Monday 29 December 2008





Due to the failure of the Church to carry out My commands, many of her members have to depend upon doctors and others in the medical field, many of whom are unable to help them. Today, My healing power is even more powerful than it was during My time upon the earth. In spite of this, My people continue to suffer and die because of the Church's rejection and disobedience to do as I have commanded in My Word.

Due to the lack of the manifestation of Elohim Ruach Ha Kodesh and His power in the Church, there are church members who do not depend on medical intervention alone. Instead, they turn to anyone whom they believe can help them. Thus they seek the help of traditional doctors, witchdoctors and similar persons operating in the realm of Satan. Often those who seek the help of such persons, do so out of desperation and at very high financial costs, though no help is guaranteed.

Many ministers instead of taking authority in My Name, Yahushua, and thus rebuking sicknesses, diseases, demons and death, fail to do so. Thus many of My followers suffer needlessly, pay out large sums of money. Man such ones die before their time.

Sadly, the very ministers who should be working in My holy Name, Yahushua Ha Mashiach, are just helpless and impotent! This is common in the Church and the impotence and inability to do what I have commanded so that others can be blessed and also bring glory and honour to Our Name, is not done. Instead, such inaction and impotence only create and dishonour and disrespect for Us, the Godhead.

Many who suffer and die from diseases should not have to succumb to their illnesses because there is health and life-giving power in My Name, Yahushua. Elohim Yahweh is just waiting to be asked in My Name, so that through the Ruach Ha Kodesh I can do mighty miracles!! However, very rarely does anyone in the Church ask. I am not an impotent, nor powerless Elohim and neither is Yahweh, My Father, or the Ruach Ha Kodesh for our help and intervention. We, the only Elohim of all flesh, work Together as One and WE ARE STILL IN THE HEALING AND DELIVERANCE BUSINESS!! The Ruach Ha Kodesh is just waiting to manifest His power in the SDA Church, just as He is doing among other Christians who allow Him to do so. The Church, however, is the stumbling block to His divine power in her midst!

The lack of knowledge and the lack of manifestation of My power in the SDA Church are very serious. Members do not know that as Elohim, We have the power to help, heal and deliver them from their captivity and bondage. The following is an example of how serious this matter is:

Sometime ago a member of the SDA Church was suffering from several medical problems. Although he was undergoing medical treatments, he continued to suffer. It was suggested to him by My servant, that he should ask for prayer to be healed. As she spoke to him, she pointed out that I, Yahushua, am the same Elohim, Who did the mighty miracles while I was upon the earth, including the healing of those who were sick and suffering from various diseases, and he, too, can be healed if he requests prayer. Sadly, he replied: "It is a pity that He took it back with Him to Heaven!"

This member knows nothing about My healing power although he has been a member of the Church for many years. Sadly, what he has heard over the years is condemnation from the pulpit of the church he attends against those who obey My commands and pray for the healing of others. Along with the rest of the members in his local church, they are forbidden from the pulpit to attend healing services, or even to watch such services on the televisions. Such meetings they are told, are demonic!! Thus many, both in that particular church and in other SDA Churches suffer needlessly while the pastors look on helplessly, without any feeling or compassion for them because they fail to believe and obey the commands I, Yahushua, have given in My Holy Word, the Scriptures.

This refusal to believe and obey My commands and do My work is a very serious the matter in the Church. Thousands upon thousands of people in the SDA Church are suffering from diseases which can be cured if only they will ask Elohim Yahweh, their Father, for healing in My Name, Yahushua. This is part of the work the Church should be doing but through gross disobedience and crippling fear, she refuse to do so. Thus the majority of her ministers are impotent because the Church does not encourage or practise this vital and important area of ministry.

