Tuesday 7 October 2008




Holy and righteous Yahweh, sin is grievous to You and this world is blanketed with the sins of people. In the time of the prophet Isaiah, the sins of the people were so grievous that he prayed to You:

“For our transgressions are multiplied before thee, and our sins testify against us: for our transgressions are with us; and as for our iniquities, we know them; 13In transgressing and lying against [YAHWEH] the LORD, and departing away from our [Elohim] God, speaking oppression and revolt, conceiving and uttering from the heart words of falsehood”. 14 “And judgment is turned away backward, and justice standeth afar off: for truth is fallen in the street, and equity cannot enter”. 15Yea, truth faileth; and he that departeth from evil maketh himself a prey. Isaiah 59: 12-15.

Holy Father, You saw what was taking place in the time of Isaiah the prophet, and You wondered why there were no intercessors to intercede on behalf of Your people, as Your Word declares:

And [Yahweh] the LORD saw it, and it displeased him that there was no judgment.
16And he saw that there was no man, and wondered that there was no intercessor. Isaiah 59: 15, 16.

And in the time of the prophet Joel, You gave this command:

“Blow the trumpet in Zion, sanctify a fast, call a solemn assembly: 16Gather the people, sanctify the congregation, assemble the elders, gather the children, and those that suck the breasts: let the bridegroom go forth of his chamber, and the bride out of her closet. 17Let the priests, the ministers of [YAHWEH] the LORD, weep between the porch and the altar, and let them say, Spare thy people, O [YAHWEH] LORD, and give not thine heritage to reproach”, that the heathen should rule over them: wherefore should they say among the people, Where is their [Elohim] God? Joel 2: 15 - 17.

Thus You made the admonition:

“If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I [Yahweh] hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.”. 2 Chronicles 7: 14.

In addition, Yahushua has given us the assurance:

And whatsoever ye shall ask in my name [King Yahushua], that will I do, that [Yahweh] the Father may be glorified in the Son. If ye shall ask any thing in my name, I will do it. John 14: 13, 14.

All things, whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive. Matthew 21: 22.

Prayer before You, blessed Elohim, on behalf of Your people here upon earth, is very important. Therefore, as Your servant, I will pray and intercede on behalf of Your children in this world, once I have asked for forgiveness and for Your protection loving Father. Thus I pray:

Righteous Yahweh, in the holy Name of Yahushua, I come before You. I acknowledge that I am a sinner and that I sin in words, in thoughts and in deeds. Therefore, I humbly ask for the forgiveness of the sins I have committed, both known and unknown. Next, I ask that as I come before You on behalf of Your people, great Elohim, that Yahushua will cover me with His precious blood and also my family and all that we possess, so that the adversary, Satan, will have no power over us because of his kingdom which will be under attack.

I further pray blessed Adonai that the Ruach Ha Kodesh (the Holy Spirit) will surround us with His awesome and consuming fire to dispel Satan and his demons. I further pray that his kingdom will now be thrown in total disarray as I pray loving Father, in the Name of Yahushua, on behalf of the peoples of this world:

Gracious Yahweh, I thank You for Your love for us the human race, that in spite of the waywardness, disobedience, arrogance, indifference, rebellion and outright rejection of You, our Adonai, by so many in the world; that You have not treated us as we truly deserve. Instead, out of Your great love and compassion for us, the children of men, You continue to woo us and draw us to Yahushua (John 6:44), Who loves us and died to save us.

Today righteous Father, I apologise for the sins of the people in this world, and ask that You will pardon and forgive each one of them of their sins and transgressions; of their waywardness and of their arrogance and pride, because they do not know what they are doing, or the consequences of their doings. Please forgive the innocent shedding of blood and all the sins and transgressions which are done in this world. Please forgive them also for the destruction of the beautiful Planet, and most of its inhabitants, which in love You gave to us, loving Elohim. Therefore, gracious Adonai, please cleanse the people from all of their sins and un-righteousness, and please continue to show them Your love and Your mercy, blessed Yahweh, in the holy Name of Yahushua, I pray.

Almighty Yahweh, today I lift up before You every man, every woman, every boy and every girl, who have not accepted Yahushua’s sacrifice for them and given their hearts to Him. I am so thankful that You love us, the children of men, and continually care for us. I thank You also loving Father that:

“The eyes of [YAHWEH] the LORD run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to shew himself strong in the behalf of them whose heart is perfect toward him”. 2 Chronicles 16: 9.

Therefore, loving Heavenly Father, please see all those whose hearts are perfect toward You, throughout the world, and draw them to Yahushua I pray; because kind Father, You are the One Who draws all men to Him (John 6:44). In Your mercy, please strongly impress upon their minds the importance of giving their lives to Yahushua, while there is still a short time remaining. Please impress upon their minds also that this world is now in its final moments, and that time is fast running out for this world.

