Thursday 3 April 2008


I was born in Jamaica, in the Parish of St. Mary, in 1944. I am the first daughter of the late Solomon Augustus Malcolm and the late Venetia Cameron-Reid. I am also blessed to share the same grand parents, the late Alberta and Omariah Malcolm, as the legendary singer, the late Bob Marley. I have resided in the UK since I was 16 years old. I am a very ordinary person and a former Registered Nurse and Midwife, by profession. I am married to a Minister of Religion, Lloyd Antonio (now officially retired from the paid Ministry). We have two biological children and one son whom we adopted while we worked as missionaries in North Ghana, West Africa.

Since I was a little child and before I knew anything about Yahweh, Yahushua and the Ruach Ha Kodesh, my Elohim (the God of Israel), I began to have heavenly dreams. I had my first dream about the age of 7 years. In that dream I saw Yahushua (Jesus) coming back to the world in majestic splendour accompanied by a multitude of bright shining angels, blowing their trumpets. It was a glorious sight.

Throughout my life I have been blessed with dreams. From a young age, I have been most privileged to be shown accurate details of certain things that would take place in my life, or in the lives of others. These are always fulfilled as they have been shown to me, including at times, the very words or conversations spoken in the dreams. Some of what I am shown includes details of the lives of certain persons and what is about to happen to them. Among the things I am shown are pregnancies, before or after conception. At such times I am shown the gender of the child, including the complexion and features. These are always fulfilled as shown when the child is born. Sometimes when I inform the persons concerned regarding what I have been shown about them, they have told me: “The LORD is revealing my secrets to you!!”

At times I am given the “word of knowledge” (i.e. I am shown while I am fully awake, precise details about what is happening to a person at that moment in time). At other times, the Ruach Ha Kodesh (the Holy Spirit) will speak to me directly about an individual, or lay the burden upon me to get in touch with that individual, or to pay a visit if the person lives locally.

As soon as I am given the “word of knowledge” or the Ruach Ha Kodesh speaks to me, depending on what I have been shown or told, I begin to intercede in prayer on behalf of the person I am shown; or I will contact the person by telephone, or visit if the person lives locally. I have been told by those for whom I have interceded (prayed for), including my own son, Joel, that they were in very serious trouble (at the time they were shown to me, or the Ruach Ha Kodesh spoke to me about them), such as just being saved from a serious or fatal accident on the roads.

For those whom I have called or visited, the response has always been one of gratitude. They have all told me that it was the “LORD” who made me call or visit. Such persons have always been in urgent need of prayer or needed help in some form; including prayer for healing, if they were ill in bed. There have also been times when I have contacted someone and learnt that a tragedy or something on a similar scale had occurred, such as personal or financial loss, or severe hardship or troubles, or they were in a depressed or troubled mental state. At such times I have prayed for them, or given the needed assistance, if required, with the help of the Ruach HaKodesh who is always with me.

Through the dreams I am given, as well as the "word of knowledge”, or being spoken to by the Ruach Ha Kodesh (the Holy Spirit); I have been able to avoid certain situations in my own life, or pray and ask for divine guidance or intervention to deal with the matter, or to avert the troubles or dangers I am shown.

Sometimes I am shown things about others before they occur. Thus I am able to pray concerning what I have been shown about them. I am able also to inform them about what I have seen, so that they can be aware of what is about to take place. Thus they can pray about the matter also and make wise decisions, or take appropriate actions. If required, I will help or give the needed assistance

In early 1990, the Ruach Ha Kodesh (the Holy Spirit) called me to the prophetic office. This call was not made in private. It was done during a Prayer Meeting in my home. On that specific occasion, the Ruach HaKodesh, spoke to me through one of the ladies in the Prayer group, and told me that I have been called to do a special work for my Elohim (God). My husband was taken aback and made it known as soon as we were off our knees, that he did not want me to do such a work. After he made his disapproval known, I told him in the hearing of everyone in the room, that if my Elohim wants me to do a work for Him, then I would do it, because He has first place in my life. However, I assured him that I would continue to play my role as his wife. Following the call to the Prophetic office, in a dream, I was given a white dress soaked in olive oil and told that I should always pray in white. In another dream, three white doves came and rested upon my shoulders.

