Friday 26 December 2008





In Mark 16: 17, I, Yahushua, told the disciples just before My Ascension that among the signs which would follow those who believe on Me, would be that of speaking with “new tongues”. The speaking with “new tongues” also included “unknown tongue”. It is the same tongues Paul wrote about in 1 Corinthians 14: 1-4, 14-18 and which he refers to as “an unknown tongue” and praying in the "spirit". Jude speaks about it as “praying in the Holy Ghost”. Jude 20.

Tongues is the Prayer language of Heaven and is the only language which Satan cannot usurp or mess up. Sadly, this prayer language which the Ruach Ha Kodesh has given and continues to give and which I spoke about in John 7: 38, 39 as "rivers of living water", has been despised and rejected in the SDA Church.

This prayer language, unknown tongue, is meant for the good and edification of individuals and the Church. However, it is ridiculed, laughed about and scorned; made fun of and referred to as "Gibberish" by ministers and members alike. This is an INSULT to My Father, Yahweh, the Ruach Ha Kodesh and Myself, Yahushua.

The Scriptures are given and inspired by the Ruach Ha Kodesh. Therefore, to despise and reject any of them is to treat Yahweh, the Father, the Ruach Ha Kodesh and Myself, Yahushua, with the utmost contempt! All who do will incur Our wrath and the fulfilment of Revelation 22: 18, 19:

"18For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, If any man shall add unto these things, [Elohim] God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book: 19 and if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, [Elohim] God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book".

This precious gift of Tongues is given by the Ruach Ha Kodesh and is known only to Elohim. Satan does not have access to it, therefore, he cannot mess it up. This important gift is despised by the SDA Church, just as the baptism of the Ruach Ha Kodesh is despised and frowned upon by her. There should be no reason or excuse for this rejection of the gift of new tongues; neither should the Baptism of the Ruach Ha Kodesh be despised because I, Yahushua, have clearly stated and given instructions that members in My Body should be baptised with the Ruach Ha Kodesh. Likewise, I have also declared that they should speak with new tongues which includes unknown tongues (Acts1: 4, 5,8; Mark 16:17).

It must be understood and appreciated that unknown tongues is completely different from the gift of the languages spoken in the various tongues. This was demonstrated on the Day of Pentecost when the disciples were given the gift to speak in the languages of the people who were in Jerusalem (Acts 2:4-11).

Speaking in unknown tongues is an important gift and tool in My Body, the Church of Yahushua Ha Mashiach. It should not be despised. Those who speak in unknown tongues and have its manifestation in their churches, know its importance and are blessed by it. Of all the gifts which the Ruach Ha Kodesh gives; the gift of unknown tongue is the only gift which edifies the one who speaks it. It is a very effective weapon against Satan and his host.


In spiritual warfare, human beings cannot see what is happening in the spirit realm. Neither can they see the battles which are constantly taking place for the souls of the children of men. Thus they cannot pray effective prayers against Satan and his host who are attacking them or fighting against them. However, those who speak in unknown tongues can discern and take action against these satanic hosts!!

Whenever My followers speak in that heavenly language, they are speaking "mysteries" by their spirit man unto Us, their Elohim. As they speak with their spirit man, the Ruach Ha Kodesh takes over and prays for them and fight the spiritual battles on their behalf. Satan's stronghold and powers are then broken and destroyed as the armies of heaven set the battle in array. Thus sickness, diseases, demon possession, death and so much more are dealt with and destroyed. Likewise, those who are held captives by Satanic and his hosts are delivered.

The Ruach Ha Kodesh does mighty things when one speaks in tongues, including averting disasters and the saving of lives. There are many stories about supernatural things which occur when one speaks in tongues, as well as the prayers of individuals which are answered when in the company of those with the gifts. Those who are thus blessed, are privileged to hear in their own mother tongue the answers to their prayers as the Ruach Ha Kodesh speaks to them through the one who is speaking in tongues. Those who speak in the Heavenly language and have the gift of interpretation are also able to receive guidance and instructions in things pertaining to their own personal lives, and much more.

Some of those who speak in unknown tongues are also given the gift of interpretation. Thereby, they do not only bless others, they bless themselves also. At such times as they speak in tongues, the Ruach Ha Kodesh gives them instructions and guidance which they are able to interpret for themselves and then act accordingly.

The gift of "new tongues" has been given to My Body by the Ruach Ha Kodesh. Therefore, had the SDA Church been obedient to My words and had the manifestation of tongues been in her midst, she too would have enjoyed and benefited from the blessings which the Church should have had.

