Tuesday 23 December 2008





The strong resistance and prejudice by the Church against the Ruach Ha Kodesh are the causes of the darkness and lack of power in the Church. The result is that ministers and members alike do not see the importance of having Him in their lives. Therefore, they just do not know His Relevance and Power, neither do they fully know and understand about the Offices of Yahweh, the Father, nor Myself, Yahushua. Rarely is the Ruach Ha Kodesh spoken about in the Church and what is said is often just a passing reference to Him.

This resistance to the Ruach Ha Kodesh, which has been instigated by Satan, has held the Church prisoner for far too long. It is time his power and hold over her are broken and severed. Hence My Message to you, the Leaders. As Leaders it is in your power to address this matter with the help of the same Ruach Ha Kodesh. Much rests upon you because the Church is under your leadership.

As Leaders you need to know the Ruach Ha Kodesh intimately so that He can teach, enlighten, equip and guide you. In turn, you will be able to teach and enlighten the members and dispel the darkness over them.

I, Yahushua Ha Mashiach, am drawing your attention to this matter because there should be no excuse for the Church not knowing the Ruach Ha Kodesh as she should, or not knowing about His work. This is a very important matter which must be addressed. Elohim Ruach Ha Kodesh has been treated with disdain, slighted and insulted by ministers and members alike. This has come about because of failure on the part of the Church to address the matter and make the Ruach Ha Kodesh and His Offices important in the Church.

Changes must now be made in the Beliefs and Teachings of the Church concerning Elohim Ruach Ha Kodesh, His Office, His Role and His Work. Therefore, I, Yahushua Ha Mashiach, want you as the Leaders to ensure that men and women, who are humble and who will allow the Ruach Ha Kodesh to teach them, are appointed to study in detail His Roles and Work.

When the studies are done pertaining to His Roles and Work of the Ruach Ha Kodesh, let that which He reveals to them be written and sent to the churches for the members. These findings are also to be written into the Doctrines of the Church which should become a part of her teachings.

In addition, let these teachings about the Ruach Ha Kodesh be taught in the schools, colleges and universities where the children and youth are studying and preparing for their life’s work. When this is done, it will dispel the darkness and remove the ignorance which are now over the Church.

Up until now I, Yahushua, have been very patient with the SDA Church and in mercy I have over-looked her ignorance of the Ruach Ha Kodesh. However, the time has come when there will be no more excuse!! This is one of My reasons for sending you this Message. In times of ignorance I have winked but now that her eyes are opened, there will be no excuse for this lack of knowledge and outright rejection of Him.

I have now drawn your attention to the importance of Elohim Ruach Ha Kodesh. Therefore, I am looking for a complete change of attitude toward HIM and HIS Offices. If you, the Leaders, who are at the head of the Church, fail to do so; you will be held accountable for the continued Darkness!

Due to the ignorance about the Ruach Ha Kodesh there has been a hardened attitude toward Him in the Church. This has vexed Him. If this continues, Yahweh, the Father, will take action just as He did against the children of Israel. His action is recorded in Isaiah 63:10:

“But they rebelled, and vexed his Ruach Ha Kodesh: therefore he was turned to be their enemy, and he fought against them.”

It is time for the Church to put aside her prejudice against the Ruach Ha Kodesh, although she is unaware of her rejection of Him. Therefore, she needs to fast and pray and ask Yahweh, her Heavenly Father, for Him to be in her life. Next she needs to pray and ask Me, Yahushua to baptise her with the Ruach Ha Kodesh because I am the Baptiser (Matthew 3:11). Thus His Presence, Power, His “Gifts” and “Fruit” will be manifested in her midst. This is important because she cannot despise or reject the Ruach Ha Kodesh, her Elohim in this world, and expect to have power or to be saved in My kingdom. Let it therefore be understood by the Church that without the Ruach Ha Kodesh in her midst she is doomed and will surely be lost!!

There should be no excuse by the Church to the resistance which she exhibits toward the Ruach Ha Kodesh. Neither should there be any lack of knowledge about His Role and Power. Much is written in the Scriptures about Who He is, His roles and His work. Therefore, if this “lack of knowledge” continues it will lead to the destruction of many, as Hosea 4:6 clearly states:

“My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee. . .”

The Church, with lip service, accepts Me but refuses to accept the Ruach Ha Kodesh, Whom I, Yahushua, specifically asked Elohim Yahweh to send to be their Elohim upon the Earth and to be with My followers, to empower them and remain with them until My Return. I want to point out to you, the Leaders, that when the SDA Church rejects the Ruach Ha Kodesh, she is also rejecting Me, Yahushua and Yahweh, herFather.

