Sunday, 13 November 2011



President Obama, concerning the city, old East Jerusalem, which you and your Administration and allies are pressuring Israel to give up, I have stated in Luke 21: 24, 27

24 . . . and Jerusalem shall be trodden down of the Gentiles, until the times of the Gentiles be fulfilled. 27And then shall they see the Son of man coming in a cloud with power and great glory”.

Then in Luke 24: 25- 28, I gave some of the signs which would precede My return to this world, My actual return and the importance of being ready for My return. In that passage of Scripture, I said:

25 “And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring; 26 men’s hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken. 27 And then shall they see the Son of man coming in a cloud with power and great glory. 28 And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh” (KJV).

The times of the Gentiles ruling East Jerusalem came to an end in 1967 during the Six Day War. At that time the prophecy in Luke 21:24, was fulfilled and East Jerusalem went back under Jewish rule. I, YAHUSHUA Ha MASHIACH, the Creator and Saviour of this world, WILL BE THE NEXT RULER OF THAT OLD CITY, EAST JERUSALEM. THEREFORE, I WILL RETURN TO THIS WORLD ANYTIME FROM NOW FOR THOSE WHO HAVE ACCEPTED ME AS THEIR PERSONAL SAVIOUR FROM SIN. IT IS TIME FOR EVERYONE, TO BE READY FOR MY RETURN, INCLUDING YOU, PRESIDENT BARAK OBAMA. Thus the pressures being exerted on Israel to give up her city, East Jerusalem, and other happenings there, are sure indications of My return. In addition, the terrible happenings and great disasters around the world; the global financial crisis; the uprisings in the Middle East and North Africa, the riots and protests in many countries; the deliberate rejection of Me, Yahushua Ha Mashiach, the Creator and Saviour of all mankind by the majority in the world and the persecution and ongoing massacre of many of My followers in many lands, including Nigeria, are sure signs that MY COMING BACK TO THIS WORLD AS KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS IS NOW AT HAND.

President Barak Obama, each time decisions were made to divide up the lands of Israel, both during the times of the previous Presidents of the USA and during your presidency, My judgments showing My disapproval of such actions, have been swift!! This is according to My Word in Joel 3: 1, 2:

1 “ ‘For behold, in those days and at that time, when I bring back the captives of Judah and Jerusalem, I will also gather all nations . . . And I will enter into judgment with them there on account of My people, My heritage Israel, Whom they have scattered among the nations; [because] they have also divided up My land’”. (NKJV).

Following the World War 1 and the breaking up of the Ottoman Empire, the League of Nations apportioned a part of the land (originally Canaan) to Britain, under the British Mandatory of Palestine. The British who ruled Palestine from 1923 to 1948, divided up My land and gave it to the Arabs, except for the small portion given to the Jews as their homeland. Immediately judgments began to fall upon Britain for what she did with My land and the unkind way she treated the Jews who returned to Israel following the holocaust in Europe. Thus, she who ruled the waves and proudly sang:
Rule Britannia!
Britannia rule the waves.
Britons never, never, never will be slaves”.

lost most of her colonies and she, who was once a rich, prosperous and mighty nation, has been reduced to a small weak nation, heavily in debt with a high unemployment rate and being destroyed by her secularism. Further judgments have fallen upon her because of the bias of the British Broadcasting Company (“BBC”) against Israel, which often portray Israel as the aggressor and demonises her. Thus much of the hatred for Israel in the world is because of the negative reports and criticisms given out by the BBC.

Judgments continue to fall upon Britain because she, who was once a Christian nation, who brought the British and Foreign Bible Society into being; sent My Word and missionaries with the Gospel to the nations of the world, for which she was greatly blessed; has rejected Me, Yahushua Ha Mashiach, her Creator and Saviour, the source of her blessings. She has become a very debased and godless society and has defied My Word and passed laws in favour of the very sins I have forbidden in My Word. The laws which she has passed, annulling My commands, are enforced on those who obey My commands to comply or face the consequences. The very mention of My Name, or the offer to pray for someone in the work place now constitute and offence and is forbidden. Likewise, those of My children who refuse to perform civil duties which goes against My commands, are also disciplined and some have lost their jobs or other sources of livelihoods for failing to comply with her man-made permissive laws.

Britain is doing everything in her power to muzzle My followers and persecutes those who defy her laws in her determination to erase My Name and Word from society and firmly put in place a secular society. The wearing of a Cross by some of My followers, the symbol of their faith, in certain places of work, in particular the British Airways Company, are forbidden and those who do, stand to lose their jobs. On the other hand all non-Christians are allowed to wear the symbols of what they believe and worship, without any punitive measures taken against them. In addition, Christians are denied certain privileges, such as the adoption of children, fostering of children and operating homes for children, unless they comply with the new adoption laws in civil partnerships.