Please understand, therefore, that if the gift of " new tongues", the "living water" was not important, I would not have told my disciples about it and have it recorded in the Scriptures. Neither would the Ruach Ha Kodesh have given it on the Day of Pentecost and continues to do so.


Satan has been jumping up and down in glee because he knows that in the SDA Church there is no one who is able to pray in the "spirit" or in the “Holy Ghost”. He knows also that the Church does not know how to wage spiritual warfare! For this reason Satan has a strong hold upon her. The ministers who should be on the front line with the church members waging war in prayer and spiritual warfare, are even more blind and prejudiced than the people to whom they minister and who look to them for guidance. Thus Satan has the ministers and members alike as toys in his hands! He rejoices greatly because he has full control and makes havoc of many of the lifeless, superficial prayers prayed only in the understanding of the people.


The Ruach Ha Kodesh wants to empower the SDA Church so that in addition to the preaching of the Gospel, she will do the works I did while I was upon the earth. Since the Church will not allow Him to do His work in her; He is working upon individuals in the Church, many of whom are responding to His leadings. These are the ones who are uneasy about the unsatisfactory spiritual condition of the Church and her resistance of the Ruach Ha Kodesh.

They are tired of lack of the Power of the Ruach Ha Kodesh in the Church. They want to see a real move of the Ruach Ha Kodesh among them with the manifestation of His power as was seen at Pentecost when He worked through the Apostles, including Peter. Likewise, they want to see His manifestations among them as He is doing in many ministries today. They want to cast off the shackles which are holding them down and worship Us, their Elohim, in "spirit" and in "truth". These dissatisfied members want more than just going to church on Sabbaths week after week and listening to sermons, many of which go in one ear and out through the other, without making any impression on the mind.

These ones who are zealous for a change in the SDA Church, want a radical change because too many have become sermon hardened and likewise, their attitudes are also hardened. They want the Ruach Ha Kodesh in their lives. They want to see more of My love manifested toward each other in the Church, as well as toward those who are outside of the SDA Church. They are tired of the criticisms, back-biting, gossiping and works of the flesh which are so prevalent in some of the churches. They also want a cessation of the criticisms levelled against other Christians who are not members of the SDA Church.

The Ruach Ha Kodesh is active in many ministries and churches because they have read and accepted My Word; know His importance, seen and felt their need of Him in their lives, ministries and churches and seen the manifestation of His awesome power. The SDA Church, however, does not see her need of the Ruach Ha Kodesh because she does not know Him, though she has the Holy Scriptures where everything she needs to know is clearly written.


Due to the fact that the Church does not know the Ruach Ha Kodesh as she should, she has not allowed Him full access to empower and fill her and use her. Children are brought up in the Church from infancy, become members of the church and die without knowing anything about the importance of the Ruach Ha Kodesh. The same applies to ministry and laity alike.

The Church teaches superficially about the Ruach Ha Kodesh. However, she does not teach about His Role in the Godhead, His Importance or Power in the world, in the Church and the hearts and lives of people. Thus many, if and when they make reference to the Ruach Ha Kodesh, fail to acknowledge Him as very Elohim indeed. Some even refer to Him as 'It'. There is no excuse for this rudeness and disrespect of Elohim Ruach Ha Kodesh. Therefore, this disrespect and disregard for Him MUST STOP. ELOHIM RUACH HA KODESH IS NOT AN "IT"!!

At no time should anyone refer to Elohim Ruach Ha Kodesh as "IT"!! He is very Elohim, Who is the Third Person of the Godhead. He is equal with Yahweh, the Father, and with Me, Yahushua. Therefore, He MUST BE TREATED AS ELOHIM AND GIVEN THE RESPECT WHICH BELONGS TO HIM!!

The Church is powerless without the Ruach Ha Kodesh because she has deliberately rejected Him. This has led to a lack of knowledge about His office and work. This has resulted in her bringing condemnation upon her own head, while she fails to realise that she is included in the fulfilment of Hosea 4:6:

"My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee."

The Church lacks knowledge because she has refused to allow the Ruach Ha Kodesh, the Spirit of Knowledge and Wisdom to teach her. This lack of knowledge and rejection of the Ruach Ha Kodesh by the Church have gone on for far too long.