The Church always speaks about Me, Yahushua, and addresses Me. However, only occasionally does she make reference to the Ruach Ha Kodesh. This should not be so. He should be given His rightful status and position as very Elohim (God) at all times.

The Ruach Ha Kodesh is a Person, ELOHIM RUACH HA KODESH, is His Name. At no time therefore, should He be dishonoured or referred to as “IT”. I will not stand by and see HIM treated with contempt or disrespect. Neither will I take the credit that is due to Him, nor take over His Work and His Office.

Elohim Yahweh sent the Ruach Ha Kodesh to this world almost 2000 years ago to do a very special work for My followers and for the rest of mankind. He was the One Whom I asked Elohim Yahweh to send to take My place and to be Elohim here in this world. He was sent and willingly came, so that My followers would not be left without a Comforter, or a Helper,; or Someone in the Office of Elohim, to Whom they could turn at all times. He is the greatest Gift Elohim, Yahweh, or Myself, Yahushua, could give to My followers and the rest of mankind in this world in My absence.

In the government of Heaven, We Co-exist Together and have Our Individual Roles as Elohim. We do not by-pass, over-ride or interfere with the work of Each Other!! Instead, We work Together, support and complement Each Other.

Constantly the Church speaks about Me, Yahushua, and what I did. However, she fails to see that without the Ruach Ha Kodesh I could not have done what I did. Neither would I have succeeded in My Mission in this world to Suffer and Die and Gain the Victory over Satan. I would not have succeeded either in anything else that I did.

There is much contempt for the Ruach Ha Kodesh in the SDA Church and this is Satanic. An example of this is as follows:

One of My ministers was met with rebuff while trying to explain to a member (who was brought up in the Church from the time of infancy) about the importance of the work of the Ruach Ha Kodesh in the Church and in each individual life. In reply, the member angrily remarked:

“You are always talking about Ruach Ha Kodesh, Ruach Ha Kodesh! The SDA Church has the true doctrines and will be saved without the Ruach Ha Kodesh!!”

Such is the attitude of many members and, sadly, many of the pastors also, in the SDA Church. This attitude and disrespect toward the Ruach Ha Kodesh mentioned above is not an isolated one. Others may not be so resentful and vocal toward Him but this attitude is very prevalent because the Church has failed in her duty to exalt, magnify and teach her members what is written in the Scriptures about Elohim Ruach Ha Kodesh. I will not stand idly by and allow the Church to despise and treat Him with contempt, while she takes Me, Yahushua, into her bosom and speaks endearingly about Me alone.

If the Ruach Ha Kodesh was not needed upon the earth and in the Church of Elohim, I would not have asked Yahweh Elohim, to send Him from sinless Heaven to this sin-cursed world to be with My people and to be their Elohim, living and dwelling in them and with them. It would not have been necessary for Him to be their Comforter and to lead them to Me, Yahushua. Neither would there be any need for Him to pray and intercede for them before Yahweh, their Father, to seal them for the Day of Redemption, to prepare them for Heaven and for My soon Return, along with everything else that He does for the children of men.

I was not only baptised and empowered by the Ruach Ha Kodesh, I baptised My disciples with Him before I finally returned to Heaven My throne and dwelling place. This is recorded in St. John 20:22:

“And when he had said this, he breathed on them, and saith unto them, Receive ye the Holy Ghost”.

I further instructed the disciples to tarry in Jerusalem until they were baptised with the Ruach Ha Kodesh and receive His Power. His Power and Anointing was to equip them for the ministry in order that they would be My witnesses throughout the earth doing the mighty works I did. Thus when the Ruach Ha Kodesh was poured out upon them on the Day of Pentecost, they were fully anointed by Him. Only then did they enter into ministry and began to do the work I gave them. History records the mighty works the Apostles did through the power and anointing of the Ruach Ha Kodesh. His Power and Anointing have not diminished. However, He can only work with and through those who will allow Him to do so.

Therefore, it is time the SDA Church realises that she is hopeless, helpless, destitute and powerless without Elohim Ruach Ha Kodesh. The time has come for this opposition and resistance by her to come to an end!!

Due to the Church’s unwillingness to yield fully to the Ruach Ha Kodesh and the negative attitude she entertains toward Him, she does not ask Him to teach her His truths, lead, guide or direct her. Instead, the opposite occurs as there is often a fight to resist and oppose Him!!

There is just too much opposition to the Ruach Ha Kodesh in the SDA Church by both ministers and church members alike. Thus He is treated like a non-entity and as Someone Who is not important or needed in the Church. He is often belittled and spoken about as though He is insignificant. This matter must be addressed with immediate effect!! The Ruach Ha Kodesh must be given His rightful place in the Church and should no longer be deliberately slighted or cast aside as irrelevant or unimportant.

