Tuesday 4 March 2008




Super-bionic!! Do you know such a person and pray tell me, who?
Now I’ll tell you about the one I know and see if you agree with me.
That person is one who carries in her womb the generations
Since time began, rocks the cradle and rules the world!!
In her body she bears the unborn child – its first home.
There from conception it develops and draws its nourishment
Until the time of delivery into this world of sorrow and woe!
Then in great pains and sorrow, she brings forth.
Now her work begins, for she must care for that young life,
Now totally dependent upon her for many years to come;
As she devotes herself to a life of constant and endless sacrifice;
Not only to one but sometimes to the many fruits of her womb!

Her role is multi-faceted, just too numerous to mention
However, here just are few of what this super-bionic does:
Sometimes she is the only one to rare and bring up a family!
A wife who cares for her husband, family and home;
Often bound to the kitchen, that ungrateful place!!
Where she prepares the meals at least three time per day.
She lays the table, cleans up afterwards and washes the dishes.
Next she washes, irons, folds and puts the clothes and socks away;
Sweeps, vacs and dusts the home and sees that it is kept clean and tidy.
Then she must make those beds and do the endless shopping.

Life is often hard financially, and so she is the bread-winner, or must contribute.
So she works as a teacher, nurse, secretary, shop assistant, domestic,
Hairdresser, lawyer, executive, business person and many more.
She is not proud or ashamed to do the humblest of tasks,
In order to see that her family has the necessities of life.
She keeps at whatever she is doing day and night, for such is her life!
Then she has to work on the farm tending the animals and birds,
Or in the rice paddies, the farms, fields or allotments,
To provide food for those who look to her for sustenance.
Wood and water are vital and if it means travelling miles to get them,
She will go and painstakingly to get them and carry them home on her head!
Upon her return, she prepares the meals, kneads the dough and bakes the bread.
Then there are those marital commitments by which she is bound!!
Yet she goes on, for her life is one of constant giving, giving, giving!
Though she receives very little, if any at all, in return and rarely a THANK YOU!!

She must spin the yarn and make the garments to clothe and cover her family.
Sickness often makes its presence felt, and so a nurse she must be.
Parents and relatives get old and frail and she must care for them;
Often bearing the heavy burden when death knocks at her door.
Friends and neighbours seek help, counsel and advice;
And she does not decline because she is a counsellor in her own rights!!
She holds office in her local church, or helps out in the community,
And must give due attention to her commitments to these also.
In order to improve and better her skills, or fulfil her goals and ambitions,
She attends school, college, university or does the training of her choice.
These are the days of technology and so she must keep abreast.
So she masters the computer, www. and e-mails too!

She goes to bed late at nights for there is so much to do,
Then up early at the crack of dawn to carry on from the night before.
Gets the children ready for school and sees them safely there.
Returns home and does the many chores, including her job outside the home.
Then she fetches the children from school, supervise their school work,
And attends parent/teacher’s meetings, if not already the governor!
Then as the children grow up, she must be the taxi driver!
Ferrying them from one venue to another, according to their interests.
She is often the spiritual leader and guide in the home,
Being fully accountable for what her children become in life.
The credit goes to her if they are a blessing to society,
While she must bear the brunt if they become a curse!

She works day and night, never relenting or complaining, and how could she??
For she knows to do so, would be equivalent to committing sacrilege!!
Many are the nights when sleep evades her eyes and the body aches.
But she must go on, even if she collapses from exhaustion!!
There are times when she suffers hunger pangs and pains,
For there is no time to eat, or she goes without if there isn’t enough.
There comes the day when medical treatment is necessary,
And she is forced to be hospitalised to get medical or surgical treatment.
Upon her return home, there is little or no sympathy shown;
And all eyes look to her to take up the reins immediately,
It matters not if she was under the surgeon’s knife!

There is something which is quite sinister about all of this!
It is widely believed and taught, that she is the weaker sex!!
Now tell me truthfully, Is that really so?
You have heard what I have said, and so you ask:
Where is the husband and father in all this?
Do you really want to know???
However, before I answer, do remember that there may not be one at all!!
Now if hubby and Daddy is in the home, he will be busy alright,
But will be focussed on the one thing he is doing;
And does not see anything else, because he is track minded!!
Because you see: The Creator did not endow him with such gifts!
Now, in spite all these many things which this ‘Super-Bionic’, does
Father, Hubby or Partner expects to be served and waited upon,
Becoming angry and impatient if his meals are somewhat late!

Yet, the Super Bionic, just continue day after day,
Rarely complaining or seeking pity, for life in her world must go on!!
Now, you will understand why Solomon says in Proverbs 31: 10:
Who can find a virtuous woman? for, her price is far above rubies.
Here then my friend, is that Super-Bionic person
Whom Yahweh (God) made specially so that she is unique!!
Do you personally know such a Person??
Have you met her and are you that special lady?

EBR Darrel Asherel ©

This is the season when we remember MOTHERS!! And their importance to this world. Their role in this world is a unique one, with which nothing can be compared. Therefore, let us not forget that Yahweh made MOTHERS SPECIAL, so special that without them, our world would have long ended!!

Mothers, you are dear and near to the heart of our Elohim (God): Yahweh, our Heavenly Father, Yahushua (Jesus) our Saviour, and the Ruach Ha Kodesh, the Holy Spirit. Each of us need prayer, therefore, I will now pray for all of you dear mothers who are out there in this world:

Gracious Yahweh, our Heavenly Father, in the holy and righteousness name of Yahushua, our Saviour, we come to You. Loving Elohim of Heaven, we bless and praise You for Your goodness and mercies to us day by day. Thank You also that You are our great Elohim, our Creator, Provider and the Sustainer of all things here upon Planet Earth.

Loving Father, Yahweh, in the name of Yahushua Ha Mashiach (Jesus Christ), I lift up before You, every mother in this world and ask You to bless them. Kind Father, You created mothers for a special purpose and each one needs You, and needs Your help, assurance and comfort.

Kind Father, Please remember every mother, especially those who are one parent families (for various reasons) and who are suffering and struggling to bring up their children in these very hard and difficult times. Please comfort, help, encourage, strengthen, protect and the support them, and please provide for them and supply their needs day by day.

Loving Father, Yahweh, in Yahushua’s name, Please remember those who are suffering from various illnesses and diseases, especially those who are bringing up young children. Kind Father, in the name of Yahushua, Please heal everyone of them, so that they will be able to care for their families. Yea! kind Father, take every mother and every home and bless and prosper them, and help them to bring up their children in Your fear and admonition, so that they will be ready to meet King Yahushua at His Return, when they will go home to glory to be with Him, and spend the rest of eternity with Him.

Great Ruach Ha Kodesh (Holy Spirit), as our Elohim (God) here in this world, Please take, bless and grant them divine wisdom, patience, understanding and endurance to all mothers, especially to those mothers who are still bringing up their children. Please lead, guide, instruct, direct and help them day by day, in Yahushua’s name, I pray.

Dear Mothers, May Yahweh, our Father, Yahushua (Jesus), our Saviour, and the Ruach Ha Kodesh, the Holy Spirit, richly bless and keep each of you.
