Thursday, 30 July 2009


(NB: A pseudonym has been used for the writer of the letter.) 

“Hello Lloyd and Ellisa,

I have been reading your web site and after listenig to you Ellisa explain over the phone how our spirit either goes to heaven or to hell throughout all the ceasless age of eternity.

This is pure nonesence and from what I can see it is not supported by the writings of Sister White.  

Do the 2 of you read and belive in her writings?
What you are teaching on your web site is so different from SDA doctrine and teachings and is so wrong.


Tom, below is a part of the Message which the Ruach Ha Kodesh gave me for the SDA Church in 2004. This section deals with the Church’s teachings on the Spirit, the Soul and the Body. Of course like all the messages which have been sent, they have been ignored. That is ok. What is important to me is that I am not disobedient to the heavenly calling, though such a statement will be regarded as pure nonsense by Seventh Day Adventists. 



The Ruach Ha Kodesh has been unable to do His work fully in the SDA Church because she does not know Him or understand how He works. Had she seen her error and with His help, taken time to study and know about Him; this problem would never have occurred. Instead, she would have known about His work and the vital role He plays here in the earth and in the lives of My people. 

As Elohim, We are Spirit Beings (except for Me, Yahushua, Who have retained My humanity). Therefore, We communicate mainly with the spirit of man and not the body of man. It is through the spirit in man that We are able to communicate with his soul. The soul is the other spirit part of man (his mind, his will, his emotions, the seat of reason and morals) which makes the decisions which are carried out by the body.
The soul is that part of the person that must stand in the judgment (for those who are lost) and give an account to Me, Judge Yahushua, concerning the things done in the entire body, whether the deeds were good or bad. It is the part of the being which is responsible whether the entire being of man i.e., his spirit, soul and body, will be saved and be with Me in My kingdom of Glory, or will be lost and go to Hell and torment. This matter of the spirit being of man will be dealt with in more details under the section. “The Spirit, the Soul and the Body.

It is with the spirit of man with which the Ruach Ha Kodesh, My Father, Yahweh, and Myself, Yahushua, communicate. It is also the part of man which prays and communicates with Us, the Elohim of Heaven and Earth. Concerning this Paul says:
“For this cause I bow my knees unto [Yahweh] the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ [Yahushua Ha Mashiach], of whom the whole family in heaven and earth is named, that he would grant you, according to the riches of his glory, to be strengthened with might by his Spirit in the inner man; that [Mashiach] Christ may dwell in your hearts by faith; that ye, being rooted and grounded in love, may be able to comprehend with all saints what is the breadth, and length, and depth, and height; and to know the love of [Mashiach] Christ, which passeth knowledge, that ye might be filled with all the fullness of [Elohim] God.” Ephesians 3:14-19.

“And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of [Yahweh] God: Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit”. Ephesians 6: 17,18.



This topic, the Spirit, the Soul and the Body is one of the most important topics in My Word. It is important because it has to do with the entire Being of man and the decisions each person makes in his/her life time concerning his/her own spirit, soul and body. It also has to do with the eternal salvation of the spirit and the soul (“the spirit”), or their eternal torment in Hell followed by the Lake of fire and brimstone. 

It is important that the members of the SDA Church know and understand that they are not just physical bodies but that they have an independent “spirit” and an independent “soul” which are both spirit beings.

The Church teaches about the physical body; its death and resurrection, as well as it being saved in My kingdom of Glory, for those who are righteous, or its destruction in the lake of fire and brimstone in the Final Judgment for those who are unrighteous.  

Her teachings on the true Spirit and Soul do not match up with the Scriptures. Thus her members are ignorant about this vital and important subject. Without knowing it, she has DECEIVED HER MEMBERS and has DONE MUCH INJUSTICE BY FAILING TO TEACH AND ENLIGHTEN THEM ON THIS MOST IMPORTANT SUBJECT IN MY WORD!! 


The teachings on the “Nature of Man and the State of the Dead” in the “Fundamentals of the Seventh-Day Adventist Faith”, are far from what is written in the Holy Scriptures. Like all the Doctrines of the Church which were written by the early pioneers of the Church, this subject remains the same. It has NOT been revised and brought in line with what is written in My Word. There is NO EXCUSE FOR THIS IGNORANCE AND NEGLIGENCE, OR DARKNESS!!
The teaching of the Church on the “Nature of Man and the State of the Dead” are very shallow and superficial and do not make sense or stand any ground. 


In Bible Study No.20 in the “Fundamentals of the Seventh-Day Adventist Faith”, are the following: 

Question 1. “How was man made? [Answer] Gen. 2:7. What part was made of dust? [Answer] The body. What was added to the body? [Answer] The breath of life. What resulted? [Answer] The living soul”. 

And in the note on Question 1, is written: 

“‘The expression, ‘‘living soul’’ as used in Genesis, is often taken to indicate an order of being superior to the brute, and is the text of many an argument to prove the immortality of the soul. The correctness of this assumption will be readily seen in referring to Genesis 1: 20, 21, 24, and elsewhere, in which passages the word translated ‘‘living soul’’ are applied also to the entire lower creation. They are used indifferently of man and beast to express animal life in general; and it is in this light the apostle uses them (1 Cor.15:45), as the very course of his argument shows. Adam is spoken of as a living soul, not to prove his immortality, but rather his mortality.’” 

Question 2. “What three parts make up the entire man? 1 Thess. 5: 23” 

Question 4. “With this death waiting for each, what is man’s nature? [Answer] Mortal man (Job 4: 17); mortal body (Rom. 6:12); mortal flesh (2 Cor. 4:11)”. 

In Note No.2 on this section, is the following: 

“Now, ‘‘‘we want to know if this “Soul’’ or ‘‘spirit’’ is immortal. The Hebrew and Greek words from which they are translated ...we enquire if the soul is once immortal or the spirit deathless. And invariable and overwhelming response we meet is, NOT ONCE! Nowhere, though used so many hundred times, is the soul said to be ‘‘undying’’ in its nature, or the spirit ‘‘deathless’’. Strange and unaccountable fact, if immortality is an inseparable attribute of the soul and spirit!’” 

Question 5. “To what is this mortal life compared? [Answer] A vapour (James 4: 14); a wind that cometh not again (Psalm 78: 39); a shadow (Job 14:2)”. 

Question 6. “How only can mortals have immortal life?[Answer] 2 Tim 1: 10; John 10: 10”.

Question 7. “What then are we to seek? [Answer] Rom. 2:7”. 

Question 8. “When will immortality be given ? [Answer]1 Cor. 15: 51-54”


Question 10. “What do all the living know? [Answer] Eccles. 9: 5; Heb. 9:27”. 

Question 11. “What change takes place at death? [Answer] Psalm 146:4; Eccles. 9:5, 6; 12:7”.  

Question 12. “What can the living do? [Answer] Ps.l46: 2. What cannot the dead do? [Answer] Ps. 115:17; Isa. 38: 18,19”. 

Question 13. “In what state does Jesus [Yahushua] say the dead are? [Answer] John 11:11-14”. 

Question 14. “What is death called in Psalm 13:3?” 

Question 15. “Until what time will the individual sleep? [Answer] Compare Job 14: 10-12, 15; Psalm 17:15 with Acts 13: 36; John 5: 28,29”. 

The above are the teachings of the SDA Church on the Spirit, the Soul and Body of man. Thus her teachings make man to be just a “body” plus “breath”. Her belief is that the body and the breath makes him a “living soul”. Likewise, her teaching is that when the “breath” or the “spirit” leaves the body at death, that “breath” or “spirit” returns to Yahweh. Man, she believes and teaches, then becomes a “dead soul” and returns to the dust and sleeps in death until the Resurrection. 

