The Letter and Message were amended in 2008.
The President of the General Conference of Seventh-Day Adventists (“GC of SDA”),
President of the British Union Conference of Seventh-Day Adventists (“BUC of SDA”),
President of the North British Conference of Seventh-Day Adventists (“NBC of SDA”)
And other Presidents of Seventh-Day Adventists Unions, Conferences and Missions.
Dear Presidents:
Greetings in the Name of Yahushua Ha Mashiach our Adonai (Lord).
While praying on Friday, September 5, 2003, I was interceding for the SDA Church when there was a heavy burden upon my heart for her. As I prayed the Ruach Ha Kodesh (the Holy Spirit) spoke to me and told me that He had a Message to be given to the President of the World Church and to you, the Leaders of the NBC and the NBC of SDA. At first I thought the message would be only a page or so but it has turned out to be far more than that, as you can see.
Personally, I did not want to do this work and still do not want to do it. The main reason for my reluctance is that I do not want to disturb any of you or the Church in any way. Although I regard you, the current leaders (in 2004) of the BUC of SDA and the NBC of SDA as family friends, I wish I was not the one writing because of the positions of leadership you hold in the hierarchy of the Church.
I have been in the SDA Church since my early teens and I know a lot, and have seen a lot. Therefore, I am well aware of the attitude of the Church toward anyone who comes in the name of Yahushua Ha Mashiach (Jesus Christ) and her rejection of them. This is because she only accepts the late Sister E.G. White and utterly rejects Joel 2:28, 29 and Acts 2:17,18.
Pastors of the BUC and NBC, you will have noticed that for over a decade you seldom saw me at Church gatherings or at the churches where my husband ministered before his retirement in June 2003. This is because I withdrew from the Church and remained at home working quietly for my Adonai and Saviour, Yahushua Ha Mashiach, for the past fourteen years.
In the late 1980s and early 1990s Yahushua gave me dreams and visions. Through the Ruach Ha Kodesh, He also gave me Messages for the SDA Church and another for the World with an accompanying Prayer. At that time I wrote under my maiden name, Etta Flynn. I sent the Messages for the Church to the SDA Missions and Conferences throughout the world. I was told by members from more than one African country (when they learnt I was the one who sent out the Messages) that they were told by their leaders to reject the Messages because I was a false prophet; though I did not claim that office.
In 1993 when I completed the work for the World which consisted of two Messages, one on the Second Coming of Yahushua and the other on the Seventh-Day Sabbath; I needed financial help to post the 40,000 letters around the world. At that time I prayed to Yahweh, my Father, in the Name of Yahushua for help. Through the Ruach Ha Kodesh, He directed me to go to one of the churches where my husband was the pastor at the time to ask for help, with the given assurance that the money would be refunded. Of course this was a new and strange thing I was doing because no one in the church believes Elohim (God) uses anyone or sends messages through them. On the day the matter was brought before the Church, there was almost a riot by some of the members who rose up in defiance at the request. Immediately after that meeting negative reports were sent to the then President of the NBC of SDA about the matter.
Following the negative reports which were sent to the President of the NBC of SDA, both my husband and myself received stern letters from that President. In his letter to me, he told me that I was a “self made prophet” and reminded me that the late Mrs E. G. White was the only one accepted by the Church. He also told me to “desist” from what I was doing; otherwise my husband would be dismissed from the ministry. His letter to my husband was similar with the addition that he was to “persuade” me to stop what I was doing; otherwise they would have “no alternative” but to “dismiss” him “from our ministry”.
On the Wednesday night following the Sabbath evening I had met with the church (as I was later informed), two children from different homes had identical dreams on that same Wednesday night. In their dreams they were shown that the work I did was from Yahushua and that the church should not have refused help to send the letters around the world. The following Sabbath morning they told their dreams to the local church members.
Shortly after the meeting I had with the Church requesting financial help to post the letters, I was told that swift judgments began as fearful things, including serious illnesses and deaths began overtake the main ones who had opposed the letters being sent out. In particular the persons, who sent the negative report to the President of the NBC of SDA, were the first to experience Yahweh’s wrath. About a month after my husband and I had received the letters of reprimand and threats from the then President of the NBC, he was taken seriously ill and had to immediately leave the office of the President, to which he never returned until his death.
My husband had heard the call of the Ruach Ha Kodesh to the work He had for me (when He called me at a Prayer Meeting in my home in early 1990 and told me about the work I had been appointed to do) and had witnessed His leadings in my life, as well as the visions and dreams which I was receiving. Therefore, due to the hostile reaction of the Church to the Messages, he wrote to the then President of the NBC and asked that someone should be appointed to hear my experiences. His request was honoured and an appointment was made for me to be interviewed by with a Psychologist who had had some connection with the Church.
It was with reluctance that I kept the appointment and attended the meeting because I knew that whatever I had to say would be looked upon with scepticism and rejected outright. Indeed, that was just what happened. Sometime later following that appointment, I received a copy of the report that was sent to the NBC regarding the meeting. It was indeed a very negative report. However, I was not surprised about this because I expected it. In the covering letter which was sent to me accompanying the report of the meeting, I was mocked and ridiculed and told that I was regarded as a troublemaker, therefore I was to stop what I was doing and also that I should stop making trouble for others.
Knowing the attitude of the Church toward anyone who dares to come in the name of Yahushua, I would have been out of my mind, a fool or a megalomaniac to say I am sending her messages using Yahushua’s name, which I know would definitely be destined for the waste paper basket!! Moreover, Who am I to assume such a role? Therefore, after the stern letter of rebuke and warning from the then President of the NBC of SDA, I prayed and told Yahushua that He should not use me again to give any more messages to the Church but to use others if the need arose.
Following this reaction by the Church, I then withdrew completely from my husband’s ministry and from the Church itself. I then remained at home working quietly for my Saviour. I did this because I refuse to enter into controversy with anyone or persuade anyone to believe that the Ruach Ha Kodesh is using me in His work. This is because I must know whether He speaks to me or not and I must obey Him and not any man.
Over the past fourteen years (in 2004 when the message was sent out) as I remained at home working quietly for Yahushua, my Saviour, He has blessed me and added the Healing and Deliverance Ministry to the work He has given me. I find great joy in this work as I see so many wonderful miracles being wrought in the lives of people as I pray for them in the name of Yahushua Ha Mashiach.
I have much work to do for my Elohim which always keeps me occupied. Therefore, time for me is at a premium. The last thing therefore, that I expected or wanted to do, was to be writing again to the leadership of the SDA Church because I do not want to disturb the peace of the Church or you, the Leaders, especially the President of the World Church. However, once the Ruach Ha Kodesh has given me instructions to do something, reluctant though I may be, I have no alternative but to obey. Hence my writing this letter to you as well as sending another Message.
I cannot persuade any of you, the Leaders or the members of the Church, to believe that the Message attached is not of my own making. I can only leave the matter Yahushua my Saviour and in time He will make it fully known whether it was His doing or my interference. This I will say however, whether the Message is accepted or rejected; I have not been disobedient to the Heavenly calling and by Yahweh’s grace I have done what He has laid upon my heart. This is what is important to me.
Presidents, may our Elohim: Yahweh, our Father, Yahushua, our Saviour and the Ruach Ha Kodesh bless you and your families and grant you His grace in these very serious days of Earth’s history.
Yours in the work of Yahushua Ha Mashiach,
EBR Darrel-Asherel
Ellisa BR Darrel-Asherel
(A servant of Yahushua Ha Mashiach)