Tuesday 28 July 2009


(NB: A pseudonym has been used for the writer of the letter.) 

Dear Tom,

Thank you for your letter. Since you have written to us it is my duty to respectfully reply to you. I will not write for my husband, he will most likely do that himself. Lest I should misquote you, Tom, I will copy your email and then give my reply to the points you raised.

“Hello Lloyd and Ellisa,

I have been reading your web site and after listenig to you Ellisa explain over the phone how our spirit either goes to heaven or to hell throughout all the ceasless age of eternity.

This is pure nonesence and from what I can see it is not supported by the writings of Sister White.  

Do the 2 of you read and belive in her writings?
What you are teaching on your web site is so different from SDA doctrine and teachings and is so wrong.


This final part of your statement: “and is so wrong”, does not surprise me because Tom, you are a typical Seventh-Day Adventist!! SDAs are quick to judge and condemn others because that is the nature of most of them. They do this because of the negative attitudes which have been instilled in them by the SDA Church. In light of this, let me remind you of what is written in Matthew 7:1, 2:

"Judge not, that ye be not judged. 2 For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again".

To accuse me of me "pure nonesence" because of what I have written on my web site and what I told you about on “phone how our spirit either goes to heaven or to hell throughout all the ceasless age of eternity”; and to accuse me of being "so wrong" because of what I am teaching on my web site because it is so different from SDA doctrine and teachings, is to assume a very judgmental attitude based upon the beliefs and teachings of the SDA Church.

May I ask under whose authority you speak? What right do you have to judge and condemn me on a matter that you have no knowledge about except for the errors taught by the SDA Church? I know you have based your judgment and condemnation upon the doctrines and teachings of the SDA Church on the subject of the Spirit and the Soul of mankind. However, I would like to point out to you that the SDA Church is totally ignorant about this very important subject. She thinks she knows and can be an authority on many subjects, including the subject of the Spirit and the Soul. However, especially on the topic of the Spirit and the Soul, she teaches pure nonesence and is so wrong, to quote your own words. Her teachings on the subject reveals to others in the body of Yahushua, as well as others, her ignorance shallowness on the matter.  

The SDA Church is the ONLY church, I believe, which rejects the teachings of Yahweh’s Word on the matter of the immortal spirit and soul of man and makes out that His Word is a LIE!! She is the ONLY church, I believe, which teaches that as human beings we are just bodies + breath, which makes us living souls; and that when the breath leaves the body, we are dead souls who await the resurrection of life or the resurrection of damnation (John 5:29).  

Other Christians, if not all, know that we are NOT just bodies which live in this world and then perish at death. They know that we have an immortal spirit and soul which continues to live on once the body dies. They are fully aware that there is a real Heaven where the souls of the righteous go after death. Likewise, they are even more aware of Hell, a real place of torment, where the souls of the wicked go. That is why it is so important to many of them that they commit their souls to the Saviour and make things right before they leave this world in death. It is only the SDA Church which is in denial of these facts because she refuses to accept Yahushua’s word on the matter, as well as what is written in other Scriptures about the same subject. Likewise, she refuses to Have the Ruach Ha Kodesh teach her and guide her because her attitude is that she knows more than Him!! 

In almost every culture, the people know that death is only the death of the body. That is why so many of them believe in the spirits of their ancestors and honour them.
Regardless of what others may think and say about them, makes no difference, they firmly believe in the spirit realm and nothing can change that.
Due to the SDA Church’s stance on many things and her exclusive ways, she is regarded as a cult by many!! She has herself to blame for this impression which she gives because she has too many “hang-ups”, instead of just simple accepting a “Thus says Yahweh and believe His Word!! This is what is so wrong!! 

For you, Tom, to accuse me of speaking "pure nonsence" concerning what happens to the immortal spirit when one dies, and that the teaching on my website is "so wrong" because it is different from the SDA doctrine, IS TO ACCUSE THE RUACH HA KODESH, Who is my Teacher and Elohim in this world, OF TEACHING ME "PURE NONSENCE"!! And of BEING "SO WRONG"!! 

