Wednesday, 30 September 2009


Death is often feared and it is an enemy that can knock at our doors at any moment of the day or night. It has no respect for age, nationality, status or rank. It appears uninvited at the homes of royalties as well as the homes of the peasants and the rich. It asks no question and does not enter into controversy when it comes. It is its own master and goes where ever it wills and whenever it wills. It is rarely evaded and, if cheated, it will come back another day for sure because it does not take “No” for an answer. No one can escape its sting, whether it comes in infancy, old age or in between. It is the enemy which everyone must face sooner or later because it will not be outwitted and must have the final word, unless Yahushua returns and puts an end to its actions in the this world.

Death can be cruel!! It robs its victims of life and families of their loved ones. It often strikes suddenly, unexpectedly and without any warning. Each day it cuts down thousands in their youth in the flower of life, through wars, calamities, disasters and tragedies; at the hands of murderers, terrorists, accidents, diseases, old age, suicides or otherwise. Many go to bed at nights, never to see the light of day again, or leave their homes in the bloom of health, never to return again because the angel of death appeared and they had no way of resisting him.

Then there are those who are suffering from illnesses which drain their lives away, while others live to the length of their days and finally succumb to death as life ebbs away. There are those who are in love with death and cannot wait for it to call at their doors. However, for the vast majority of people in this world, it is a terrible enemy which causes pain and heartaches and puts many into grief and mourning. It is often accompanied by great sufferings and hardships for the families and loved ones left behind and leaves an empty void that cannot be filled. This is more so if victims are taken in the prime of life, especially those with young families. At times, however, its intervention brings financial blessings, wealth and even great riches to many who are beneficiaries of the deceased ones estates.

Death is so final once it becomes the master!! It brings an end to the life of its victims once it is in control and often it leaves an empty void as it passes on to others on its agenda because it is never tired, never slumbers or sleeps and never ceases its action day nor night. No mourning or pleadings will stop it in its deadly course because it listens to no one and does not negotiate. It carries on relentlessly and continuously day in and day out because it is like the grave and the fire which are never satisfied.

Once that angel of death strikes, the only reminders of the victims are their graves and sepulchres bearing their names; or plaques for those who are cremated, or disposed of in such ways; or through memorials and monuments to honour their memory. Other reminders are the fond memories their loved ones hold of them, as well as pictures or videos (for those who are privileged to have these) of them and also special mementoes and cherished possessions to remind families and others left behind that their loved ones once lived upon the earth. The memory of some, however, is immortalised because of the roles they played in life or for their deeds and achievements.

Death comes to one and all and is sure to strike sooner or later everyone and everything to whom life has been given. Death, however, cannot strike if there is no life to take. That time will be during the final Judgment when it will be cast into the Lake of fire and brimstone, where it will be finally destroyed (Revelation 20: 14; 1 Corinthians 15:26). Death has been in this world since Adam and Eve sinned at the dawn of Creation and brought its curse upon this world. Over the past six thousand years, it has not ceased its action of taking lives and causing untold pain, grief and loss. Due to its nature, let us consider the following questions:

• What is Death?
• Why is Death such an enemy which causes so much grief, mourning and loss?
• Why are so many afraid and terrified of it?


In the Word of Yahweh Death is called an Enemy, as we read in 1 Corinthians 15:26:

“The last enemy that shall be destroyed is death”.

This sentence will be executed in the final judgment as we are told in Revelation 20:14:

“And death and hell were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death”.

Death is an enemy because is takes the gift of life from the physical body which gives us the legal right and privilege to be in this world. It renders the physical being lifeless. Therefore, those whom it strikes, whether they are human beings, beasts or other creatures; they must leave this world and return to the dust from which they were originally taken (Genesis 3: 19).


Many persons in this world fear death, not only for themselves but for others who are close to them. This is because it puts an end to life and robs them of their own lives or the lives of their loved ones. It can also cause great hardships for those left behind. Death, when it takes its victims, can be very cruel and painful. Some people die suddenly and suffer very little pain, if any; while others can suffer great pains for some time, even years, before they finally give up the ghost.