In point No.2 of Bible Study No.20, the Question is asked, “What three parts make up the entire man? [Answer] 1Thess. 5: 23”. 

The answer in this verse is “spirit, soul and body”. Thus the spirit, the soul and the body in light of what the Church teaches, relates to the physical body plus the breath or “spirit” which makes man a living soul.  

With the exception of the breath or spirit, nothing is stated about the TRUE “SPIRIT” AND “SOUL” OF MAN (the mind, the will, the intellect, the spiritual and emotional being), THE SPIRIT BEING THAT HAS BEEN WITH US,  ELOHIM, SINCE ETERNITY!! It is the part of the being from which Our love emanates and which occupies the body in life and exits it at death. IT IS THE SPIRITUAL BEING WHICH NEVER DIES (Genesis 1: 26; Luke 16: 19-31; John 11: 25, 26; 2 Cor. 5: 1-9; Rev. 6: 9-11; Rev. 7: 9-17).  

In Question No.4 in the “Fundamentals of the Seventh-Day Adventist Faith”, Man's nature is described as “Mortal man, mortal body and mortal flesh”. The teaching therefore by the Church is that spirit, soul and body of man are mortal and perish at death. Thus My Word on this matter is disregarded. 

The SDA Church has failed to address the most important and vital subject of the “Spirit”, the “Soul” and the “Body". This failure accounts for the lack of true love for one another and toward their fellowmen. It also accounts for the lack of commitment, the matter-of-fact religion, as well as the lack of consecration seen in so many of her members. Due to such teachings, many do not see their need to draw closer to Me, Yahushua, and to live clean, consecrated and committed lives before Me. Such ones see themselves just as bodies and breath. Therefore, they spend their time pampering themselves until they (their bodies) die and return to the dust. This deception has caused some of the members to live only for the present. Hence the reason when loved ones die, there is often great sorrow and mourning because those who mourn, believe their loves ones are just under the earth perishing (for those who are buried).


When We, the Godhead: Yahweh, Yahushua and the Ruach Ha Kodesh, made man; his spirit was not created because his spirit has been with Us from eternity as part of Our Being. It was only his body which was formed from the ground. Into that body We placed his immortal spirit and soul and then breathed into him the breath of life, whereby he became a living soul (Genesis 2:7; Rev. 11:11; Job 33:4). Man therefore, is more than the body which is seen. He is a complex being who is fearfully and wonderfully made (Psalm 139:14). He (Man) is FIRST A SPIRIT BEING, WHO LIVES IN HIS PHYSICAL BEING, THE BODY. Man therefore, is BOTH A SPIRIT BEING AND A PHYSICAL BEING. 


My messenger has looked up the meaning of the THREE BEINGS of man in the dictionary to support what is being written on the subject of the Spirit, the Soul and the Body of man. These then are the findings on the subject:


The Spirit is separate from the Soul (though also a spirit). It is the part of the being which communicates with Us the Godhead and with which WE communicate. In Virtue's English Dictionary page 829, the “Spirit” is described as follows: 

“The intelligent, immaterial, and immortal part of man”. 


The soul in man is the real person and the true heart of man consisting of the mind, the will, the emotions and the seat of reasoning. In Virtue's English Dictionary page 821 it is described as: 

“The spiritual and immortal part in man; the immaterial spirit which inhabits the body; the moral and emotional part of man’s nature; the seat of the sentiments or feelings; the animating or essential part; the vital principle”. 


The Body is the physical part of the being which houses the spirit and the soul and is the only part which dies. In the Cruden’s Complete Concordance, Page 49, is it described as: 

“The physical part of man as distinct from the spiritual”. 


Tuesday, 28 July 2009


(NB: A pseudonym has been used for the writer of the letter.) 

Dear Tom,

Thank you for your letter. Since you have written to us it is my duty to respectfully reply to you. I will not write for my husband, he will most likely do that himself. Lest I should misquote you, Tom, I will copy your email and then give my reply to the points you raised.

“Hello Lloyd and Ellisa,

I have been reading your web site and after listenig to you Ellisa explain over the phone how our spirit either goes to heaven or to hell throughout all the ceasless age of eternity.

This is pure nonesence and from what I can see it is not supported by the writings of Sister White.  

Do the 2 of you read and belive in her writings?
What you are teaching on your web site is so different from SDA doctrine and teachings and is so wrong.


This final part of your statement: “and is so wrong”, does not surprise me because Tom, you are a typical Seventh-Day Adventist!! SDAs are quick to judge and condemn others because that is the nature of most of them. They do this because of the negative attitudes which have been instilled in them by the SDA Church. In light of this, let me remind you of what is written in Matthew 7:1, 2:

"Judge not, that ye be not judged. 2 For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again".

To accuse me of me "pure nonesence" because of what I have written on my web site and what I told you about on “phone how our spirit either goes to heaven or to hell throughout all the ceasless age of eternity”; and to accuse me of being "so wrong" because of what I am teaching on my web site because it is so different from SDA doctrine and teachings, is to assume a very judgmental attitude based upon the beliefs and teachings of the SDA Church.

May I ask under whose authority you speak? What right do you have to judge and condemn me on a matter that you have no knowledge about except for the errors taught by the SDA Church? I know you have based your judgment and condemnation upon the doctrines and teachings of the SDA Church on the subject of the Spirit and the Soul of mankind. However, I would like to point out to you that the SDA Church is totally ignorant about this very important subject. She thinks she knows and can be an authority on many subjects, including the subject of the Spirit and the Soul. However, especially on the topic of the Spirit and the Soul, she teaches pure nonesence and is so wrong, to quote your own words. Her teachings on the subject reveals to others in the body of Yahushua, as well as others, her ignorance shallowness on the matter.  

The SDA Church is the ONLY church, I believe, which rejects the teachings of Yahweh’s Word on the matter of the immortal spirit and soul of man and makes out that His Word is a LIE!! She is the ONLY church, I believe, which teaches that as human beings we are just bodies + breath, which makes us living souls; and that when the breath leaves the body, we are dead souls who await the resurrection of life or the resurrection of damnation (John 5:29).  

Other Christians, if not all, know that we are NOT just bodies which live in this world and then perish at death. They know that we have an immortal spirit and soul which continues to live on once the body dies. They are fully aware that there is a real Heaven where the souls of the righteous go after death. Likewise, they are even more aware of Hell, a real place of torment, where the souls of the wicked go. That is why it is so important to many of them that they commit their souls to the Saviour and make things right before they leave this world in death. It is only the SDA Church which is in denial of these facts because she refuses to accept Yahushua’s word on the matter, as well as what is written in other Scriptures about the same subject. Likewise, she refuses to Have the Ruach Ha Kodesh teach her and guide her because her attitude is that she knows more than Him!! 

In almost every culture, the people know that death is only the death of the body. That is why so many of them believe in the spirits of their ancestors and honour them.
Regardless of what others may think and say about them, makes no difference, they firmly believe in the spirit realm and nothing can change that.
Due to the SDA Church’s stance on many things and her exclusive ways, she is regarded as a cult by many!! She has herself to blame for this impression which she gives because she has too many “hang-ups”, instead of just simple accepting a “Thus says Yahweh and believe His Word!! This is what is so wrong!! 

For you, Tom, to accuse me of speaking "pure nonsence" concerning what happens to the immortal spirit when one dies, and that the teaching on my website is "so wrong" because it is different from the SDA doctrine, IS TO ACCUSE THE RUACH HA KODESH, Who is my Teacher and Elohim in this world, OF TEACHING ME "PURE NONSENCE"!! And of BEING "SO WRONG"!! 

