Monday 17 March 2008


When Yahweh made me, He made me three beings in one!
He made me with a spirit and a soul and a body,
And made all three work in harmony while in this life.
With my spirit, the Holy Spirit communes and draws me.
While my soul controls my emotions, thoughts and actions;
Then my body obeys their commands and keeps all in motion.

Yahweh made my spirit, the real person who I am, to think and make decisions.
He gave me a soul to do good and glorify His Name most High
He placed these two parts of my being into my body to give Him praise.
So while I have my breath I’ll praise my Elohim (God) and King
Who dwells within me, walking and talking with me each day;
For He is a Spirit too, whom I must worship in “spirit and in truth.”

Yahweh placed me in this world to make His will known to mankind.
To do good to my fellowmen and pray for their healing and prosperity.
Thus He made me a tripartite being to do all He requires of me!
I am glad, so glad I am more than just a body of flesh, blood and bones;
I am also a spirit being made in Yahweh’s own image, His glory to show!
And throughout eternity I will sing and give praise to His Holy Name.

One day this body of clay will leave this world and be no more;
But not so my spirit and soul, for they are immortal and never die!!
At death, whether I am young or old, rich or poor, they will leave.
My spirit and soul then to my Saviour in Heaven will go,
For I have made my covenant with Yahushua and will not recant!
While my body in the grave will go, to await the Life Giver’s call.

What a Day, what a glorious Day that will be when my Saviour calls,
And from the grave I will arise with a new and immortal body;
Into which My Saviour will place my spirit and soul from above.
Then I will be restored to my Edenic state of spirit, soul and body;
And spend eternity with my Adonai (Lord) in His kingdom so fair,
And proclaim Him Adonai of all, who alone is worthy of all praise!

-- EBR Darrel-Asherel ©