Death is also feared by many because it is so final and many fear what will happen to them once they die because they do not know what happens once they leave this world. Thus they fear the unknown except for some of those who have died and were resurrected, or have had near death experiences. Due to the fact that the majority of people do not know what it written in the Word of Yahweh about death, many are afraid of it because of the mystery which surrounds it. There are many who profess to be followers of Yahushua and they, too, do not know what takes place after a person dies. They firmly believe that at death the deceased just sleeps (because they believe there is no immortal spirit which vacates the body and lives on) until either the first resurrection, when Yahushua returns for His followers; or the second resurrection, when those who are resurrected at that time will face the judgment and receive their reward in the Lake of fire and brimstone.


Our Elohim does not want any of us to be ignorant about death because in this life, we must all face death sooner of later. In the Scriptures we read the following about death:

Psalm 146: 3, 4:

“Put not your trust in princes, nor in the son of man, in whom there is no help. His breath goeth forth, he returneth to his earth; in that very day his thoughts perish”.

Psalm 115: 17:

“The dead praise not the Lord [Yahweh], neither any that go down into silence”.

Job 14: 21: 21:

“His sons come to honour, and he knoweth it not; and they are brought low, but he perceiveth it not of them”.

Death is just of the physical body which these Scripture passages prove. Once the body is dead and the spirit (spirit and soul), the true person with the thoughts, character, emotions, will, intellect, etc. (which makes us who we are in life), exits the body. The body is then just lifeless clay which must return to its dust. Thus at death the thoughts perish and the deceased can no longer praise Yahweh. The sons and daughters come to honour, or are brought low and the one that is dead does not perceive anything that happens because the true person, the spirit has vacated it. On the other hand we read in Psalm 116: 15:

“Precious in the sight of [Adonai] the Lord is the death of his saints”.


In the above passage of Scripture, Psalm 116:15, we read that the death of Adonai’ saints is precious in His sight. This may seem a contradiction to the preceding texts but it is not so. When Yahweh made us, He made us first spirit beings (spirit and soul) which comes directly from Him. He placed our individual spirits in our physical bodies to give us the legal right to be in this world and to be the persons He intended us to be and to fulfil our roles in this world. Thus our being is a complex one consisting of spirit, soul and body. Hence we are told in 1 Thessalonians 5:23:

“… I pray [Elohim] God your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our [Adonai Yahushua Mashiach] Lord Jesus Christ”.

Therefore, we are not just physical bodies alone. We are first spirit beings who inhabit or live in our physical bodies during our life time in this world. Our spirit being (spirit and soul) our true selves, is the part of us which is active while we are asleep and dreaming. During our dreams our intelligence, thoughts and emotions are not impaired in any way, so we are able to think, make decisions, talk, laugh, work, play, cry, communicate with others, sing, pray, walk, swim, go from place to place in a moment, including foreign lands, as well as accomplish supernatural feats which are impossible to do in real life, e.g. lifting a lorry effortlessly and souring like an eagle. We are able to do these things because while we are asleep and the body is at rest, the spirit (which is never tired) is free to go about and do things in the spirit realm.

During the time we are asleep and dreaming, often we are shown many things which may later come to pass. It is the time when our Elohim gives to many dreams and visions of His plans for this world, as well as for their good. Two examples of this, are: Pharaoh’s dreams in Genesis 41, and the identical dreams of King Nebuchadnezzar and Daniel recorded in Daniel Chapter 2. Yahweh often communicates with His children during sleep because that is the time He is able to get our complete attention. Concerning this we are told in Job 33: 14- 17:

“14 For [Elohim] God speaketh once, yea twice, yet man perceiveth it not. 15 In a dream, in a vision of the night, when deep sleep falleth upon men, in slumberings upon the bed; 16 Then he openeth the ears of men, and sealeth their instruction, 17 That he may withdraw man from his purpose, and hide pride from man”.

While our spirits are active during the time we are sleep, we are unaware that we are dreaming because every thing is so natural and normal. It is only after we awake from sleep that we realise that we were dreaming. This proves we are not just physical beings, we are also spirit beings. That part of us, though it cannot be seen by the naked eyes, is very real.

