Sunday, 13 November 2011



President Obama, concerning the city, old East Jerusalem, which you and your Administration and allies are pressuring Israel to give up, I have stated in Luke 21: 24, 27

24 . . . and Jerusalem shall be trodden down of the Gentiles, until the times of the Gentiles be fulfilled. 27And then shall they see the Son of man coming in a cloud with power and great glory”.

Then in Luke 24: 25- 28, I gave some of the signs which would precede My return to this world, My actual return and the importance of being ready for My return. In that passage of Scripture, I said:

25 “And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring; 26 men’s hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken. 27 And then shall they see the Son of man coming in a cloud with power and great glory. 28 And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh” (KJV).

The times of the Gentiles ruling East Jerusalem came to an end in 1967 during the Six Day War. At that time the prophecy in Luke 21:24, was fulfilled and East Jerusalem went back under Jewish rule. I, YAHUSHUA Ha MASHIACH, the Creator and Saviour of this world, WILL BE THE NEXT RULER OF THAT OLD CITY, EAST JERUSALEM. THEREFORE, I WILL RETURN TO THIS WORLD ANYTIME FROM NOW FOR THOSE WHO HAVE ACCEPTED ME AS THEIR PERSONAL SAVIOUR FROM SIN. IT IS TIME FOR EVERYONE, TO BE READY FOR MY RETURN, INCLUDING YOU, PRESIDENT BARAK OBAMA. Thus the pressures being exerted on Israel to give up her city, East Jerusalem, and other happenings there, are sure indications of My return. In addition, the terrible happenings and great disasters around the world; the global financial crisis; the uprisings in the Middle East and North Africa, the riots and protests in many countries; the deliberate rejection of Me, Yahushua Ha Mashiach, the Creator and Saviour of all mankind by the majority in the world and the persecution and ongoing massacre of many of My followers in many lands, including Nigeria, are sure signs that MY COMING BACK TO THIS WORLD AS KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS IS NOW AT HAND.

President Barak Obama, each time decisions were made to divide up the lands of Israel, both during the times of the previous Presidents of the USA and during your presidency, My judgments showing My disapproval of such actions, have been swift!! This is according to My Word in Joel 3: 1, 2:

1 “ ‘For behold, in those days and at that time, when I bring back the captives of Judah and Jerusalem, I will also gather all nations . . . And I will enter into judgment with them there on account of My people, My heritage Israel, Whom they have scattered among the nations; [because] they have also divided up My land’”. (NKJV).

Following the World War 1 and the breaking up of the Ottoman Empire, the League of Nations apportioned a part of the land (originally Canaan) to Britain, under the British Mandatory of Palestine. The British who ruled Palestine from 1923 to 1948, divided up My land and gave it to the Arabs, except for the small portion given to the Jews as their homeland. Immediately judgments began to fall upon Britain for what she did with My land and the unkind way she treated the Jews who returned to Israel following the holocaust in Europe. Thus, she who ruled the waves and proudly sang:
Rule Britannia!
Britannia rule the waves.
Britons never, never, never will be slaves”.

lost most of her colonies and she, who was once a rich, prosperous and mighty nation, has been reduced to a small weak nation, heavily in debt with a high unemployment rate and being destroyed by her secularism. Further judgments have fallen upon her because of the bias of the British Broadcasting Company (“BBC”) against Israel, which often portray Israel as the aggressor and demonises her. Thus much of the hatred for Israel in the world is because of the negative reports and criticisms given out by the BBC.

Judgments continue to fall upon Britain because she, who was once a Christian nation, who brought the British and Foreign Bible Society into being; sent My Word and missionaries with the Gospel to the nations of the world, for which she was greatly blessed; has rejected Me, Yahushua Ha Mashiach, her Creator and Saviour, the source of her blessings. She has become a very debased and godless society and has defied My Word and passed laws in favour of the very sins I have forbidden in My Word. The laws which she has passed, annulling My commands, are enforced on those who obey My commands to comply or face the consequences. The very mention of My Name, or the offer to pray for someone in the work place now constitute and offence and is forbidden. Likewise, those of My children who refuse to perform civil duties which goes against My commands, are also disciplined and some have lost their jobs or other sources of livelihoods for failing to comply with her man-made permissive laws.

Britain is doing everything in her power to muzzle My followers and persecutes those who defy her laws in her determination to erase My Name and Word from society and firmly put in place a secular society. The wearing of a Cross by some of My followers, the symbol of their faith, in certain places of work, in particular the British Airways Company, are forbidden and those who do, stand to lose their jobs. On the other hand all non-Christians are allowed to wear the symbols of what they believe and worship, without any punitive measures taken against them. In addition, Christians are denied certain privileges, such as the adoption of children, fostering of children and operating homes for children, unless they comply with the new adoption laws in civil partnerships.

Sadly, those who are meant to be the spiritual guardians of My Word in Britain and should speak out and make My will known to the nation, are silent. They are unlike men such as the late Hugh Latimer, John Wycliffe, Thomas Cranmer, Nicholas Ridley, Thomas Moore and William Tyndale, who upheld My Word and were willing to die a martyr’s death for their beliefs, than to bring dishonour to My Name.

Britain has become place for every foul and unclean spirit who worships the gods of paganism and secularism. She calls vice a virtue, evil good and good, evil. The direct result of her secular, debased and ungodly society was the recent rioting, looting and burning in many places around the country in August 2011. This was carried out by many of her children who have been brought up without any knowledge of Me, Yahushua Ha Mashiach, their Saviour and My love and sacrifice for them. Those children because of their godless upbringing do not have respect for anyone including those in authority. During the riots they saw nothing wrong with their behaviour and justified what they did because of the dishonest practices of some of the politicians, bankers and law enforcement agents in the country. This is the product of her secularism and godless society which she has created. Greater judgments will fall upon Britain and she will pay a high price for her lack of godliness and her secularism.


