Once again it is the Christmas season, the most wonderful time of the year. It is the time when we celebrate our precious Saviour’s Birth as streets, homes and shops are lit up with the most beautiful lights, reflecting the Yahushua, the True LIGHT of the world!!
The 25th of December and the weeks leading up to it when there are great activities and preparations to celebrate the occasion, is a most wonderful time of the year. However, it is certainly not the time of year when our loving Yahushua Ha Mashiach was born into this world. The winter festivities began as a pagan festival and later the Christians adopted it to honour their blessed Saviour’s Birth. It is for this reason why some Christian denominations refuse to celebrate the Christmas Season.
A few of those who are followers of Yahushua may refuse to celebrate this blessed season; however, the greater majority of His followers in many countries ensure that His Birth is well and truly celebrated. Carols, Christmas plays and concerts, as well as other celebrations tell anew the wonderful story of His Birth, as they invent ways of depicting His first Advent into this world. Thus year after year the Birth of Yahushua into this world is kept alive.
In some schools there are Christmas programmes when the Scriptures pertaining to Yahushua’s Birth are read. At such times children are dressed as Mary and Joseph and other characters act out the story anew. There is usually a manger scene with a doll in a cradle which represents Yahushua. There are angels and shepherds and wise men all playing their parts, while others form the choir and sing out many of the beautiful carols. Parents at such times are proud of their children as they act their part in the Christmas Play.
Although Christmas came into being because of pagan festivities, I am thankful for Christmas. Failing that, the Birth of our loving Saviour would go unnoticed while men and their gods are honoured. In some countries Christmas is not recognised and is passed over as just another ordinary day. It is good that we have a time each year to remember the Birth of Yahushua into this world. Christmas tells anew each year the story of the Birth of Yahushua, our Saviour, and the reason He came to this world. The carols composed under the inspiration of the Ruach Ha Kodesh tell the stories in their own unique way as we celebrate and honour His first Advent.
In these once Christians lands, music rings out to celebrate the “Winter Holidays”, as the season is being termed by many who reject the Christ of Christmas and do not want anything to do with Him. During the season an odd carol may be heard among the music being played in the various stores and supermarkets as shoppers stock up for the Christmas, to ensure that there is plenty to eat and drink and to be merry! In some countries the carols and anything to do with Yahushua, the Saviour of the world, are being removed from the schools and public places.
Many deny that the season is about YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH the Saviour of the world. Instead they look at it as the time to be with friends and loved ones and to enjoy the festive season. However, in spite of how it is regarded, it is still the Christmas season! It is the season which is all about Yahushua Ha Mashiach and His great love for the human race. Yes! It is about YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH, the King of Heaven, our Creator and Elohim. Without the Birth, Death and Resurrection of Yahushua and His Ascension to Heaven, this world would most likely have been destroyed like the world of Noah’s day, due to the great evils and wickednesses and man’s inhumanity to man. Yahushua came into this world and brought great changes and dignity to the human race.
It is because of Yahushua's coming to thus world and what He has done for us why there are schools and other institutions of learning. It is because of Him why there are hospitals and other such institutions. It is because of Him why this world is not destroyed by wars, crimes, murders and man-made and natural disasters! It is because of Yahushua why the status of women in many lands are uplifted instead of being regarded as mere properties who are at the mercy of men! Yahushua’s coming into this world brought hope for the entire human race. This includes those who are in the prisons and those who are suffering from various illnesses and diseases. Through His grace and mercy, all can be saved and delivered from their bondages, including financial bondages.
The Birth of Yahushua into this world is also a constant witness and reminder that He came to this world and that He alone IS THE SAVIOUR OF THE WORLD, the Elohim of LOVE and Mercy. It is only through Him that any of us can come to Yahweh, our heavenly Father, because He is the ONLY WAY, the ONLY LIGHT and the ONLY TRUTH (John 14:6) and the ONLY ONE in whom we have SALVATION AND CAN BE SAVED (John 3: 14-17; Acts 4:12).
The Christmas period which is enjoyed by many in this world is a constant WITNESS that Yahushua came into this world and taht He is the Saviour of the world. Thus it will be used in the Judgment as a witness against those who will make excuses that they did not know that Yahushua is the Saviour of the world. However, that will not be an excuse because it is a constant memorial of His Birth into this world, the time when it is happily enjoyed by so many.
This is a fact of history, both Biblical and world history! Men and nations may deny Him, ridicule Him and deride Him. They may do their utmost to trample His Name in the dirt and do everything in their power to eradicate His Name from society. It matters not what they do, He is still the KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS!!
In the very near future Christmas as we know it, will be no more. This is because Yahushua Ha Mashiach shall return as He has promised in His Word, including John 14: 1-3. However, He will not come as a helpless Babe in
Those, however, who have rejected His love and grace for them will perish at His return (1 Peter 3: 10). A thousand years later Yahushua will return to this world and resurrect all the dead. He will then convene the final Judgment when those who are in that judgment around the great "white throne" will receive their just reward in the Lake of fire and brimstone, along with Satan and his demonic host (Revelation 20: 5, 6, 10-14).
