Sunday 4 May 2008



In this excerpt of the Message, Yahushua, our Saviour, is appealing to the Operators of the Christian Channels and Media and to all who minister on them; to teach their world audiences about His Return to the world and the importance of being ready to meet Him. It is my prayer that all of Yahushua's ministers will make it their duty to preach and teach about this most glorious event soon to dawn upon Planet Earth.


Over recent years there are many Christian Channels which have been birthed in the Media and are all broadcasting to the world, the Gospel of the Kingdom. This is in accordance with My Word in Matthew 24:14, and Matthew 28: 19, 20. You, the operators of these Christian channels, and those who minister on these channels, are all doing your best to declare My Name among the nations throughout the world, and to bring them to the knowledge of My love and saving grace.

In your ministry to the world-wide audience, including your local audiences, you preach and teach them whatever you consider to be necessary for their wellbeing, and for their prosperity and spiritual enrichment in this world, which will be beneficial to them HERE AND NOW!! Thus the people are living for today, while they look forward to the blessings which they can derive in this world! Indeed, many are receiving and enjoying rich blessings in this world.

In your preaching and teaching, you are all trying your utmost to bring glory and honour to Us, your Elohim, and to bless the people. For this I, Yahushua, your Saviour and Adonai (Lord), say: Thank You!

However, I have somewhat against you who preach and teach My people!! In your ministry, you concentrate far too much on their wellbeing and prosperity in this present world. Thus the people are comfortable and at ease here, just as you are comfortable, settled, prosperous and at ease in this world!! Incidentally, one minister of the Gospel, told My servant, Benita, when she spoke to him about My Return: “I am comfortable and happy in this world and I do not want Yahushua to come”!! That attitude sums it all up. The majority of you who minister to My people are also so comfortable and prosperous here in this world, that you do not want Me to Return.

Although there is nothing wrong about being happy, secure and prosperous in this world, and are all needed and appreciated by the people to whom you minister; YOU HAVE NEGLECTED TO BRING TO THEIR ATTENTION THAT WHICH IS MOST IMPORTANT!! That is:


It is grievous to Me, Yahushua, who came to this world and willingly gave My life for the nations of the world; made My Promise to them that I will Return for them; prepared a place for them in Heaven, where I dwell; and gave the signs which would show when My coming is near; that My Return is rarely spoken about. Instead, you concentrate mainly on their wellbeing in this world, which is just a few moments of eternity; while the rest of eternity and the most important time yet to come, and the great blessings I have laid up for My children, are rarely mentioned or spoken about. Please bear in mind that a thousand years is as a day in My sight (Psalm 90: 4).

Due to the fact there is little or no mention of My imminent Return to this world; the vast majorities of people in this world are ignorant about it, and are unprepared to meet Me, their Saviour and King. Instead, at the slightest mention of My Return, many are terrible afraid and terrified!!

It is also of great concern to Me, Yahushua, that you teach very little about the importance of their souls, and Where they will go when they leave this world, either at their deaths, or at My Return. It also concerns Me that they are not made aware of how unpredictable and uncertain is this life, and that regardless of their age, beauty, excellent health and prosperity, they can leave this world at anytime. Therefore, they should be made aware of the importance that they MUST BE READY AT ALL TIMES to depart this present world, and to be sure where they will spend the rest of eternity.

You may justify yourselves by saying: “We are saved by grace, and once saved, for ever saved! Therefore whenever we die, or Yahushua returns, we will all be ready to go home to Glory and be with Him”!! Thus with such belief, you justify yourselves that it does not matter whether or not you speak about My Return to this world, because what really matters is this present life and the here and now in this world!!

Although you may justify yourselves thus, there are many in your world audiences, who are totally ignorant, and do not know anything about Me, Yahushua, their Saviour. Therefore, they do not know about My soon Return to this world for them, nor what I have done for them, or what I require of those who will be saved in My Kingdom of Glory. Likewise, there are many in your local congregations who are almost just as ignorant. Thus they are all waiting to hear and learn from you, who minister to them.

I would like to say to those of you who believe and teach that you are “saved by grace, and once saved, for ever saved”, that BEING SAVED BY GRACE, MY UNMERITED FAVOUR, IS CONDITIONAL!!

