Thursday 13 March 2008


Before me looms a scene, which I believe will take place in the near future. The scene is this:

One morning the world wakes up to a day they have never seen before.
The morning is pitch black and ominous with an eerie feeling all around!
This blackness gets blacker so that the sun cannot penetrate and hides itself.
All electrical lights and flood lights make little impression on the blackness,
As the nations great and small become greatly terrified and crippled with fear;
Knowing that something is ominous, from which there is no escape.

Then from way up in the sky beams a very bright light for all to see.
Its brilliance quickly spans the whole earth as it enters earth’s atmosphere.
In the light sits King Yahushua in majestic splendour upon His throne,
Accompanied by Yahweh Elohim, the Ruach HaKodesh and the Heavenly host.
Then the trumpet blast and shout of Yahweh echo from pole to pole!
As the arch-angel’s voice proclaims King Yahushua’s return to this world.

It is mankind’s final Day here upon earth. It is the coming of King Yahushua!!
As He returns to fulfil His promise to His children in John Fourteen, one to three:
“I go to prepare a place for you. I will come again for you”.
For His waiting children there is joy untold as the righteous dead come to life,
And are caught up together with the living righteous to meet King Yahushua in the air.
But for all others there is fright, terror, death and destruction everywhere!!

For you see a tempestuous and raging fire goes ahead of the Heavenly Procession;
While the world burns as an oven as all things in the earth become fuel for the fire.
Then every mountain and island move out of their places by the global earthquake;
Accompanied by a global tsunami, lightnings, thunders and great hail stones
Which no one who has rejected King Yahushua will be able to survive
Except those who are washed and covered by the blood of Yahushua, the Lamb!

Be sure my friend that Day will soon dawn upon Planet Earth!!
Yahushua said it would and told us the signs which would precede it.
These signs are now upon the earth and include man’s inhumanity to man;
The Tsunami in Asia in 2004 and severe earthquake in Asia in 2005;
Numerous tornadoes, severe hurricanes including Mitch, Ivan, Katrina, etc.
Typhoons, cyclones, floodings, famines, fires, volcanoes and wars to name a few.

Then there are definite signs which Yahushua gave when He spoke long ago.
They are: We should take heed not to be deceived in serving false christs and gods,
The gospel of the kingdom of His love and grace would be preached world-wide;
Jerusalem would no longer be under Gentile control and armies would surround her.
Today deception is rife but the Gospel of Salvation has been preached;
While Gentiles vies for Jerusalem re-captured in 1967 and now armies surround her.

Now Yahushua words continue to ring through loud and clear to all nations,
As He admonishes us in these days of turmoil, terrorism and great disasters:
Be ready! Look up!! Lift up your heads!! For your redemption is at hand!!
For then you will see the Son of Man, Yahushua your King and Saviour,
Coming with power and great glory for His waiting children here below;
Who will gladly hail Him as their Saviour, King, Adonai, Friend and Elohim.

Yes my brothers, sisters, friends and all those for whom Yahushua died!
Mankind’s last Day is about to dawn as King Yahushua returns to this world
A day of gloom, darkness, fires, tsunamis and magnanimous earthquakes,
Removing every mountain and island from their places as Revelation tells us.
Hurrah!! It is also a day of light, great joy and happiness for Yahushua’s saints.
My friend, How will it be with your soul on that grand and awful Day of days??
-- EBR Darrel-Asherel©

Scripture References: Matt. 24; Luke 21; 1 Thess. 4: 16-17; Rev. 6: 12-17; Revelation 16: 17-21.