Thus when death comes and the spirit vacates the body, every thing for the spirit being remains unchanged, i.e., it continues to live on because it is immortal and does not die as the body dies. However, at the time of death, it leaves this world. Those who have been blessed to be raised from the dead, or who have had out-of- body experiences verify this fact.

Many who have died or have had out-of- body experiences have told their experiences that while they were out of their bodies, they saw and heard everything that happened to them. Many years ago, one of my uncles had a cardiac arrest and had to be resuscitated. He told me that while they were doing the resuscitation, he was up in the clouds watching doctors and others who were attending to his body. He told me that he saw and heard everything they were doing and saying before he slipped back into his body.

After death, many have contacted the spirits of their loved ones through mediums. However, our Elohim warns us against contacting the spirits of the deceased. Yahweh regards it as an abomination and when King Saul contacted a medium, he was killed: Concerning this we read in 1 Chronicles 10: 13,14:

“13 So Saul died for his transgression which he committed against the Lord. . . for asking counsel of one that had a familiar spirit, to inquire of it; 14 and inquired not of [Yahweh] the Lord: therefore he slew him”.


Sadly due to the entrance of sin into the world, which came about because of our first parents’ disobedience, we have all come under the condemnation of sin, as Romans 3: 23. tells us:

“for all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God”

Sin gets wages, as we are told Romans 6: 23:

“For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of [Yahweh] is eternal life through [Yahushua Ha Mashiach] Jesus Christ our Lord.

Yahushua knew that there was no way we could redeem or buy ourselves from the curse of sin and its wages, death. Therefore, He made a way to redeem us by coming to this world, where He suffered and gave His precious life for us, whereby He purchased our salvation with His own blood. Yahushua did this to save us in His eternal kingdom of Glory and to prevent us from going to Hell when we die, followed by the Lake of fire and brimstone in the final Judgment.

It is important therefore, that while we are in this world we avail ourselves of Yahushua’s gift to us, the gift of salvation. This we do by accepting Him as our Saviour and totally committing our lives to Him. Yahushua has given to each of us the power of choice so that we can choose to follow Him and have eternal life (John 3: 16); or we can choose to follow Satan and suffer the consequences once we are no longer in this world.

In order to become children of Yahushua and be His followers, we must be “born again” (John 3:3). It must be noted that when we are “born again” , it is our spirits which are “born again” (John 3: 3) and not our physical bodies. Yahushua made this fact clear to Nicodemus when he went to Him one night. At that time Yahushua told him:

“. . . Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of [Yahweh] God”. John 3:3.

Nicodemus was confused and questioned Yahushua:

“….How can a man be born when he is old? can he enter the second time into his mother’s womb, and be born? John 3:4.

In reply Yahushua told him:

“. . . Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of [Elohim]God. 6 That which is born of the flesh is flesh; and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit. 7 Marvel not that I said unto thee, Ye must be born again”. John 3: 5-7.

In these Scriptures verses, Yahushua clearly states that it is not the physical body which must be born again but the “spirit”. This re-birth of the spirit is in two phases. The first phase is through the power of the Ruach Ha Kodesh. The second phase is by water through the act of baptism. The baptism Yahushua speaks about is baptism by immersion, the baptism by which He was baptised. He says it “fulfils all righteousness” (Matthew 3: 13-17). Concerning baptism by immersion, Yahushua says in Mark 16: 16:

“He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned”.

Baptism, therefore, is important for our eternal salvation. Baptism, is meant for the spirit. It is not meant for the physical body (which is washed or immersed in water on a daily basis). The outward act of baptism is symbolic of the baptism of the spirit, and the act testifies to the world that we have renounced the kingdom of Satan and have accepted Yahushua as our Saviour.


Whereas when we accept Yahushua as Saviour, the spirit must be “born again”; the soul must be converted so that our sins will be blotted out, as we read in Acts 3:19:

“Repent ye therefore, and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out, when the times of refreshing shall come from the presence of the Lord”.

To be converted, one must turn away from his old way of a life of sin and turn to Yahushua, whereby he will become a new person as we are told in 2 Corinthians 5:17:

“Therefore if any man be in [Yahushua Ha Mashiach] Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new”.