I cannot tell why I have been chosen for this work in the prophetic office, however, our Elohim has always called whom He will to this office since time began. Thus over the centuries He has always sent messages, warnings, etc. to His people, as His Word declares:
Surely [Adonai, Yahweh] the Lord GOD will do nothing, but he revealeth his secret unto his servants the prophets. Amos 3: 7

Soon after the call by the Ruach Ha Kodesh, He began to lay the heavy burden upon me to write Messages. These Messages were for Seventh Day Adventist Denomination, of which I was a member for most of my life; for other spiritual leaders around the world; for the World at large and for certain individuals, including Mr George Bush, President of the United States of America, to whom a Message was sent in January 2008. When I am given a Message to do, a very heavy weight rests upon me; there is also fire within my bones and a great urgency to get the work done. The weight is not lifted, neither is the fire quenched until I begin to do the work.

In July 1991, I began to have visions and dreams from Yahushua my Saviour in accordance with Numbers 6: 12:

If there be a prophet among you, [Yahweh]I the LORD will make myself known unto him in a vision, and will speak unto him in a dream.

And Job 33: 14-16.

14For [Yahweh] God speaketh once, yea twice, yet man perceiveth it not. 15 In a dream, in a vision of the night, when deep sleep falleth upon men, in slumberings upon the bed; 16Then he openeth the ears of men, and sealeth their instruction.

In my first vision in July 1991, I saw Yahushua (Jesus) seated upon His throne, wearing a golden crown and His sceptre in His hand. He was encircled by a most beautiful rainbow. He was in the air just in front of my home. From that time onwards I have been shown various heavenly scenes. These include: Yahushua interceding before Yahweh, the Father, on behalf of the human race; His Second Coming, and the City, the New Jerusalem; I was also shown a giant clock. This clock was suspended in the air and moving. The minute hand was just seconds away from midnight (indicating how near we are to the Coming of Yahushua). Radiating from this clock was a very bright light which illumined wherever it went. I was shown many other scenes which included: the world on fire which destroyed everything in its wake; and also a gigantic black plastic bag which reached from high up in the heavens to below the ground. Satan was frantically snatching people as fast as he could and throwing them into that enormous long bag.

I have also seen Yahushua several times in these visions, in which He spoke to me at times or personally attended to me. In one of these visions, He told me that I should not be afraid to do the work, or whatever He gives me to do. At times when I close my eyes but while I am still fully awake, I see wonderful heavenly scenes. On one such occasion I saw Yahushua. At first He was standing gazing at me, then He went down on His knees in prayer. I realised He wanted me to devote more time for prayer in my life. Since then I have devoted much time to fasting and prayer.

Once I experienced the wrath of the Ruach Ha Kodesh because of disobedience. That occurred in 1992. One morning I complained of being tired and asked Him to allow me to sleep a while longer (at that time I would normally be awakened at 3 am to begin work). That request was granted. The following morning when I was awakened, I again made the request to sleep a little longer. On that occasion an intense fire enveloped me. It was such that I sprang out of bed. My husband felt the heat and commented that the fire was severe, to which I replied that it was due to my disobedience.

At times I am very reluctant to do the work, and will ask the Ruach Ha Kodesh to give it to someone else. Thus far, He has ignored my requests and will always tell me to get on with it. Once I am given a Message, I devote much of my time to it until it is completed and sent out.

