are chosen for sacred offices, including those who preach and to lead out, are thoroughly examined (because by their fruits they will be known) before placing them into church offices. There are far too many incompetent, unqualified, uncommitted, unconverted and ungodly people holding offices and leading out in many of the churches. That accounts for the blight which rests upon some of the churches and the troubles with which they are weighed down.

The disrespect and rudeness shown at times to the pastors and members alike by certain demon possessed members, many of whom are often placed in sacred offices, are just too common in the SDA Church. Such ones think it is their right to treat others in the Church, especially the ministers, as they wish and with impunity. When such rudeness and disrespect are seen, such behaviour gives a sure indication that demons are in control of the lives of such persons, or that they are agents of Satan.