My Coming back to this world for My waiting children and loved ones is at hand and the Ruach Ha Kodesh needs to prepare ALL hearts for My return. The Church should realise that He is the One Who “reproves” the world of "Sin", "Righteousness" and "Judgment"; teaches, guides “into all truths”; shows things to come, testifies and bears witness of Me and reveals things from Me, Yahushua. He is the Elohim Who also seals those who accept Me, their Adonai (Lord) for the Day of Redemption. Likewise He intercedes on their behalf and brings things to their remembrance when it is necessary to do so. (St. John 14: 16-18; 15: 26, 27; 16:7-15; Eph. 4:30; Romans 8:26,27.)

It is time therefore, that the Ruach Ha Kodesh is given His rightful place in the SDA Church, as well as given the reverence and respect which belong to Him. Only then will He be able to do the work He wants to do for her, through her and in her midst.


It is high time the SDA Church realises that without the Ruach Ha Kodesh in her midst there will be no true conversion, no salvation and no redemption. Thus all her going to church and her good works will be in vain. She must be made aware that the Ruach Ha Kodesh is Elohim upon the earth and that without Him in the life of the Church and in the life of each individual, her members are just caught up in false spiritualism and vain worship!!

To end this section let Me, Yahushua, remind you of just a little of the Work and Office of the Ruach Ha Kodesh, as well as some of the things I said He would do when He was poured out:

· He would be the Comforter, Who would be with you forever, dwell in you and be in you. He would teach all things and bring all things to your remembrance (John 14 16, 17).

· He would reprove the world of “sin”, “righteousness” and “judgment”; guide into all truth and glorify Me; “shew” things to come and “shew” to you what I have told Him (John 16: 7-14).

· He would be the “living waters” that would “flow out of the belly”. This being the gift of speaking in “tongues”, the Heavenly language or the “new tongues” which the Church has despised (Mark 16: 17; 1 Corinthians 14: 2, 4, 14,15, 18); Jude 20).

· Those who are born again MUST be born of the Ruach Ha Kodesh and MUST be baptised with Him (John 3: 3; 5 -8; Acts 1: 5).

· He would intercede, and seals My followers for the Day of Redemption; regenerates and renews those who are saved (Romans 8: 26, 27; Ephesians 4: 30; Titus 3:5).

· The Ruach Ha Kodesh would give “gifts” including wisdom, knowledge, prophecy, healing, working of miracles, speaking in tongues and discerning of spirits to empower the Church. He would also give His “fruit” which includes love, joy and peace. These gifts are vital and very necessary in the Church (1 Cor. 12: 7-11; Galatians 5: 22, 23).

· The Ruach Ha Kodesh is the “spirit of prophecy” Who speaks to the Church (Revelation 2, 3; 2 Peter 1: 20; Joel 2: 28, 29; Revelation 19: 10).

Since the Ruach Ha Kodesh came on the Day of Pentecost and I baptised the disciples and all who were gathered in the Upper Room with Him and with fire. After their baptism the Ruach Ha Kodesh empowered them, He has continued to empower My followers who will allow Him to do so down through the centuries.

In these end times Yahweh, the Father, has been pouring Him out in far greater measure than at any other period of history (Joel 2: 28, 29). He wants to do the same for the SDA Church but she must feel her need for Him and pray and ask her Heavenly Father, Yahweh, for Him. Elohim Yahweh is just waiting to be asked because He is waiting to give the Ruach Ha Kodesh to those who ask (Luke 11:13).


Due to the fact that the SDA Church does not know or appreciate Elohim Ruach Ha Kodesh, and will not allow Him to be her Elohim here upon earth; nor allow Him to be her Teacher, Leader and Guide, she does not know His power or the works He is doing in the world among My followers. Thus she does not understand or know His workings.

Many in My Body have been praying, seeking, hungering and thirsting for the out-pouring to the Ruach Ha Kodesh. He is falling as the former and the latter rain upon My people in these last days (Hosea 6:3). Thus He is anointing and empowering My followers to finish the work in the world. This He is doing through miracles, signs and wonders and to finish the preaching of the Gospel of the Kingdom throughout world. Thus preparing the world for My imminent return for My followers.

Sadly, because the SDA Church has rejected the Ruach Ha Kodesh and has not allowed Him to work among her, and to pour out His spirit upon her; she has been unable to receive from Him the former and the latter rain! Thus while His is falling heavily among other members in My Body and they are receiving their share of His power and anointing, the SDA Church is missing out on His showers!! Therefore, they will remain dry and barren and will continue to deteriorate spiritually. This lack of the anointing and power of the Ruach Ha Kodesh in her midst will lead to her own demise!!