Thursday 6 March 2008



The other night I was sound asleep when I saw in a dream
A statement written clearly upon everything in the earth and skies!
These solemn words read: Yahushua is Coming Again!!
Ever since Yahushua returned to Heaven two thousands years,
The message of His Second Coming has been proclaimed.
Until now the full importance is lost for many,
While others have not heard of the Saviour’s coming .

To the vast majority throughout the world the promise of Yahushua’s Return
Has no meaning for they are tied to their own beliefs and traditions;
Knowing not the Saviour Who died for them is Coming Again!!
Others are indifferent making it known their only saviour is money!
While others make gods of themselves and their possessions,
Or worship the gods of sports, pop idols, film stars and the like,
And the numerous gods which Yahweh likens to idols!!

Yahushua came to this world lived 2000 years long past
Lived, ministered, suffered , died, rose and returned to Glory;
But He left us the promise that He will Come Again for His saints!
For long He has been telling the world that He is about to do just that;
But they are too blinded to see so He has sent His Town Criers!
To announce in words loud, strong and clear the solemn warning:
Yahushua is Coming Again!! Yahushua is coming Again!!

Wake up oh sleeper and read what nature and the elements are saying the world over.
Read it in the devastating storms, floods, tornadoes, cyclones, hurricanes and volcanoes;
See it in the tsunamis, earthquakes, diseases, wars, famines, crimes, and man’s inhumanity to man!!
Read it in the raging bush fires of Australia, Europe, California and other lands,
See it in global warming, and melting ice caps, ice caps and rising sea levels!
See it in the terrorist attacks upon the mighty USA, Spain, Bali, UK and elsewhere,
For all are witnesses that Yahushua the King of kings is Coming Again.

Read it plainly in the hostilities between the Palestinians and the Jews.
In the planned division of Israel and the giving up of Jerusalem to the Palestinians!
It is shouted out in the financial slump, the decrease in oil output, and oil prices!
See it written in the AIDS epidemic sweeping the world and taking millions of lives,
Don’t ignore the Bird Flu, Mad Cow Disease, CJD and much more now in many lands.
These all say the Count Down to Yahushua’s Coming has begun, so take heed!
For Yahushua has never left Himself without witnesses since time began.

Yahushua is Coming Again!! is written in the drugs, crimes and immorality,
Now sweeping the world and destroying lives without number!
It is written in the ungodliness blanketing and blinding the world;
As well as in religious persecutions and martyrdom by those who know not the Saviour!!
Yes, it is written everywhere, in everything and for everyone to see.
It is true and it will be real, this most important Event yet to take place!
Which is no other than the return of Yahushua to this world for His children dear.

So do not be like the sceptics the ungodly and unwise who question:
Where is the promise of His Coming since nothing has changed
Just look around and you will see Yahushua’s Coming is written loud and clear!!
It is written on every blade of grass, every snow flake that falls.
It is written in the wind and rustling leaves and the songs of the birds.
Just look around and you will see the Coming of Yahushua is written everywhere!!
And be ready and waiting my friend, lest His Coming takes you unaware!!

-- EBR Darrel Asherel©