Sadly, those who are meant to be the spiritual guardians of My Word in Britain and should speak out and make My will known to the nation, are silent. They are unlike men such as the late Hugh Latimer, John Wycliffe, Thomas Cranmer, Nicholas Ridley, Thomas Moore and William Tyndale, who upheld My Word and were willing to die a martyr’s death for their beliefs, than to bring dishonour to My Name.

Britain has become place for every foul and unclean spirit who worships the gods of paganism and secularism. She calls vice a virtue, evil good and good, evil. The direct result of her secular, debased and ungodly society was the recent rioting, looting and burning in many places around the country in August 2011. This was carried out by many of her children who have been brought up without any knowledge of Me, Yahushua Ha Mashiach, their Saviour and My love and sacrifice for them. Those children because of their godless upbringing do not have respect for anyone including those in authority. During the riots they saw nothing wrong with their behaviour and justified what they did because of the dishonest practices of some of the politicians, bankers and law enforcement agents in the country. This is the product of her secularism and godless society which she has created. Greater judgments will fall upon Britain and she will pay a high price for her lack of godliness and her secularism.


There can be true lasting peace between Israel, the Palestinians and the rest of her Arab neighbours with an end to all hostilities. Such peace and harmony can begin immediately were these nations to accept My love, sacrifice and grace for them and to accept Me, Yahushua Ha Mashiach, their personal Adonai (Lord) and Saviour. That relationship of love, peace and trust already exist between many Messianic Jews and many Christian Arabs in Israel. This relationship has been made possible because those Jews and Arabs have accepted My love and sacrifice for them and made Me their personal Adonai and Saviour. The ONLY TRUE ELOHIM WHO CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE IN THEIR LIVES AND GIVE THEM LOVE FOR EACH OTHER ALONG WITH PEACE AND SUCURITY.

Were the Jews and Arabs to accept Me, Yahushua Ha Mashiach, as their personal Saviour (John 3: 3-8, 16), they too would experience what the Messianic Jews and Christian Arabs now enjoy because My love in then would melt away all hatred and bitterness so they would have love and goodwill towards each other, whereby they would live together and be at peace. In this lies the solution to all hostilities both in the Middle East and throughout the world.

My return to Planet Earth is near. Thus at My return I, Elohim Yahushua, the Creator of this world and the Saviour of mankind, will bring in true peace. At that time I will resurrect those of My saints who are asleep in death and with the righteous living take them to Heaven, My throne, to be with me a thousand years (Matthew 24: 27, 30, 31; 1 Thessalonians 4: 16,17; 1 Corinthians 15: 50-54; Revelation 20).

At the time of My return to this world for My children, all those who have rejected My love and sacrifice for them, will die. I will then put this Planet to rest. A thousand years later I will return to this world and resurrect all the dead and convene the final Judgment. There in the final Judgment, around the great white throne, everyone will appear before Me, Yahushua Ha Mashiach, their Judge, and give an account of the life I gave to them and their reason for rejecting My love and sacrifice for them. Following that, I will mete out to each one their reward, which will be in the lake of fire and brimstone. I will also mete out justice to Satan, who caused sin and its aftermath in this world and who deceived the nations. He and his demonic host will be cast into the Lake of fire and brimstone, which has been prepared for him and his angels. There in the molten Lake of fire and brimstone, he and his angels and all whom he deceived, will spend the rest of eternity, being tormented day and night forever (Revelation 22: 12; Matthew 25: 41; Revelation 20: 6 -15).


Following that final Judgment, I Adonai Yahushua, will cleanse this world with molten fire and create the new heaven and the earth for the eternal habitation of My redeemed children, whom I will bring from Heaven. There in the beautiful new earth, free from sin and suffering, and from Satan and his demonic host, I will live and dwell My saints, for whom I suffered died, in perfect peace and harmony throughout the rest of eternity (Revelation 20-22; Isaiah 65:17- 25; Isaiah 66: 22, 23).

President Obama, although most of the Jews reject Me, Yahushua, as their Mashiach, I still love and care for them because of My promise and covenant with their ancestors, Abraham, Isaac and Israel. Therefore, although Israel is despised in the eyes of most nations, most of whom want to see her demise; I, Elohim Yahushua Ha Mashiach, do not slumber nor sleep and I am her Keeper (Psalm 121). Thus, I am always ready to defend her and to bring judgments upon all those who are her enemies. Unlike your predecessors, you have made the speech that Israel should return to the 1967 pre-war borders, including East Jerusalem, My city!! Therefore, know for sure that My fierce anger and fiery judgments will be poured out upon the USA, in addition to what she is now experiencing from the great disasters.