Repentance and conversion occur when the spirit is “born again” by the Ruach Ha Kodesh, Who is responsible for instigating our repentance and conversion. We can therefore be assured that with His help, both our immortal spirit and soul will be brought under His control as we endeavour to obey our Elohim and allow Him, the Ruach Ha Kodesh, to daily lead and guide us in His ways. Once we do Yahweh's will and allow the Ruach Ha Kodesh to be in control of our lives, we do not have to fear death or be afraid of where we will spend the rest of eternity when we leave this world. We have the assurance because we are saved by Yahushua's grace and know that we will be with Him and spend the rest of eternity with Him.


Yahushua made it plain that we would not die when He said:

“….whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die. Believest thou this?” John 11: 26.

He was not making reference to our mortal bodies, He was speaking about our spirit (spirit and soul). To illustrate this statement, Yahushua told the story in Luke 16: 19-31 about the rich man and the beggar, Lazarus. In the account He gave, both Lazarus and the rich man died and their bodies were buried but the immortal spirit of both of them went to two different places to spend the rest of eternity. Lazarus, who was poor in this world, was one who served his Elohim and at death his spirit (spirit and soul) went to Heaven to the bosom of father Abraham. The rich man on the other hand, who believed in his riches and enjoyed all the things he loved and wanted in this world, at death, his spirit (spirit and soul) went to Hell, a place of torment where he is still suffering because the spirit does not die.

Concerning the these two men and the story Yahushua told about them, we read in Luke 19: 22-28:

“22 And it came to pass, that the beggar died, and was carried by the angels into Abraham’s bosom: the rich man also died, and was buried; 23 and in hell he lift up his eyes, being in torments, and seeth Abraham afar off, and Lazarus in his bosom. 24 And he cried and said, Father Abraham, have mercy on me, and send Lazarus, that he may dip the tip of his finger in water, and cool my tongue; for I am tormented in this flame. 25 But Abraham said, Son, remember that thou in thy lifetime receivedst thy good things, and likewise Lazarus evil things: but now he is comforted, and thou art tormented. 26 And beside all this, between us and you there is a great gulf fixed: so that they which would pass from hence to you cannot; neither can they pass to us, that would come from thence. 27 Then he said, I pray thee therefore, father, that thou wouldest send him to my father’s house: 28 for I have five brethren; that he may testify unto them, lest they also come into this place of torment”.

John the Divine also wrote about the souls of the martyrs he was shown in Heaven while He was being given the Revelation. Thus he wrote in Revelation 6: 9-11:

9 And when he had opened the fifth seal, I saw under the altar the souls of them that were slain for the word of [Yahweh] God, and for the testimony which they held: 10 and they cried with a loud voice, saying, How long, O [Adonai] Lord, holy and true, dost thou not judge and avenge our blood on them that dwell on the earth? 11 And white robes were given unto every one of them; and it was said unto them, that they should rest yet for a little season, until their fellowservants also and their brethren, that should be killed as they were, should be fulfilled”.

Yahushua told the story about the rich man and the beggar, Lazarus and John also spoke about the souls of the martyrs in Heaven. These accounts are given so that no one would be in darkness about what takes place at death. By telling the story Yahushua told, He made it crystal clear that we are not just bodies which live and then die. He took time to make it known that there is a part of us which does not die when our mortal bodies die. That part is the soul (spirit and soul). For those, therefore, who have accepted the sacrifice of Yahushua for them and have committed their lives to Him, when their physical bodies die, their immortal spirits, their true selves, leave their bodies and go to Glory to be with Him. Thus in the sight of Yahweh they are precious because they have left their sinful physical bodies in this world and are with Him in Glory.


Those who accept Yahushua as their Saviour have nothing to fear about dying, because their souls (spirit and soul) are precious to Him and whenever they die, they have the assurance of going to be with Him in Glory and never to part from Him again. There in Heaven, they join the multitudes of His children who have gone on before. There in the kingdom of Glory they continue to live and worship their Elohim with joy and happiness, free from the troubles and cares of this sinful world. The apostle Paul was sure of where he would go when he left this world following his martyrdom, hence he wrote in Philippians 1: 2 -23:

“For to me to live is [Mashiach] Christ, and to die is gain. 22 But if I live in the flesh, this is the fruit of my labour: yet what I shall choose I wot not. 23 For I am in a strait betwixt two, having a desire to depart, and to be with [Mashiach] Christ; which is far better”.

