Thursday, 10 April 2008


Dear Reader:

In 2006, I sent out a Message which I received from Yahushua Ha Mashiach through the Ruach Ha Kodesh (the Holy Spirit), for the People of the World at large. To the Christian leaders it was sent out under the Title:

Armageddon!! Saints Your Redemption Draws Near. Rejoice! Your Saviour Comes!!
To the leaders of the World, the Media, Non-Christian Organisations, etc., it was sent out under the title:

Prophecies!! Armageddon!! And A look Into the Future of Man!!

Since then the Ruach Ha Kodesh has given more to add to the Message. It is now being prepared as a book under the Title:

Yahushua Ha Mashiach's Prophecies Of The Future Of Mankind.

In this Post is the letter introducing the Prophetic Revelations from Yahushua Ha Mashiach (Jesus Christ.) Following this Letter, I will post Excerpts from the Message which is a very timely one, relating to Yahushua’s (Jesus’) Return and the importance of being ready to meet Him, when He comes back. May you be blessed as you read this letter and see our Saviour's love for us, His children, in send us a Message in these end times, prior to His Return.


Dear Monarchs, Presidents, Prime Ministers, Political Leaders, Spiritual Leaders, All Media; People of All Faiths, including Moslems, Hindus, Sikhs and Buddhists, Non-Faiths, Pagans, Secularists, Satanists, Atheists and People of ALL Nations, Tribes and Languages around the World:

Attached, is a Message from Yahushua Ha Mashiach (Jesus Christ), which He has been sent to you because of His great love for you and the entire human race.

It is a Message of:


To many this Message will be looked upon as presumptuous, offensive and an insult!! To others it will be laughable, bizarre, ridiculous and absurd! One to be treated with utter contempt and great disdain!! It will be criticised and condemned, dissected and torn to shreds and there will be much arguments and disagreements concerning the ‘whys’ and ‘wherefores’, etc. Every ‘I’ will be dotted and every ‘t’ crossed, as well as diction and grammar critically examined. In addition, there will be arguments, debates and controversies which will naturally be generated as it is discussed by rich and poor, high and low, educated and uneducated alike.

There are those who will agree with parts, while others will object and disagree totally with what is written. Others will rejoice that their hopes and prayers for the Return of Yahushua Ha Mashiach (Jesus Christ) their Saviour, are about to become a reality by His visible Return. Then there are those who may respond in a hostile manner as it cuts across their traditions and ideologies.

Many may regard me, the Messenger, as one who is greatly deceived; a fool or an idiot, a blasphemer, a fanatic, megalomaniac or a mad person in need of urgent psychiatric treatment! Each one is entitled to his or her own opinion. I cannot convince anyone that this Message is indeed from Yahushua Ha Mashiach (Jesus Christ), our Creator and Saviour. Neither can I convince them it is not of my own making. This is a matter which I leave to Yahushua and in time, or in the Judgment, it will be clearly known whether or not it was sent from Him.

I am neither a theologian, nor a scholar. I am just a very ordinary person upon whom the Ruach Ha Kodesh (the Holy Spirit) has laid this heavy burden and awesome responsibility. Indeed I feel so very, very inadequate and totally unworthy for so great a responsibility. I am awed that I should be chosen to do this work, for who am I that the King of the Universe, Yahushua Ha Mashiach (through the Ruach Ha Kodesh, His Representative upon Planet Earth) should choose me and set His love upon me!!

Moreover, who am I that He, the King of Glory, should entrust me with so great a work? Yet He, the all wise, all knowing and immutable Elohim, knows why. By His grace I have tried to be obedient and do the work, He has entrusted to me. Please understand therefore, that I will not enter into arguments, debates, controversies, or anything that will distract from the purpose for which it is intended. That purpose is to tell the people of the world of King Yahushua’s love for them, and the importance of being ready to meet Him in peace at His Return in the very near future.

By Yahushua’s (Jesus’) grace, I have tried to give the Message the Ruach Ha Kodesh (the Holy Spirit), His Representative in this world, has communicated it to me. I seek no recognition or publicity, except that everyone will realise the very serious times we are now living in and wake up to the reality that something grand, spectacular, catastrophic and enormously wonderful (terrifying and awful for the vast majority) is about to overtake this world!!