My judgments will also be upon you and your Administration, even though you have now made the decision to veto the bid for Palestinian statehood in the UN General Assembly. Due to your treatment of Israel’s Prime Minister in March 2010 and your recent speech that Israel should return to the 1967 borders, which is tantamount to a death warrant for Israel were she to do so, you will  leave office with your country in a far worse economic state and torn apart by disasters, than when you took the office of the President. You will also be greatly hated, not because of your skin colour or prejudice against you. It will be your reward for the way you have treated Israel.

It is now Presidential election time in the USA and you trying to be pro-Israel to boost your chances for re-election for a second term. However, it is too late, you have already shown your disdain for Israel. Therefore, My blessings cannot follow you because the blessings are conditional, based upon the promise I made to Abraham and his descendants, THAT THOSE WHO BLESS THEM, I WILL BLESS AND THOSE WHO CURSE THEM, I WILL CURSE (Genesis 12:1-3).

President Barak Obama, you profess to be a Christian, however, your words and actions have betrayed you. Hence My word in Matthew 7: 16:
“Ye shall know them by their fruits”

Please understand that you will also have to stand before Me, the Elohim, Creator and Saviour of the world, and give to Me, the just Judge, an account why you have treated Israel the way you have and through your speech, given her command to give up the rest of the land, which I, her Elohim, returned to her. Commands which will bear weight and influence the UN General Assembly when the Palestinian President, Mahmoud Abbas, present his bid for Palestinian statehood on September 20, 2011.

President Barak Obama please know and understand that when you take decisions against Israel and go against My plans for her; you are not contending with mortal men, you are contending with Me, Elohim Yahushua Ha Mashiach, the Almighty and just Judge of all the earth. And who, President Barak Obama, can contend with Me, the Almighty and powerful Elohim, the Elohim of angel armies and win?? Hence My Message to you. I leave you to think on these things as My judgments continue come upon your land and upon the world!!

President Barak Obama, this Message has been taken and sent to you through My servant, Benita Darrel.




The Palestinian president, Mahmoud Abbas is planning to make a bid to the United Nations (“UN”) General Assembly on September 20, 2011 for Palestinian statehood, so that pressure can be brought to bear against Israel, forcing her to move back to the 1967 pre-war borders.

Although a bid is being made at the United Nations General Assembly for a Palestinian state, it does not matter whether or not the Palestinian statehood is passed by the UN General Assembly. ISRAEL WILL NOT GIVE UP EAST JERUSALEM, NEITHER WILL SHE RETURN TO THE 1967 PRE-WAR BORDERS, NOR THE 1948 BORDERS!! SHE WILL NOT BOW TO PRESSURE AND SUBJECT HER PEOPLE TO EXTERMINATION!!

Hostilities and demonstrations are building up against Israel with support of her enemies. She will be greatly harassed, attacked and maligned and there will be protests and demonstrations against her both by the Palestinians and in many other countries. These anti-Israel demonstrations will be carried by the media around the world to demonise her and get sympathisers for the Palestinian cause. The Palestinians will be strengthened by the UN and many countries outside of the Middle East, including Europe. The UN will place pressure on Israel to return to the 1967 pre-war borders, for the declaration of the Palestinian statehood. Were Israel to do so, she would be signing her death warrant!!

The firing of missiles from Gaza into southern Israel will increase, as well as the attacks upon her people. The nations surrounding her will engage her into another war in their attempt to remove her from the lands of her ancestors, to whom I first gave the land. However, I, YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH, WILL BE WITH HER AND I WILL FIGHT HER BATTLES WITH MY ANGEL ARMIES, AS I HAVE ALWAYS DONE IN TIMES WHEN SHE IS AT WAR!!

I will pour out My fury upon the nations, including the UN upon whom judgments have been falling. Two examples of this judgment are: The earthquake in Haiti in 2010 which destroyed the UN building and took UN building in Abuja, Nigeria in August 2011, which took a number of lives and destroyed the building.

I, Elohim Yahushua Ha Mashiach, will now pose the question to the UN: Were Israel to give up the land she occupies and give way for a Palestinian statehood, Who would be the president of the Palestinian state, Fatah or Hamas? Hamas, the elected government, would make war against Fatah (as she did before) causing much blood to be shed in order to take full control over the entire state. This time, however, Fatah would be on her own because Israel would not be there to help her fight against her rival, Hamas.


On May 19, 2011, President Obama, you made a major speech that the future Palestinian state should be based on borders that existed before the 1967 Middle East war. You are the first USA President to give such a speech.

In August, 2011, your Administration told Israel, as it was reported in Israel's largest daily newspaper, Yediot Ahronot:

“that the Obama Administration is threatening Israel to either apologize to Turkey over its bloody interception of a Gaza aid flotilla last year, or risk strained ties with Washington”.

