I had received a number of invitations to come and minister in India in the state of Andhra Pradesh. At the beginning of the year I made the decision to go and minister there. On March 28, 2011, I left the UK to India where I ministered for five weeks. I spent another week there by divine appointment.
At the local Airport, Vigiwada in Andhra Pradesh, there were many ministers who came to meet and welcome me. They were holding posters with my picture on it, so that I would not be mistaken about who came and met me.
On the first night of my arrival, I ministered at an open air meeting. In that area there was a flood six months earlier and many lost their lives. The people of the area are Hindus and up to the time of the flood, they were opposed to the Christians. Following the flood, the Christians went and took them clothing, food and other household items. The Christians encouraged them and prayed for them and told them about the love of Yahushua.
On that night as I ministered to them, the hunger on their faces to know more about our Elohim was visible. At the end of the meeting many souls committed their lives to our loving Saviour Yahushua.
Our Elohim did His mighty works through us (myself and the translators). The Messages the Ruach Ha Kodesh, the Holy Spirit gave through me, for His children were always based on the imminent return of Yahushua, our Saviour, for His children in this world; the fate of those who have rejected His sacrifice for them, Hell and the final Judgment before the great white throne (Revelation 20).
I travelled extensively through the state of Andhra Pradesh ministering with the ministers who had invited me over. Among the places I ministered were various places in Guntur District, the tribal area of Kambalapalem in East Godavari and Akividu. Our Elohim granted us travelling mercies and blessed His people as we ministered under the divine power of the Ruach Ha Kodesh.
The programmes arranged for me were very packed ones. I ministered in many beautiful churches and in open air meetings. There were minister’s conferences, ladies’ conferences, children’s meetings and in one area I ministered in a Vacation Bible School. I visited and ministered in ministered in many homes, in a number of orphanages, a leper colony and a few slum areas.
The highlights of the meetings were the many precious souls who committed their lives to the Saviour, Yahushua. In one tribal area as I went through the village praying for the people, four men committed their lives to the Saviour and repeated the Sinner’s Prayer. Their wives were happy because they had been praying for those husbands.
Over the period of five weeks many miracles were wrought both at the meetings and in some of the homes where I ministered. Some of the healings took place at the meetings and others reported their healings later. Among the miracles reported were:
- One lady who had been suffering for years from her heart and was told she had to have by-pass surgery or she would die, was totally healed.
- A child who was deaf from birth received her hearing.
- A young girl who was dumb delivered from the spirit of dumbness.
- One child who had been handicapped was healed.
- A lady who had been paralysed for two years received her healing.
- A lady who had been suffering from severe toothache for three days was totally relieved as soon as I prayed for her.
- One family who was being attacked my evil spirits in their home and who were forced to leave their the home at times (because of those evil spirits), is now sleeping peacefully (as reported by the pastor). I had cleansed and anointed that home.
- In one village where I was taken, I prayed for many of the people who were mostly Hindus. In that village one old lady had been suffering from diarrhoea and vomiting and was very ill and frail. I prayed for her. Next morning she came to the home where I was staying and reported that she had been healed. She then requested prayer for the arthritis which she was suffering from. Once again I prayed for her healing.
- In two of the areas where I ministered, one lady testified that as I was praying for the people, she saw Yahushua with bright lights flashing from the nail prints in His hands. In one church two persons testified that they both saw a very bright light around me. Another lady said she was shown me in vision and ministering to the people and a gentleman said that while I was praying for their healing I came and anointed him with oil and put oil in his mouth and that he received his healing (while I was praying and did not leave the place where I was standing). That was the work of the Ruach Ha Kodesh.
My last week was spent in Bangalore in the city of Domlur where I had gone to sort out my exit visa. The hotel in which I stayed belongs to a Christian gentleman and while there I was able to minister to him. On my last night there in the hotel a young man came to see me concerning spiritual growth in our Saviour. After I had spoken to him and prayed with him I was about to go to my room. At that point a young man came to me and told me he needed to speak to me. He told me that he worked next door and had been watching me since I arrived and knew that he had to speak to me but did not get the opportunity because I was always speaking to someone. On that night he came and waited to speak to me as soon as I was free to do so.
I asked the young man what he wanted to speak to me about. In reply he told me just to speak to him. I then asked him what religion he was, to which he replied that he was Muslim. I then told him a simple form of the Plan of Redemption and Yahushua’s love for him. He requested me to pray for him. I laid my hand on his head and as I prayed I let him repeat a simple form of the Sinner’s Prayer and prayed for him to be baptised with the Ruach Ha Kodesh and with fire.
As soon as he prayed the prayer, the power of the Ruach Ha Kodesh came upon him and he was no longer the same person. After the prayer he kept saying that something was happening to him and that he was not the same person anymore. Several times he held on to me and just hugged me and told me that he did not want to go and leave me. I gave him my NIV Bible and encouraged him to read it and to find a good Bible believing church to go, where he will be taught more about Yahushua and be baptised.
I was privileged to minister for those six weeks in India where I met some wonderful people. I was well cared for wherever I stayed and wherever I went. The Indian brethren like the Pakistani brethren are wonderful people and so were many of the people whom I met. I give thanks to our Elohim for the great work that was done and also for the dedicated pastors who were faithful in planning and organising the meetings and other programmes. By the grace of our Elohim the seed sown and the work that was done will continue to bear fruit for a long time to come. We give thanks to our gracious and give Him glory and thanks for His love and mercies and for the work which He did.
We are living in the very end times. The great disasters in many lands around the world most of which are wiping out the food baskets of the world, the global economic problems including that of Greece, Spain and Italy, the great up-risings North Africa and the Middle East and in the protests in many countries as well as the persecution and martyrdom of many of the followers of Yahushua in many lands and man’s inhumanity to man are all signs our Saviour, Yahushua, gave which would precede His return to this world.
YAHUSHUA Ha MASHIACH, OUR KING AND SAVIOUR, IS THE ONLY HOPE OF MANKIND!! HE IS “COMING RIGHT AWAY”, as He told Angelica Zambrano, a young lady from Ecuador who died for twenty three hours in the early part of 2011. After her death she was taken by Yahushua to Hell and then to Heaven and sent back to tell the world what she had seen and the certainty of His return. (Her story and that of some of the others who died and were resurrected, are http://www.testimoniesofheavenandhell.com).
Let us all give ourselves to Yahushua Ha Mashiach, our gracious Saviour and Adonai and be ready for His return; or to go to be with Him should we die before the grand and glorious day of His return. May our Elohim bless you and keep you safely in His care until we see Him face to face.