That Great and Wonderful Thing will be the Return of Yahushua Ha Mashiach (Jesus Christ) to this world. My prayer is that this Message will bring about that realisation so that the peoples of this world will be fully aware of the seriousness of these times and make the necessary preparation to be ready for the coming of Yahushua Ha Mashiach who returned to Heaven almost two thousand years ago and is now ready to Return to Planet Earth for His loved ones.

It is my earnest and sincere prayer that each person WILL prepare to meet King Yahushua who lovingly died for them to give them eternal life with Him and save them from Satan’s Hell after they die, followed by the Lake of fire and brimstone which awaits all those who reject His love and sacrifice for them.

By Yahweh’s (God’s) grace I have done that which the Ruach Ha Kodesh has laid upon me, just as Noah did what was laid upon him four thousand years ago. At that time Noah faithfully warned the people and offered them a place of safety from the global flood of destruction which was about to wipe out the Antediluvian world. Everyone ignored the warnings he gave.

Their blanket rejection, however, did NOT prevent Yahweh’s judgment of that global flood from destroying those Antediluvians. Thus everyone perished without mercy and without hope in those flood waters, along with every living thing that was upon the earth. Sadly, everyone and all living creatures perished miserably because of the unbelief, indifference and arrogance of the people of those days.

It was ONLY Noah and his family, eight persons in all, who were saved at that time (Genesis 6-8), although there was room in the Ark of safety for everyone. Sadly, when the PEOPLE REALISED THEIR MISTAKE AND WANTED TO BE SAVED, IT WAS FAR TOO LATE!! Thus every one of them perished without mercy and without hope. As Judgment was pronounced upon the people of Noah’s day, Judgment is also pronounced against our world today. Thus it is written in Isaiah 24: 1-6, 19-23

1 Behold, the [Yahweh] Lord maketh the earth empty, and maketh it waste, and turneth it upside down, and scattereth abroad the inhabitants thereof. 2 And it shall be, as with the people, so with the priest; as with the servant, so with his master; as with the maid, so with her mistress; as with the buyer, so with the seller; as with the lender, so with the borrower; as with the taker of usury, so with the giver of usury to him.3 The land shall be utterly emptied, and utterly spoiled: for [Yahweh] the Lord hath spoken this word. 4The earth mourneth and fadeth away, the world languisheth and fadeth away, the haughty people of the earth do languish.5 The earth also is defiled under the inhabitants thereof; because they have transgressed the laws, changed the ordinance, broken the everlasting covenant. 6Therefore hath the curse devoured the earth, and they that dwell therein are desolate: therefore the inhabitants of the earth are burned, and few men left.

19 The earth is utterly broken down, the earth is clean dissolved, the earth is moved exceedingly.20 The earth shall reel to and fro like a drunkard, and shall be removed like a cottage; and the transgression thereof shall be heavy upon it; and it shall fall, and not rise again.21And it shall come to pass in that day, that the Lord shall punish the host of the high ones that are on high, and the kings of the earth upon the earth.22 And they shall be gathered together, as prisoners are gathered in the pit, and shall be shut up in the prison, and after many days shall they be visited. 23 Then the moon shall be confounded, and the sun ashamed, when the Lord of hosts shall reign in mount Zion, and in Jerusalem, and before his ancients gloriously.

As the people of Noah’s day were warned, Yahushua through His Representative in this world, the Ruach Ha Kodesh (the Holy Spirit) has given me this LAST MESSAGE OF WARNING for the People of this world to tell them that:


Therefore, before that great and terrible day, Yahushua (Jesus), who loves us and died for us, to save us from the great forth-coming global destruction of molten fire, has sent this Message through the Ruach Ha Kodesh (the Holy Spirit); so that each person on the Planet can know about His awesome, grand and glorious Return and of the coming Judgment and have the opportunity to choose either to:


By Yahweh’s (God’s) grace, it is my prayer that after the initial shock of this Message is over, everyone will realise the very serious times we are now living in and know that this present world is indeed at an END!! Likewise, that they will see the necessity to make the necessary preparation to be ready for Yahushua’s Return, which is SURE to come upon this world in the very near future!!