Likewise, the Yediot Ahronot daily newspaper also reported that the Israeli diplomats were told:

“that if Israel does not comply with Clinton's request to apologize to Turkey, the White House may suddenly find itself unable to continue building opposition to a unilateral Palestinian declaration of statehood at the UN next month”

President Obama, you have also insisted on Israel returning to the 1967 pre-war borders and to surrender her city, East Jerusalem, to be the capital of the new Palestinian state. Your demands on Israel would lead to her demise, thus the plan of the Arabic nations to “drive her into the sea” (as they boasted in 1967, when their great army amassed against her, a small fledging nation), would be accomplished under your administration. Were that to be, your hands, President Obama, would be stained with the blood of the Israelis!! However, I, HER ELOHIM, WILL NOT ALLOW THE DESCENDANTS OF ABRAHAM, MY FRIEND AND TO WHOM I MADE MY PROMISE, TO BE EXTERMINATED. THERE WILL NOT BE A HOLOCAUST IN ISRAEL AS THERE WERE IN EUROPE UNDER ADOLF HITLER WHEN OVER SIX MILLION JEWS WERE EXTERMINATED!!

Please understand President Barak Obama that the DEMISE OF ISRAEL, WOULD BE THE DEMISE OF THE ENTIRE WORLD!! Hence the following passage of Scripture in Jeremiah 31; 35-37:

35 “Thus saith [Elohim] the Lord, which giveth the sun for a light by day, and the ordinances of the moon and of the stars for a light by night, which divideth the sea when the waves thereof roar; [Yahweh] The Lord of hosts is his name: 36 if those ordinances depart from before me, saith [Yahweh] the Lord, then the seed of Israel also shall cease from being a nation before me for ever. 37 Thus saith [Yahweh] the Lord; If heaven above can be measured, and the foundations of the earth searched out beneath, I will also cast off all the seed of Israel for all that they have done, saith [Yahweh] the Lord”. (KJV).

President Barak Obama, since you took office, you have dictated to Israel, an independent sovereign country, as though she is a delinquent child! Please understand that although you are the president of the USA, you are not president over that independent state of Israel!! Israel cannot give up East Jerusalem to be the Palestinian capital, because that old city does not belong to her. The city, East Jerusalem, is the “city of the Great King” and the only city on earth which I claim as My own (Matthew 5:35). Although that city was under Gentile rule for almost two thousand years, in 1967 when the Arabic nations came against Israel with a great army to “drive her into the sea” and exterminate her, everyone, including the USA and Britain, forsook her and left her to her fate to be wiped out. However, I, Elohim Yahushua Ha Mashiach, THE ELOHIM OF ANGEL ARMIES, came to her aid and fought her battle. In six days I restored to her some of the lands I gave to her ancestors, including the old city, East Jerusalem. The rule of the Gentiles, for almost two thousand years over that ancient city, then came to an end as I stated in Luke 21: 24. Therefore, THE NEXT RULER OF THAT OLD CITY WILL BE MYSELF, YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH, THE CREATOR AND SAVIOUR OF THE WORLD (John 1: 1-4).

My disapproval concerning the demands on Israel that you and your Administration have made, were My judgments which began to fall upon the USA. That accounts for the recent earthquake on August 23, 2011, which affected large areas of the East Coast of USA including New York and Washington DC. The quake was felt in the White House, and the Pentagon and it damaged the National Cathedral and the Washington Monument. That earthquake was followed a few days later on August 28, 2011, by Hurricane Irene. It was a large and powerful hurricane which also affected the East coast of the USA. It caused extensive floods, did extensive damage and killed over fifty persons as it lashed through the states along its path, leaving a bill of over $10bn. Hurricane Irene was followed by Hurricane Katia, which caused extensive damage to the East Coast of the USA.

Judgments continue to fall upon the USA as wild fires sweep through Texas, while floods from the Mississippi River are flooding the heartland of the USA. Far greater judgments will fall upon the USA as pressure is placed upon Israel to divide and give up more land and her capital, East Jerusalem. Due to the pressure you, President Obama, are placing upon Israel in order to declare a Palestinian state, I will command the forces of nature to pour out their fury upon the USA. Therefore, these judgments will be relentless and before one ends, another will begin as is now happening.

The USA will be ripped apart from the north to the south and from the east to the west!! Her terrible economic situation will worsen and she will be brought to her knees with no mercy being shown to her. These calamities will overtake her because of you, President Obama, and your Administration continued interference in the affairs of Israel and the pressure upon her to give up the rest of the lands I, her Elohim, restored to her in 1967. Likewise, all those countries which join with the USA against Israel, will suffer similar fates including greater economic ruin than they are now experiencing. Thus the whole world will pass through troublous times, the great “time of trouble” as Daniel prophesied in Daniel 12: 1. It is during this time of trouble and turmoil that I, Yahushua Ha Mashiach, will return for My children and deliver them from this world as Daniel also prophesied 12: 1,2.


