Tuesday, 16 December 2008





Presidents of the Seventh-Day Adventist Church; The World Church; the British Union; South England Conference; North British Conference; and other senior SDA Church leaders around the world:

I am Yahushua Ha Mashiach (Jesus Christ), Who Died for the Sins of the world and Rose again from the Dead; Ascended to My Father, Yahweh (God the Father), in Heaven and will be Coming back very soon. Today, through Elohim, the Ruach Ha Kodesh (the Holy Spirit), I am sending you, the Leaders of the Seventh-Day Adventist Church (“SDA Church”, “the Church”), a message through My messenger, Ellisa.


Many Christians who are not Seventh-Day Adventists, are observing what is going on in the SDA Church because they see her danger. Many of them are crying and interceding before their Father, Yahweh, in My Name, Yahushua, day and night to remove the darkness which covers her like a blanket, and to deliver her from the hold Satan has upon her.

Many SDA Church members are also praying and crying for Me to bring about a change because they are discouraged and tired of the feeling of doom which they are sensing over the Church. Many of them are unhappy and uncomfortable because of the isolation, prejudice, segregation, pride, ineffectiveness and the lack of power and manifestations of the Ruach Ha Kodesh (the Holy Spirit) in her midst.

Those cries of intercession have come up to Heaven, My throne to Me, Yahushua Ha Mashiach, and through the Ruach Ha Kodesh, I am sending this Message in answer to their prayers. Hence this Message which I am sending to you, the Leaders, through My messenger, Ellisa.

This Message will be spurned and rejected, like all others before it, accompanied by the negative remarks!! Regardless of what will be said and how it will be received; I, Yahushua, am sending it to you. It is My Evidence that I have spoken to you!!

As Leaders, you are very sceptical of anyone who comes in My Name, Yahushua Ha Mashiach, and quickly reject them. This happens because many in the SDA Church refuse to accept My words in Joel 2: 28, 29, which began to be fulfilled on the Day of Pentecost. I will remind you of that prophecy:

“And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith [Yahweh] God, I will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh: and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams: And on my servants and on my handmaidens I will pour out in those days of my Spirit; and they shall prophesy”. Acts 2: 17, 18. (KJV).


The Church is in serious danger and does not know it because the Spirit of Yahweh (God the Father) the Ruach Ha Kodesh (the Holy Spirit) is prevented from working effectively in her midst. Anyone whom I raise up to speak through to her, is immediately rejected, despised and put down, although this is in direct opposition to My Word (Joel 2: 28, 29).

Due to this negative attitude of the Church toward those whom I send and through whom the the Ruach Ha Kodesh works, He has been slighted and rejected. For this reason He has bypassed the SDA Church and is using others in other churches and ministries who will allow Him to do so and manifest His power through them. Thus His wonders and manifestations are seen in their midst.

Although the Ruach Ha Kodesh has been in the world since 34 A.D., when He was poured out upon My believers on the Day of Pentecost; and Who has been in the world ever since, the SDA Church is still waiting for Him to come and move among her. From 34 A.D., almost 2000 years ago, the Ruach Ha Kodesh has been moving throughout the earth, anointing, empowering and filling those who will allow Him to do so, as well as doing His great and mighty works.

This rejection of My Word in Joel 2: 28, 29, and Acts 2:17, 18, by the SDA Church, with the exception of Ellen White (who was also rejected by some in her day, and still is today by many in the Church), has pushed Yahweh Elohim, the Ruach Ha Kodesh and Myself, Yahushua, out of her midst. Thus she has deprived herself of many rich blessings.

This rejection of My Word in Joel 2: 28, 29, and Acts 2:17, 18, by the SDA Church, with the exception of Ellen White (who was rejected by some and still is today), has pushed Yahweh, Elohim the Father, the Ruach Ha Kodesh and Myself, Yahushua, out of her midst. Thus she has deprived herself of many rich blessings.

I have sent Messages through the pen of Ellisa, My messenger, in 1991, entitled:

“MESSAGES FOR THE CHURCH TODAY”. However, they were rejected by most of those to whom they were sent.

This is the general attitude of the Church because she does not believe that I, Yahushua Ha Mashiach) am ALIVE and REAL, or that I interact with the children of men through Elohim (God), the Ruach Ha Kodesh. They regard Me as an Elohim Who is far away. One to Whom they give lip service, but Who is only the figment of their imagination and in attitude, One Who is non-existent!