For you to take upon yourself such authority, is to commit blasphemy against the Ruach Ha Kodesh and thus bring yourself under great condemnation!! Yahushua warns about the danger of committing blasphemy. Therefore, in Matthew 12: 31,32, He says: 

"31 Wherefore I say unto you, All manner of sin and blasphemy shall be forgiven unto men: but the blasphemy against the Holy Ghost shall not be forgiven unto men. 32 And whosoever speaketh a word against the Son of man, it shall be forgiven him: but whosoever speaketh against the Holy Ghost, it shall not be forgiven him, neither in this world, neither in the world to come". 

I have been a Seventh-Day Adventist for most of my life and I believe that what is "so wrong" is that she is so arrogant and refuses to allow the Ruach Ha Kodesh to lead and guide her. It is also "so wrong" that she remains frozen in time and keeps her members in darkness on many things, including this important and vital subject of the true spirit and soul of man. She is also "so wrong" that through her pride and conceit, she makes them believe they can judge and condemn others in the body of Yahushua. 

The leaders, pastors and teachers in the SDA Church, as well as many of her members who profess to know and possess “TRUTH”, will be held accountable for the errors they teach on certain subjects including the Spirit and the Soul. They will be held responsible for the blood of the people whom they have taught error because they are the watchmen of Yahweh’s people who are under their care (Ezekiel 33: 2-8). They cannot feign ignorance because they have Yahweh’s Word and the Ruach Ha Kodesh, our Elohim and Teacher, to instruct, teach and guide them. However, since they believe they know more than the Ruach Ha Kodesh, they have rejected Him and happily carry on in their old ways.  

Sadly, SDA leaders, teachers and pastors have put their trust in the doctrines and teachings of the old pioneers of the Church who at the time wrote what they thought were the correct interpretation of Yahweh’s Word. As leaders, teachers and pastors who should know better and who should allow the Ruach Ha Kodesh to be their Teacher, they WILL NOT escape Yahweh’s wrath for misguiding His people who looked to them for guidance and leadership!! In James 3: 1, the responsibility of those who are leaders and teachers and the importance of them teaching sound doctrines are clearly pointed out. Likewise, in Titus 2:1 and 2 Timothy 4:3, Paul speaks about the importance of speaking and teaching sound doctrines. 

The failure of those who are in positions of leadership and those who are teachers of Yahweh’s Word to TEACH SOUND DOCTRINES to His people who are under their care and lead them aright, WILL NOT BE DISMISSED!! Instead, they will be under great condemnation for their failure to lead and teach aright. THEY WILL NOT ESCAPE YAHWEH’S ANGER FOR MISLEADING THOSE FOR WHOM YAHUSHUA DIED!!

Recently I saw an interview on one of the Christian Channels in which one of the leading men in the SDA Church was being questioned about certain beliefs and teachings of the Church. The SDA official tried to defend the teachings and doctrines of the Church but he was not making a good job of it. He kept repeating himself and tried to evade the questions because he could not back up what he was saying with the Word of Yahweh. People are not fools and over the years many have questioned the teachings and doctrines of the SDA Church, her exclusiveness and her air of superiority and damning ways. Now that there is the media where they can question her, the opportunity has arisen for them to place her under the spot light. Thus more and more she will have to defend her doctrines, teachings and should I say, her criticisms, judgment and condemnation of others who are in the body of Yahushua. 

Tom, you accused me of writing and speaking “pure nonsence”, and of being “so wrong” because my beliefs and teachings are not as the SDA doctrines. Please let my Elohim be my Judge. My life and times are in His care and He alone is the JUST and RIGHTEOUS JUDGE!!  

Tom, I could go on writing to you about the things you have written to us about but that would be a book, therefore I will stop now. However, after closing I will insert a section of the message the Ruach Ha Kodesh gave me for the SDA Church in 2004. This message of course was rejected, as I am almost sure will also be rejected by you.  

May the Ruach Ha Kodesh in mercy open your spiritual eyes to see and understand His truths so that He can lead and guide you in all things.  

May Yahweh richly bless and keep you in His care. 



Monday, 27 July 2009


(A pseudonym has been used for the writer of this letter.) 

Dear Tom,

Thank you for your letter. Since you have written to us it is my duty to respectfully reply to you. I will not write for my husband, he will most likely do that himself. Lest I should misquote you, Tom, I will copy your email and then give my reply to the points you raised.

“Hello Lloyd and Ellisa,

I have been reading your web site and after listenig to you Ellisa explain over the phone how our spirit either goes to heaven or to hell throughout all the ceasless age of eternity.

This is pure nonesence and from what I can see it is not supported by the writings of Sister White.  

Do the 2 of you read and belive in her writings?
What you are teaching on your web site is so different from SDA doctrine and teachings and is so wrong.


Now I come to the last point of your statements:

“What you are teaching on your web site is so different from SDA doctrine and teachings and is so wrong.

Tom, indeed what I am teaching on my web site is different from SDA doctrine. I came into the SDA Church as a child. No one brought me. It was the work of the Ruach Ha Kodesh. He brought me in and in His own time He took me out. I am very, very grateful to Him that He took me out at His appointed time. I believe that He brought me into the SDA for a purpose and that was to use me to send messages to the Church for her own good and eternal salvation. However, the Church does not need anyone being sent by our Elohim except for the late Mrs White. Thus she rejects the Ruach Ha Kodesh and everyone whom He sends, of whom I am no exception. That, however, is ok with me. Since she rejects the Ruach Ha Kodesh, our Elohim in this world, Who am I that she should not reject the work He has given to me for her? The thing that is important to me is that I am not disobedient to the Heavenly calling!  


I no longer belong to a church which is ruled by a religious spirit! The SDA Church is a church which does not know the Ruach Ha Kodesh and where His gifts and fruit are almost non-existent. A church which is powerless because of lack of empowerment of the Ruach Ha Kodesh and where His power is NOT manifested. She knows nothing about the supernatural and can only operate in the natural. Thus the works of healing the sick, cleansing the lepers, casting out demons, raising the dead, as well as all the other commands which Yahushua commanded us to do in His Name, are rarely, if ever, seen in the SDA Church.

The SDA Church is a church where the “gifts of the Spirit”, which the Ruach Ha Kodesh gives, are almost none existent and where His “fruit” is rarely seen (Galatians 5: 19-23). A church that is critical and judgmental of others who are in the body of Yahushua. A church which freely uses her pulpit to criticise, judge and condemn other believers in Yahushua because she assumes an air of superiority and she believes she has the right to do so. She does this because she is under the illusion that SHE ALONE HAS “TRUTH”. These negative attitudes are passed unto her members, who do likewise, just as you, Tom, are doing. She is a church which lacks love toward others who are in the body of Yahushua but one in which the works of the flesh are very evident.  

I am very grateful to the Ruach Ha Kodesh for taking me from such a church, so that I am MARRIED TO YAHUSHUA AND NOT TO THE SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTIST CHURCH, OR TO HER RELIGION!!

In 1990, the Ruach Ha Kodesh took me out of the SDA Denomination, to which I was fully committed in spite of the persecution we suffered at the hands of many in that Church. At that time He gave me His work to do and has been working with me ever since. In 2004 I resigned from the SDA Church and began the Ministry the Ruach Ha Kodesh instructed me to raise up.  

I DO NOT ADHERE to the 27 Doctrines which the SDA Church teaches. I adhere to what is written in the Scriptures and what the Ruach Ha Kodesh teaches and instructs me for His work. Yahushua DID NOT COMMIT THE WORK OF THE RUACH HA KODESH TO THE SDA CHURCH. That is the WORK of the Ruach Ha Kodesh and not for any man, church or denomination. In my case, the most important thing is that I have a personal relationship with my Saviour, Yahushua. Another very important thing is that the Ruach Ha Kodesh dwells with me and does His work through me to bless others. Likewise, it is important to me that I belong to the body of Yahushua Ha Mashiach and NOT to the SDA Church, or any church for that matter.

