Tuesday 18 March 2008


Here upon earth we spend our lives as we would like,
For some the span is short and for others long!
But for everyone there comes a day when death knocks!
And then we must leave this moral body behind.
But Where will your spirit and your soul go then?

Yes! Where will you go to spend the rest of eternity on that day?
Will you go to the Heaven of heavens where Yahushua dwells?
Or to Hell where Satan and his demons are waiting to torment!!
Only you can decide and say where you will go on that Day.
So decide now for on that final day, your fate will be sealed!!

Eternity begins here in this life for you and me,
And only we can decide where we will spend the rest,
When we have to leave this world and say, farewell!!
I have made the decision to spend it with Yahushua, my King,
But what about you my Friend, Where will it be??

Only today is ours, tomorrow is not promised and never comes!
So while you have today, make your choice where it will be!!
You too can choose Yahushua and spend the rest with Him Glory;
Or you can choose the love of the world and spend it with Satan in his Hell!
So make your choice today, for only you can decide your eternal destiny!!

-- EBR Darrel-Asherel©