Many ministers in the SDA Church do not even know how to pray for the sick and afflicted, or to deliver them from demonic oppressions and possessions. However, the majority of them are always very quick to put down those who do these works in My holy Name, Yahushua. At the mention of the name demons and devils, their backs are up and they quickly shut up those who dare to mention the name of Satan, or the words demons or devils. Some go as far as to deny that these evil spirits exist, although it is clearly written in My Word. Evil spirits are REAL and they love to LIVE in the bodies of people and animals because they do not have physical bodies of their own. That is the reason why I, Yahushua, was always casting them out of people during the time I ministered upon earth.

Those who deny that Satan, devils and demons are afflicting and possessing people; or deny that they exist, are making out My words to be lies. Thus they make US: Yahweh, the Ruach Ha Kodesh and Myself, Yahushua, to be LIARS!! This is indeed a very serious matter.

Although many in the Church are ready to deny the existence of demons and devils, they are quick to accuse those who work in My Name, Yahushua, as being demon possessed and working for Satan. They are so sophisticated and bloated up with intellectual knowledge and pride, that they refuse to believe Satan and his evil angels are just as prevalent in the earth today as they were during My time upon the earth. Hence Satan and his host are busy in the Church working unmolested as they possess and afflict the people with all kinds of demons and diseases.

Satan and his demons work in comfort and feel very secure in the SDA Church. This occurs because these demonic spirits know that most of her pastors are powerless to discern, recognise their actions or to cast them out because of their disobedience, coupled with un-belief to do as I, Yahushua, have commanded in My Word.

In these times My awesome power to heal and deliver is not diminished in any way. It is even more powerful now than when I was upon the earth. Thus the healing and deliverance ministry will continue with great power until My Return. To prove that Our power as Elohim is not diminished, the following are examples of the miracles of Healing and Deliverance which have been done by the Ruach Ha Kodesh, when My servant and messenger prayed to Yahweh, her Father, in My Name, Yahushua:

1. There was a lady who was critically ill in the hospital and for seven days she was in a coma. The doctors had given her over to die and her relatives were told to prepare for the worst. Ellisa and her husband went to the hospital and prayed for her recovery. As they were praying the lady sat upright and looked around. Shortly after that she was discharged home.

2. There was a lady who had been bedridden for years, wasted away and crippled. My servant prayed for her healing and she was healed and began to walk again.

3. There was a young lady in Zimbabwe suffering from Cryptococcal Meningitis, the worst kind of meningitis in a person and which no one recovers from. My servant prayed with her mother (who was residing in England at that time) over the phone for her daughter's healing. That very moment as the Prayer asking for her healing was offered, I healed the young lady back in Zimbabwe. Since then she has joined her family in England. Upon her arrival in England she reported to the local hospital. The doctors were baffled about her healing because Cryptococcal Meningitis is a killer. The top specialist in the United States who specialises in that strain of meningitis came all the way to England to see the young woman because he could not believe she had survived that fatal disease. He was very surprised when he saw her and had to conclude that her recovery was a miracle.

4. There were two young ladies dying from HIV AIDS and were both in the last stages of the illness. Medically there was no hope for either of them. My servant went to the hospital and prayed for their healing. I healed them and today they are both well and back with their families, living normal lives.

5. There was a lady dying from cancer who was told by the medical staff that she would not live. My servant went and prayed for her healing. She too has been fully healed with no evidence of cancer cells in her body.

6. One young lady was seriously ill. Along with her family she was told that her organs were shutting down and that she was dying. She, too, was prayed for at her bedside and anointed by My servant. I healed her and she was able to return to her family.

7. In December 2002, a lady and her husband were involved in a very serious motor vehicle accident in Tanzania, East Africa. The husband was killed on the spot and the lady sustained extremely serious injuries, including her spinal cord which was almost completely severed. My servant received an urgent the call for prayer to pray for this lady. The call for prayer came from the lady's sister who resides in England. My servant prayed over the phone (with the lady’s sister) for the healing of her sister in Tanzania. I heard the prayer and wrought a miracle for her.