When Yahushua came to this world, He did NOT bring religion, which is always governed by a religious spirit. Neither did He bring denominations or any such thing. He brought us the Kingdom of Grace and worked to purchase our His salvation. This He did by shedding His precious blood for the entire world. Please realise that Yahushua did NOT suffer and then died upon the Cross for Seventh-Day Adventists alone!! Thus He said in Matthew 10: 7,8:

7 And as ye go, preach, saying, The kingdom of heaven is at hand. 8 Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out devils: freely ye have received, freely give.

This is the kingdom of Grace!!

Yahushua DID NOT LEAVE THE SDA CHURCH as His body or Church. He left us His body so that we would be united as one in Him. That is why in it is written in His Word:

4 “There is one body, and one Spirit, even as ye are called in one hope of your calling”; and there is only “5 one Lord, one faith, one baptism, 6 one God and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in you all”. Ephesians 4:-6.

"Till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ". Ephesians 4:13. 

The true, humbly followers of Yahushua who are born again comprise His body. Therefore, as His children, His desire is that we should:

“Endeavour ... “to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace”, as it states in Ephesians 4:3. 

In the body of Yahushua there is NO RELIGION, CHURCH, COLOUR OR CREED. That is why in Galatians 3:28, it is clearly states: 

  “There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus”.  

In Yahushua’s last prayer in John 17: 11, He prayed for unity among His followers. However, the SDA Church through her pride and contempt for others in Yahushua’s body, keeps herself separate from them. She rejects His admonition and prayer to be united with others in His body of believers in this world. Had the Church embraced Yahweh’s Word, obeyed His commands and allowed the Ruach Ha Kodesh to be in control, she would be one to be emulated. However, because of her stance and rejection of Yahweh’s Word, as well as her rejection of the Ruach Ha Kodesh, the SDA Church is just another of the many religions in this world. 

Please know and understand that being a member of the SDA Church and going to church on the Sabbath (for those who do), CANNOT SAVE ANYONE!! We are only saved by grace through faith in Yahushua (Ephesians 2:8). We are not saved by being members of the SDA Church; neither are we saved by her teachings and doctrines. It is Yahushua Who died for us and NOT any one in the SDA Church, or any other church for that matter. I am so thankful that it was Yahushua who died for us, and not anyone in the SDA Church, otherwise there would be no hope of anyone being saved in His Kingdom of Glory.  

Yahushua brought the Kingdom of Grace and then purchased our salvation with His own blood. He did not bring the SDA Church!! No where in the Scriptures is the name, Seventh-Day Adventist Church mentioned. Neither is there any command from Him that we should be a member of that Denomination in order worship Him or to be saved. 

Please know and understand that no where in Holy Writ does it say that we are saved by the SDA Church. It is through Yahushua’s grace alone that we are saved, as we are told in Ephesians 2: 8: 

“For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: 9 not of works, lest any man should boast”. 

Unlike the SDA Church which accepts certain teachings in the Bible and rejects what pleases her, I am guided by the Ruach Ha Kodesh and I accept what is written in Yahweh’s Word. I do NOT set myself up as an authority over Yahweh’s Word or over anyone in His body of believers. In am under the leadership of the Ruach Ha Kodesh and I always write as He leads. Whatsoever I write on my website or teach, is always backed by Scripture. I do not condemn, criticise or despise other Christians who DO NOT believe as I do. Yahushua is the Just Judge and He will do justly. Yahushua’s commands to those who are in His body, are:  

“A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another. By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another”. John 13:34, 35.

“This is my commandment, That ye love one another, as I have loved you”               John 15:12

“These things I command you, that ye love one another”. John 15:1.

This virtue of LOVE which should be the strongest virtue of the SDA Church is rare and is certainly NOT shown toward those who are not her members. This is what I have observed and experienced. Instead, others in the body of Yahushua are despised, criticised, judged, condemned and put down. THIS IS NOT A CRISICISM, JUDGING OR CONDEMNING THE SDA CHURCH. THIS IS A FACT BECAUSE I HAVE BEEN A MEMBER OF THAT CHURCH FOR MOST OF MY LIFE AND THESE NEGATIVES ATTITUDES ARE SOME OF THE THINGS I LOATHED ABOUT THE CHURCH WHEN I WAS A MEMBER! 

I have been in the SDA Church for most of my life and I know the teachings. Some are very good but others I cannot agree because the Ruach Ha Kodesh has taught me otherwise. An example of this is found in the Fundamentals of the SDA Faith, in Bible Study No.20 on the “Nature of Man and the State of the Dead”. Some of the teachings there are NOT in harmony with Yahweh’s Word. Her teaching on the spirit (spirit and soul) blinds the eyes of her members and keeps them in darkness!! Thus the members, including yourself, believe that they are just mere, mortal bodies, which die and remain dead until the coming resurrection morning.  

Although the SDA Church claims to be the true church with the Three Angels Messages, when it comes to obeying the commands Yahushua gave in Matthew 28: 19, 20; Mark 16: 15-18, and in similar passages of Scripture, she has fallen far short except for her preaching and teaching. She deliberately and totally ignores the “all things” in Matthew 28:20:

“teaching them to observe ALL things whatsoever I have commanded you.”

That “ALL things whatsoever I have commanded you”, includes Matthew 10: 1, 7, 8:

“And when he had called unto him his twelve disciples, he gave them power against unclean spirits, to cast them out, and to heal all manner of sickness and all manner of disease. 8 Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out devils: freely ye have received, freely give”.

She does none of these works apart from her preaching and teaching; yet she is always ready to condemn those through whom the Ruach Ha Kodesh is working to do these works for mankind. Thus she is forever committing the sin of blasphemy against the Ruach Ha Kodesh!!
I have observed over the years just how critical the SDA Church is of others in the body of Yahushua and how she is proud and sets her self above them. She is known for her criticism and condemnation of other Christians, as well as her judgmental attitude toward them. This is especially so of her critical attitude toward the Roman Catholic Church, though no one is spared, since she regards herself as the ONLY CHURCH WITH TRUTH!! Satan is the accuser of the brethren and she gladly does his work for him by her accusations, criticisms and condemnation of others in the body of Yahushua. The time may come, however, when other churches and denominations may sue her for her judgmental attitude, criticisms and defamatory statements.

Whereas the SDA Church has taken it upon herself to judge and condemn others in the body of Yahushua because they do not believe as she does; Yahushua does the opposite. HE CONDEMNS NO ONE (John 3: 17). Neither does He judge anyone! Instead, it is His WORD WHICH IS THE JUDGE and WILL BE THE JUDGE (John 12: 47). Thus He says:

“Judge not, that ye be not judged. 2 For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again”. Matthew 7:1, 2.

“There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit”. Romans 8:1.

Whereas the SDA Church judges and condemns and decides who WILL BE in Yahweh's kingdom of Glory, and those WHO WILL NOT BE in His  kingdom of Glory, Yahushua says:

“All that the Father giveth me shall come to me; and him that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out”. John 6:37.

His Word also says:

“For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: 9 not of works, lest any man should boast”. Ephesians 2: 8. 

The SDA Church keeps herself away from others in the body of Yahushua and sets herself apart as the “remnant of the remnant”. In her arrogance and conceit she considers that she is the only church which will be saved because she “keeps” the Seventh-Day Sabbath, refrains from eating certain foods and teaches her Health Message. 
Yet in spite of all her so “called truth” and being the “remnant”, with the Three Angels Messages, she does not know the Ruach Ha Kodesh to Whom she is closed, neither does she know His power. Hence the reason she remains in ignorance and darkness in many areas of Yahweh’s Word. That is the main reason she is void of the power of the Ruach Ha Kodesh.

