Sunday 5 July 2009


From March 2 to April 23, 2009, I went to India and Pakistan where I had been invited by various ministers to minister in their ministries. During the seven weeks I spent there, the Ruach Ha Kodesh manifested His power as He worked through me.  

It is only our Elohim alone: Yahweh, our Father, Yahushua, our Saviour, and the Ruach Ha Kodesh, the Holy Spirit, Who knows the numbers of people who were prayed for, the numbers of souls who gave their lives to Yahushua, and the numbers who were healed of the various infirmities with which they were afflicted. During the seven weeks of ministry there was not a day when the Ruach Ha Kodesh did not manifest His power and bless and heal His people. Among the healings which He performed, were: the blind saw, the dumb spoke, the deaf heard, the paralysed walked and demons were cast out of those who came for deliverance from demonic possession.

I give grateful thanks to our Elohim for the great work which was done in both India and Pakistan, where I met some of the loveliest people in my lifetime.  

My first week was spent in Madurai, Tamil Nadu, South India. There I ministered at the ministry of Pastor and Mrs Thavamani George, of Eternal Ministries. 

Worshippers at Eternal Ministry, Madurai, India

Our Elohim blessed the work and the Ruach Ha Kodesh manifested His mighty power as souls were won to the Saviour in response to the preaching of the Gospel of Salvation. The Ruach Ha Kodesh also manifested His power as many people received their healing or had their prayers answered after I had prayed to Yahweh, our Father, in the name of Yahushua for them.  

Among those who were healed was a gentleman who had suffered from stomach problems for many years. The following night after he received his healing, he testified during the Service. His testimony was that he was a Hindu and that he had lost his five children, including his 14 year old daughter who had died two weeks before. He and his wife and his mother were very discouraged and decided to commit suicide. The date was set for a Friday night. However, he prayed and said that if there was a God whom the Christians worship, He should send someone to him before the date planned for the suicides.  

There is indeed an Elohim of the Christians!! The following day Yahweh sent one of the pastors from Pastor George’s Ministry to visit him. He rejoiced when the pastor visited him because his prayer had been answered. The pastor invited him to the meetings in which I was ministering. On his first night attending the gospel meeting, he accepted Yahushua as his Saviour. In addition, he received his healing from the stomach problem from which he had suffered for many years. He is now witnessing to his Hindu people about the love of Yahushua and what He did for him. His resolve is to be a minister of Yahushua and to work for Him among his own people.
Pastor and Mrs George also took me to the island of Rameshwaram near the Sri 
Lankan border. From the mainland we drove on the beautiful bridge, the Bampan bridge, which joins the island to the mainland. 

The men on Rameshwaram island are fishermen and on the day we went there, they were gone to sea. The pastor of the church assembled the women and children who were able to attend for a church service. As I ministered to those who were gathered, I encouraged them to be ready for the imminent second coming of Yahushua, our Saviour. Following the message, I prayed for the various needs which were presented. Yahweh blessed His people as the Ruach Ha Kodesh worked through me and did His mighty works in the name of Yahushua. I give grateful thanks to our Elohim for the work that was done there in Madurai and on the island Rameshwaram. 

In this picture I am praying for a young woman at Eternal Ministries, Madurai, India

Pastor and Mrs George made time to take me to the beautiful mountain of Kodiakanal, one of the beauty spots in Tamil Nadu. Toward the top of the mountain there is an area where there are very high rocks. These rocks are very steep and are inaccessible to people. At the very top of the rock there is a white cross which is suspended. No one knows how that cross was placed there. Our Elohim knows and that Cross bears witness to everyone who sees it of the sacrifice Yahushua made for us when He gave His life on a Cross at Calvary 2000 years ago to save us in His eternal kingdom and to save us from the curse of sin, eternal death, Hell and the Lake of fire and brimstone.

From India I went to Pakistan for six weeks. There I ministered with various ministries. My first two weeks were spent with Pastor Shakeel Masih of Gospel Mission Ministries. I first ministered in Karachi city and then in Faisalabad. Next I ministered in two ministries in the city of Lahore: the ministry of Pastors Michael and Ishrat Aslam of Jesus Calls Ministry of Pakistan; and then the ministry of Pastor Younas Yousaf Masih of Jesus Messiah Returns Gospel Ministry of Pakistan. My last week was spent with the Yacubs of Faith/ Hope Ministry in the city of Toba Tek Singh.  

