Thursday 20 March 2008



On a hill called Golgotha stands three rough and rugged crosses.
On the right and on the left two thieves are tied awaiting death,
For the crimes they have committed against society.
But wait, there is One nailed upon on the Middle Cross,
Who has not killed, stolen or committed treason,
And yet the mob are in frenzy for His blood!!
He is in great agony and pain from the beatings and torture,
And from the nails in His hands and feet holding Him upon the Cross;
But without a murmur He bravely bears His agony in silence.

Tell me, Oh tell me, Who is the One upon the Middle Cross,
Suspended between heaven and earth for all to see?
On either side there are two thieves and one vilifies Him,
But His sweet face is peaceful, innocent and serene;
Though he writhes in silent agony between those thieves!!
Won’t you tell me Who is He and from Where does He hail?
What is His name? And Why is He there?
Please tell me for I long to know Who is the One so serene.
Now brutally nailed and in great agony upon the Middle Cross.

His name is Yahushua, Yahushua (Jesus), Name of all names.
He is King of Kings and Lord of lords, our Messiah true!
Elohim (God) Himself, Who came from Heaven, His dwelling place,
To ransom us with his blood and set us free from the curse of sin;
Which Satan placed upon the human race, 6000 years long passed!
For only our Creator could pay the price our sins demanded!
Thus He willingly suffered and was nailed upon that torture stake!!
His name is Yahushua, Yahushua, Name of all names.
The King of kings and Lord of Lords, sent by the Father above.

Now please tell me What crimes has He committed,
To be nailed upon the rough and rugged Middle Cross?
What has He done to deserve such harsh and gruesome punishment!
Which has never been meted out even to wicked, hardened criminals?
Oh! Wont you please tell me, for my heart aches to know,
What He has done to be nailed upon the Middle Cross?
And to be mocked and taunted by the rabble looking on,
While the religious leaders poured out insults and scorns!
So tell me true and hide not for I want to know,
Why He is suffering such great agony when no one seems to care??

You ask why King Yahushua is suspended upon the Middle Cross?
And Why He is alone is nailed and not the thieves on either side?
Bleeding from the crown of thorns and wounds from the stripes!!
This is the answer to your question, friend of mine,
Yahushua is not upon that cross for any crimes of His own,
He is Yahweh’s spotless Lamb slain from the world’s foundation!!
Thus He is upon the Middle Cross out of His love for you and me!
Our sins sent Him to the Middle Cross because there was no other way
He could ransom us, lost sinners, from the curse of Sin and Death!

Oh the Middle cross! The Middle Cross! On Calvary’s Hill!
Thank Yahweh (God) for the Middle cross standing tall!!
For ‘twas there my Saviour bled and died 2000 years past,
And purchased my salvation thus setting me free from sin’s curse.
Though He committed no sins of His own to warrant death,
His Love sent Him to the Middle Cross for you and for me!
And now with great joy and gratitude from my heart, I say,
Thank You sweet Yahushua for taking my place that Good Friday
And shedding Your blood upon the Middle Cross on dark Calvary.

-- EBR Darrel-Asherel ©


It was for my sins and yours that Yahushua (Jesus) went to the shameful Cross!
He had suffered scorn, torture, mockings and treated like dross!
Before He cried: "It is finished !" and breathed his last,
That Good Friday afternoon, two thousand years so long past.
But there was no tomb to lay His body now deadly still.

Who would take His lifeless body down from that Middle Cross?
Who was brave and rich enough to approach Pilate the boss?
Seeing the disciples had fled and were hiding away in fear!!
Brave Joseph of Arimathaea, was that man who asked without fear,
Then lovingly laid Yahushua’s ' body in his new tomb late that Friday evening.

Priests, lawyers and scribes were now in fear more than ever,
For they remembered the words of Yahushua which they would not favour;
That He would take up His life after laying it down in death,
And asked Pilate to place guards to watch with bated breath!
Less eleven frightened disciples should steal the body lying still.

A battalion of hardened soldiers were set on guard at the sepulchre,
Pilate's seal over the entrance they placed, and kept watch o'er the sepulchre.
They guarded all Friday night, Sabbath and well into Sunday morning,
Through the hours of darkness and light, they kept vigil and no snoring!!
Thus ensuring that Yahushua remained in the tomb where He was laid.

Then early on Sunday morning came a bright shining Angel,
Rendering Pilate's soldiers unconscious, as to the ground they fell!
Then that powerful Angel in His shining armour moved away the grave stone,
As Yahweh (God) breathed life into the Life Giver, no more alone;
Then Yahushua the Mighty Conqueror came victorious from the tomb.

And now rejoice O Heavens and let it rebound to the earth and skies,
For Yahushua has conquered forever Death, the Grave and his enemies;
And Left Pilate's soldiers as dead men that Easter Sunday morning,
When Yahweh the Father raised Him to life on that Resurrection morning.
And now praise YAHWEH, YAHUSHUA is Alive! YAHUSHUA is alive forevermore!

So tell me why? Pray tell me Why were Pilate's soldiers, so dumb,
Guarding the body of my ADONAI (Lord) in the stone cold tomb?
Could they stand between Death and the great Giver of All life!
Who had the power to reclaim the life He laid down for our sins?
So let us rejoice, for the Conqueror of Death and the Grave is alive forevermore.

-- EBR Darrel-Asherel ©

(John 20:17)

On the Resurrection morning as Mary cried bitter tears for her Adonai (Lord),
Thinking that someone had stolen Him from the grave, though securely sealed!
Yahushua (Jesus) appeared to her and called her by name, Mary! Mary!
Amid her tears she reached out with joy to touch His sacred body!

Then the Risen Saviour lovingly said to her: "Oh, Mary dear, touch Me not”!
For I am not yet ascended to Yahweh My Father to report Mission accomplished!!
But go now and tell My disciples that I have risen and ascended to Yahweh My Father,
And to your Father and to My Elohim (God), and unto My Elohim (God) above.

So Mary, dear Mary, rejoice and weep no more for death is conquered!!
The grave has been robbed and Satan, the Adversary, is vanquished!
Now go quickly and tell My grieving disciples that I am risen from the dead;
And I will see them upon My return from Heaven for I am alive forevermore.

-- EBR Darrel-Asherel©

(Matthew 28: 1-7.)

Early that Sunday morning went Mary Magdalene and Mary,
To the sepulchre, the body of Yahushua (Jesus) to anoint, though weary.
But sitting on the great stone rolled from the door so low,
Was a bright shining angel whose dress was white as snow.

Then with joy that shining angel all in white said:
"Fear not, you who look for Yahushua among the dead,
He is not here for He is risen as he said.
Now go quickly and tell His disciples evermore,
That Yahushua Ha Mashiach is risen and is alive forevermore."

--EBR Darrel-Asherel©