I have found the SDA Church to be a church which full of pride and arrogance, a church where the “works of the flesh” are manifested, instead of the “fruit of the Spirit” (Galatians 5: 19-23). Likewise, I have found her to be a church which constantly commits the sin of Blasphemy against the Ruach Ha Kodesh, as I have mentioned before. Sadly for her, that is the only sin which Yahushua says will not be for given in this life or in the life to come (Matthew 12: 22-32). 

The SDA Church commits blasphemy by doing what the Pharisees did in the preceding passage of Scripture. She does so by ascribing the works of healing, miracles, casting out demons, raising the dead, etc. which consecrated men and women, including Benny Hinn and Rynard Bunnke, do through the power of the Ruach Ha Kodesh, to Satan. She gladly ascribes such works to Satan instead of ascribing them to the Ruach Ha Kodesh Who does this work through those whom He gives His gifts, and empowers and works through to do the works which Yahushua left us to do in Matthew 10: 1, 7,8 and Mark 16: 15-18.

Incidentally SDAs like to compare themselves to the Pharisees because of their Pharisaical ways. However, they fail to realise that it was the Pharisees along with the scribes, whom Yahushua accused of being hypocrites (Matthew 23:23-29)!! Likewise, they fail to realise there is no credit or virtue in equating themselves with the Pharisees because they were the ones who were responsible for persecuting, torturing and putting our Saviour to death upon the cross.  

The SDA Church believes Mrs White is the ONLY prophet, in spite of what is written in Joel 2:28, 29:

28 And it shall come to pass afterward, that I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh; and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see visions: 29 And also upon the servants and upon the handmaids in those days will I pour out my spirit.”

Yes, Mrs White, though dead, is the ONLY PERSON, whom the SDA Church accepts. As her prophetess is dead, so the church remains dead!! For that reason, NOT EVEN THE RUACH HA KODESH is allowed in. Thus He cannot instruct and teach her because the Church does not know Him and does not want to know Him. Likewise, the Ruach Ha Kodesh cannot work through anyone to instruct and guide her because she despises anyone whom He sends to her. For this reason she remains steeped in her beliefs, ignorant of the Holy Spirit’s leadings, does not know what is taking place in the body of Yahushua and FROZEN IN TIME!! 

There are so many other things which are lacking in the SDA Church which I could speak about but I will not go on. I pray for the members in that church that the darkness over them will be lifted and that they will see the light of Life, Yahushua, and come out of the darkness in which they are enveloped.


Sunday, 26 July 2009


(NB: A  pseudonym has b een used for the writer of the letter.) 

Dear Tom,

Thank you for your letter.  Since you have written to us it is my duty to respectfully reply to you. I will not write for my husband, he will most likely do that himself. Lest I should misquote you, Tom, I will copy your email and then give my reply to the points you raised.


“Hello Lloyd and Ellisa,

I have been reading your web site and after listenig to you Ellisa  explain over the phone how our spirit either goes to heaven or to hell throughout all the ceasless age of eternity.

This is pure nonesence and from what I can see it is not supported by the writings of Sister White.  

Do the 2 of you read and belive in her writings?

What you are teaching on your web site is so different from SDA doctrine and teachings and is so wrong.


Tom, first let me address the phrase, "This is pure nonesence".

These are your words, not mine. If what you refer to is pure nonsense, then you MUST take it upon yourself to accuse our Saviour, Yahushua of what He told us in Luke 16: 19-31 as "pure nonesence"!! Please realise that the account He gave in this Passage of Scripture about the rich man and Lazarus, the beggar, has nothing to do with me. The account is His alone.  

SDAs teach that that Passage of Scripture is a parable. However, I have not read that. It is the account of what took place in the lives of the rich man and Lazarus, the beggar.

Likewise, you must take what the angel told Pastor Daniel Ekechukwu from Nigeria who was resurrected from the dead 3 days after he died in December 2001, as "pure nonesence"!! In his story Pastor Daniel says that just before he came back to life, the angel who was his attendant in Heaven took him on a visit to Hell, a terrible place of torment where he saw the souls of those who were there. The angel, he says, told him that he had been chosen to answer the rich man’s prayer. His story is on the Video:

 “Raised from the Dead” CFN Production. 

Distributor: Chapel Lane, Hampton Bishop, Hereford, HR1 4JR UK. Tel (01432) 870437. email: 
You must also take the responsibility of condemning Yahushua for what He says in John 11: 26, as "pure nonesence"!! In this passage Yahushua says:
“and whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die. Believest thou this?”

You must also accuse Paul for what he has written in 2 Corinthians 5: 1-9,  as "pure nonesence"!! I’ll quote verses 6-8 of that Chapter:

“6Therefore we are always confident, knowing that, whilst we are at home in the body, we are absent from the Lord: 7 (for we walk by faith, not by sight:) 8 we are confident, I say, and willing rather to be absent from the body, and to be present with the Lord”.

Likewise, you must accuse Paul of speaking "pure nonesence" in Philippians 1: 21-23, where he says: 

“21For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain. 22 But if I live in the flesh, this is the fruit of my labour: yet what I shall choose I wot not. 23 For I am in a strait betwixt two, having a desire to depart, and to be with Christ; which is far better”.

You must also accuse him of speaking "pure nonesence" in 1 Thessalonians 5:23:

“And the very God of peace sanctify you wholly; and I pray God your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.”

You must also accuse John the Divine of speaking "pure nonesence" concerning what he was shown in Revelation 6: 9-11, regarding the souls of those who had died. There it says:

“9 And when he had opened the fifth seal, I saw under the altar the souls of them that were slain for the word of God, and for the testimony which they held: 10 and they cried with a loud voice, saying, How long, O Lord, holy and true, dost thou not judge and avenge our blood on them that dwell on the earth? 11 And white robes were given unto every one of them; and it was said unto them, that they should rest yet for a little season, until their fellowservants also and their brethren, that should be killed as they were, should be fulfilled”.

In addition, Tom, you must take the responsibility to accuse all those who have been privileged to come back from the dead over the years as "pure nonesence". Likewise, you must do the same about their personal testimonies of their experiences in death which they have told, or are telling. You can also attribute as "pure nonesence "those who have related their experience of the glorious place Heaven is; so much so that they did not want to come back to this world. You must also ascribe as "pure nonesence" what those who went to Hell have said and are saying about the suffering and torments which they experienced there, or the suffering they saw of others who are there; as well as well as how terrible that place is. Such was the terror there, none of them want to go back there. That is the reason those whose stories I have heard, have since given their lives to Yahushua. They have become His ministers and have devoted their lives to warn people about that dreadful place, known as Hell. 

Among those who were privileged to be resurrected was Ian McCormack, a New Zealander, who was brought back from the dead in 1982. In 2003, I met him here in Manchester and heard his personal story. He also prayed for me. His story is on his Video and DVD, entitled:

 “A Glimpse of Eternity a True Story” Ian McCormack. St. Pauls  
It is available from:
FCS Sound Services Ltd. Phone No. 0845 120 4925 email: Website:

There is also the Video/DVD: 

“To Hell and Back” by Dr. Maurice Rawlings.  
In this Video, several persons who had near death or out of body experiences, or who died, tell what they personally experiences. This Video/DVD is produced by:
The Trinity Broadcasting Network in the USA: VHS TBN 0030. TBN P.O. Box A. Santa Ana, CA92711.