There can be true lasting peace between Israel, the Palestinians and the rest of her Arab neighbours with an end to all hostilities. Such peace and harmony can begin immediately were these nations to accept My love, sacrifice and grace for them and to accept Me, Yahushua Ha Mashiach, their personal Adonai (Lord) and Saviour. That relationship of love, peace and trust already exist between many Messianic Jews and many Christian Arabs in Israel. This relationship has been made possible because those Jews and Arabs have accepted My love and sacrifice for them and made Me their personal Adonai and Saviour. The ONLY TRUE ELOHIM WHO CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE IN THEIR LIVES AND GIVE THEM LOVE FOR EACH OTHER ALONG WITH PEACE AND SUCURITY.

Were the Jews and Arabs to accept Me, Yahushua Ha Mashiach, as their personal Saviour (John 3: 3-8, 16), they too would experience what the Messianic Jews and Christian Arabs now enjoy because My love in then would melt away all hatred and bitterness so they would have love and goodwill towards each other, whereby they would live together and be at peace. In this lies the solution to all hostilities both in the Middle East and throughout the world.

My return to Planet Earth is near. Thus at My return I, Elohim Yahushua, the Creator of this world and the Saviour of mankind, will bring in true peace. At that time I will resurrect those of My saints who are asleep in death and with the righteous living take them to Heaven, My throne, to be with me a thousand years (Matthew 24: 27, 30, 31; 1 Thessalonians 4: 16,17; 1 Corinthians 15: 50-54; Revelation 20).

At the time of My return to this world for My children, all those who have rejected My love and sacrifice for them, will die. I will then put this Planet to rest. A thousand years later I will return to this world and resurrect all the dead and convene the final Judgment. There in the final Judgment, around the great white throne, everyone will appear before Me, Yahushua Ha Mashiach, their Judge, and give an account of the life I gave to them and their reason for rejecting My love and sacrifice for them. Following that, I will mete out to each one their reward, which will be in the lake of fire and brimstone. I will also mete out justice to Satan, who caused sin and its aftermath in this world and who deceived the nations. He and his demonic host will be cast into the Lake of fire and brimstone, which has been prepared for him and his angels. There in the molten Lake of fire and brimstone, he and his angels and all whom he deceived, will spend the rest of eternity, being tormented day and night forever (Revelation 22: 12; Matthew 25: 41; Revelation 20: 6 -15).


Following that final Judgment, I Adonai Yahushua, will cleanse this world with molten fire and create the new heaven and the earth for the eternal habitation of My redeemed children, whom I will bring from Heaven. There in the beautiful new earth, free from sin and suffering, and from Satan and his demonic host, I will live and dwell My saints, for whom I suffered died, in perfect peace and harmony throughout the rest of eternity (Revelation 20-22; Isaiah 65:17- 25; Isaiah 66: 22, 23).

President Obama, although most of the Jews reject Me, Yahushua, as their Mashiach, I still love and care for them because of My promise and covenant with their ancestors, Abraham, Isaac and Israel. Therefore, although Israel is despised in the eyes of most nations, most of whom want to see her demise; I, Elohim Yahushua Ha Mashiach, do not slumber nor sleep and I am her Keeper (Psalm 121). Thus, I am always ready to defend her and to bring judgments upon all those who are her enemies. Unlike your predecessors, you have made the speech that Israel should return to the 1967 pre-war borders, including East Jerusalem, My city!! Therefore, know for sure that My fierce anger and fiery judgments will be poured out upon the USA, in addition to what she is now experiencing from the great disasters.

My judgments will also be upon you and your Administration, even though you have now made the decision to veto the bid for Palestinian statehood in the UN General Assembly. Due to your treatment of Israel’s Prime Minister in March 2010 and your recent speech that Israel should return to the 1967 borders, which is tantamount to a death warrant for Israel were she to do so, you will  leave office with your country in a far worse economic state and torn apart by disasters, than when you took the office of the President. You will also be greatly hated, not because of your skin colour or prejudice against you. It will be your reward for the way you have treated Israel.

It is now Presidential election time in the USA and you trying to be pro-Israel to boost your chances for re-election for a second term. However, it is too late, you have already shown your disdain for Israel. Therefore, My blessings cannot follow you because the blessings are conditional, based upon the promise I made to Abraham and his descendants, THAT THOSE WHO BLESS THEM, I WILL BLESS AND THOSE WHO CURSE THEM, I WILL CURSE (Genesis 12:1-3).

President Barak Obama, you profess to be a Christian, however, your words and actions have betrayed you. Hence My word in Matthew 7: 16:
“Ye shall know them by their fruits”

Please understand that you will also have to stand before Me, the Elohim, Creator and Saviour of the world, and give to Me, the just Judge, an account why you have treated Israel the way you have and through your speech, given her command to give up the rest of the land, which I, her Elohim, returned to her. Commands which will bear weight and influence the UN General Assembly when the Palestinian President, Mahmoud Abbas, present his bid for Palestinian statehood on September 20, 2011.

President Barak Obama please know and understand that when you take decisions against Israel and go against My plans for her; you are not contending with mortal men, you are contending with Me, Elohim Yahushua Ha Mashiach, the Almighty and just Judge of all the earth. And who, President Barak Obama, can contend with Me, the Almighty and powerful Elohim, the Elohim of angel armies and win?? Hence My Message to you. I leave you to think on these things as My judgments continue come upon your land and upon the world!!

President Barak Obama, this Message has been taken and sent to you through My servant, Benita Darrel.