This lady, who should have died and whom everyone expected to die or to be crippled for life, has been healed through Our divine and mighty power. Once again the medical staff, the nurses and others were all amazed at her unexpected and sudden recovery. They had to conclude that a miracle was performed on her. Sometime later, the lady who was healed was visiting her children in the USA and Ellisa spoke with her over the phone. In the lady's own words, she told her that she has been told of miracles but did not know she would be one to receive one because she was so seriously injured. She went further to say that the very day she got out of bed and walked, was the very day she was told that she would not walk again, should she survive her injuries. Needless to say, this lady is praising and giving glory to US, her Elohim.

Such cases are multiplied over and over again. Those mentioned in this Message have baffled the medical staff. Those who were healed, have all been the recipients of Our grace, mercy and healing power. They are living witnesses who are testifying of Our love and mercy toward them. Thus they bring glory to Our holy Name. These testimonies have caused some of the medical staff and others who witnessed the miracles, to think more seriously about Our divine and supernatural Power.

My servant, Ellisa, has also ministered with another minister (who is not a member of the SDA Church) in the area of Healing and Deliverance. She assisted him in ministering deliverance to several persons who were suffering from demonic oppression and possession. Among such ones were:

1. A young man who was under attack from demons and was tormented by those demons. He had gone to the local SDA Church for help but there was no one in the church who knew how to cast out the demons which were attacking him. I led him to this minister and he ministered to that young man and he was delivered from the demons which were attacking him. That young man has been is free from demonic oppression and is living a normal life.

2. In another case a young man, who was possessed by demons and had been a patient in the Psychiatric Hospital for many months undergoing treatment for mental illness, was also ministered to and had the demons cast out in My Name, Yahushua. He too has been delivered and is again in his right mind.

3. There was a young woman who was tormented and found it difficult to sleep night or day for many years because she was possessed by demons. It took two evenings to cast the demons out of her. They did not want to leave her body, their home, and made their protest known amidst much screaming and cries of anguish. However, there was no negotiation with them because they were commanded to come out in My Name, Yahushua. Thus they had to leave her in spite of their great cries, screams and agony. She was ministered to, after which the minister prayed a special prayer for her home to be rid of the demons which were residing there. Following the ministration, My servant, Ellisa, accompanied the young lady to her home and prayed and anointed it with oil.

Since that time the young woman has been free from the demons which possessed and controlled her life. Her life has returned to normal with the added bonus of peaceful and restful sleep.

These cases prove that the Healing and Deliverance Ministry is needed in the Church and as Elohim, We are ready and waiting to answer the prayers of those who will obey and do as I, Yahushua, have commanded.


It is high time the Church comes to the realisation that PREACHING AND TEACHING ARE NOT THE ONLY COMMANDS OR GIFTS I HAVE GIVEN TO MY BODY OF BELIEVERS!! In Matthew 28:20, I specifically say:

“Teaching them to observe ‘all things’ whatsoever I have commanded you”.

That “all things” include the works which I did to remove the misery and suffering of those held captives by Satan. It is the very same “all things” which I have specifically given commands to the believers to do (Mark 16: 17,18).

Many ministers in the Church have made themselves instruments in Satan's kingdom because of their unkind and critical remarks about those who are not SDA ministers. Some of them are full of hate, scorn and contempt for others in My Body. Thus from the pulpits, intended to uplift and bring glory to My Name, they preach hate, slander and defame the characters of those who work in My Name, Yahushua. Thus they poison the minds of their congregations against My faithful and loyal workers. This is Satan's work and it MUST STOP!!

It is high time that the SDA Church realised that ALL My Commandments are important to Me. I came down from Heaven and spoke the Law of Ten Commandments in the hearing of the children of Israel; wrote it with My own finger on tables of stone twice, and made it as a covenant with them. That covenant was for all times (Deuteronomy 5:2, 3). The Law of Ten Commandments is specific and very important and it is for all those who will accept and follow Us, Elohim Yahweh, Yahushua and the Ruach Ha Kodesh.

The first Four Commandments in the Decalogue relate to Us and point out the duty of mankind to Us, their Elohim. The last Six relate to duty to one’s fellowmen. When I ministered upon the earth, I summed these Ten Commandments in two categories: LOVE TO US, ELOHIM and LOVE TO ONE’S FELLOWMEN (Luke 10:27). These two categories of love did not change the Law of Ten Commandments, but complemented it.