For you to take upon yourself such authority, is to commit blasphemy against the Ruach Ha Kodesh and thus bring yourself under great condemnation!! Yahushua warns about the danger of committing blasphemy. Therefore, in Matthew 12: 31,32, He says: 

"31 Wherefore I say unto you, All manner of sin and blasphemy shall be forgiven unto men: but the blasphemy against the Holy Ghost shall not be forgiven unto men. 32 And whosoever speaketh a word against the Son of man, it shall be forgiven him: but whosoever speaketh against the Holy Ghost, it shall not be forgiven him, neither in this world, neither in the world to come". 

I have been a Seventh-Day Adventist for most of my life and I believe that what is "so wrong" is that she is so arrogant and refuses to allow the Ruach Ha Kodesh to lead and guide her. It is also "so wrong" that she remains frozen in time and keeps her members in darkness on many things, including this important and vital subject of the true spirit and soul of man. She is also "so wrong" that through her pride and conceit, she makes them believe they can judge and condemn others in the body of Yahushua. 

The leaders, pastors and teachers in the SDA Church, as well as many of her members who profess to know and possess “TRUTH”, will be held accountable for the errors they teach on certain subjects including the Spirit and the Soul. They will be held responsible for the blood of the people whom they have taught error because they are the watchmen of Yahweh’s people who are under their care (Ezekiel 33: 2-8). They cannot feign ignorance because they have Yahweh’s Word and the Ruach Ha Kodesh, our Elohim and Teacher, to instruct, teach and guide them. However, since they believe they know more than the Ruach Ha Kodesh, they have rejected Him and happily carry on in their old ways.  

Sadly, SDA leaders, teachers and pastors have put their trust in the doctrines and teachings of the old pioneers of the Church who at the time wrote what they thought were the correct interpretation of Yahweh’s Word. As leaders, teachers and pastors who should know better and who should allow the Ruach Ha Kodesh to be their Teacher, they WILL NOT escape Yahweh’s wrath for misguiding His people who looked to them for guidance and leadership!! In James 3: 1, the responsibility of those who are leaders and teachers and the importance of them teaching sound doctrines are clearly pointed out. Likewise, in Titus 2:1 and 2 Timothy 4:3, Paul speaks about the importance of speaking and teaching sound doctrines. 

The failure of those who are in positions of leadership and those who are teachers of Yahweh’s Word to TEACH SOUND DOCTRINES to His people who are under their care and lead them aright, WILL NOT BE DISMISSED!! Instead, they will be under great condemnation for their failure to lead and teach aright. THEY WILL NOT ESCAPE YAHWEH’S ANGER FOR MISLEADING THOSE FOR WHOM YAHUSHUA DIED!!

Recently I saw an interview on one of the Christian Channels in which one of the leading men in the SDA Church was being questioned about certain beliefs and teachings of the Church. The SDA official tried to defend the teachings and doctrines of the Church but he was not making a good job of it. He kept repeating himself and tried to evade the questions because he could not back up what he was saying with the Word of Yahweh. People are not fools and over the years many have questioned the teachings and doctrines of the SDA Church, her exclusiveness and her air of superiority and damning ways. Now that there is the media where they can question her, the opportunity has arisen for them to place her under the spot light. Thus more and more she will have to defend her doctrines, teachings and should I say, her criticisms, judgment and condemnation of others who are in the body of Yahushua. 

Tom, you accused me of writing and speaking “pure nonsence”, and of being “so wrong” because my beliefs and teachings are not as the SDA doctrines. Please let my Elohim be my Judge. My life and times are in His care and He alone is the JUST and RIGHTEOUS JUDGE!!  

Tom, I could go on writing to you about the things you have written to us about but that would be a book, therefore I will stop now. However, after closing I will insert a section of the message the Ruach Ha Kodesh gave me for the SDA Church in 2004. This message of course was rejected, as I am almost sure will also be rejected by you.  

May the Ruach Ha Kodesh in mercy open your spiritual eyes to see and understand His truths so that He can lead and guide you in all things.  

May Yahweh richly bless and keep you in His care. 