No longer must the Ruach Ha Kodesh be treated with disdain and contempt! Such an attitude is to the detriment of everyone in the Church. He is Elohim!! Among His many roles, He gives life, leads the children of men to Me, Yahushua; intercedes for them, teaches My followers, dwells with them, empowers them and seals them for the Day of Redemption.

It is high time the SDA Church realised that without the Ruach Ha Kodesh having His rightful place in her midst and in the life of each member in the Church; that she will be powerless and all her righteousness will be of no avail. So also will her good deeds, her institutions and her projects.

In St. John 14: 16-27; 15: 26,27; 16:7-15, I told My disciples about the Ruach Ha Kodesh taking My place in the earth and in the hearts of My followers, as well as the important work He would do. I also told them in St Luke 24: 49 and in Acts 1:4-8 that they were to wait for the Ruach Ha Kodesh, with Whom they were to be baptised; following which they were to receive His power to be My witnesses. Those were among My last words to My disciples before I was taken up into Heaven.

My disciples waited in Jerusalem according to My instructions and ten days later the Ruach Ha Kodesh came at Pentecost as Acts 2:1-4 records. All My followers who were gathered and waiting in the Upper Room were baptised and then anointed by Him. Thus they were given power in full measure and He remained with them and worked in and through them until their deaths.

From that Day at Pentecost until today, the Ruach Ha Kodesh has been working mightily upon the earth and His power has not been diminished. He leads mankind to the knowledge of the Truth. He teaches them, comforts and helps them. He heals and delivers the children of men from demons, devils and diseases. These are among the multitude of things which He does upon the earth. The Ruach Ha Kodesh dwells in all those who will allow Him to do so and gives them His "fruit" and "gifts" and empowers them to do mighty works in My Name, Yahushua.

I have clearly stated what the Ruach Ha Kodesh would do, yet in spite of all that is written in the Scriptures about His work, the SDA Church has not taken seriously His Office and work in the world or in the Church.

The SDA Church, unlike those churches where the Ruach Ha Kodesh is in operation, should have been among the first to accept the Pentecostal power and let the Ruach Ha Kodesh empower and use her. Instead, many in the Church look upon the words Pentecost and Pentecostal with scorn and contempt. So hated are these two words that should anyone raise his or her hands or say “Amen” aloud while the service is going on, eyes immediately follow the one who dares disturb the peace of the meeting! The one who made the acclaim is then accused of trying to bring Pentecostalism to the Church. This is because that word is so detested and hated.

The word, ‘Pentecostal’ refers to the Day of Pentecost which took place fifty days after Passover and was always commemorated in Israel by the Jews. They continue to do so up to the present time. It was on the Day of Pentecost that Ruach Ha Kodesh was poured out in full measure in the earth. The SDA Church, however, resents the word, ‘Pentecostal’, and wants nothing to do with it, or with the Ruach Ha Kodesh Who came and first poured out His power on that Day.

Leaders/Gentlemen, let Me ask you this Question: What is so wrong with word, Pentecostal (which is taken from the word, Pentecost, in the Bible)? Why is it that the Church is offended by it and wants to have nothing to do with it?

Whereas many other churches see their need for the power of the Ruach Ha Kodesh and will hunger, fast, and pray and crave for Him to empower, fill them and be in their midst, the SDA Church does not.

Those who feel their need of Elohim Ruach Ha Kodesh and earnestly seek Him are never disappointed because He gladly goes to be with them. Thus He is able to manifest His Power among them; gives them of His "fruit" and "Gifts" and grants them the blessings they seek. That is why in Luke 11:13 I spoke about the Father giving the Ruach Ha Kodesh to those who ask for Him in their lives.

Sadly, because the SDA Church has refused to obey My command to "receive power", the Power of the Ruach Ha Kodesh; she has made herself emaciated and anaemic so that she is too weak to be of any use in this realm of the Spirit. Thus the blessings the church members should receive are denied them.

There should be no problem regarding the work of the Ruach Ha Kodesh and His Role because I, Yahushua, told My followers the importance of His work in their lives and in the lives of all believers and all mankind. My words are written in the Holy Scriptures for all to obey but many, including the SDA Church, have ignored what I have said about the Ruach Ha Kodesh. This is satanic!! Satan is the one who causes this rejection and ignorance of the Ruach Ha Kodesh. Thus he has taken all the glory for himself.

NB. Scriptures used in the Post are taken from the KJV of the Bible.