Monday 28 September 2009


Are you keeping yourself out of the Kingdom of Glory?? This is a personal question to you!! Many who profess to be followers of Yahushua and who believe that that are “born again”, “washed in the blood”, “water baptised” “saved” and “sanctified Christians”, will have some very nasty shocks when they leave this world, either at death or at Yahushua’s return.

Sadly, many such ones make themselves the separated ones and keep themselves from others in the body of Yahushua. Yahushua’s command to all those who profess to be His followers is that we should love one another and be united in Him. In John 13: 34, He gives the command:

“A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another”. 

Yahushua further endorsed this command by saying in John 13:35:

“By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another”.

Yahushua knew that Satan would bring division and separation among His followers and in His last prayer before His suffered for the sins of the world and for all humanity, He prayed to Yahweh, His Father:

9 “My prayer is not for the world, but for those you have given me, because they belong to you. 10 And all of them, since they are mine, belong to you; and you have given them back to me, so they are my glory! 11 Now I am departing the world; I am leaving them behind and coming to you. Holy Father, keep them and care for them—all those you have given me—so that they will be united just as we are. John 17: 9-11 (NTL). 

Here in this passage of Scripture, we see Yahushua praying for all those who are His throughout the centuries up to the time of His return to this world for His children. He did not stipulate groups, churches or religious denominations. Instead, He pointed out to His Father that those who are His were given to Him by He, Yahweh, Himself. Therefore, He claimed all as His and gave them back to His Father. Then He prayed and asked, Yahweh, His Abba (Father) to keep them in His care and that they would be united as He, Yahushua, and His Abba were.

In spite of what Yahushua prayed, what He has written in His Word, and the example He set and left us, there are many who profess to be His followers who ignore all His commands and instructions. Instead, they set up and exalt their own beliefs and teachings above Yahushua’s and allow Satan to be in control. Such ones are married to religions and not to Yahushua, whom they profess to love and worship. Many, having carved out their own little world of religion, or follow certain religions, make it their duty to isolate themselves from the body of Yahushua.

Such ones make religion their saviour and lord, instead of Yahushua, our Creator, Who gave up His throne in Glory and came to this sinful world, where He suffered and died to redeem the souls of lost mankind. Thus they set themselves above others in the body of Yahushua. They take on airs of pride and arrogance!! Instead of using their pulpits or time to exalt the Name of Yahushua and His saving grace for the children of men; they do the opposite and condemn, accuse, criticise and judge those who are believers in Yahushua,  but who in their eyes are despised,  because they do not belong to their religions or religious groups.

This is indeed very sad because through their arrogance, pride and conceit, Satan has effectively blinded their eyes and thereby deceives them. Yahushua did not give the command in His Word, or instructed His followers to condemn anyone, or that they should set themselves above any of His followers. The commandment which He left is this: 

“This is my commandment, That ye love one another, as I have loved you”. John 15:12.

He further endorsed this by saying: 

“These things I command you, that ye love one another”. John 15:17.

As followers of Yahushua, it is our duty to love one another. That is His command to us and that is how He expects it remain. He did not tell us that we are to hate, despise or condemn one another. His command is that we should LOVE ONE ANOTHER AS HE HAS LOVED US (John 15:12). 

Due to Satan’s deceptions, many, who profess to be followers of Yahushua, refuse to heed His command to love one another. Sadly, many such ones
, based upon their own beliefs and teachings,  take it upon themselves to decide Who will be saved in the kingdom of Glory and those Who will not be saved!! They fail to realise that Yahushua gave them no such authority. Therefore, in their arrogance, they set themselves as judges and take upon themselves the condemnation of being accusers of the brethren, which is the work of Satan (Revelation 12:10).

It is a wonderful thing to know that no man died for the souls of men. Therefore, no one has the authority or power to decide who will enter Yahushua's kingdom of Glory and be saved. I am pleased about this, otherwise there would be no hope of anyone in this world being saved!! I am thankful that it was Yahushua, our Creator, Who came to this world and suffered and died on behalf of all mankind. Likewise, I am thankful that it is by His grace that we are saved (Ephesians 2:8) and not through any man.  I am also thankful  that my Saviour, Yahushua Ha Mashiach, does not  condemn or forsake anyone who comes to Him. Instead, He says:

“All that the Father giveth me shall come to me; and him that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out”. John 6:37.