Most importantly may everyone see the importance of fully committing their lives to Yahushua Ha Mashiach, who gave His life upon the Cross for them, and took the death they deserved. Thus they will be saved from the torments of Hell when they die, and from the Lake of fire and brimstone in the last and final Judgment ahead of this world (Matthew 25: 41, 46; Luke 16; 19-31; Revelation 20: 10-15).


For many of you who will read this Message, the names used in it to refer to GOD, JESUS, LORD and the HOLY SPIRIT will be new or very strange. Although the names I will use are old names, they were new for me also. It was in 2005 that the Ruach Ha Kodesh (the Holy Spirit) personally told me the names Himself. The Names are the Hebrew Names of the ONLY TRUE AND LIVING ELOHIM (the GOD OF ISRAEL): YAHWEH (the Father), YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH (Jesus Christ) and the RUACH HA KODESH (the Holy Spirit), the Elohim (God) of Abraham, Isaac, Israel and Ishmael (whom Hagar, Sarah’s maid, bore to Abraham); the Creator of heaven and earth and the Giver of ALL life.

The Ruach Ha Kodesh (the Holy Spirit) specifically told me to use the Hebrew names of Elohim (the God of Israel) in this Message, so that it will be crystal clear which GOD this Message is about. This is important because there are millions of counterfeit gods in this world, who are all contending for the souls of humanity. Hence the importance of using the true names of the TRUE ELOHIM of heaven and earth, and the Creator of all things: the Elohim (God) of Abraham, Isaac, Israel and Ishmael (whom Hagar, Sarah’s maid, bore to Abraham).

Knowing and using the true names of the Creator and Giver of all life, the Elohim (God) of heaven and earth and all worlds: Yahweh (the Father), Yahushua Ha Mashiach (Jesus Christ) and the Ruach Ha Kodesh (the Holy Spirit) are important and prevent much confusion. This is because there are millions of gods and lords worshipped by the people in this world.

As instructed by the Ruach Ha Kodesh, in this Message I have used the Hebrew names of the Elohim of all worlds, including Planet Earth: the Elohim of Abraham, Isaac, Israel and Ishmael (whom Hagar, Sarah’s maid, bore to Abraham). As instructed by the Ruach Ha Kodesh, I have avoided the common titles of “God”, “Lord” and the name “Jesus” as much as possible when addressing our Elohim, except in the Scripture Passages where the titles appear, or where they appear in brackets. The names of the TRUE ELOHIM (the GOD of Israel) used in this Message are:

YAHWEH: This Name is the Name of our Heavenly Father. It was also the name of Yahushua, which He shared with our Heavenly Father, before He came to this world in human form and took the Name, Yahushua, which means: Yahweh saves (Matthew 1:21).

YAHWEH, is the Self-existing (not created by anyone and exists by His own power) Isaiah 43: 10-15; eternal (without beginning and end) Psalm 90:2; immutable (un-changing) Malachi 3:6; omnipotent (all powerful, all wise) Genesis 17:1; omniscient (knows and understands all things) John 21:17; and the omnipresent (present everywhere at the same time) Jeremiah 23:24; loving Elohim; the Creator, Sustainer and Giver of all life (John 1: 1-4).

YAHWEH, was the Name, Yahweh Himself, revealed to Moses, His servant, at the burning bush, in the land of Midian, over three thousand years ago (Exodus 3: 14,15).

YAHUSHUA: (JESUS) is the Name, Yahweh, Himself took, when He took upon Himself humanity and came to this world to pay the price for our salvation. Yahushua, or Yahweh Shua, means: “Yahweh saves” or “Yahweh is our Salvation”!! (Matthew 1:21)

Thus, YAHWEH, the Creator, Elohim ( the God of Israel) Himself, became our Saviour.

MASHIACH: is the Hebrew Name for Messiah, the Anointed One (Isaiah 61:1), or Christ, in the Greek language.
HA: means True

RUACH HA KODESH: is the Hebrew name for the Holy Spirit, or Holy Ghost.

ELOHIM: is a Hebrew word used for God. It expresses the idea of Yahweh’s creative power, His greatness, might, prominence, sovereignty, omnipotence, and that He alone is the ONLY TRUE GOD (Genesis 1:1; Genesis 2:4; Psalm 19:1; Isaiah 9:6; Isaiah 42: 5-9; Isaiah 43: 9-15; Isaiah 44: 1, 2, 6-8).