Therefore, I, Yahushua, admonish you to study and understand that which is written in My Word; and likewise, that which is required of those who will be saved and be with Me, their Saviour. Therefore, those who accept Me, Yahushua, as their Saviour and are “born again” and “saved by grace, must live and direct their lives in accordance with My Word. Thus they cannot use being “born again” and “saved by grace”, as a Passport or licence to sin freely!!

It is important, therefore, that they know, What I, their Adonai, require of them, and How they are to order their lives. Thus it is written in My Word:

He hath shewed thee, O man, what is good; and what doth [Yahweh] the LORD require of thee, but to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy [Elohim] God? Micah 6:8.

•And now, Israel, what doth [Yahweh] the LORD thy [Elohim] God require of thee, but “to fear [Yahweh] the LORD thy [Elohim] God, to walk in all his ways, and to love him, and to serve [Yahweh] the LORD thy [Elohim] God with all thy heart and with all thy soul, To keep the commandments of [Yahweh] the LORD, and his statutes”, which I command thee this day for thy good? Deuteronomy 10: 12, 13.

•12“Therefore, thou son of man, say unto the children of thy people, The righteousness of the righteous shall not deliver him in the day of his transgression . . . neither shall the righteous be able to live for his righteousness in the day that he sinneth”. 13 When I shall say to the righteous, that he shall surely live; if he trust to his own righteousness, and commit iniquity, all his righteousnesses shall not be remembered; but for his iniquity that he hath committed, he shall die for it. Ezekiel 33:12, 13.

•Whosoever hath sinned against me, him will I blot out of my book. Exodus 32:33.

For if we sin wilfully after that we have received the knowledge of the truth, “there remaineth no more sacrifice for sins, But a certain fearful looking for of judgment and fiery indignation, which shall devour the adversaries”. Hebrews 10: 26, 27.

Therefore, I, Yahushua, admonish each of you, who are my ministers, who are preaching to the world-wide audience (as well as your own local congregations); many of whom are hearing the Gospel of the Kingdom for the first time, and who are eagerly hanging on to your word, and thirstily drinking in every word you speak and teach; that you bring before them THE RELEVANCE OF MY IMMINENT RETURN TO THIS WORLD, THE IMPORTANCE OF BEING READY, AND THAT YOU KEEP THIS ALIVE BEFORE THEM!!

Rabbis, Ministers, and Teachers, who minister to the Peoples of this World:

Please study My Word, including the signs which I, Yahushua Ha Mashiach, said would precede My Return to this world and make it your duty to teach them to My people.

Please know and understand that these signs are now upon the world!!

They include:
The unprecedented and great disasters which are taking place in the world, global warming and its devastating effects upon the planet; the environmental pollutions and the destruction of animal and plant life, including marine and bird life; the downward spiral of the global economy; terrorism in all its forms, ethnic cleansings and wars, including the threat of Chemical and Biological warfare; as well as the Wars in the Middle East; the high crime rate, the wickednesses and evils endemic in the world, as well as man’s inhumanity to man; diseases, famines and the global shortage oil and food, and their effects upon everyone.

In addition to all these there are: the great love of pleasure in this world and lack of worship and respect for Us, the True Elohim, the Creator of heaven and earth, and the Giver, Sustainer, Protector and Provider of the needs of this world’s inhabitants. Likewise there is the continued severe persecution and martyrdom of large numbers of My children each day in many lands, by those who worship counterfeit gods or no gods at all.

In addition to these signs, are the ongoing hostilities in Israel and the determination of the Palestinian Government and that of Iran to exterminate the Jews in Israel. These are major signs which should not be ignored or taken lightly, because they are very significant to My Return.

Please do not ignore or dismiss these happenings, because they are the HERALDS AND THE WARNING SIGNS, which are giving clear indications that MY COMING IS AT HAND!!

They are in accordance with My Word in Luke 21:10-28, and other Scriptures. PLEASE READ THESE WARNING SIGNS WHICH ARE ALL AROUND YOU; and do not allow yourselves to be carried away with just teaching the people how they can prosper and succeed in this world, which is temporary, uncertain and will surely pass away in the near future; WHILE YOU IGNORE THE MOST IMPORTANT THING THAT MATTERS AT THIS TIME OF EARTH’S HISTORY: MY SURE AND CERTAIN RETURN TO THIS WORLD FOR MY CHILDREN!!

Please be fully aware, that if I, Yahushua Ha Mashiach, do not Return for My children and put this planet to rest, the destructions which are rapidly coming upon the earth; and in particular, the ecological disasters, will bring it to an end!!