Paul also wrote in 2 Corinthians 5: 1-8:

“1For we know that if our earthly house of this tabernacle were dissolved, we have a building of [Elohim] God, an house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens. 2 For in this we groan, earnestly desiring to be clothed upon with our house which is from heaven: 3 if so be that being clothed we shall not be found naked. 4 For we that are in this tabernacle do groan, being burdened: not for that we would be unclothed, but clothed upon, that mortality might be swallowed up of life. 5 Now he that hath wrought us for the selfsame thing is [Elohim] God, who also hath given unto us the earnest of the Spirit. 6 Therefore we are always confident, knowing that, whilst we are at home in the body, we are absent from [Yahushua] the Lord: 7 (for we walk by faith, not by sight:) 8 we are confident, I say, and willing rather to be absent from the body, and to be present with [Yahushua] the Lord. 9 Wherefore we labour, that, whether present or absent, we may be accepted of him”.

Those who die in Yahushua are precious to Him, that it why John wrote in Revelation 14:13:

“And I heard a voice from heaven saying unto me, Write, Blessed are the dead which die in [Yahushua] the Lord from henceforth: Yea, saith the Spirit, that they may rest from their labours; and their works do follow them”.

Those who are followers of Yahushua have nothing to fear when they die because most of them, know where they are going and what awaits them once they die (I say most, because there are some who believe they are just bodies without an immortal soul). They have the assurance that they will be with Yahushua in the kingdom of Glory. This assurance is given to everyone because Yahushua came and died for the entire human race. All are precious to Him and all are accepted by Him once they commit their lives to Him and accept Him as their personal Saviour from sin. The wonderful thing is, all those who come to Yahushua are accepted by Him, regardless of colour, race or creed. Once they come to Yahushua, no one has to fear that after death they will cross over deep ravines where they could either be allowed to cross over to the other side or be pushed off into the abyss below to suffer eternal torment. Likewise, no one has to worry about buying the souls of loved ones out of a place of torment; or that they will be reincarnated and return to this world in the form of other creatures, such as spiders and flies .

All those who have committed their lives to Yahushua and faithfully obey and serve Him, have the same assurance of being with Him as soon they leave this world at the time of death. At that time they will join with those who went on before and remain in Heaven with Yahushua until He returns to this world for His waiting children. At that time He, our Saviour, will bring the souls of those who are with Him as He returns to this world for all His children to take them with Him to His kingdom of Glory in Heaven.

On that great and glorious day of Yahushua’s return, He will resurrect His children who are asleep in death and give to them beautiful immortal bodies, into which He will place the souls (spirits and souls) of those whom He brought from Heaven with Him. Each soul will be re-united with their individual new immortal bodies, so that they will be spirit, soul and body once again, as Yahweh intended for His children in the beginning before sin came brought the curse of death in this world.

On that wonderful day of Yahushua’s return, His children, both those who were resurrected and those who are alive at His return, will return with Him to His kingdom of Glory in Heaven, where they will spend one thousand years with Him. At the end of that period of one thousand years, they will return to this world, where Yahushua will create the new heaven and the new earth which He has promised to make. In that new world which will be free from sin an sinners, they will spend the rest of eternity Him, their loving Saviour and King, in peace and happiness (Luke 16: 19-31; 2 Corinthians 5: 1-9; Matthew 24: 30,31; Thessalonians 4: 16,17; 1 Corinthians 15: 50-54; Revelation 20 -22).


