Tuesday 18 March 2008


Here in this my body of clay, my earthly house I dwell,
Where I groan and sigh, burdened with life’s cares,
For I was shaped in iniquity and conceived in sin;
With no hope of escape while in this mortal being,
Of flesh and blood, my earthly tabernacle, so frail!!

But there’s a day coming soon for me I know,
When this my earthly tabernacle will be no more;
And I shall live in a house Yahushua has provided for me.
One that has not been made with mortal hands,
But with the hands of Yahushua my Saviour and Adonai.

Paul was assured that after he left his mortal being,
He would be present with Yahushua, his Maker.
I too long for that day, when I will leave my house of clay,
And be present with Adonai Yahushua, my Redeemer and King,
Who promised that where He is, I will be also.

Now, What of you my brother, my sister and my neighbour near and far,
Are you looking forward to that day, when you too shall leave your earthly house??
For surely that day will come, be maybe soon, maybe long, but come it will!!
Therefore, like Paul, can you say with certainty, “Absent from the body-
Present with Yahushua”, your loving Saviour, Adonai and coming King?

(Scripture References: Psalm 51:5; 2 Corinthians 5: 1-6)

EBR. Darrel-Asherel ©