This will be the result as the great mountains of ice and snow at the poles of the earth, the glaciers and the icebergs rapidly melt from global warming, thus adding to the already rising sea levels; all in addition to the ice and snow and the heavy floods which are constantly coming upon the earth.

These excessive volumes of water being added to the great volumes of waters already in this world, will re-claim the 30% land mass given to man and beast, creeping things and the fowls of the air. Conditions will then return to its original state before I, Yahushua, called the earth out of the waters at the creation of this world (Genesis 1: 1-10; John 1: 1-3).

Please be aware that many islands have already been reclaimed by the seas. Therefore, Please do not ignore My Word, and then be under the illusion that My coming will be in the very far distant future, or will never be!!


7For the priest’s lips should keep knowledge, and they should seek the law at his mouth: for he is the messenger of [Yahweh] the Lord of hosts. 8 But ye are departed out of the way; ye have caused many to stumble at the law; ye have corrupted the covenant. . . saith [Yahweh] the Lord of hosts. Malachi 2: 7,8.

Therefore, I, Yahushua Ha Mashiach, admonish you to,

Thus to you, I say:

Therefore, Please ensure that you teach and warn the people, to whom you minister, that they take HEED TO MY WORD AND TO BE READY TO MEET ME, KING YAHUSHUA!! Likewise, PLEASE TAKE HEED YOURSELVES, lest you are all taken unawares and unprepared, while you are busy preaching and teaching about prosperity and security in this crumbling world of sin, shame and degradation!!

Thus in love, I admonish you: Let not your experience and those to whom who minister, be like that of the people of Noah’s Day, who were so caught up in this world with its cares and pleasures, that they were taken unawares; and thus, were all destroyed in the global flood!! This destruction came upon them because they refused to believe and heed the warnings Noah gave of the impending global flood.

Rabbis, Ministers and Preachers of the Gospel, and all who minister on the Christian Channels:

You are My Watchmen and Watchwomen!! Therefore, upon you rest a very heavy responsibility for the souls of My people!! Likewise their eternal salvation also depend upon you because you are My voice to them! Thus if through your ministry to them, they accept Me, Yahushua, as their Saviour, you will be commended and will be well rewarded. However, if you fail to teach them My Word in its purity and to instruct them on that which I require of them, as well as fail to keep My imminent return alive before them; and likewise, if you fail to guide, direct, instruct and prepare them spiritually, so that they are lost, I WILL REQUIRE THEIR BLOOD AT YOUR HANDS!!

Therefore, I, Yahushua, admonish you in accordance with My Word:

Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of [Yahweh] the Father, and of the Son [Yahushua Ha Mashiach], and of the Holy Ghost [the Ruach Ha Kodesh]: 20Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I [Yahushua] am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. Amen. Matthew 28:19, 20.

“Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine”. 2 Timothy 4: 1, 2.

Thus it is important that you ensure that you make your calling and election sure, and encourage those to whom you minister, to do likewise, because I have declared:
And, behold, I [King Yahushua] come quickly; and my reward is with me, to give every man according as his work shall be. Revelation 22: 12.


This Message is also being sent to many of you who are over My people. Therefore, I Yahushua Ha Mashiach, admonish you to share it with your congregations so that they can be aware of what is coming upon the earth, and of My Soon Return in power and great glory. Please realise that an awesome responsibility rest upon you to share this Message and to prepare My people, who sit at your feet, to be ready for My grand and glorious Second Coming. Therefore, do not let arrogance, prejudice, contempt, unbelief or rejection of the Message and the Messenger; prevent you from carrying out the responsibility which is now placed upon you.

Those who will obey My command and do their part to make this Message of My Soon Return known will be well rewarded by Me, Yahushua Ha Mashiach (Jesus Christ). On the other hand those who will refuse to make My Message known; they will also receive their reward in due course.

To all of you the Rabbis, Ministers, Pastors and Religious Leaders and people alike:

The time has come for the darkness of Satan to be lifted from over the world, and for My light to envelope and cover the world; because I, Yahushua Ha Mashiach, am:
The true Light, which lighteth every man that cometh into the world.
John 1:9.


The earth shall be full of the knowledge of [I, Yahushua] the LORD, as the waters cover the sea. Isaiah 11:9.

NB. Scriptures used in this Post are taken from the King James Version of the Bible.