Through the Ruach Ha Kodesh (Holy Spirit), I ask gracious Heavenly Father, that You will convict every man, woman and child in this world, to know and understand that they are sinners who are in need of the saving grace of Yahushua Ha Mashiach (Jesus Christ).

Please instil in them the awareness that they are more than just physical bodies, which will eventually die. Please help them to understand that each of them has a precious soul (spirit and soul), which needs to be saved because the soul does not die. Therefore, they need to make that all important decision, NOW, concerning where they will spend the rest of eternity because after the death of the body, the spirit (spirit and soul) lives on in only one of two places. Those two places are: HEAVEN, and Paradise, for the righteous who have truly accepted Yahushua, as Saviour and Adonai. And HELL, and torment, for those who have rejected Yahushua’s love and sacrifice for them.

Caring Yahweh, please impress upon each of them the urgency that Yahushua is Coming Soon, and that when He comes, there will ONLY be TWO groups of people upon the earth: the RIGHTEOUS and the UN-RIGHTEOUS. Please let them know also that there will be no in-between and no neutral ground when Yahushua Returns. Thus at His Return to this world, they will either be SAVED in His eternal kingdom of Glory, or they will be eternally LOST with Satan, the adversary.

Holy Heavenly Father, please let them be fully aware that there will surely be a JUDGMENT, from which none of those who have rejected the love and sacrifice of Yahushua will escape!! May they realise that their ONLY way of ESCAPE is to accept Yahushua as their Saviour, and give their lives to Him without delay. Only then will their salvation be secured, because as soon as they do, their names will be removed from the “Books” of the condemned, and transferred to the “Book of Life”, which contains the names of the saved (Revelation 20: 12,15). May they know therefore, that surrendering to Yahushua, is the ONLY way they will NOT have to share Satan’s hell, followed by the Judgment and sharing his fate with him in the Lake of fire and brimstone, along with his demonic hosts and workers (Revelation 20: 10,15).

Loving Yahweh, please remove the scales from the eyes of all those who are blinded to the fact that Yahushua is indeed their ONLY Saviour from Satan, sin, hell and destruction!! By Your grace, may they all turn to our loving Saviour, Yahushua, before it is too late and before the door of mercy, whereby they obtain mercy, is closed forever. May none of them ignore the warning You are sending them at this time, and thus have a similar fate as the people who lived in the time of Noah. Sadly, those Antediluvians ignored the warnings of the impending flood and were all drowned in those flood waters, without mercy and without hope.

Today gracious Heavenly Father, the adversary, Satan, who made war in Heaven in his attempt to de-throne You, and usurp Your power, authority and dominion (but whom You expelled from Heaven along with a third of the angelic host), is in this world causing great havoc and gross deception, along with his demons and human helpers. He has claimed the world for himself and made himself the god of this world. In many lands he is the god who goes by different aliases, hence the war against King Yahushua and His faithful followers.

Yea loving Yahweh, Satan, the great Deceiver, is an autocratic, despotic dictator who demands worship for himself; forbids the worship of Yahushua, Who died to save the human race; and forbids the possessing and reading of Your Word in the Holy Bible in many lands. At the same time, he takes away freedom from as many people as he can in those countries, makes them his slaves and forbids them to think or make decisions for themselves. Thus he has them as robots who are programmed and fully under his control. Then he uses every possible means at his disposal, including intimidation and forced conversion, to get as many as possible to worship him.

Almighty Father, in his attempt to secure as many as possible for the torments of hell and the Lake of fire, which has been prepared for him and his angels, Satan persecutes and kills vast numbers of Your children. He does this because he is a despotic Mass Murderer. In addition, he uses everything he can to prevent as many as possible from accepting Yahushua as Saviour. Thus he forcefully converts many of the children of Your followers to himself, while he forbids upon the penalty of death, conversion to Yahushua, Who loves them and died to save them, as he relentlessly wars against You, our Elohim.

Gracious Heavenly Father, please look upon the evils of Satan in many lands, where he is in control, including lands with atheist governments; as he works through his human agents and relentlessly persecutes and murders countless millions of people, including many who are called by the Name of Yahushua. This he does in his attempt to secure as many as possible for his hell and the Lake of fire and brimstone, which You have prepared for him and his angels.

Gracious Yahweh, Satan is a desperado and knows that his time upon earth is at an end!! Thus He leaves no one untouched. Whereas he uses forced religion and atheism in some parts of the world to secure the people for himself; in other parts he uses secularism, hedonism, riches, unbelief, the occult and everything else at his disposal to enslave the people to himself. The majority of people in this category are un-godly and indifferent to Your Name and Word, Oh Adonai. Instead, they live for themselves and are great lovers of pleasure, who live for the present and under the illusion that once they die, that will be their end.

Satan goes further and causes great confusion among those who come under the name of Christians, and ensures that he deceives as many as he can. Thus he causes them to be divided into numerous religions and denominations and sects, each taking just enough from Your Word, gracious Yahweh, and then having their own doctrines and beliefs; often contrary to Your words in the Holy Scriptures. Satan further divides and isolates them and in many cases, causes them to mistrust, criticise and condemn one another. Thus he causes great dis-unity among the very ones who profess to be followers and servants of Yahushua, and You, Yahweh, the Most High Elohim.