We are also told in Romans 8:1:

“There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Yahushua Ha Mashiach, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit”.

(Apologies to KJV for changes).

Today, I would like to say to those who are joined to religions and who set themselves up as judges and condemn those who are followers of Yahushua, Please take notice of the above Scriptures. Please note that Yahushua does not judge, despise or criticise anyone.  Neither does He condemn anyone. He does the opposite.  

It is interesting to note that even though He is our Creator and Redeemer and the Just Judge of the earth, He judges no one. Instead, it His Word which will be our Judge. Concerning this it is recorded in John 12: 47.48:

“47 And if any man hear my words, and believe not, I judge him not: for I came not to judge the world, but to save the world. 48 He that rejecteth me, and receiveth not my words, hath one that judgeth him: the word that I have spoken, the same shall judge him in the last day”. 

Moreover, Yahushua has told us plainly that He will not reject or cast out those who come to Him (John 6:37).

Yahushua loves us, everyone, in spite of what others may think. So great was His love for us, that He did not give the purchase of our salvation to any other created being; not even to His angels who minister to us in this world and who do great and wonderful works among the children of men (Psalm 34: 7; Hebrews 1:14). Yahushua took that responsibility upon Himself and personally suffered and died for us. WE ARE PRECIOUS, VERY PRECIOUS TO HIM!! So precious are we to Him that He will do everything in His power to save us, as we are told in Hebrews 7:25: 

“Wherefore he is able also to save them to the uttermost that come unto Yahweh by him, seeing he ever liveth to make intercession for them”.  

 (Apologies to KJV for changes).
Everyone has hope in this world and those who come to Yahushua will be saved by His grace. The only ones who will not be saved according to His Word are those who commit the sin of blasphemy against the Ruach Ha Kodesh. That sin of blasphemy is to attribute the works of the Ruach Ha Kodesh, which He does through the followers of Yahushua, to Satan. Such works include: the healing of the sick, casting out devils and demons, etc.; which  Yahushua clearly states  in Matthew 12: 25-32. 

Sadly, many who profess to be followers of Yahushua are guilty of this sin of blasphemy against the Ruach Ha Kodesh. Those who are guilty of this unpardonable sin  and have passed on in death, have been shocked to find themselves in Hell. Likewise,  will others  who are guilty of this sin, when the, too, will pass on in death. Such ones are finding,  or  will  find, that instead of  the joy and eternal happiness which they expected, they find themselves in torments in Hell as they wait for the final judgment, where they will be cast into the Lake of fire and brimstone, along with Satan, who deceived them. 

There are, of course, those  who believe they are  just bodies, without an immortal spirit and soul which does no die  with the body.  Thus when death comes, then they  remain in that state until the return of Yahushua.  Therefore, they dispute that there is  no such place as Hell,  where  the souls of those who have rejected Yahushua go and are  tormented.  However, despite what they believe or do believe, does not annul what Yahushua says in Luke 16: 19-31.  Neither does their belief change what Paul has written in 2 Corinthians 5: 1-9.  Likewise, their belief does not change the experiences  of those who died and went to Hell and torment but, who,  were mercifully resurrected from the dead and have told their stories about what they experienced in that place of terrible torment.   

Let all who name the Name of Yahushua, take heed that they do not place themselves in the place of our Elohim, Who is love and condemns no one. Neither let them, through arrogance, take upon themselves to be judges and ascribe the works of mercy and compassion which the Ruach Ha Kodesh is doing among His people and thereby commit the unpardonable sin, for which they will not be forgiven in this life, nor in the life to come. 

Yahushua has set us an example whereby we should pattern our lives. The example which He set us is that of  LOVE, and He COMMANDED US TO LOVE ONE ANOTHER (John 13:34)!! Therefore, it is now high time that those who profess to be followers of Yahushua, whether  they are members of the clergy,  teachers or laity, ensure that they heed the command of our Saviour. I would like to appeal to any one who does not obey Yahushua's command to love one another, that you begin to do so with the help of the Ruach Ha Kodesh, our Elohim here in this world.   Please do not allow Satan to deceive you so that by an arrogant and self-righteous spirit, you keep yourselves out of Yahushua’s kingdom of Glory. 