In addition to the aforementioned cities, the pastors took me to various cities to minister. They also took me to many homes to minister. The places I ministered included Kasur city, Arifwala city, Sahiwal city and the cities of Gojra and Jhang.
I also ministered in the villages of Sargodha, Suway and Asal.  


  In this picture I am being showered with
  Rose petals in the city of Arifwala, Pakistan  

In addition to many Gospel and Healing Services which were held, there were pastors conferences and women’s conferences. The Ruach Ha Kodesh did His mighty works among the people and blessed them in every service.  

Most of the Gospel and Healing Services were held at nights. These meetings were well attended. After I had presented the Message the Ruach Ha Kodesh gave to me for the people, I then invited those who had not accepted Yahushua as their personal Saviour to do so. In most appeals many accepted and committed their lives to our blessed Saviour, Yahushua. There were times when all who attended the Meetings were Christians.
Here I am ministering in the city of Arifwala, Pakistan.

Following the prayer of commitment, I would pray for the healing and deliverance of the people who came to be healed and delivered from various afflictions. I also prayed for other needs which they had, including that those who were without jobs that they would be given the jobs needed. After the prayer for the needs of the people, I would ask for testimonies of healing. In almost every meeting many responded and testified of their healing from various illnesses and infirmities. In some meetings all those who needed healing testified that they were healed while I was praying. The following are some of the healings which were graciously done by our Elohim:

One young girl who was deaf received her hearing. A lady who had been blind received her sight. A lady who had a large growth on her thigh, reported that it disappeared while I was praying. A young mother said that her child had an umbilical hernia which disappeared while I was praying. A lady who had been affected by demons, reported that as I prayed something was lifted off her and went away. Others reported that they were healed from arthritis, heart diseases, stomach complaints, headaches, backaches and many other afflictions.  

Once the testimonies were given and I had prayed and sealed their healing with the anointing oil, I would minister personally to everyone who needed prayer for healing, or for other needs. At such times the hunger in the eyes of the people was evident. This was especially so where there were very large crowds and those needing healing, etc feared they would not be prayed for and anointed with the oil of anointing. At such times the people pressed around me and kept touching me so that they would not be left out. In most cases I prayed and anointed all who needed prayer. As I prayed fore them, many testified that they had received their healings as Yahushua rewarded their faith.


Some of the people at the Meeting
In Arifwala, Pakistan

Among those who received their healings after I had personally prayed for them were:
• Two girls who were dumb. They began to speak. 
• A lady who had been paralysed began to walk.
• A woman who had been tormented by demons for a very long time. After the prayer she testified that while I was praying, she felt something lifted from off her head and that she was set free. She was very happy for her deliverance.  
• Two young ladies who were deaf both began to hear.  

Incidentally, in one of the leading churches in one city, the service could not begin because for three hours the pastor was attempting to cast out demons out of a young lady. We were in the church for a while watching the pastor attempting to cast the demons but he was not getting very far. The translator asked if I would help to cast out the demons. In response, I told him I would only do so if the pastor needed my help. He went to the pastor and checked with him and he accepted the help. I went and in the Name of Yahushua commanded the demons to come out of her. At the Name of Yahushua and with the oil of anointing placed on her head, the demons came out with great screams. By Yahweh’s grace she was delivered and set free. She then settled down quietly and peacefully. The meeting then began and we were then able to minister to the people.
In another city although I had ministered to many people during the time of prayer ministration, I was unable to pray for everyone who needed personal prayer. This was due to the fact that it was getting late in the night and we had to travel over 100 kilometres so that the school children who were with us could get back and get to bed because they had to be in school very early the next morning.  

At first I was asked to stop ministering but the translator pleaded with me to help those who were not prayed for, including one young woman who was demon possessed and who had come to be delivered. However, I was unable to do so because I was personally led away from the church with the oil of anointing still in my hand. As I was being led out of the church, I quickly laid my hand on the heads of as many as I could and blessed them. Some of the people, however, followed me to the home of the family who hosted the Meeting. I continued to pray for them until it was time to get into the minibus and head back to Toba Tek Singh. In spite of those who followed me and were ministered to, the hunger and disappointment which I saw in the eyes of those in the church to whom I could not minister still fills me with sadness. However, I continue to pray for them.  

At the Gospel and Healing Meetings in Pakistan, during the prayer ministration I also ministered to the children for their various needs, including their education. Whenever it was possible, before I ministered to the main congregation, I ministered to the children about Yahushua’s love for them.

In this picture a young man is being delivered
From demon possession in Lahore, Pakistan 

At the Meetings many of the people brought oil (mainly olive oil) and water to be prayed over. They also brought the oil and water to me at other times so that I could pray over them. The people there have great faith, which is something I truly admire. They know the importance of the oil and water being prayer over. As a matter of fact, in January 2009, I had prayed here in my home over the phone for a group of people in Pakistan. At that time I also prayed for the oil that would be used to anoint the people. When I went to Pakistan, I was told that many people received their healings after they were anointed with the same oil. I give grateful thanks to our Elohim for His grace and loving kindness to His children who demonstrated such faith in Him. 
In addition to the Gospel and Healing Meetings which were held, the pastors took me to the homes of some of their relatives or friends. In some of those homes many people gathered. The numbers of those who were gathered ranged from a few persons up to about 80 persons or more. Many of them needed prayers for healings, for the conception of babies, for jobs and for financial blessings. In the homes where children were present I also prayed for them and blessed them. 

At one of the homes, one gentleman who had been out of a job for a long period of time requested prayer for a job. I prayed for him about 9 pm. The next morning he rang the Pastor and told him that before going to bed that night, he received a call from the local hospital offering him a job. Next morning he began work. He was very grateful and very happy that our Elohim had answered the prayer on his behalf.  

I was also taken to farming communities where I also prayed for the animals and other livestock. 

In some of the homes where I stayed, people constantly came to be prayed for. They often came in groups or as families. Some travelled from other cities. Some brought the names and requests of others who could not come themselves. Sometimes I was asked to pray over the phone for people in other cities who were ill or had other problems but who were unable to come to the Meetings or to come to me for prayer.

Yahweh heard the prayers and some of those whom I prayed for over the phone or whose names were brought to me for prayer, reported soon after that they had received their healing. Among those who were healed were: 
• One gentleman who was seriously ill in the hospital suffering from Cholera. Two hours after he was prayed for, he rang to say that as soon as the prayer on his behalf was offered, he received his healing.  
• Another gentleman who was also in hospital suffering from cancer, reported two days later that his tests were negative and that he had been healed.  
• A young man whose foot had become gangrenous due to a wound and was in danger of losing his foot. The next day he reported that the gangrene began to heal from the moment the prayer was offered on his behalf.  

It is only our Elohim who knows the numbers who were prayed for, the numbers who accepted Yahushua as their Saviour, the numbers who were healed and the numbers who received the answers for their various requests. During the seven weeks which I ministered in India and Pakistan.

Here I am praying for the people to receive their healings in Lahore.

I also took time to pray and bless the ministers and their families who had invited me to minister in their ministries.

Since I returned to the UK, I have received emails and phone calls informing me that many people continue to report their healings or other answers to their requests due to the prayers which were prayed on their behalf.  

I give grateful thanks to our gracious Elohim: Yahweh, my Father, Yahushua, my Saviour and the Ruach Ha Kodesh, my Leader and Teacher for using me and for the work which was done in India and Pakistan. In particular I give Him thanks for the health and superhuman strength which the Ruach Ha Kodesh gave to me throughout the seven weeks I ministered in those two countries.

I also give grateful thanks to the Ruach Ha Kodesh for the numbers of souls who accepted Yahushua as their Saviour and are waiting for His soon return. I also give thanks to Him for the numbers of people who were healed from various illnesses and infirmities, including arthritis, heart disease, stomach problems, lameness, paralysis, blindness, deafness, dumbness, Hepatitis “B” and Hepatitis “C” and from demonic oppression. Likewise, I give Him grateful thanks for those whom He continues to heal and bless.  

I also give grateful thanks to our Elohim for all the translators who translated the messages, as well as kept the communication open between the people and myself. Likewise, I give grateful thanks to Him for the families who cared for me so well in their homes. I am also grateful to the pastors for their hard work in planning and organising the Meetings, many of which were held outdoors. May our Elohim richly bless these His ministering servants for their love, devotion and dedication to His service.

At the Village School of Jesus Call Ministry of Pakistan, Lahore on their Prize Giving Day