In 1990, when I began to do the work of Yahushua, my Master, I wrote under my maiden name, Etta Flynn. In recent times I have been writing under the name of Benita Darrel, part of the new name which the Ruach Ha Kodesh (the Holy Spirit) gave to me

Each time I received a Message, I thought that would be the last one I would get but it has not been so; hence the Messages the Ruach Ha Kodesh (the Holy Spirit) has commissioned me to do over the years. These Messages are mainly to inform the World of Yahushua’s (Jesus’) Soon Return and the importance of being ready to meet Him, our blessed Saviour, in peace; so that we can spend eternity with Him in His Kingdom of love, peace, righteousness and joy; completely free from all the evils and iniquities in this present world due to sin.

Yahushua is not willing that anyone should perish but that all should repent from their sins and live eternally with Him. Thus He, our Creator and righteous Elohim ( the God of Israel), has paid a great price for our redemption. This He did by laying aside His Divinity, then coming from Heaven, His throne and dwelling place, to this world; where He took upon Himself humanity, then willingly suffered and died for each one of us. Thus He paid the price for our sins.

Yahushua made that great sacrifice to save us, the human race, from the curse of sin and Death, brought upon us because of Satan, the adversary. Sadly, we have all sinned and come short of Yahweh’s glory (Romans 3: 23); the wages of which is death, but through Yahushua’s death we have the gift of eternal life (Romans 6: 23). Thus all those who accept His sacrifice, will be saved from the torments in Hell when they die, and from eternal torments in the Lake of fire and brimstone in the final Judgment (Matthew 25: 41, 46; Luke 16: 19-24; Revelation 20: 11-15).

Yahushua, our Creator, Saviour and King, therefore, willingly suffered and died for the sins of the entire world. Three days later, He arose from the dead and ascended to Heaven, His home and dwelling place, where He has prepared beautiful homes (John 14: 1-3) for all who will accept Him as their Saviour and Adonai (Lord). Very soon He will Return and fulfil His Promise in John 14: 1-3.

Since I have been called to the prophetic office, I have devoted much time to do whatever I'm given, and rest very little in between when I am taking a Message from the Ruach Ha Kodesh because Times are serious! and the Master's work is always urgent! Once I have done my part, the rest is in His hands.

In addition to the Messages, I have done over the years, I have also written the manuscript for the book, WHY DIE?? This was given through the inspiration of the Ruach Ha Kodesh. I have also written many poems and songs under His inspiration. I have put some of the dreams and visions which I have had into verses.

In 2002, the Ruach Ha Kodesh told me that my new name was to be: Beloved and Blessed of Yahweh (God). I spoke to the family about it, and they all agreed upon the change the family name from, Antonio. My husband looked up the nearest equivalent to the Hebrew, and came up with Darrel, for Beloved, and Asherel for Blessed. Hence our family name: Darrel-Asherel.
I also chose the First names: Ellisa, meaning, Godly, and Benita, meaning, Blessed. I retained the name Rose, Hence my Initials: EBR.

The Ruach Ha Kodesh (the Holy Spirit) has blessed me with the Healing and Deliverance Ministry. Before ministering to anyone, I am enveloped in heat of various intensity. This is the anointing of the Ruach Ha Kodesh, who does His works and miracles through me, because I am powerless and can do nothing of myself. Hence John the Baptist’s words concerning what Yahushua would do:

He shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost, and with fire. Matthew 3:11.

And on the day of Pentecost, the disciples experienced the power of the Ruach Ha Kodesh (the Holy Spirit) upon them as:
Cloven tongues like as of fire, and it sat upon each of them. Acts 2:3.

I have ministered to many persons through prayer and from the reports to date, many prayers have been answered and many wonderful miracles have been wrought, in the name of Yahushua, through the Ruach Ha Kodesh’s (the Holy Spirit’s) mighty power. The prayers have been answered and the miracles have been wrought whether or not I have laid hands upon the persons for whom I have prayed, and regardless of where in the world they reside, or whether they were aware or unaware that they ministered to through prayer. Once their cases are presented to Yahweh (God the Father) in Yahushua’s name, the prayers have been answered as Yahushua has seen fit because He, Yahushua, says in His Word:

12Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto [Yahweh] my Father. 13And whatsoever ye shall ask in my name, that will I do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. 14If ye shall ask any thing in my name, I will do it. John 14: 12-14.

I have also ministered over the telephone and many of them have told me they have had answers to the prayers offered, including miraculous healings.

Among the prayers answered was that of a young lady who lived in Zimbabwe, East Africa and was dying from Cryptococcal Meningitis. This is a disease I am told, which no one survives. During the time of her illness in 2002, one morning I was having a telephone conversation with her mother (who was residing England at that time, and who was herself, a medical doctor), when she told me the critical condition of her daughter. I prayed with the mother for her daughter immediately and rebuked the illness. The following evening I spoke to her mother again, and then she gave me the wonderful news that her daughter was miraculously healed the very moment I prayed for her the day before. That young lady came to the UK later that year and was eventually seen by a Specialist from the USA who specialises in Cryptococcal Meningitis. She told me that when he saw her, he had to concede that her healing was a miracle because no one survives that disease. She is alive and well at the time of writing.

Another case, was that of a young lady who was dying from the HIV virus, which had developed into full blown AIDS. Her family were informed of her critical condition and told that her organs were ‘shutting down’ and that there was nothing more the doctors could do for her. They were given no hope for her survival. I was informed about her condition and went immediately to the Hospital, where I prayed for her healing in the name of Yahushua, and anointed her with olive oil. After her discharge from the Hospital I visited her at her home.

During our conversation, that young lady told me that after I prayed and left her hospital room, she was alone in the room when a voice told her to “Forgive the nurses and the doctors!” This was followed by the singing of the song: Lift up the trumpet and loud let is ring, Jesus is coming again. Following the singing, she told me that she sat up with new life flowing through her veins. The sudden improvement in her condition astonished the doctors and nurses. A couple of hours later, she told me, she was transferred from the High Dependency Unit to an ordinary ward, from where she was discharged home soon afterwards. That miraculous healing was in May 2003. At the time of writing this report, she is alive and well and caring for her family.

In 2005 when the Hurricane season began, I received a call from a very worried relative in Jamaica to say that Hurricane Dennis was about to hit the island, the Eye of which was to pass over Jamaica. Immediately I went into prayer and interceded for the island. I prayed and asked Yahweh, my Heavenly Father, to let Hurricane Dennis by-pass the island. He answered my prayer. As a bonus when Hurricane Emily came a few days later, she also by-passed the island. Likewise, the previous year when Hurricane, Ivan, struck the West Indies; we heard the news over the Media of its onset. The Eye of that hurricane was also to pass over Jamaica. I prayed and asked Yahweh to let Ivan by-pass the island. My prayer was answered. (I know that others were also praying for that same hurricane; however, I am convinced that my prayer also helped because what I prayed and asked for was granted.)

There was also a terrible drought in Jamaica which followed Hurricane Ivan. In early 2005, I spoke with a relative and she told me about the dire situation on the island. I told her that I would pray over the situation, which I did. In my prayer I asked Yahweh, in Yahushua’s name, to send rain to the island. Sometime later I spoke to my relative and she informed me that two days after we spoke, the rains came.

In August 2006, it was announced that Hurricane Ernesto was heading for Jamaica and that the Eye was to pass over the island. It was also heading for Cuba and some of the other islands in the West Indies. Heavy rains were already dumping the island of Jamaica. My husband heard the forecast and came and told me. Immediately we went into prayer and asked our Heavenly Father, Yahweh, in the Name of Yahushua, to stop that Hurricane from hitting the islands.

Once again Yahweh, in His mercy, heard and answered our prayers and put an end to Hurricane Ernesto. We give thanks and praise to our Elohim (the God of Israel) for hearing and answering our prayer on behalf of those who would have been badly affected by its ferocity.