Pastor Ian McCormack whom I met in person and all others who have told, or are telling their stories of what they experienced in death say the same thing. They all say that they did not know that they had died. The only thing they reported did not have were their physical bodies. They heard, spoke, and saw and had all their emotions. For those who went to Heaven, they had wonderful stories of joy and happiness. Those, however, who went to Hell, told of the terrifying experiences which they suffered.

Due to the fact that SDAs cut themselves off from others in the body of Yahushua and isolate themselves, they do not have any idea of the miracles that our Elohim is performing among His people. Likewise, due to the fact that they do not know the Ruach Ha Kodesh and have shut Him out of their lives; they do not know what is happening in the body of Yahushua. Since they despise other Christians and refuse to associate or have anything to do with them, they do not know what is taking place among Yahweh’s people. Neither do they know what the Ruach Ha Kodesh or Yahushua are doing in the world. Therefore, they do not know about those who have been resurrected from the dead. These stories are not only from Christians but are often told on Sky on Channels such as the Zone Reality Channels and the Paranormal Channel. The Church’s arrogance and pride, however, are her downfall and robs her of knowledge and blessings. Hence we are told in Hosea 4:6:

“My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee”.

Let me say Tom, I am very happy and grateful to my Elohim that I am NOT just a body and breath. A body which  will die when the breath leaves the body and returns to Yahweh, Who gave it to me. My breath is the physiological function in my body  which induces respiration and keeps me alive. Yahweh gave it to me when I came out of my mother’s womb and took my first breath. Thus the ONLY  function of the breath is to take into my body Oxygen through inspiration, and then through expiration to remove Carbon Dioxiode or impure air from my body, thus keeping me healthy.  The breath of life has no intelligence and does not think or make decisions for good or ill and then instructs my body to carry  out such instructions. The breath of life is a gift from Yahweh to me,  and to  everyone who came into this world.  At death its function is over and so it  returns to Yahweh, Who gave it  because it is sinless.  

The breath is NOT MY SPIRT AND SOUL, the immaterial, intelligent part of my being; the true person who I am. I am a spirit being consisting of spirit and soul, who lives in my body. I came directly from my Creator and when I leave my body at the time of my death, by His grace, I will return to Him and continue to be as spirit being because that part of me will NOT DIE!! That part of me is my true self and is the intelligent part of my being which thinks, plans and give instructions to my body to carry out the instructions given. It is that part of me that is active when my body is asleep. The part of my being which dreams and often does things and goes places when my body is asleep. The part of me through which my Elohim communicates with me,  as Job states in Job 33: 14-17:

"14 For God speaketh once, yea twice, yet man perceiveth it not. 15 In a dream, in a vision of the night, when deep sleep falleth upon men, in slumberings upon the bed; 16 Then he openeth the ears of men, and sealeth their instruction, 17 That he may withdraw man from his purpose, and hide pride from man".

Yes, my spirit is the “I” or “Me” and the part of me which Yahushua refers to as the soul, as He says in Matthew 10:28:

“And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell". 

“I”, i.e. my spirit being, came from my Elohim. At death my spirit will leave my mortal body (not just my breath) and by Yahushua’s grace will go back to be with Him as I have already stated. My body, my earthly house or tabernacle, will however return to the dust from which it was taken (Genesis 3: 19). You disprove this as "pure nonsence"!! That is alright as long as you are happy and contented to be just a body + breath, which makes you a living soul, as the Adventists teach. Thus when the breath leaves the body, you will then become a dead soul and be confined to your grave until the resurrection morning. We will not dispute this matter. You are entitled to your own opinion. However, the time will come when we will die, except we are alive when Yahushua returns. At that time, the time of death, the truth will be known, as it is for those who have died. That time will prove whether or not we are just bodies which live and at the time of death return to the ground (or are disposed of otherwise depending on the type of disposal) and remain in that state until the resurrection. 

Yes, I know you are saying how wrong I am because of what is written in Psalm 146: 3, 4 and similar Scripture passages:

“3 Put not your trust in princes, nor in the son of man, in whom there is no help. 4 His breath goeth forth, he returneth to his earth; in that very day his thoughts perish”. Psalm 146: 3, 4.

This Passage (and other such Passages) is only dealing with the mortal, physical body. It is NOT dealing with the eternal, immortal soul which leaves the body at the time of death because without the body, the spirit (spirit and soul) has not legal right in this world and must leave. The body then is just lifeless clay in which everything, including the thoughts, memories and emotions perish because the breath of life as well as the spirit and the soul, the true person, are no longer in it.  

Due to the fact that the SDA Church does not know about the immortal spirit of man (spirit and soul), she has missed out on one of the most important and vital teachings in the Word of Yahweh. As a Church which claims to be the “true church”, the matter of the immortal soul and spirit should have been one of her most important teachings and doctrines. Instead, she totally refuses to come in line with Yahweh’s Word, ignores the Ruach Ha Kodesh and teaches that man is just a body + breath, which perishes at death. 

Due to the lack of vision in SDA Church and her old doctrines and teachings on this most important of subjects, her members do not know that they are NOT JUST BODIES WHICH PERISH AT DEATH. Due also to the fact that they have no concept of their immortal spirit and soul (the inner man), they remain in ignorance about this most important subject. That is the reason there is often terrible mourning and inconsolable grief of some SDAs when their loved ones die. This happens because they have no idea that the deceased are not just confined to the grave, the elements, etc,.  Had the Church taught them the truth about their triune nature (spirit, soul and body) instead of the LIE,   that they are just bodies, there would be less unbelief and scepticism about the spirit and soul. Likewise, some of the evils which some members do to others, they would not do because they would be afraid of what is awaiting them when they die.  

Had the SDA Church allowed the Ruach Ha Kodesh to be her Teacher and Guide, she would have known that there is in each of us an independent and immortal spirit (spirit and soul) which vacates the body at death and go to be with the Saviour (for those who have accepted Him), or to Hell for those who have rejected His love and sacrifice for them. Thus there would be far less mourning and grief by some of the members when their loved ones die. The Church however, is happy and contented to remain in darkness on this most important matter of the immortal spirit and the soul. Since that is her attitude, our Elohim will NOT FORCE her to accept what she refuses to accept. However, His word on this matter of the immortal spirit (spirit and soul) and all others teachings in His Holy Word, remains unchanged. 

It is interesting to note that SDAs regard themselves as just bodies, yet when people close to some of them die, they are so afraid of their ghosts. You may say that there is no such things as ghosts. That, however, is not what my Saviour said after He had been resurrected from the dead and met with the disciples who thought He as a ghost. The account is given ins Luke 24: 36- 43:

“36 And as they thus spake, Jesus himself stood in the midst of them, and saith unto them, Peace be unto you. 37 But they were terrified and affrighted, and supposed that they had seen a spirit. 38 And he said unto them, Why are ye troubled? and why do thoughts arise in your hearts? 39 Behold my hands and my feet, that it is I myself: handle me, and see; for a spirit hath not flesh and bones, as ye see me have. 40 And when he had thus spoken, he shewed them his hands and his feet. 41 And while they yet believed not for joy, and wondered, he said unto them, Have ye here any meat? 42 And they gave him a piece of a broiled fish, and of an honeycomb. 43 And he took it, and did eat before them".

Whereas SDAs discount the independent spirit and soul of man, most Africans and other nations where witches are prevalent know otherwise. They know how real and how dangerous such people can be. When the witches go out to have their meetings and conferences, etc, they do not go in their physical forms. They leave their bodies and take on a familiar, i.e. a cat, a dog, a snake, a bird or what ever they chose to use to transport them about. While they are gone from their bodies, their bodies remain asleep and breathing  in the bed but cannot be awakened. If the familiar gets an injury (while transporiting them)  the physical body will sustain the same injury or injuries, although it did not leave the bed. If the familiar dies the body also die.  

