Thursday 6 March 2008



Oh sweet Yahushua my blessed Saviour, You are so beautiful.
I cannot truly describe Your loveliness and grace so bountiful;
As in love You came and showed Me Your gracious favour,
You the King of glory, My precious Adonai and kind Saviour.

How wonderful that You my Adonai and One so holy and worthy,
Should come from Heaven and interact with one so unworthy.
Yet this was the wonderful experience that was mine to share,
As You came in your loveliness and assured me of Your love and care.

Loving Yahushua You did not come to me in Your heavenly splendour,
As You so often did in times past to reassure me of Your love and favour.
Instead You came as an ordinary Person, tall, dark and divinely handsome;
Serene, well groomed, neatly dressed and with an aura indeed – awesome!

First You laid down beside me on my couch and slept for a few moments,
But awoke soon after for You were here on business by your comments.
Thus You instructed me to don my gown and accompany You some way,
For there was someone You had to go and see some distance away.

Soon we were on our way but then I felt the need to stop and pray.
But though the King of kings You too knelt down and took time to pray,
Before we continued our journey by car to the appointed destination;
Where You did what You had planned to the one waiting at that station.

Once again You were ready for the return journey from where we had driven,
Though You had no desire to be the Driver and but was contented to be driven.
However, one who had accompanied us went his own way roaming
But my son Joel the driver went because he would not keep You waiting.

Our journey home was quite an adventure coloured by the scenes along the way,
As birds sang, the flowers nodded and butterflies flitted about and would not stay.
You were not always silent because You sang with me the lovely songs of Zion,
And repeated with me Scriptures which reflected Yourself, Judah’s brave Lion.

Our journey seemed short for soon we were again at my gate with peace of mind.
Then turning to my son, You told him to go back for the one he had left behind;
And ensured that he was not left alone even though he had gone his own way,
For such is Your love and care for us even when we wonder and go astray.

Now all alone with You by blessed Saviour standing beside You on the land,
I reverently knelt at Your feet and asked to see the nail prints in Your hand.
Kindly You opened Your left hand where the scars could be seen even by the blind!
Then overcame by grief I apologised for the sufferings You bore for mankind.

However, that was not the end because You wanted time to study and muse,
And went to my study where I gave You a drink which You did not refuse.
But soon You came down stairs where many had gathered and were overjoyed
As You placed Your arm around a dear saint, not in the least annoyed.

A while passed and then You told me how tired You were and needed to rest,
As You followed me into my bedroom where I prepared the bed for you to rest.
Then I woke to the light of day and realised that it was all a dream,
Saddened by the thought that it was not indeed a reality but a lovely dream.

I was filled with sweet peace because Yahushua My Saviour had visited me ,
Although but in a dream which felt and seemed so very real to me.
But soon My Saviour and Adonai will come - not in a dream but in reality;
As He comes in the clouds of Heaven for His children is indeed a certainty.

In great anticipation, I look forward to that great Day of days,
When by His grace I shall see My King face to face in golden rays!
As He returns for His children to take them to that ever green shore,
To spend eternity in that land of fadeless day forevermore.
-- EBR Darrel Asherel©

This was a dream I had of Yahushua was on Friday, February 9, 2007.