On the morning of January 18, 2007, I woke up to a strong hurricane. At that moment I remembered that my daughter was going out and so I prayed to Yahweh, my Heavenly Father, and in the Name of Yahushua commanded the hurricane to stop. Immediately it stopped and the place was peaceful. For the rest of the morning there was calm and beautiful sunshine. After lunchtime that same day, the very strong winds started again and began to blow out my neighbour’s panels in his fence. I then realised that the hurricane had returned. Once again I prayed to Yahweh, my Heavenly Father, and in the Name of Yahushua commanded the hurricane to be still. Immediately the hurricane stopped.

Sadly, for the short time that the hurricane was active, it overturned many trees, did much damage to properties and took several lives. I am very grateful to Yahweh, my Heavenly Father, that He brought the hurricane under control so that it was not allowed to run its full course. Failing His intervention, the damage would have been greater, and likewise, so would the loss of life.

On Friday January 19, 2007, it was announced over the Media that there would be another hurricane to hit the country, which would be just as severe as the one the previous day. Once again I prayed to Yahweh, My Heavenly Father, in the Name of Yahushua, and asked that the predicted hurricane would not occur. Yahweh heard my prayer and on Saturday, January 20, 2007, instead of the predicted hurricane; we had a calm, sunny and beautiful winter’s day. Once again I am very grateful to Yahweh, my Heavenly Father, for putting a stop to that predicted hurricane and continue to give thanks to Him for His loving kindness, goodness and tender mercies toward us.

Upon the instruction of the Ruach Ha Kodesh (the Holy Spirit), we now operate a weekly Ministry: Messiah’s Return Prayer of Faith International Ministries, which is under the total control of the Ruach Ha Kodesh, our Teacher and Instructor. Our beliefs are based upon Yahweh’s Word, the Holy Scriptures.

In Messiah’s Return Prayer of Faith International Ministries, we endeavour to do the works which Yahushua did while He was upon the earth, and which He has commissioned His followers and believers to do in the commands He gave in His Holy Word. Among those commands is Mark 16: 15-18:

Go ye into the entire world, and preach the gospel to every creature. 16He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned. 17And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues; 18They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover.

In Messiah’s Return Prayer of Faith International Ministries, we worship on the Bible Sabbath, Saturday, and adhere to the Word of Yahweh in the Holy Scriptures. Each week we take time to pray and intercede. Among the many needs we present in prayer before Yahweh, our Heavenly Father, are: prayers for the world leaders and governments; the severe persecution and martyrdom of Christians in many lands; the peace of Jerusalem; the various wars and the victims of wars; victims of disasters and for the people of the world to know and accept Yahushua as their Saviour, before it is eternally too late!!

Each week we also pray for the personal needs of those who attend the Ministry and would like prayers for themselves or for others. We do not discriminate and pray for people of all faiths. Among such prayers are prayers for healing for the ones needing healing, or for others whom prayers are also requested. We do this in obedience to Yahushua’s command:

And all things, whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive. Matthew 21:22.

They shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover. Mark 16: 15-18.

By Yahweh's grace and with the help of the Ruach HaKodesh, I endeavour to do the work that the Ruach Ha HaKodesh has laid upon me, in this prophetic office which He has called me to, in making the Good News of the Return of Yahushua known, as well as all other works in this office, and in the work of the Ministry, which He has laid upon me. Most importantly, my resolve is to bless my Elohim (God) and bring honour and glory to Him and to bless His people, where ever they may be in this world.

The times in which we are living, are very serious times indeed, and they will become far more serious each day as the Coming of Yahushua draws nearer for His waiting children, to take them to Heaven; and to bring an end to sin and the evils in this world. It is my prayer that as you read this Message, lovingly sent by our blessed Saviour and Redeemer, Yahushua, that you will see its; realise the seriousness of these times, and make the necessary preparation to be ready to meet Him in joy and peace at His Return in the very near future. By Yahushua’s grace I hope to meet you then; when by His grace, we will be forever with Him, our blessed Saviour, Redeemer and King.