President Barak Obama, the state of Israel is not like any other country. She has a long history which goes back to Abraham, her ancestor, four thousand years ago. At that time I promised Abraham and his descendants through his son Isaac, the land of Canaan. I also promised that through him all the families of the earth would be blessed. Likewise, I promised that those who bless him I would bless and those who curse him, I would curse. I also made My covenant with Abraham and his descendants, a covenant that is unending (Genesis 17). In Psalm 105:6-15, the importance and permanence of that covenant is confirmed. It says:

“6 O ye seed of Abraham his servant, ye children of Jacob his chosen.

7 He is [Adonai Elohim] the Lord our God: his judgments are in all the earth.

8 He hath remembered his covenant for ever, the word which he commanded to a thousand generations.

9 Which covenant he made with Abraham, and his oath unto Isaac;

10 And confirmed the same unto Jacob for a law, and to Israel for an everlasting covenant:

11 Saying, Unto thee will I give the land of Canaan, the lot of your inheritance:

12 When they were but a few men in number; yea, very few, and strangers in it.

13 When they went from one nation to another, from one kingdom to another people;

14 He suffered no man to do them wrong: yea, he reproved kings for their sakes;

15 Saying, Touch not mine anointed, and do my prophets no harm”. (KJV)

From the time I made My covenant with Abraham and his descendants, I, their Elohim, have blessed them, subdued their enemies, and fought their battles. This has continued to this day because Israel is still the “apple of My eye” (Zechariah 2:8)!!. This is the reason why Israel, now a small nation, surrounded by the nations hostile to her, has not been destroyed; unlike many of the nations who warred against her over the past three thousand years.

President Obama, before you dictate to Israel and place pressure on her to return to the 1967 pre-war borders, including the city, East Jerusalem, you should get your researchers to research the true history of Israel and brief you. In their research, they should examine Ezekiel 36-39 and see the prophecies I, Elohim Yahushua Ha Mashiach, made and how those prophecies have played out in her history. I, her Elohim, have a controversy with the nations and I will bring judgment against them because of the way they have treated the Jews over the centuries, down to this present time (Jeremiah 25: 31-33; Isaiah 13: 6-13).

It is important that this research of the history of the Jews is carried out so that you will know more about them and how much I have loved them and cared for them from the time of Abraham their ancestor and in particular over the past three thousands years. You will then know how I delivered them from Egyptian slavery, parted the waters of the Red Sea for them to go across safely, then brought the waters together again and drowned the tyrant, Pharaoh, and his army. Likewise, I dried up the Jordon River so that they could cross over safely on dry land. I cared for them for forty years in the wilderness while they were journeying from Egypt to Canaan following their deliverance from Egyptian slavery.

During the time the children of Israel were in the wilderness, I, Yahushua Ha Mashiach, their Elohim, fed them for forty years with angel’s food directly from Heaven; provided their water from the rock (Myself, Elohim Yireh, their Provider) which followed them in the wilderness. Likewise, you will understand how I protected them for forty years from their enemies and from predators through a pillar of cloud by day and by night, a pillar of fire, which gave them light and warmth. You will also see how I fought their battles and dealt with their enemies and gave them the lands I promised to their ancestors. Those lands which the Arabs now occupy, except for the small section which is still in the possession of the Jews, part of which the Palestinians want as their statehood.

President Obama, the Jews did not appear upon the scene in 1948 when Israel was declared an Independent state and when the Arabic nations with their great armies attacked her in order to wipe her out. Therefore, it is imperative that you, the President of the USA, know the truth about them and not the lies which have been ge

President Obama, as President of the USA, your words, actions and orders carry great weight for good or for ill. Due to the dominant role of the USA over the years in the affairs of the state of Israel, the “Land for Peace Agreements” and the “Road Map” in dividing the lands I returned to her in 1967 during the Six Day War, I, Yahushua Ha Mashiach, her Elohim, sent great judgments mainly upon the USA. I will continue to send great judgments upon all the nations opposed to her existence, some of whom have joined with the USA to pressure Israel to give up more of her land. This is especially so under your Administration. Those judgments will be in the form of great disasters (as your country is now experiencing) and will include hail stones, heavy snow storms, earthquakes, floods and pestilences which will fall upon the USA in far greater measure than anywhere else. This is because of the stance you, President Barak Obama, and your Administration have taken against Israel. I WILL NOT RELENT. Instead, I WILL PUNISH THE USA SEVERELY for her INSISTANCE UPON ISRAEL TO GIVE UP THE REST OF THE LANDS I RETURNED TO HER AND GO BACK TO THE 1967 BORDERS, CLEARING THE WAY FOR PALESTINIAN STATEHOOD WITH EAST JERUSALEM AS THE CAPITAL.

