Tuesday 18 March 2008


You look at me and see my person, my body,
Whom you know by features and by name.
But that is not all there is of me, Oh No, No, No!
For within this body dwells a spirit and a soul.
For you see I am a tripartite being!
Fearfully and wonderfully made in Yahweh’s image.

While in this world I live in my mortal house,
But I have a spirit which communicates with the Trinity,
Yahweh, the Father, Yahushua Ha Mashiach and the Ruach Ha Kodesh.
Then there is my soul, the real me you cannot see,
Which dictates my words, deeds and actions, good or bad;
And will one day give an account to Yahushua, my King.

My body, my house, will die and return to its dust,
But my spirit and soul, my true person, will not die!
But will be in Yahushua’s care until the day of His return;
When He will re-house them in my new immortal body,
Like unto His own, in splendour and beauty;
When all three will forever give Him praise and worship.

My Friend, Think not then that in this life you are just a body!
To be fed and pampered with the things of this world;
And to live and do as you please, with no account to give!
As so many in this world believe and do always.
For we must all appear before the Judgment seat of Yahushua
To receive the things done in the body, our earthly houses!

So take heed my friend and be not deceived,
Know for sure that you too are a tri-partite being;
Made in Yahweh’s image, though fools say otherwise!
One day you too will leave your earthly house;
But will your spirit and soul be safe in Yahushua’s care?
Or will Satan claim you as his very own property?

While in this body you have a choice
To accept or reject King Yahushua, who died for you.
But once death takes over, that choice is ended.
Therefore, whatsoever you may think, do, or believe;
One day you too will have to give an account to Yahushua,
Who has the power to save or to destroy both soul and body in hell.

(Scripture References: Matthew 10:28; 1 Thessalonians 5: 23; 2 Corinthians 5: 1-9; Philippians 1: 21-23. )
--EBR. Darrel-Asherel.©