Thursday 13 March 2008


I have a house all my own in which I dwell day and night.
It is a house not made with hands, mortar, bricks or wood!
Having no windows, doors, roof, walls or any such thing;
For this my special house is made of flesh, blood and bones,
And was designed and fashioned by Yahweh’s own hand.

My house has been furnished in and out by love Divine,
Who placed in it my spirit and soul, which no man see!
Filled each room with the Holy Ghost power and might,
And a light that comes from Yahushua, the True Light;
Whose Presence pervades its space like sweet perfume!

My home is blest by My Father who loves me dearly,
And sent Yahushua Ha Mashiach, His beloved Son to die for me;
Whose blood washes and cleanse this house from all sins,
So that He can make it His temple and tabernacle with me;
And from this sanctuary I worship and give Him praise.

The Sun of Righteousness has spread His rays of sunshine all around it.
The rains of the Holy Spirit have fallen washing it clean inside and out!!
The storms and tempest of life have tested its very foundation;
And with the trials many, it is strengthened and fortified,
As in love God’s Word and Spirit renew it each day.

Now it is getting old and worn but I cannot escape,
For as long as I remain in this house of clay I am bound
Because as a body of flesh I am absent from Yahushua my Lord,
But one sweet day my spirit will vacate this old house
And then I will soar above and be present with Yahushua my Adonai.

Oh what a happy day that will be when I leave this body of clay;
For I will be present with my Saviour and give Him praise.
Then no more will I be confined to this body subject to decay,
For I shall say goodbye as to my Saviour in Heaven I go;
Where I will worship and bow down and give Him praise.

Oh what a happy, happy, happy day that will be for me.,
When I put off this body of flesh and blood and go to Yahushua my King,
And join with all the saints around the Yahushua’s throne;
As we fall down and worship Yahushua who died for me,
And sing to our Adonai and King: Holy, holy are You Elohim.

Scriptures: 2 Corinthians 2:6,8; 2 Corinthians 5: 1-9; Luke 16: 22,23.

--- EBR Darrel Asherel ©