It would be good for you, President Obama, as the incumbent President of the USA, to get your researchers to research the disasters which befell the USA since 1967. They should make specific records of the times the summits and events concerning Israel took place and how soon after the disasters occurred. That will enable you to understand why Israel is unlike any other nation and why she is still an Independent state surrounded by Arabic nations, most of whom want her to be exterminated. It will also enable you to understand that Israel has supernatural protection because I watch over her and keep her and fight her battles. I also mete out quick retribution and judgment to those who come against her.



September 13, 2011

President Barak Obama

President of the United States of America

The White House

1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW

Washington, DC 20500


Dear President Barak Obama,

Today, through My messenger, Benita Darrel, I, Elohim Yahushua Ha Mashiach (Jesus Christ), the Creator and Saviour of this world, have chosen to send you, the President of the United States of America (“USA”), a Message. I know all about you, including your inner thoughts and motives. This is the reason I am sending you this message because of your stance and attitude toward the small, Independent state of Israel and your determination to dictate to her, humiliate her, treat her with contempt (as you did to her Prime Minister, Binyamin Netanyahu, in March 2010). You are also ensuring that she is under your control whereby pressure can be exerted on her to return to the 1967 pre-war borders including her city, East Jerusalem, which the Palestinians want as their capital.


President Barak Obama, you will be surprised getting this message from Me, Yahushua Ha Mashiach, the self-existing, eternal, immutable, omnipotent, omniscient, and the omnipresent, loving Elohim, the Creator of Planet Earth and all worlds; the Giver and Sustainer all life, Who came to this world two thousand years ago in human form and gave My life upon the cross for the entire world. Three days later I rose from the dead because I had power to lay down my life and power to take it up again (John 10:17,18). I remained forty days post resurrection here in this world and then returned to Heaven, My throne and dwelling place, where I have prepared homes as I promised in John 14: 1-3 for those who accept Me, Yahushua Ha Mashiach, as their Saviour and Adonai. Anytime from now I will return to this world for My children and take them to Heaven, My throne and dwelling place.

I, Elohim Yahushua Ha Mashiach, am sending you, President Barak Obama, this personal message so that you will understand that I see and know everything that is going on in this world, and that I disapprove of the way you and your Administration have chosen to enter into the affairs of the state of Israel, an Independent, sovereign nation and dictate and pressure her to give up her land, whereby she will be signing her death warrant!! Declaring a Palestinian state side by side with Israel, is giving the Arabs permission to wipe out the Jews because you cannot remove the hate in their hearts for the Jews. They want 100% of the land as they have repeated over and over. Therefore, as long as Israel occupies a square meter of that land, they will do every thing in their power to wipe her out for it.


President Barak Obama, you will notice that I have not come to you in the name, “Jesus Christ”, but in the name, YAHUSHUA Ha MASHIACH, YAHUSHUA is My true saving name and Ha MASHIACH, means I am the TRUE MESSIAH. Likewise, I do not come to you in the name of “God” but ELOHIM because there are millions of counterfeit gods in this world, behind which SATAN hides and deceives the nations around the world. I have also used ADONAI instead of “Lord” because in this world there are millions false gods and men who are addressed as lords.


President Barak Obama, THIS MESSAGE IS NOT A FAKE!! You do not expect such a Message; neither do you believe that I, Yahushua Ha Mashiach, would single you out and send you a personal Message. Through My chosen messengers I have always sent messages down through the Ages to those with whom I chose to communicate whenever the need arose. I have sent these messages because of My love and compassion for the peoples of this world. Two examples of messages I sent to this world, are:

  1. In the time of the Antediluvians, who were very wicked and whom I intended to destroy with a global flood from off the earth. At that time, through My servant, Noah, I sent them the warning of the impending doom and offered them a place of refuge. However, the people ignored the warning and all perished in the great flood, except for My servant Noah and his family, numbering just eight persons (Genesis 6-8).

  1. During the time when I was about to destroy the peoples of Nineveh (Mousel in Iraq) for their great wickedness. At that time I sent the warning to them through the prophet, Jonah. The King of Nineveh heeded the warning and proclaimed a fast in sackcloth and ashes for both people and animals. They repented from their evil deeds and in mercy I relented and did not destroy them (Jonah 1-4). From that time the people of Nineveh began to worship the true Elohim until most of them had to flee from Mousel because of persecution brought about by the War in Iraq which the USA and her allies are waging there.

In these times, I continue to send messages to this world when it is necessary to do so. Hence this Message to you, the President of the USA.