In Ghana when one is suspected of being a witch, the people use the sleep test to verify them. They do so at nights when everyone is in bed and should be asleep. At such times they wake up everyone in the whole village or school or college dormitories. Those whom they are unable to wake up are then marked and when their spirits return to their bodies and they can be wakened up, they are then dealt with. In Ghana, many of those who are confirmed witches are de-witched and banished to remote parts of the country where they remain and do menial tasks such as burning chalk coal, etc,  until they die. While we were in Ghana, at times we bought chalk coal from some of them by way side.

I will now take the next part of your question:

“This is pure nonesence and from what I can see it is not supported by the writings of Sister White”.  

No, what I have written is certainly NOT supported by the writings of Sister White. I take my instructions and "support" from the Scriptures and the Ruach Ha Kodesh, the Holy Spirit. I do not base His teachings upon the teaching of another human being. 

In your next statement you wrote:

“Do the 2 of you read and belive in her writings?”

I do not need to read the late Mrs White’s writing or base my belief upon what she has written. Moreover, I do not have time to read her writings because I am kept busy doing my Master’s work and paying attention to what the Ruach Ha Kodesh is teaching me and instructing me to do.  

I believe Mrs White was used by the Ruach Ha Kodesh during her time in this world. However, she is NOT THE RUACH HAKODESH, whom Yahweh my Father sent to be with us on the Day of Pentecost and Who is our Elohim (God) here upon earth. HE ALONE is my Leader, Teacher, Helper, Guide and Comforter, the One with Whom Yahushua baptised me and Who empowers me to do the works of Yahushua (John 14: 16, 17, 26; John 16: 7-15; Matthew 3: 11; Acts 1: 4, 5, 8).  

Tom, Mrs White’s writings ARE NOT THE SCRIPTURES. The Ruach Ha Kodesh DID NOT TRANSFER HIS POWER TO HER!! NEITHER DID HE DIE with Mrs White! Her writings are NOT the Ruach Ha Kodesh, neither are her writings the Spirit of Prophecy. The Spirit of Prophecy is the RUACH HA KODESH, the Holy Spirit. He is the ONE WHO IS MY TEACHER. He is the One  Who leads, guides and does His works through me. He is the One to Whom I listen and follow His guidance. He is NOT an “IT”. He is Elohim Ruach Ha Kodesh, the Third Member or Third Person of the Godhead, Whom the SDA Church rejects. 


Sunday, 5 July 2009


From March 2 to April 23, 2009, I went to India and Pakistan where I had been invited by various ministers to minister in their ministries. During the seven weeks I spent there, the Ruach Ha Kodesh manifested His power as He worked through me.  

It is only our Elohim alone: Yahweh, our Father, Yahushua, our Saviour, and the Ruach Ha Kodesh, the Holy Spirit, Who knows the numbers of people who were prayed for, the numbers of souls who gave their lives to Yahushua, and the numbers who were healed of the various infirmities with which they were afflicted. During the seven weeks of ministry there was not a day when the Ruach Ha Kodesh did not manifest His power and bless and heal His people. Among the healings which He performed, were: the blind saw, the dumb spoke, the deaf heard, the paralysed walked and demons were cast out of those who came for deliverance from demonic possession.

I give grateful thanks to our Elohim for the great work which was done in both India and Pakistan, where I met some of the loveliest people in my lifetime.  

My first week was spent in Madurai, Tamil Nadu, South India. There I ministered at the ministry of Pastor and Mrs Thavamani George, of Eternal Ministries. 

Worshippers at Eternal Ministry, Madurai, India

Our Elohim blessed the work and the Ruach Ha Kodesh manifested His mighty power as souls were won to the Saviour in response to the preaching of the Gospel of Salvation. The Ruach Ha Kodesh also manifested His power as many people received their healing or had their prayers answered after I had prayed to Yahweh, our Father, in the name of Yahushua for them.  

Among those who were healed was a gentleman who had suffered from stomach problems for many years. The following night after he received his healing, he testified during the Service. His testimony was that he was a Hindu and that he had lost his five children, including his 14 year old daughter who had died two weeks before. He and his wife and his mother were very discouraged and decided to commit suicide. The date was set for a Friday night. However, he prayed and said that if there was a God whom the Christians worship, He should send someone to him before the date planned for the suicides.  

There is indeed an Elohim of the Christians!! The following day Yahweh sent one of the pastors from Pastor George’s Ministry to visit him. He rejoiced when the pastor visited him because his prayer had been answered. The pastor invited him to the meetings in which I was ministering. On his first night attending the gospel meeting, he accepted Yahushua as his Saviour. In addition, he received his healing from the stomach problem from which he had suffered for many years. He is now witnessing to his Hindu people about the love of Yahushua and what He did for him. His resolve is to be a minister of Yahushua and to work for Him among his own people.
Pastor and Mrs George also took me to the island of Rameshwaram near the Sri 
Lankan border. From the mainland we drove on the beautiful bridge, the Bampan bridge, which joins the island to the mainland. 

The men on Rameshwaram island are fishermen and on the day we went there, they were gone to sea. The pastor of the church assembled the women and children who were able to attend for a church service. As I ministered to those who were gathered, I encouraged them to be ready for the imminent second coming of Yahushua, our Saviour. Following the message, I prayed for the various needs which were presented. Yahweh blessed His people as the Ruach Ha Kodesh worked through me and did His mighty works in the name of Yahushua. I give grateful thanks to our Elohim for the work that was done there in Madurai and on the island Rameshwaram. 

In this picture I am praying for a young woman at Eternal Ministries, Madurai, India

Pastor and Mrs George made time to take me to the beautiful mountain of Kodiakanal, one of the beauty spots in Tamil Nadu. Toward the top of the mountain there is an area where there are very high rocks. These rocks are very steep and are inaccessible to people. At the very top of the rock there is a white cross which is suspended. No one knows how that cross was placed there. Our Elohim knows and that Cross bears witness to everyone who sees it of the sacrifice Yahushua made for us when He gave His life on a Cross at Calvary 2000 years ago to save us in His eternal kingdom and to save us from the curse of sin, eternal death, Hell and the Lake of fire and brimstone.

From India I went to Pakistan for six weeks. There I ministered with various ministries. My first two weeks were spent with Pastor Shakeel Masih of Gospel Mission Ministries. I first ministered in Karachi city and then in Faisalabad. Next I ministered in two ministries in the city of Lahore: the ministry of Pastors Michael and Ishrat Aslam of Jesus Calls Ministry of Pakistan; and then the ministry of Pastor Younas Yousaf Masih of Jesus Messiah Returns Gospel Ministry of Pakistan. My last week was spent with the Yacubs of Faith/ Hope Ministry in the city of Toba Tek Singh.  

In addition to the aforementioned cities, the pastors took me to various cities to minister. They also took me to many homes to minister. The places I ministered included Kasur city, Arifwala city, Sahiwal city and the cities of Gojra and Jhang.
I also ministered in the villages of Sargodha, Suway and Asal.  


  In this picture I am being showered with
  Rose petals in the city of Arifwala, Pakistan  

In addition to many Gospel and Healing Services which were held, there were pastors conferences and women’s conferences. The Ruach Ha Kodesh did His mighty works among the people and blessed them in every service.  

Most of the Gospel and Healing Services were held at nights. These meetings were well attended. After I had presented the Message the Ruach Ha Kodesh gave to me for the people, I then invited those who had not accepted Yahushua as their personal Saviour to do so. In most appeals many accepted and committed their lives to our blessed Saviour, Yahushua. There were times when all who attended the Meetings were Christians.
Here I am ministering in the city of Arifwala, Pakistan.