Although the general attitude of the SDA Church is to reject anyone who comes in My Name, Yahushua; I am now sending you, the Leaders, this Message through My messenger, Ellisa. You, too, will reject it, believing, like others have done; that she is deceived, a self-made prophet and a troublemaker! However, this Message is My evidence that I have spoken to you. If you reject it, like others have done to the other messages, it will surely be used in evidence against you in the Day of Judgment when you stand trembling around the great white throne before Me, King Yahushua, the Judge of all the earth.


Satan has taken control in the SDA Church and has a strong hold over her so that he is the one who dictates to her. In turn, she does what he wants her to do, without knowing it. He has placed in her a religious spirit so that she will not see her need of the Ruach Ha Kodesh. Thus she worships and jealously guards her religion!! At the same time, she deliberately ignores the Ruach Ha Kodesh, Whom My Father has given to His Church on earth, My Body, to lead, guide, direct and empower her.

From the mid 1800s to the early 1900s, I used My prophetess, Ellen White, to be a messenger to the Church. She, too, was opposed because there are always those who are ready to do Satan's work for him and fight and oppose those who come in My Name, Yahushua Ha Mashiach, in the prophetic office.

Since the death of Ellen in 1915, the Church has rejected anyone who comes in My Name, Yahushua. The belief is that there would be no more prophets after her because there are her writings.

Nowhere in the Scriptures have I said that Ellen G. White was the ONLY prophet whom I would send to this world. Neither have I said that the SDA Church was the ONLY true church. I have clearly stated in Joel 2: 28, 29 what I would do in the earth in the last days. Its fulfilment began on the Day of Pentecost, two thousand years ago (Acts 2:17, 18).

Each time I have sent Messages to the SDA Church, they have been rejected because she does not believe I can speak through anyone except when I spoke through the late, Ellen G. White. Whenever anyone brings a Message in My Name, Yahushua, there is always the excuse by the Church that she already has Sister White as her prophetess.

Please take note of how I, Yahushua Ha Mashiach, work: I will always raise up those through whom I can work and through whom I can communicate My will, desires and plans to My followers. I do not look upon colour, creed, nationality or gender. I empower and use those who will allow Me, Yahushua, to use them and make My will known, or do My works through them. This is what I have always done. I have always kept the communication open with My followers through My designated prophets, whom I have chosen in every age and empower to do My work, in accordance with Amos 3: 7:

"Surely [Adonai Elohim] the Lord GOD will do nothing, but he revealeth his secret unto his servants the prophets". (KJV).

Sadly, since the death of My prophetess, Ellen G. White, the Ruach Ha Kodesh is continually being frustrated because of the closure of the Church to Him and also to those whom He empowers as My human agents.

In these crucial days of earth's history, when I, Yahushua, am ready to return and fulfil My Promise in St. John 14: 1-3, I need to communicate with the SDA Church, as I am doing with others in My Body. Communicating with her is important because her members are also among those for whom I died. In addition, there are many sincere and earnest Christians in her midst, to whom I need to make My will known. The only way I can do this is by the same method I have always employed since time began. That method is through My human agents, whom I have chosen and through whom the Ruach Ha Kodesh works (Joel 2: 28, 29; John 14: 16-18; John 16: 7-15; 2 Peter 1: 21).

What kind of Church is the SDA Church if I cannot get her attention and speak to her if and when I choose to do so through the Ruach Ha Kodesh? Who is her leader and to whom does she listen? Why does she allow Satan to use her to block the avenues I use, so that I cannot get through to her? When will she stop her rejection of those who are sent in My Name? How can I be her Adonai (Lord) and Saviour when she will have nothing to do with Me, Yahushua, or with the Ruach Ha Kodesh, Who is here not only to be her Comforter, but also her Teacher, Leader, Counsellor and Helper, among His many offices?

It is time the Church realises that she is a part of the Body of believers, realises that Satan is using her to be the obstacle and stumbling block between her and Myself, Yahushua, and between the Ruach Ha Kodesh doing His work in her midst.

