Monday 9 June 2008




In this section of the Message, Yahushua, our Saviour, addresses the matter of OIL, upon which the western nations depend heavily.

In addition to the distresses in the world, OIL or BLACK GOLD (which it is sometimes called), upon which the western nations rely heavily, is being reduced in output and will soon be greatly reduced. In addition, the oil fields in the East, and all oil refineries, depots and installations from which the western nations get their supplies, are targeted to be destroyed in order to cripple them and bring their economies to an end!!

Although security has been stepped up by those who own and manage these oil fields and installations, it is only a matter of time before the terrorists achieve their goal. The reduction in production of oil, the drying up of some of the oil fields; the destruction of some of the oil fields, depots, refineries and installations, will lead to great sufferings, extreme hardships and distresses; including great financial hardships for those who depend heavily upon oil, as prices of everything will escalate for the nations.

Every strata of society, and almost all areas of life will be affected by the hardships and suffering which will be generated from the reduction, or lack of oil, as well as the very high price of oil which will be inevitable. Thus many businesses, including Industry and Aviation will go out of business, causing many to lose their livelihood, their financial security, their homes and normal way of life. Travelling will become very expensive or prohibitive. This will be especially so with air travel, so that only the very affluent will be able to undertake such journeys.

The troubles and hardships which will result mainly because of the oil troubles, will lead to an increase in mental problems. There will be greater crimes committed and may will commit suicides as they seek ways out of the inevitable troubles which have come upon them.

The sufferings, financial crises and severe hardships which will come about because of the high prices of oil due to its reduction, and in some cases, lack of it, will not affect the western nations alone. It will have a rippling effect throughout the entire world, thus creating a global crisis for almost everyone. There will be no end to the multitude of troubles which will come upon the nations as conditions worsen. Instead, conditions will continue to deteriorate rapidly and will only be brought to an end by My Return to this world for My children. Thus all things are now leading up to My Second Coming to this world.

These signs which are now in the world, including the great disasters, the food shortages; the reduction in oil and its exorbitant prices, accompanied by all the troubles and problems which they will automatically generate, are My HERALDS WARNING THAT THIS PRESENT WORLD IS AT AN END!! THEY ARE WAKE-UP CALL S TO NATIONS TO TURN TO ME, YAHUSHUA, FOR REFUGE AND BE SAVED BEFORE THE GREAT AND TERRIBLE DAY OF MY COMING, COMES UPON THE WORLD!!