Friday, 9 July 2010


Recently someone sent me this question:

“What is the blasphemy of the Holy Spirit and what would happen to someone who has committed that sin”.

In my reply I wrote:

You will find Yahushua’s answer to your question in Matthew 12: 22-32.

The simple explanation is: It is to attribute to Satan the work the Ruach Ha Kodesh, the Holy Spirit, is doing through those whom He has given His gifts (1 Corinthians 12: 3-13). Among those works wrought by the Ruach Ha Kodesh are the healings, giving sight to the blind, speech to the dumb, hearing to the deaf and casting out demons; which He does through the followers of Yahushua.

To illustrate this terrible sin of blasphemy against the Ruach Ha Kodesh, I will use Pastor Benny Hinn as example (if you do not know who he is you can access his website). He is one through whom the Ruach Ha Kodesh does many miracles around the world. There are those who criticise him and say that he is doing the work of the devil, whom they say is working through him. They go as far as to say that our Elohim (God) has nothing to do with those healings (even though they are done in the Name of Yahushua).

Those who make themselves judges and attribute the healings, etc.( performed by the Ruach Ha Kodesh) to Satan; have committed and are committing the sin of blasphemy. This is because they take the work of the Ruach Ha Kodesh and attribute it to Satan, instead of our Elohim Who is Yahweh Raphael, our Healer. This is what the Pharisees did when Yahushua healed the blind and dumb man who was possessed with a devil. They accused Him of casting out demons through the power of “Beelzebub, prince of the devils” (Matthew 12: 24). Yahushua saw the evils of such accusations, hence His warning against those who commit this sin of blasphemy. He also spoke about the serious consequence which accompanies that that terrible sin of blasphemy. To those who commit such a sin, He says:

“it shall not be forgiven him, neither in this in this world neither in the world to come”. Matthew 12: 32.(KJV)

Sadly, many of those who profess to be followers of Yahushua, are guilty of this terrible sin against the Ruach Ha Kodesh because of their super critical ways. Such ones do not appreciate the work of the Ruach Ha Kodesh, neither they know Him. Therefore, they are blind to what He is doings especially in the supernatural, thus they are quick to condemn and attribute the work He is doing in the lives of the servants of Yahushua to Satan and his hosts.

While Yahushua was upon the earth, He had laid aside His divine powers and depended upon the Ruach Ha Kodesh to do His work through Him. Thus the works and mighty miracles He did were done through the Ruach Ha Kodesh as we read in Luke 4:1,18,19. Before Yahushua suffered and died for the children of men, He told His disciples that He would pray to His Father, Yahweh, to send them the Ruach Ha Kodesh (John 14: 16,17, 26). He also told them the work the Ruach Ha Kodesh would do as it is recorded in John 15: 26,27 and also in John 16: 7-14.

Before Yahushua returned to Heaven, He commissioned His disciples to do the works He did and then breathed on them and told them to receive the Ruach Ha Kodesh (John 20:21,22); the One through He did the mighty works while He ministered upon earth. Then just before His ascension, He told them that they were to wait for the Promise of the Father, the Ruach Ha Kodesh, with Whom they would be baptised. Being baptised with the Ruach Ha Kodesh was imperative!! This was necessary so that they would receive power to do the works of Yahushua and to be His witnesses throughout the world (Act 1: 4-8; John 14: 12-14).

The Ruach Ha Kodesh is our Elohim here upon the earth, through Whom we are baptised into the body of Yahushua (1 Corinthians 12:13). He is the One Who convicts, convinces and converts us. He is our comforter, Leader, Teacher and Guide (John 14:16, 17, 26; John 16:7-15). He is the Elohim Who intercedes for us (Romans 8: 26,27)and Who empowers us to do the mighty works of Yahushua (Acts 1:8). He is the Elohim Who gives us the “fruit the Spirit”, including the fruit of “love” which heads the list of nine (Galatians 5: 22,23).

Yahushua told us in Matthew 7: 16-20 about the “fruit” we bear. Thus by our fruit it will be known whether we belong to Yahushua our Saviour, or the adversary, Satan. We are told we are not to grieve the Ruach Ha Kodesh because it is He Who seals us for the day of redemption (Ephesians 4:30). Therefore, when people attribute the works He is doing through the followers and ministers of Yahushua to help and deliver those who are oppressed and afflicted by Satan, He is grieved, very grieved!! These are just a few of the numerous things which the Ruach Ha Kodesh does as our Elohim.

The Ruach Ha Kodesh is co-equal with Yahweh our Father and with Yahushua our Saviour. His role in our wellbeing and eternal salvation is imperative. Therefore, when out of ignorance, arrogance or whatever one would like to call it, anyone attributes the works He is doing in this world to Satan; then there is no hope of them being forgiven or saved in Yahweh's eternal kingdom. This is so sad because they are rejecting and likening the Elohim (the Ruach Ha Kodesh, Who is here to save them and guide and help them) to Satan himself. Therefore, by their very action of likening the works of the Ruach Ha Kodesh to Satan, they reject the Ruach Ha Kodesh (Who is our Elohim here upon earth) and close the door to their own salvation, whereby they seal their own doom. Sadly, by their own actions they commit the sin of blasphemy, the sin which Yahushua says: “will not be forgiven neither in this world, neither in the world to come”. Matthew 12: 32.

The sin of blasphemy is the most serious and awful sin that anyone can commit. People, especially the self-righteous and super-critical, need to know how very serious is this sin of blasphemy. It is not those who are NOT followers of Yahushua who are guilty of the sin of Blasphemy. IT IS COMMITTED BY MANY OF THOSE WHO PROFESS TO BE “BORN-AGAIN”, FOLLOWERS OF YAHUSHUA

May the Ruach Ha Kodesh, our Elohim here upon earth, help everyone of us to be aware of this terrible sin, so that we do not commit the sin of blasphemy against Him and lose our eternal reward of life everlasting with Yahushua, our Saviour , both in n Heaven and in the world to come - the new earth.