O loving Yahweh, for too long that old “Serpent” and “Dragon” has deceived the nations and thus has billions in the fires and torments of hell. Sadly, he is a master at his trade and thus, daily, he continues to take thousands to his hell. Gracious Adonai, please help the nations to know that Hell and its torments are real, as Yahushua revealed while He was upon earth. Thus He said in Luke 16:22-30:

And it came to pass, that the beggar died, and was carried by the angels into Abraham’s bosom: the rich man also died, and was buried; 23 “And in hell he lift up his eyes, being in torments, and seeth Abraham afar off, and Lazarus in his bosom. 24And he cried and said, Father Abraham, have mercy on me, and send Lazarus, that he may dip the tip of his finger in water, and cool my tongue; for I am tormented in this flame”. . . 27Then he said, I pray thee therefore, father, that thou wouldest send him to my father’s house: 28For I have five brethren; that he may testify unto them, lest they also come into this place of torment. . . 30And he said, Nay, father Abraham: but if one went unto them from the dead, they will repent.

Therefore, caring Adonai, please strip this old “Serpent”, “Deceiver” and “Liar” totally naked so that he will be revealed and fully seen for whom he really is, that he may deceive the nations no more. Kind Father, please take away Satan’s sheep’s clothing with which he disguises himself, as well as all his other disguises, whereby he goes about as “a roaring lion” snatching and devouring all whom he can, for thus says Your Word, loving Elohim:

Be sober, be vigilant, your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour. 1 Peter 5:8.

Likewise, Holy Father, in one of the visions You gave to me, You showed me Satan snatching people as fast as he could and throwing them into a long black plastic bag, which reached from high up in the skies to far below the ground. Therefore, please open the eyes of the peoples of this world and remove the scales from their eyes, that they may see Satan in his nakedness and flee from him. Then may they turn for refuge to Yahushua, their loving Saviour, Who died to save them from that “old Serpent” and the “Devil”, and Who is Coming Soon for them.

Today, loving Heavenly Father, I ask that You take full control of this world, which You have made to be man’s habitation, and that You put Satan, that old venomous snake, under Your feet and break his power forever that he has over Your children. Thus they will be set free from all his shackles and from the terror, doom and destruction which he has stored up for them.

O kind and gracious Yahweh, may the people realise that their salvation is imperative because You have shown to me in one vision, the great inferno into which the people were falling headlong!! May they therefore give their lives without delay to Yahushua, Who gave His life for them to save them from the fierce and raging inferno that is to come upon this world. Likewise, please save them from the infernos of Hell and the Lake of fire and brimstone, which will be the fate of all who reject Yahushua, their ONLY Saviour from sin.

Loving Father, vast numbers of people throughout the world are greatly deceived by Satan’s lies and deceptions, wherewith they are blinded to the truth concerning the divinity and love of Yahushua, their Saviour. Likewise, they are blinded to what He has done to save them from their sins, and to give them everlasting life, peace and joy with Him. Hence Yahushua warned:

“Take heed that no man deceive you . . . and [they] shall deceive many”. Matthew 24: 4, 5.

Through these strong deceptions of Satan, they are kept in gross darkness!! Therefore, righteous Yahweh, I pray that Yahushua, our blessed Saviour and Redeemer, will appear to every man, woman and child; who are thus deceived and make them fully aware that He alone created them, and died to save them from their sins. In turn, may they all accept Yahushua as their loving Saviour, and be saved in His eternal kingdom of love, peace and joy. Then kind Father, please bring in Your peaceful and righteous reign, and let Your knowledge cover the earth as the waters that cover the sea, in Yahushua’s Name, I pray (Isaiah 11:9).

Kind Yahweh, our Heavenly Father, please remember in a very special way, those who will leave the ranks of Satan and come to Yahushua in these last moments of earth’s history. Please be with them and help them through the trying times through which many are sure to pass, as Satan and his host and human helpers, do everything in their power to prevent them from committing their lives to Yahushua, their blessed Saviour and Messiah. Satan will do this because his one intention is to have as many as possible share his fate with him in the Lake of fire and brimstone, preceded by the torments of Hell, as soon as they die.

Gracious Heavenly Father, May Your holy angels be with them and also with all Your children and protect us always, because Satan that despotic adversary, is more vicious now than ever before. Thus he is a desperado, because he knows he is on borrowed time since his time here upon earth has long been ended!!

Almighty Yahweh, please give Your children love in their hearts to love their fellowmen, just as Yahushua loves us. Please help them to forgive their enemies and all those who have hurt and done evil to them. May they know and understand that if they WILL NOT FORGIVE others the wrongs they have done, neither WILL YOU FORGIVE them of the wrongs they do (Matthew 6:14,15).