Friday 15 August 2008


Last night as I slept two scenes most vivid was mine to behold!
So real were they that upon waking they were etched upon my mind,
Which I could not dismiss for daily they are made a reality for many;
Who filled with good intentions gladly go about their daily business,
Unaware that their lives are about to be changed by disastrous situations.

Such were the nature of the scenes of yester night as I peacefully slept.
In the first scene there was a car with five happy young persons
Who were fun loving as they went on their way laughing and joyous,
Thinking not for a second that disaster was just lurking moments away;
For like a poisonous serpent the Angel of Death was ready to strike!!

Just then I saw their awful dilemma of which they were all unaware!
For they had all fallen asleep knowing not that their car was on fire!!
Quickly I ran and opened the door and pulled each one to safety,
Still asleep and oblivious of the inferno from which they were rescued;
For the fumes had overpowered them, rendering them helpless victims!

In the second scene a rich man had been sailing his luxury yacht,
When a ferocious storm arose and scattering debris all around him;
Which blocked and jammed his vessel so that he could sail no farther.
In desperation he was pleading for help on his mobile phone
When a large piece of metal fell on him and snuffed out his life!!

I awoke from sleep and was most grateful that it was only a dream!
Yet, How true to life it is for each day the scenes are someone’s fate!!
For some there is hope as they are rescued, as I did for those in the car,
But for others there is none as it was for the one in his luxury yacht;
For the chilly hand of Death did not afford him time to be rescued.

Today I have been in deep contemplation about of the fickleness of life!
Which is a gift to us from our Creator, Yahweh, our loving Father.
A most precious gift, which could be taken at anytime, regardless of age!
Yet very few know and appreciate the importance of the gift given to them,
Until too late, when Death faces them and like a vapour that life is no more!!

So What about you my Friend? Do you value the life Yahweh has given you?
Is it sweet to you? What if the Angel of Death should knock at your door today?
Have you made preparation for Where you will spend the rest of eternity?
Please remember Death is not the end, for the Word of Yahweh tells us:
It is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the Judgment”. Hebrews 9:27

The scenes which passed before my eyes in my dream of yester night
Are not meant for me to forget and cast aside as meaningless nightmares!
Hence the reason I pen them here for daily Death is knocking at the doors
Of young and old alike, through accidents, disasters, wars, terrorism, diseases, etc.
So always be prepared for the rest of eternity for today could be your very last!!

-- EBR Darrel-Asherel © 2008