President Barak Obama, I know you, and I know your attitude toward the state of Israel!! I know your determination to succeed where your predecessors failed in declaring a Palestinian state. I know also that you came into office with the determination to deal firmly with the state of Israel and to pressure her into submission so that the Palestinian state can be declared during your tenure as President. Thus as soon as you took office, you began the negotiations with Israel for the declaration of a Palestinian state, which gained you the Nobel Peace Prize.

President Obama, I, Yahushua Ha Mashiach, have seen the disdain and contempt with which you have treated the Prime Minister of Israel, Binyamin Netanyahu, in March 2010. That occurred because he did not comply with your demands to draw up the boundaries including the old city, East Jerusalem and pull out of the areas described as “occupied lands”, so that the Palestinian statehood can be declared. In the past each time your predecessors held their summits to divide up the lands I restored to the Israelis, My judgments were swift and fell heavily upon the USA.


In August 2005, when the Jews were forcefully removed from Gaza and it was given to the Palestinians, My judgments fell swiftly upon the USA in the form of Hurricane Katrina. That hurricane devastated some States, including New Orleans. This was followed by other judgments upon the USA. In January 2006, Ariel Sharon, the incumbent Prime Minister of Israel at that time; who negotiated the giving up of Gaza, suffered a massive stroke, from which he has not recovered and still remains in a vegetative state. Thus I dealt swiftly with him for giving away lands I gave to the Jews. I will do the same and bring swift judgments against all those who continue to pressure Israel to give up her city and the small portion of land which she occupies.

Gaza, instead of being built up and for the purpose it was given to the Palestinians, has been used as the site from which to fire rockets and other missiles into southern Israel and to tunnel into Israel. Severe judgments continue to fall upon the USA in the form of storms, hurricanes, floods, droughts, tornadoes, fires, great financial loss and downturn, severe recession and great debts, with her people suffering the dire consequences in the aftermath. Such are My judgments upon the USA that the downward spiral, in which she finds herself, will continue at a rapid pace. Worse of all, is her financial crisis and credit crunch, which began in 2008 and set off the global financial crisis. This crisis coupled with great debts have brought her, the once rich, mighty, powerful and proud USA to her knees. These calamities and downward spiral over which she has no control will become far worse and she, who was the mightiest and richest nation on earth, will become a slave to the very nations who were considered to be weak and poor.

Previous presidents of the USA and now yourself, President Obama, along with many leaders around the world, as well as those who are the UN, are unable to read the disasters as My judgments. Many other lands, whose leaders formed the committees in the various summits held since the 1967 Six Day War, to divide up My land, have also had judgments upon their countries. Due to the fact that you, President Obama, are unaware that the disasters which have come upon the USA since 1967 are My judgments for the part she played in dividing up the land I restored to Israel in the 1967 Six Day War; you have gone ahead with your Administration and placed great pressure upon her to give away the rest of that land, which is part of the lands I gave to Jacob (whom I re-named, Israel, in Genesis 32: 28) and to his descendants, the Jews.


President Barak Obama, unlike your predecessors, you have treated Israel’s Prime Minister, Binyamin Netanyahu, with contempt and humiliated him when you invited him to the Whitehouse on March 26, 2010. It revealed much about your attitude toward Israel. Please understand that when you humiliate and treat Israel’s Prime Minister with contempt, you are not doing it to her Prime Minister, you are doing it to Me, Elohim Yahushua Ha Mashiach, her Elohim, Who fights her battles!! Therefore, My judgment at that time was swift upon your country, as the most up-to-date oil rig exploded in the Gulf of Mexico on April 20, 2010. The explosion killed eleven of the workers on the rig; spilled millions of barrels of oil, did great damage in the Gulf states, destroyed the livelihood of many and created an ecological disaster. In addition, there were other severe disasters which included multiple devastating tornadoes, floods, hurricanes, fires, severe cold weather and heavy snow and ice throughout the USA, including there in Washington, during the winter of 2010/ 2011.


The state of Israel has been treated by the nations which surround her and by many other nations including many western nations, as though she has no rights or claims upon the lands of her ancestors. In the past many of her citizens have been blown up or maimed in terrorist attacks by the Palestinians. In addition, she has been mistreated, maligned, blackened, demonised, isolated and her subjects continually being harassed, and at times, murdered. Many wars have been waged against her and great measures taken by western nations to strangle her economy, including boycotts and sanctions.

President Barak Obama, THE STATE OF ISRAEL HAS A RIGHT TO EXIST!! Through the disobedience of her ancestors and their love for idolatry, they were driven from their land almost two thousand years ago and were scattered among the nations around the world. That was in fulfilment of the prophecy in Deuteronomy 28: 64. However, I promised that I would bring them back to their own land, as Joel 3: 1, 2, records:

1 “ ‘For behold, in those days and at that time, when I bring back the captives of Judah and Jerusalem, I will also gather all nations . . . And I will enter into judgment with them there on account of My people, My heritage Israel, Whom they have scattered among the nations; [because] they have also divided up My land’ ”. (NKJV).