We are living in very serious times. We are at the end of the age. This is NOT the time to be separate from the body of Yahushua and to be proud and arrogant. It is NOT the time to condemn others in the body of Yahushua. Neither is it the time to pour scorn and contempt upon fellow-believers in Yahushua and be segregated. It is NOT the time to let religion rule or separate those in the body of Yahushua. It is time to put religions aside because religion is a demon, which will rob you of  the salvation of your soul and of your  eternal happiness with Yahushua.  Please be aware that in the Kingdom of Glory and in the new earth, there will be no Baptists, Roman Catholics, Pentecostals, Seventh-Day Adventists or Anglicans, etc. Neither will there the names by which many call themselves in their religious  groups and ministries. There will ONLY be the Redeemed of Earth in the Kingdom of Glory and the new earth, where we will all live together in peace and harmony.  

Please understand that if you cannot associate with those in the body of Yahushua in this world, you are keeping yourself out of Heaven because there will be no separation or segregation there. Likewise, let us endeavour to be at peace with one another and to make wrongs right as soon as things go amiss. This is important because if we do not forgive others, neither will we be for given, as Yahushua tells us in Matthew 6: 15. Learning to live together in peace  in this  present world is very important.  Learning to understand each other  here below is also  very important. We should also bear in mind that if we do not get on with someone here in this world, and by Yahushua’s grace we get to His Kingdom in Glory (which will be followed by the new earth), we could find that that very person is our next door neighbour throughout eternity!! So let us endeavour with the help of the Ruach Ha Kodesh, to live at peace with each other in this world, so that if we are neighbours in Heaven and the new earth, we will be happy to be with each other and to enjoy the ceaseless ages of eternity together.

It is time to be united as Yahushua prayed in His last prayer in John 17:11. It is time for the followers of Yahushua to put away religions and petty beliefs!! It is time for them to pray together and pray one for another. It is time to work together and so finish the gospel commission which Yahushua gave us in Matthew 28: 19,20 and Mark 16:15- 18. It is time to be ready for the coming of Yahushua, our loving Saviour, Who will return at any time from now to take His faithful and true ones to be with Him forever, first in Heaven for 1000 years followed by the new earth, which He will create (Matthew 24: 30,31; 1 Thessalonians 4: 16, 17. Revelation 20-22). 

Many believe and teach that Yahushua will return in secret and take His followers away from this world. Others believe and teach that He will return to this world and set up His kingdom in present Jerusalem for 1000 years. No where in the Scriptures are we told these things. PLEASE KNOW AND UNDERSTAND THAT THERE WILL BE NO SECRET RAPTURE!!  NEITHER WILL YAHUSHUA SET UP HIS KINGDOM IN PRESENT ISREAL FOR 1000 YEARS. Please read for yourselves what Yahushua says in His Word about His return and the setting up of His Kingdom. Therefore, please read Isaiah 13: 9-13; Psalm 50: 3; Matthew 24: 24- 27, 30, 31, 44; Luke 9:26; 1 Thessalonians 4: 16,17; 1 Corinthians 15: 50-54; 2 Peter 3: 10-12; Revelation 1:7; Revelation Chapters 20, 21, 22. These are some of the Scriptures in which we are told about Yahushua’s return to this world, His children being with Him in the Kingdom of Glory in Heaven for 1000 years, the final judgment, the new earth and the new Jerusalem which will be in the new earth. 

By Yahushua grace, may you heed the command and be ready at all times for His return to this world for His children, or to leave this world in death. Let us bear in mind that we could leave this world at any time, regardless of our age. This is because death is no respecter of persons, whether we are young or old. May the blessings of our Elohim: Yahweh, our Abba, Yahushua, our Saviour and the Ruach Ha Kodesh be with you.



NB:  All Scriptures used in this Post are have been taken from the KJV Version, unless  other wise stated.