Sunday, 14 December 2008


How old are you? This is the question I am posing to you!
Are you one day old, one hundred years or even more?
However, before you give an answer to this question,
Let me bring to your attention a couple of stories or so.

Recently a lady whom I know well told me her story
Which is rather sobering and which I’ll share with you.
Bear in mind that this is a true story, so please ponder it well!
Her story which is rather interesting goes something like this:

Many years ago she was pregnant soon after giving birth to her first.
She was upset about having another child so soon after the other;
Therefore, throughout the pregnancy she talked to the unborn child,
Saying: “I don’t want you and I will never love you”!

Time quickly passed and she gave birth to her new born;
Soon she noticed a great difference between her two babies,
The new born was very quiet and demanded no attention,
But always waited without a tear to be nursed and cared for.

The child grew up rather quiet, loving and intelligent,
A dutiful child who was never rude or disrespectful
And was well loved by all the family for her winning ways
But especially to her mother with whom she was very close.

The years of infancy, childhood and teens quickly passed,
And so did the twenties and now she was in her thirties.
Throughout she maintained a close relationship with the Mom,
Spending much time with her and was her confidant and friend.

Then one day as they were happily musing and conversing
In a calm voice and without resentment she said to her Mother:
“Mom, You didn’t want me and you did not love me!!”
Shocked out of her wits, she replied: “Where did you get that from?”

Back came the answer unperturbed but very resolute and firm:
“But, You didn’t want me and you did not love me!!”
That also shocked me and so I posed to the question to the lady:
“Did you ever tell anyone that you did not want the baby?”

To my question she replied: “I said it to no one except to the unborn baby”!
Now I will relate another story which was aired on the Sky Channel
On Zone Reality on the Programme: Beyond Chance:
This, too, is amazing and should give cause for reflection!

The story goes that a lady had gone against serious medical advice
And had given birth to four daughters whom she loved and adored
She still wanted more children but she was again advised against it.
However, once again she was advised to have her womb removed.

It was with a heavy heart that she decided to have the operation to remove her womb.
Since another pregnancy would endanger her life and rob her family of her!
While she was waiting to be called into Hospital for her arranged surgery,
One day a little freckled, round faced, blue eyed boy came to her.

He said to her: “I am Michael” and then he was gone again!
She was shocked by his sudden appearance and thought he was a ghost.
Few days later, the children told her that they were playing with Michael
Shocked, she asked them to describe him and this they did.

The girls described him as a freckled, round faced boy with blue eyes,
Who told them that his name was “Michael”!
She took this as a sign that she should have another baby,
And thus she cancelled the prearranged surgery which was then due.

Shortly after she became pregnant and when the baby was born,
He was a lovely freckled, round faced, blue eyed baby boy.
When the father was asked the name they had chosen for his new son;
He could only reply: “Michael”, for he knew his birth was Yahweh’s will.

As I have thought about these two stories, they remind me about something:
I recall my earliest recollection which was about three years old or so.
At that age I asked my grandfather a question to which he had no answer.
It was: “Why do people go to Church on Sundays and not on the Sabbath day?”

My parent were not Christians at that time and I was not taken to Church,
Neither were there people in the area who were attending Church on the Sabbath.
The years quickly passed and by my early teens I gave my life to Yahushua,
And began to worship on the Seventh Day Sabbath as commanded by Yahweh.1

Now let me recall the stories and try to find the answer to the Question I posed!
How did the young lady know her mother did not love her and did not want her?
Why did Michael appear to his mother and sisters at the time he did?
And How did I, as an infant, know that the Seventh Day was Yahweh’s Sabbath?

These give thoughts for reflection that we are more than just bodies and breath,
For you see from before the foundation of this world, we were part of Yahweh’s Plan.
Thus He had our spirits (spirit and soul) our true persons already with Him
And at His appointed time He created our bodies into which He placed our spirits.

Thus we are born into our bodies, our earthly tabernacles, in which we live
But our spirits go back before time began and before the foundation of this world
And although we may only recall things in this life, yet our spirits bear witness!
Likewise, Yahweh can reveal the spirit of His children through dreams or in reality.

Understand therefore that we are not in this world through mistakes or accidents!
We are part of Yahweh’s Plan, Who brought us here to fulfil His purpose.
Just how many have missed this golden opportunity because they were aborted?
Will our Elohim take these murders of His unborn lightly and gloss over them?

I tell you Nay! For children are His heritage and the fruit of the womb is His reward.2
Therefore He will require the life at the hands of those who have denied them of life,
Whether through abortions or murders for they were intended to fulfil His purpose;
To bless their fellowmen, give Him glory and lead souls to Yahushua, our Saviour.

Children whether born or unborn, are Yahweh’s and their angels behold His face.3
Let us take care what we say or do these His jewels who are loaned to this world.
Rather let us do our part to love and bless them so that they can fill their roles here,
For they are not our properties but Yahweh’s heritage to do His will and purpose.

Life is Yahweh’s gift to us and gives us the legal right to be in this world,
To take that life or to be denied of our lives is to rob us of that precious gift!
And to bring displeasure to our Elohim Who is the Giver and Preserver of life;
For we are first spirit beings who were with Him before the world began.

Each one is part of Yahweh’s Spirit appointed to be in this world at His choosing.
When that time is fulfilled and the body returns to its dust, the spirit does not;
Because it never dies, as Yahushua told Mary at the death of her brother Lazarus.4
Instead, it either return to Yahushua in Glory, or Hell and torment with Satan.5

So now I ask you the question once again and I hope the answer you’ll give!
How old are you? Are you one day old, one hundred years or even more?
I’ll tell you how old I am: My body, my house, is numbered in a few short years
But my spirit is timeless and goes back before time began and will never die.

1.Exodus 20: 8-11; Ezekiel 20:20; 2. Psalm 127:3; 3. Matthew 18:10; 4. John 11: 25 ,26; 5. Luke 16: 19-31.

Ellisa B.R. Darrel-Asherel©08