Since the small portion of land was given to the Jews as a homeland by the British (who divided up My land) following World War l; their return to Israel following the holocaust in Europe and the declaration of the state of Israel in 1948; every effort has been made by the Arabs to drive them out and exterminate them. Hence the many defensive wars the Israelis have had to fight since Israel became an Independent state in 1948. The Arabs are opposed to the Jews being in Israel because of the promises the British made to the Arabs to give the land to them if they would join with her in World War 1 and defeat the Ottoman Empire. Following the defeat of the Ottoman Empire, the territory under the British Mandatory of Palestine was divided up and given to the Arabs but a small strip was given to the Jews as a homeland under the Balfour Declaration of 1917. That angered the Arabs because of their part in World War 1 and the promise that was made to them by the British.

Before the homeland was given to the Jews in 1923, the Arabs were already hostile to them because they look upon the land as theirs and believe the Jews have no legitimate right in the land named after their own ancestor, Israel, which I, Elohim Yahushua Ha Mashiach, gave to their ancestors. In 1929 many Jews living in Hebron were massacred by the Arabs and those who remained were driven out of Hebron. Hostilities against the Jews by the Arabs and their allies to drive the Jews out of Israel continue to this day. This accounts for the many wars the Arabs have waged against the Israelis since 1948 when the state of Israel was declared. In particular was the Six Day War in 1967 when I, their Elohim, fought for them and restored some of the lands of their ancestors to them. Lands which the Arabs regard as “occupied lands”.

Much of the lands I, Elohim Yahushua Ha Mashiach, restored to the Jews in 1967 have been returned to the Arabs under the Land for Peace Agreement. The peace agreed with Egypt and Jordon have held with Israel. However, now that President Hosni Mubarak has been deposed from power, the situation has changed in Egypt. The desire of most Egyptians is to drive the Israelis out, even though the present Military government is trying to continue honour the Peace Treaty. The Egyptians have shown their intention toward Israel by their demonstration on September 10, 2011 when thousands of them broke down the wall which was built around the building housing the Israeli Embassy in Cairo and attacked the building and thrown out documents. They also took down the Israeli Flag and burnt it, replacing it with the Egyptian and Palestinian Flags. Israel had to quickly send her Ambassador and Embassy staff back to Israel for their protection from the angry mob. This is an indication of the hostility that is being planned against the Israelis by the Egyptians and others in the Arab world, supported by many in the west who are anti-Israel.

Turkey, once her ally, has cut off ties with her and sent in her flotilla in May 2010, to break the Blockade in Gaza, which resulted in an attack on some the IDF soldiers who went on the Mavi Marmara, that resulted in the IDF soldiers killing death of nine of the protesters on the ship. Turkey wants an apology from Israel, which she refuses to give. Turkey has cut off military ties with Israel and expelled the Israeli ambassador. She plans to send more flotillas to Gaza, as well as to use her warships to protect other flotillas going to Gaza; deliberate actions which will trigger more hostilities with Israel.

The Palestinians and their allies have continued hostilities against Israel over what they term “Israeli occupation”. That led to Gaza being given to them in 2005. However, more pressure is being placed on Israel to return to the 1967 pre-war borders so that a Palestinian statehood can be declared. However, that will not be satisfactory to them because they want the Israelis completely out of Israel, the land of their ancestor, Israel. Therefore, a Palestinian statehood will not end the conflict even if Israel were to return to the 1967 borders. Most of the Arabs hate the Israelis and nothing will pacify them except the total removal of every Israeli and their extermination!!

The changes in the Middle East and the mounting Arab resentment and planned hostilities against Israel, portrays a very dark period for Israel. It is also a very dark period for the entire world. However, Israel is not on her own for I, Yahushua Ha Mashiach, am with her as I have been with all the wars that have been waged against her since she became an independent state in 1948.

THOSE WHO ARE WARRING AGAINST THE JEWS BEING IN ISRAEL AND WHO ARE PLACING PRESSURE ON ISRAEL TO GIVE UP THE LANDS SHE STILL OCCUPIES, ARE NOT WARRING AGAINST THE ISRAELIS. THEY ARE WARRING AGAINST ME, YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH, THEIR ALMIGHTY ELOHIM, THE ELOHIM OF ANGEL ARMIES!! That is the only reason why the state of Israel still exists and her people are not exterminated. This is because I always fight her battles and subdue her enemies. Therefore, the hostilities which are about to break out against her to wipe her off the planet, as Iran constantly boasts, will be met by a mightier force ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­-- My angel armies, who are ready to engage in battle. In addition, I will bring quick and fiery judgments upon all who oppose her and support her enemies against her.