Due to sin, our bodies
are given to us to live in this world and they are all subject to death, decay
and corruption (1 Corinthians 15: 50 ). Therefore, in our
natural, mortal state our bodies cannot go to heaven to be with our Saviour or
to spend eternity with Him. Instead,
they must return to the dust (depending on the method of disposal). Neither will
they stand in the final judgment, for those who will be in that judgment.
For those who are
redeemed by the blood of Yahushua, at His return to this world, those who died
in Him, will be resurrected and given new immortal and incorruptible bodies.
Into each body Elohim will place their individual spirits (spirit and souls)
which were with Him in Heaven.
At the resurrection of
the righteous, they will once again be fully tripartite beings of spirit, soul
and body. Their new bodies will be
glorified, immortal and incorruptible bodies which will never die again and be
separated from their spirit beings.
For the redeemed who are
alive at the return of Elohim Yahushua Ha Mashiach, their bodies will also be
changed into immortal and incorruptible bodies like unto the glorified bodies
of Yahushua which will no longer be subject to death (1 Corinthians
At the return of Yahushua
for His faithful children, He will take both the resurrected and the living to
Heaven, His throne, where they will spend one thousand years with Him
As Revelation 20:4,6
tells us:
“…they lived
and reigned with Christ a thousand years.
This is the first
resurrection… 6 Blessed and holy is he that hath part in the
first resurrection: on such the second death hath no power, but they shall be
priests of God and of Christ, and shall reign with him a thousand years”.
Sadly, for those who
have rejected Yahushua’s love, grace and sacrifice for them, they will be
resurrected a thousand years later after King Yahushua has returned for His
redeemed children. Concerning this we read in Revelation 20: 5:
“But the rest of the dead lived not again until the thousand years
were finished”.
Their resurrection,
however, will be only for a short time
so that they can be in the final judgment to give an account of the lives they
were blessed with. Unlike the redeemed,
they will not be resurrected in glorified immortal bodies. (Revelation 20: 7).
At their resurrection,
their individual spirits and souls which were in torment will again be placed
in their bodies to make them fully tripartite beings. The records of their
lives (the videos) which were recorded in the books of heaven while they were
alive in this world, will be brought to their attention.
Each one in that final
judgment will then be judged from the things which are recorded in those books.
At that time every person will have to give an account to Elohim Yahweh, Why
they are in that final Judgment and Why
they rejected Yahushua, who died to give them eternal life and to save them
from that fiery judgment.
No one in that final
judgment, in spite of how penitent they are then, will be able to repent of
their sins or find forgiveness. It will be the time for their reward along with
Satan who deceived them. In those bodies in which they were resurrected, they will
ALL be judged and receive their reward in the everlasting lake of fire and brimstone which has been prepared for
Satan and his angels (Revelation 20: 11 -15; Matthew 25:41).
Once our spirit is “born again” and the soul is “converted” to
Yahushua Ha Mashiach by the power of the Ruach Ha Kodesh, He is able to
have free access to our entire being:
spirit, soul and body through our spirit man.
The Ruach Ha Kodesh can then guide and direct us who are “born
again” and “converted”, in the ways of Yahushua. He will
also be able to intercede before the Father on our behalf, as we are
told in Romans 8: 26,27:
“Likewise the Spirit
[the Ruach Ha Kodesh] also helpeth our
infirmities: for we know not what we should pray for as we ought: but the
Spirit itself maketh intercession for us with groanings which cannot be
27 And he that searcheth
the hearts knoweth what is the mind of the Spirit, because he maketh
intercession for the saints according to the will of [Elohim] God”.
Once this channel of communication is opened to the Ruach Ha
Kodesh, He will help us to have a close relationship with Yahweh our Father and
Yahushua our Saviour.
It is important, therefore, that
once we have given our lives to Yahushua, we allow the Ruach Ha Kodesh
to continue to be in control of our spirit-beings, i.e. spirit and soul, as
well as our bodies. As we feed our
physical bodies, we should also daily feed our spirit being (spirit and soul)
with the Word of our Elohim, prayer and worship, as well as fellow-shipping with others
in the body of Yahushua. That is the reason Paul admonishes us in Ephesians 5:
18-20, that we should:
“…be filled with the
Spirit [the Ruach Ha Kodesh]; 19 speaking to yourselves in
psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart
to the Lord; 20 giving thanks always for all things unto [Elohim]
God and the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ [Adonai Yahushua Ha
Paul also admonishes us in Hebrews 10: 25:
“Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of
some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day
In order to nourish our spirit being we must have personal relationship with Yahushua we
and fully surrender our lives to our Elohim. Therefore, we have to allow the Ruach Ha
Kodesh to have free access in our daily lives. As we do we will have the
assurance that we are children of Elohim,
as Romans 8:16 , tells us:
Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit, that we are the children of
[Elohim] God”.
This is what every follower of Yahushua
should strive to be: children of Elohim, as by His grace we await His return to this world for His children. Faithful children who have accepted Him as their personal
Saviour and given Him first place in their lives. Children, who though they
live in this world beset by great trials and troubles, will remain faithful to
their Saviour until death, with the assurance that they will receive a crown of
life (Revelation 2:10).
We are not just bodies as Satan would
like us to believe in order that he can destroy us. We are more than the bodies we live in. We are first made in the image of Elohim and
given bodies, His gifts to us. The apostle Paul knew the importance of our
tripartite beings and therefore he admonishes the followers of Yahushua in
1 Thessalonians 5:23:
the very God of peace sanctify you wholly; and I pray God your whole spirit and
soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ
[Adonai Yahushua Ha Mashiach]”.
By the grace of Yahushua, our Saviour,
let us endeavour each day to heed the admonition of Paul, so that like
him, we can be found blameless at all
times. This is very important as we await the return of Yahushua our coming
King. We should also endeavour to be blameless before our Elohim because we
could die and leave this world at
anytime. Therefore, at all times we
should be in a state of readiness to go and be with Yahushua Ha Mashiach in His
kingdom of glory.