In this Message, Elohim, is used to refer to Yahweh, the Father, Yahushua and the Ruach Ha Kodesh, instead of the common and overused title: God.

ADON: is a Hebrew word for Lord. ADONAI is also a Hebrew word for Lord.

As I researched the Names which were new to me, I gathered much important information about the Names which are used to address the Heavenly ELOHIM: Yahweh, our Father, Yahushua, our Saviour and the Ruach Ha Kodesh (the Holy Spirit). I have included a little of the information I have gathered so that those who wish to have a better understanding of these Names can do so. Likewise, they show just how futile are the titles of “God”, “Lord”, “Jehovah”, etc. which are commonly used.

As I have researched I have found that Names of our Adonai and Saviour are spelt in various ways, e.g. Yeshua, Yahshua, and Yahushua. In these writings I have used the name, Yahushua, as the Ruach Ha Kodesh has led me. Yah in the Name, Yahushua, is the same as Yah in the name, Yahweh, which was Yahushua’s own name before He took the name, Yahushua, His saving Name, and came to Planet Earth to be our Saviour and Adonai (Lord).

The names are also to show the wisdom of the Ruach Ha Kodesh (the Holy Spirit) and why He brought their true names: Yahweh, Yahushua Ha Mashiach, and the Ruach Ha Kodesh, to my attention, and instructed me to use them in this Message. Thus, those of you who did not know Their true Names, will now know and begin to address Them by these holy names if you so desire.

It is my earnest prayer that you will pay keen attention to the Message attached and make the necessary preparations to be ready to meet King, Yahushua (Jesus), when He comes in His awesome, spectacular and majestic splendour in the very near future. He has prepared homes for you in Heaven (John 14: 1-3), so that you can spend part of eternity with Him there, followed by continued eternal life of peace, joy, happiness and security in the new earth, which He will make (Revelation 21: 1-5). There are many glorious things He has laid up in store for all who will accept HIM as their Adonai (Lord) and Saviour. This is confirmed in 1 Corinthians 2: 9, and says:

But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which [Yahweh] God hath prepared for them that love him.

By Yahushua’s grace, may each of you be ready to meet King Yahushua when He comes in majestic glory and splendour for His saints. May you be numbered among the saints who will return to Heaven with Him to spend one thousand years, enjoying all the great and wonderful things He has waiting for His children there. That will then be followed by everlasting life and all the glories of the new earth, which Yahushua will make (1 Corinthians 2:9; Revelation 20: 4, 6; Revelation 21: 1-5).

Finally, by Yahweh’s grace, may each of you and your loved ones be saved when Yahushua Ha Mashiach, our King, Saviour and Lord, returns to this world for His saints in the very near future.

Yours in the Service of King Yahushua Ha Mashiach (Jesus Christ),

Benita Darrel.
(Prophetess of Yahushua Ha Mashiach, in these End times)


I sought permission from the authors of the Following Websites (whom I was able to contact), concerning the Holy Names and Titles of ELOHIM (GOD) Used in The Message: “Yahushua Ha Mashiach’s Prophecies For the Future of Mankind.” For those whom I have been unable to contact, I give thanks for publishing their Articles, which enabled me to get the necessary information which I needed. The Web Sites which I visited, are as follows:

Craig Bluemel from his article: “The Origin of the English Word for God.” Part One from his website:

Dr. Daniel Goldberg from his article: “The Names of Messiah in the Old Testament: ELOHIM” From his website: of the Chosen People Ministries.

I would also like to say thanks to others from whose websites I have copied information. I have been unable to contact the authors. These websites are:
In 2006, another Message was given for the World at large. To the Christian leaders it was sent out under the Title: From the article: “The Mistaken J” From the Article: “Yahushua is the true name of the Messiah” From the Article on the name Ruach Ha Kodesh From the Article: True Name of our Heavenly Father as revealed to Moses”, by Dr. Lee Warren, B.A., D.D. I quote from the Article Bible Study: From Adonai to Yahweh: A Glossary of God’s Names: