Thursday 13 March 2008


One day you and others may gather to say your last goodbyes
As my body lies silent and no glitter from my eyes you see.
You will hear my praises sung by family and friends alike,
And naturally there may be chokes and tears to hold back!
For I will have said goodbye to this world of care and woe!
And will never again see your face, laughter and smile.

But loved ones dear and friends many; be happy for me then,
And weep not! Oh weep not for me! Or be sad!!
Because the body lying still will be my old house of clay!
Which I will vacate when my last breath I breathe.
And then my spirit and soul, the real me, to Yahushua my Lord will go,
As I will join with the saints and worship Yahweh in His temple.

So weep not for me! Oh weep not for me!! Or be sad,
For it is only my body of clay that will be left behind
While I sore to Heaven and home to spend eternity,
And worship and bow down before Yahushua, my King
So weep not for me! Weep not for I will never die!!

I know that day is coming, may be soon may be long,
But I will not be afraid and will be ready for that day;
(Unless My Saviour comes before that day for His saints)
To take my flight to my heavenly home beyond the sky;
While my body here will return to the earth and its dust,
To await the resurrection morn when Yahushua will return
And give a new immortal body for my spirit again!

And then with the resurrected ones to Heaven we will go
Not as spirits but real persons with glorified, immortal bodies!
To live and reign with Yahushua and the heavenly host
And tell salvation story of how Yahushua ransomed me!
That will be a wonderful day for me, such a wonderful day!
As with my Saviour who died for me, I will be.

So weep not for me! Oh weep not for me! Or be sad!!
For it is only my body of clay that will be left behind
While I’ll sore to Heaven and home to spend eternity!
And worship and bow down before Yahushua my King.
So weep not for me! Weep not, for I will never die!!
-- EBR Darrel-Asherel ©