Tuesday, 6 November 2012



As spirit beings we live in the bodies our Elohim made for us in the wombs of our mothers.  The majority of us are blessed with all of our five senses of hearing, seeing,  touching, feeling and smelling.  Our bodies  indicate to us their physical desires and also inform us when things are not going well with them.  

Due to the nature of the body, almost everyone understands certain things about it, e.g. hunger must be satisfied, thirst must be quenched and the calls of nature must be respected. 

However, the majorities of people do not know or understand anything about  their spirits and  souls housed in their  bodies. They believe they are just their bodies alone and no more. In addition, some take strong objections if they are told any thing to the contrary.


We have established that our spirits (spirit and soul)  were not made in the wombs of our mothers.  They were sent from Heaven by our Elohim when we were conceived.

We must also understand that the word “Spirit” has a wider meaning than just the human spirit because there are different kinds of spirits which operate in this world. Many who have had encounters with other spirits, including hostile spirits, can attest to this fact. 

I checked the word “Spirit” in Virtue’s English Dictionary page 829, and there  “Spirit”  is described as:

“. . . The intelligent, immaterial, and immortal part of man; the soul as distinguished from the body which it occupies;

a person considered with respect to his mental or moral characteristics;

the human soul  after it has quitted the body; an apparition;

a spectre; a ghost; a supernatural being;

an angel; elf [small fairy, mischievous little creature] sprite [fairy], demon or the like . .  .”

I also checked the in the Cruden’s Complete Concordance on the word “Spirit” and this is what is recorded on  page 626:

In  Hebrew, Spirit  is called Ruach and in Greek: Pnuema,  wind, air.

“[1] For the  Holy Ghost, the third person of the Trinity.

“[2] For the renewed nature, or the spiritual part in man. Matthew 26:41.”

[In that Text Matthew 26: 41,  it says: “The spirit indeed is willing but the flesh is weak.” ]

“[3] Signifies the soul which continues in being after the death of the body. Acts 7:59, 60.

[Here in Acts Stephen’s last words are recorded  as he was about to expire. He cried unto Yahweh and said: “Lord receive my spirit. . . And when he had said this, he fell asleep.” ]

“[4] [Good angels are called spirits. Hebrew 1: 14.”

[This text in Hebrews 1: 14, says:
  “Are they not all ministering spirits, sent forth to minister for them who shall be heirs of salvation?” ]

“[5] The devils are often called unclean spirits, evil spirits. Mark 5:13.; Luke 7: 21.  So in 1 Samuel 18:10.”

[In Mark 5: 12, 13  it says:
“And all the devils besought him, saying, Send  us into the swine, that we may enter  into them. And forthwith [Yahushua] Jesus gave them leave. And the unclean spirits went out, and entered the swine.”]

[And in 1 Samuel 18:10 it says:
“And it came to pass on the morrow, that the evil spirit from [Elohim] God came upon Saul.”]

“[6]  Spirit signifies an apparition or ghost.  Matthew 14:26,  Luke 24:37, 39”.

[In this  account the disciples were troubled because they thought Yahushua was a ghost or spirit,  when they saw Him walking on the sea and again after His resurrection when He appeared among them.  Yahushua  assured them that it was He because a spirit does not have flesh nor bones.]

“[7] For the breath, the respiration, the animal life that is in beasts. Ecclesiastes 3:21”.

“[8] Spirit is also taken for the wind.  Amos 4: 13.  He that createth the wind, or spirit.  These are the four spirits of the heavens, in Hebrew, winds, Zech. 6:5. And in John 3:8, The wind bloweth where it listeth. In Greek, pneuma, the spirit.” 


The Soul:  The advanced Oxford Dictionary, page 823  describes  the Soul thus:

           “Non-material part of a person, believed to exist for ever. . . ”  

Virtue’s English Dictionary,  page 821 describes the soul  as:

“The spiritual and immortal part in man; the immaterial spirit which inhabits the body; the moral and emotional part of man’s nature; the seat of the sentiments or feelings; the animating or essential part; the vital principle.” 

In  Cruden’s Complete Concordance the following is written about the Soul:

“This word is used in the Bible in much the same variety of senses as it is used today.  The Hebrews used the word rather more generally, and the renderings of Hebrew expressions given in the Bible frequently contain the word when it does not appear in the text, but some  other word,  as mind, life or persons, is used. 

Frequently where the word soul is used in the Authorised or ‘King James’ Version the revisions have changed to life”.

In Encyclopedia Britannica a great deal is written about the soul from which the following quote is taken:

“soul in common usage, an immaterial principle or aspect that, with the body, constitutes the human person…

The human soul has been thought by some to be both the spring and core of bodily life and the functions and also the seat of the highest mental activities.” –Micropaedia Vol. 9,  page 363.

In the Oxford Advanced Learner’s  Dictionary page 823 the following is written:
 “non-material part of a person, believed to  exist forever.”

From these references we see what the scholars have to say about the  human soul and how it is regarded. We see that it plays a very dominant role in our lives as the Encyclopedia Britannica page 363, puts it:

 “… with the body [the soul] constitutes the human person.”

There are many references made to the soul and the numerous ways in which it is used.  It often refers to a person and to the actions and attitudes of people. An example of this is:

Some people will refer to a mean and selfish person as being “without a soul”. 

On the other hand, a kind, loving and caring person will be referred to as a “good soul”.

In the Holy Scriptures much is written about the soul. It  applies to the human person as well as the spirit, the true person. A few examples are:

And [Yahweh Elohim] the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul”. Genesis 2:7.

“[Yahweh] The LORD redeemeth the soul of his servants: and none of them that trust in him shall be desolate”. Psalm 34:22.

“Behold, all souls are mine; as the soul of the father, so also the soul of the son is mine: the soul that sinneth, it shall die”. Ezekiel 18:4.

There are many things written about various aspects of the soul in the Holy Bible and in books on the subject.  The same applies to the spirit of man on which many things are also written. 

In the next Post we will focus our attention on the human spirit and soul because there seems to be so much mystery and ignorance about these very vital and important parts of our being.