The SDA Church by her attitude and actions shows her contempt and rejection of Me, Yahushua, their Father, Yahweh, and the Ruach Ha Kodesh, Whom I asked My Father to send to be with My followers in this world. WE are locked out and barred from entering in her midst and she refuses to have anything do with US or anyone who comes in My Name, Yahushua. Like the church of Laodicea, she is rich and increased with goods, and have need of nothing. Thus she boasts of all her wonderful accomplishments since she was organised as a Church in 1863. Sadly, for her, she knows not that she is wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked. Unless she repents, I will also vomit her out of my mouth (Revelation 3: 14-18), as I did to the church at Laodicea.

Leaders, let Me, Yahushua, ask you a Question:

What kind of husbands and fathers would you be, if you remain in a far off country and refuse to have any contact with your wives and children, whom you love dearly and adore?

Yet this is how I am regarded by the SDA Church. She looks upon Me, Yahushua, as her Elohim (God) but One Who is far away. Thus she regards Me as One void of love, Who does not care or does anything for her. In turn, she does not want to have anything to do with Me, apart from the mention of My Name upon her lips.


Daily, the cries of those who see the danger of the SDA Church, come before Elohim Yahweh in My Name, Yahushua. They are pleading for her to be delivered her from the stronghold which Satan has over her; as well as her deliverance from the darkness which blankets her!!

There are also many of her members who are also crying out to Yahweh, their Father, in My Name, Yahushua,. They are pleading for something to be done about the lukewarm situation in the church; her lack of power; her deliberate isolation from others in My Body and the air of superiority which she has adopted over others in My Body! This is because they feel their need to be drawn closer to Us, their Elohim; for the Ruach Ha Kodesh to be in their midst and to see the manifestation of His power in their midst.

Elohim Yahweh, and I, Yahushua, have heard the pleas of those who are calling and asking for the intervention of Us, their Elohim, in the situation. Therefore, I must speak to you the Leaders before it is too late!

I, Yahushua, love the SDA Church because I also died for her. I am about to return and fulfil the Promise I made in St. John 14:1-3. This Promise is for ALL those who accept My death for them. I am NOT coming for a few who consider themselves to be the selected ones!!

The Church has been deceived and thus take comfort in the thought that she is the chosen and selected, "remnant people", who alone will be saved in My eternal Kingdom of Glory. However, in spite of her false sense of security, I am about to overturn, overturn, the SDA Church!! All who refuse to obey Me, Yahushua, or stand in My way, will be shaken out and dealt with. Therefore, it is time for everyone in the Church to take heed to My Word.

Leaders: The SDA Church is in grave danger, bound by Satan and his demons!! Therefore, the time has come for you to:

“Cry aloud, spare not, lift up thy voice like a trumpet, and shew my people their transgression, and . . . their sins.” Isaiah. 58: 1. (KJV).

The Church has gone far from the purpose for which she was raised up. No longer is she a loving, caring Church where We, the Elohim of all flesh: Yahweh, the Ruach Ha Kodesh, or Myself, Yahushua, are revered, uplifted and exalted. Neither is she fulfilling the commission I gave to her, including Matthew 28: 19, 20 and Mark 16: 15-18. Instead, she has pushed Us, her Elohim, aside and has gone arrogant, critical and proud. Likewise, she has very little love for those for whom I, Yahushua Ha Mashiach, died.

As Leaders over the World Church, and other prominent Leaders in your various locations, you are in the position to deliver the SDA Church with My help, and with the help of the Ruach Ha Kodesh from the Enemy of souls, Satan, who is bent on destroying her.

Satan has the Church under false security and has deluded her into believing his lies. He makes her believe that she alone is the "Little flock" and the "Remnant" with the special “Three Angels Message” to the world. He gives her the comforting feeling that "other sheep not of this fold", MUST join her and that unless they believe as she does, go to her church and keep the Seventh-Day Sabbath, they will be lost.

Sadly, she has believed his lies, although she has My Word, which is recorded in the Sacred Scriptures, and proves that Satan is a Liar. Moreover, I, Yahushua Ha Mashiach, have given intelligence to the members of the Church, including her scholars and other learned ones, for them to think logically and intelligently. However, almost everyone entertain the same beliefs and fail to see Satan’s lies, as well as her own deception. Thus the majority are deceived by Satan, the father of lies (John 8:44).