Following the prayer of commitment, I would pray for the healing and deliverance of the people who came to be healed and delivered from various afflictions. I also prayed for other needs which they had, including that those who were without jobs that they would be given the jobs needed. After the prayer for the needs of the people, I would ask for testimonies of healing. In almost every meeting many responded and testified of their healing from various illnesses and infirmities. In some meetings all those who needed healing testified that they were healed while I was praying. The following are some of the healings which were graciously done by our Elohim:

One young girl who was deaf received her hearing. A lady who had been blind received her sight. A lady who had a large growth on her thigh, reported that it disappeared while I was praying. A young mother said that her child had an umbilical hernia which disappeared while I was praying. A lady who had been affected by demons, reported that as I prayed something was lifted off her and went away. Others reported that they were healed from arthritis, heart diseases, stomach complaints, headaches, backaches and many other afflictions.  

Once the testimonies were given and I had prayed and sealed their healing with the anointing oil, I would minister personally to everyone who needed prayer for healing, or for other needs. At such times the hunger in the eyes of the people was evident. This was especially so where there were very large crowds and those needing healing, etc feared they would not be prayed for and anointed with the oil of anointing. At such times the people pressed around me and kept touching me so that they would not be left out. In most cases I prayed and anointed all who needed prayer. As I prayed fore them, many testified that they had received their healings as Yahushua rewarded their faith.


Some of the people at the Meeting
In Arifwala, Pakistan

Among those who received their healings after I had personally prayed for them were:
• Two girls who were dumb. They began to speak. 
• A lady who had been paralysed began to walk.
• A woman who had been tormented by demons for a very long time. After the prayer she testified that while I was praying, she felt something lifted from off her head and that she was set free. She was very happy for her deliverance.  
• Two young ladies who were deaf both began to hear.  

Incidentally, in one of the leading churches in one city, the service could not begin because for three hours the pastor was attempting to cast out demons out of a young lady. We were in the church for a while watching the pastor attempting to cast the demons but he was not getting very far. The translator asked if I would help to cast out the demons. In response, I told him I would only do so if the pastor needed my help. He went to the pastor and checked with him and he accepted the help. I went and in the Name of Yahushua commanded the demons to come out of her. At the Name of Yahushua and with the oil of anointing placed on her head, the demons came out with great screams. By Yahweh’s grace she was delivered and set free. She then settled down quietly and peacefully. The meeting then began and we were then able to minister to the people.
In another city although I had ministered to many people during the time of prayer ministration, I was unable to pray for everyone who needed personal prayer. This was due to the fact that it was getting late in the night and we had to travel over 100 kilometres so that the school children who were with us could get back and get to bed because they had to be in school very early the next morning.  

At first I was asked to stop ministering but the translator pleaded with me to help those who were not prayed for, including one young woman who was demon possessed and who had come to be delivered. However, I was unable to do so because I was personally led away from the church with the oil of anointing still in my hand. As I was being led out of the church, I quickly laid my hand on the heads of as many as I could and blessed them. Some of the people, however, followed me to the home of the family who hosted the Meeting. I continued to pray for them until it was time to get into the minibus and head back to Toba Tek Singh. In spite of those who followed me and were ministered to, the hunger and disappointment which I saw in the eyes of those in the church to whom I could not minister still fills me with sadness. However, I continue to pray for them.  

At the Gospel and Healing Meetings in Pakistan, during the prayer ministration I also ministered to the children for their various needs, including their education. Whenever it was possible, before I ministered to the main congregation, I ministered to the children about Yahushua’s love for them.

In this picture a young man is being delivered
From demon possession in Lahore, Pakistan 

At the Meetings many of the people brought oil (mainly olive oil) and water to be prayed over. They also brought the oil and water to me at other times so that I could pray over them. The people there have great faith, which is something I truly admire. They know the importance of the oil and water being prayer over. As a matter of fact, in January 2009, I had prayed here in my home over the phone for a group of people in Pakistan. At that time I also prayed for the oil that would be used to anoint the people. When I went to Pakistan, I was told that many people received their healings after they were anointed with the same oil. I give grateful thanks to our Elohim for His grace and loving kindness to His children who demonstrated such faith in Him. 
In addition to the Gospel and Healing Meetings which were held, the pastors took me to the homes of some of their relatives or friends. In some of those homes many people gathered. The numbers of those who were gathered ranged from a few persons up to about 80 persons or more. Many of them needed prayers for healings, for the conception of babies, for jobs and for financial blessings. In the homes where children were present I also prayed for them and blessed them. 

At one of the homes, one gentleman who had been out of a job for a long period of time requested prayer for a job. I prayed for him about 9 pm. The next morning he rang the Pastor and told him that before going to bed that night, he received a call from the local hospital offering him a job. Next morning he began work. He was very grateful and very happy that our Elohim had answered the prayer on his behalf.  

I was also taken to farming communities where I also prayed for the animals and other livestock. 

In some of the homes where I stayed, people constantly came to be prayed for. They often came in groups or as families. Some travelled from other cities. Some brought the names and requests of others who could not come themselves. Sometimes I was asked to pray over the phone for people in other cities who were ill or had other problems but who were unable to come to the Meetings or to come to me for prayer.

Yahweh heard the prayers and some of those whom I prayed for over the phone or whose names were brought to me for prayer, reported soon after that they had received their healing. Among those who were healed were: 
• One gentleman who was seriously ill in the hospital suffering from Cholera. Two hours after he was prayed for, he rang to say that as soon as the prayer on his behalf was offered, he received his healing.  
• Another gentleman who was also in hospital suffering from cancer, reported two days later that his tests were negative and that he had been healed.  
• A young man whose foot had become gangrenous due to a wound and was in danger of losing his foot. The next day he reported that the gangrene began to heal from the moment the prayer was offered on his behalf.  

It is only our Elohim who knows the numbers who were prayed for, the numbers who accepted Yahushua as their Saviour, the numbers who were healed and the numbers who received the answers for their various requests. During the seven weeks which I ministered in India and Pakistan.

Here I am praying for the people to receive their healings in Lahore.

I also took time to pray and bless the ministers and their families who had invited me to minister in their ministries.

Since I returned to the UK, I have received emails and phone calls informing me that many people continue to report their healings or other answers to their requests due to the prayers which were prayed on their behalf.  

I give grateful thanks to our gracious Elohim: Yahweh, my Father, Yahushua, my Saviour and the Ruach Ha Kodesh, my Leader and Teacher for using me and for the work which was done in India and Pakistan. In particular I give Him thanks for the health and superhuman strength which the Ruach Ha Kodesh gave to me throughout the seven weeks I ministered in those two countries.

I also give grateful thanks to the Ruach Ha Kodesh for the numbers of souls who accepted Yahushua as their Saviour and are waiting for His soon return. I also give thanks to Him for the numbers of people who were healed from various illnesses and infirmities, including arthritis, heart disease, stomach problems, lameness, paralysis, blindness, deafness, dumbness, Hepatitis “B” and Hepatitis “C” and from demonic oppression. Likewise, I give Him grateful thanks for those whom He continues to heal and bless.  

I also give grateful thanks to our Elohim for all the translators who translated the messages, as well as kept the communication open between the people and myself. Likewise, I give grateful thanks to Him for the families who cared for me so well in their homes. I am also grateful to the pastors for their hard work in planning and organising the Meetings, many of which were held outdoors. May our Elohim richly bless these His ministering servants for their love, devotion and dedication to His service.

At the Village School of Jesus Call Ministry of Pakistan, Lahore on their Prize Giving Day