In addition to the Law of Ten Commandments, I gave 612 other Laws, which included, Health and Hygiene laws, Dietary laws, Civil laws and Ceremonial laws. While I, Yahushua, ministered upon the earth, I also gave a new commandment, based upon love for one’s fellowmen. That new Commandment says:
“A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another. By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another”. John 13: 34, 35 (KJV).

In the Laws I gave, LOVE IS THE PRINCIPAL THING!! Without love they are all futile and that is the reason I summed up the Commandments in LOVE and made LOVE a new Commandment.

The SDA Church should be aware that the Laws I gave are important to Me, Yahushua, with the exception of the Ceremonial laws, which are no longer applicable. The Ceremonial laws are no longer applicable because they were brought to an end by My death, to which they pointed (Hebrews 9: 9-13).

It must be understood that the New Commandment of LOVE which sums up the Law of Ten Commandments, does not annul or mitigate any of the Ten Commandments. Therefore, the Church MUST realise that the main commandment is LOVE!! She must also realise that she cannot choose the commandments which she deems are suitable and convenient to her and then rejects those which she considers to be irrelevant!!


It is also time that the members of the SDA Church understand that the SABBATH is NOT to be worshipped and that it cannot save the soul of anyone. Many treat the Sabbath as though it is their Saviour, instead of giving their full allegiance to Us, their Elohim: Elohim Yahweh, Elohim Ruach Ha Kodesh and Myself, Elohim Yahushua Ha Mashiach. Thus the Church uses such terms as: "Accepting the Sabbath", instead of accepting, Me, Yahushua, their Saviour; and "Having the Sabbath Truth", instead of having Me, Yahushua as the only "Way, the Truth and the life" (John 14:6).

It is time, therefore, for the Church to understand and to realise that going to Church on the Sabbath for a few hours, observing a few dietary laws and conforming to "the Seventh-Day Adventist Code of Practice", do not equate to the keeping of My Laws and Commandments. Moreover, she should know that even if all her members were able to keep all of My Laws and Commandments and yet LACK TRUE LOVE (the chief ingredient) for ALL their fellowmen, the keeping of the Laws and Commandments would still be totally futile! (1 Corinthians 13).

Sadly, the SDA Church LACKS LOVE for all others in My Body, except those who belong to the Seventh-Day Denomination (yet even among her own members, there is much dissension and conflict). This is due to the spirit of pride and arrogance which is destroying the Church. Her attitude is that those who are not Seventh-Day Adventists, do not have “truth”, therefore she cannot associate or listen to them. Whereas, she believes that she alone has “truth”, she regards the Beliefs and Teachings of all others, in My Body, as false and inferior to what she believes and teaches!! This is the work of Satan! He has used this self conceited belief to deceive the Church. Unfortunately, her pride has so blinded her, she cannot see that she has been deceived by the master deceiver, Satan, himself.

My Command to ALL My Followers, without exception, is:

“. . .Thou shalt love the [Yahweh thy Elohim] Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy strength, and with all thy mind; and thy neighbour as thyself”. Luke 10:27.

In addition, in 1 Corinthians 13 the conditions of true love are clearly recorded. Thus I, Yahushua, say to everyone in the Seventh-Day Adventist Denomination: It is now time for you to prayerfully read Luke 10: 27 and 1 Corinthians 13. Once you have done this, then test yourselves against 2 Corinthians 13:5:

“Examine yourselves, whether ye be in the faith; prove your own selves. Know ye not your own selves, how that Yahushua Ha Mashiach is in you, except ye be reprobates?”

Church, this is NOT the time to be MARRIED TO YOUR RELIGION and FOLLOW ITS TRADITIONS because My Word says in Matthew 15:9:

“But in vain they do worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men”.

NB: Scriptures used in this Post are taken from the KJV of the Bible.