After King Yahushua, the great Judge has meted out judgment to those who have rejected Him and dealt with Satan and his demonic host, He will then cleanse this earth with molten fire and create the new heavens and the new earth which He has promised. There King Yahushua, will live and dwell with all those who accepted Him as their personal Saviour from sin (Malachi 4: 1-3; Revelation 21: 1-5). Each day in the new earth will be a great Christmas celebration as King Yahushua, the true Light, will be with them throughout those ceaseless ages of eternity.
I am awaiting and looking forward for the imminent return of my blessed Saviour, Yahushua, when by His grace I will go home with Him with Him to His throne in Glory. I will not be on my own for all those who have accepted Him as their Saviour will also go with Him to Heaven. There in Heaven with the saints and angels, I will spend a great and wonderful vacation of one thousands years with Him (Revelation 20:4). At the end of that period, King Yahushua will bring us back to this world and create the new earth, where we shall be with our precious Saviour forever.
Friends, this is my hope to go home and be with Yahushua when He returns for I have committed my life to Him and HE IS MY SAVIOUR! This is what Christmas is all about and that is the reason He willingly gave up His throne in Glory and came to this earth and suffered and died on our behalf. YAHUSHUA WILL RETURN TO THIS WORLD for His children!! However, He will not return as a helpless Babe in
If you have accepted Yahushua as your personal Saviour, CONGRATULATIONS!! May His divine peace and blessings remain with you and may you grow each day in His grace as the Ruach Ha Kodesh leads guides and directs you. On the other hand, if you have not made it right with your Saviour and accepted His sacrifice for you, Please think seriously about the consequences of your failure to do so. Just think about these questions:
· What if you should die this day, Where would you go? Where would you spend the rest of eternity??
· What if Yahushua returns today, Would you be ready to meet Him? If not, Where will you go and What will become of your precious soul??
If you are unable to give positive replies to these questions and would like to make your peace with Yahushua and invite Him to be your Saviour, please repeat this prayer:
Yahushua, I believe You are the Son of Yahweh (God) and that you left Your throne in Heaven 2000 years ago and came here to this world. I believe You suffered, shed Your blood and died on the Cross of shame for me, paid the price for my sin and redeemed me from the curse of sin and eternal torment in Hell and the lake of fire and brimstone.
I believe Yahweh, the Father, raised You from the dead after three days in the grave. I believe you returned to Heaven, your throne and that soon You are coming back to this world for Your children.
Yahushua, I confess that I am a sinner in need of Your saving grace. I am sorry for the sins I have committed. Please forgive me. Today, I accept You as my personal Saviour from sin. Please come into my life, cleanse me from all my sins and be the Adonai (Lord) of my life. In Your precious Name, Yahushua, I declare that I am born again and have passed from death to eternal life. Please and baptise and fill me with the Ruach Ha Kodesh (the Holy Spirit) and please use me for Your service.
Gracious Yahweh, my Father, I pray this prayer in Yahushua’s Name Amen.
Once again it is the Christmas Season bringing goodwill to all.
And throughout many lands songs of the Christ Child ring out
Reminding the world that Yahushua came as a Babe in
Two thousands years long past as the Saviour of the world;
Though there was no room for him in the very world He created,
He gladly shared the lowly stable with the animals lying still
As He laid in His cradle of hay on that night so long ago.
Yes, there was no room in any of the hotels and motels
Though others found room with luxuries in abundance;
There was no room for the King of kings except a hostile stable!
Thank Yahweh for the lowly stable where He found room
So that we can celebrate His lowly Birth_ the Mass of Christ!
The Ruach Ha Kodesh and angels were in attendance at the Royal Birth,
While Gabriel announced it to the shepherds keeping watch in the fields,
As the angelic choir sang their welcome songs to them that night;
And throughout all Heaven the glad tidings rang out with rejoicing
That the Saviour of the world, Yahushua, was born.
For though small helpless He had come to deliver mankind from sin.
Two thousands years have come and gone but the songs of
Glad tidings ring out over land and sea from shore to shore,
Telling as the story of the Birth of the Holy Child, Yahweh's Son,
Who left His royal throne and took upon Himself flesh and blood;
So that that He could ransom lost sinners, you and me
In exchange for His beautiful, pure and holy life!
And now at this happy Christmas time, the time of Good will
When lights of every hue and design are shining for all to see;
And as shoppers spend lavishly for gifts, foods and drinks,
And enjoy parties and feasts set aside for this precious season;
I want to say thank YOU Yahushua for making all this possible,
Because You came and gave us Christmas, blessed Christmas!
Christmas is a wonderful time of year whether its Summer or Winter,
As loved ones gather and enjoy the carols, fellowship and festivities.
But all too soon the happy days are o’er and life continues as before,
Until Christmas comes again reminding us of our dear Saviour’s Birth.
Yahushua, we long for Your return when You will take us to Glory
Followed by the new Earth where the joys of Christmas shall never cease.
-- EBRD Asherel©