Death brings an end to the physical, moral body and its usefulness in this life and in this world. However, it does not bring an end to the usefulness of the spirit (spirit and soul) which vacates the body at death. At death, the souls of those who accepted Yahushua, go to be with Him in Glory where they continue to live. Although they are with Yahushua, they are not idle. An example of this pertains to Yahushua, while He as still upon this earth. It relates to the time He was upon the Mount of Transfiguration. It was a few days before He went through the ordeal of His suffering and death for us. At that time Moses (who had died) and Elijah (who did not die but was taken to Heaven in a chariot of fire) came and talked with Him (Matthew 17: 1-8). Likewise, in the story which Yahushua told about Lazarus in Luke 16: 19- 31), He made it clear that the soul of Lazarus went to the bosom of father Abraham (who had also died) in Heaven; and who also spoke to the soul of the rich man who was in torment in Hell.

Many of the souls who are in Heaven with Yahushua are used by Him as His angels to minister to people in this world. There are many stories recorded of those who have passed on helping people in this world. Sometimes they come to loved ones who are in trouble, e.g. if they are drowning, in fire or in serious accidents. At such times they appear to their loved ones and deliver or rescue them. Many of these stories are on Sky on the Zone Reality and Paranormal Channels.

There are also stories told of people who have been in serious accidents, tragedies, plane crashes, dangers or other kinds of troubles; who were helped by the spirits of those who have passed on. Many such stories of those who have passed coming to help people in serious troubles are told on the Zone Reality Channels on Sky. One of these stories is from the USA and is about a boy, aged about 9 years. He had gone camping with his parents and while they were setting up camp, he went to explore his surroundings. While he was walking in the woods, he was bitten by a venomous snake. Immediately a doctor in a wheel chair was on the scene. He comforted the child and then instructed him what to do. First he told the child to take a yellow syringe and a piece of cord from the back of his chair. Next he instructed him how to apply the cord around his arm as a tourniquet and then how to use the syringe and extract the venom of the snake from his arm. The child did as he was instructed and then the doctor vanished in thin air. The parents found the child soon after and called the Paramedics. Upon their arrival they were told about the doctor who appeared and rendered first aid. The Paramedics were not surprised, instead, one of them told the family that the doctor was a doctor who had died some years before and that he always helps those who find themselves in serious troubles in those woods.

Another story is told about a level crossing in one town in the USA. In the 1940s a busload of school children were killed by a train at that level crossing. From that time onwards, no more deaths have occurred at that level crossing because if a vehicle stalls or breaks down on the crossing, immediately it is pushed to safety. After it is out of danger, the imprints of many tiny hands can be seen on vehicle where they were placed to push it out of danger.

These stories of those who lived and have come back as angels to help their loved ones and others when they are in serious dangers or in trouble, are numerous. Some of those who have been resurrected have also said that when they died, their loved ones who departed this world, returned and accompanied them to Heaven.

As Yahushua uses the souls of the departed as angels to do good and to bless others in this world, Satan also uses the souls of those who made him their lord and master, while they were in this world, to do his biddings. There are many stories recorded about ghosts and some of the evil, mean and mischievous things done by some of them. Many countries have stories about the departed. Many such stories are told about haunted castles, houses and hotels, haunted pubs, mortuaries, mines and cemeteries etc., as well as the citings of some of those who have passed. Some homes are so haunted, exorcists have to be employed to exorcise the spirits, which is not always successful. Some of these stories are on the Zone Reality and Paranormal Channels on Sky.

There are those who deny the existence of ghosts, but while Yahushua was here upon earth, He did not deny there were spirits in this world. Neither did His disciples deny it. On one occasion when Yahushua was walking on water in the early hours of the morning, the disciples saw Him and they became afraid and cried out in great terror because they thought they had seen a ghost. Yahushua had to reassure them that it was not a ghost, but that it was He, Yahushua, who was walking on the water (Matthew 14: 25,26). When Yahushua rose from the dead, He appeared to His disciples in the home where they were gathered. They became afraid because they thought they had seen a spirit. At that time Yahushua again had to reassure them. Concerning this we read in Luke 24: 36-39:

“. 36 And as they thus spake [the disciples], [Yahushua] Jesus himself stood in the midst of them, and saith unto them, Peace be unto you. 37 But they were terrified and affrighted, and supposed that they had seen a spirit. 38 And he said unto them, Why are ye troubled? and why do thoughts arise in your hearts? 39 Behold my hands and my feet, that it is I myself: handle me, and see; for a spirit hath not flesh and bones, as ye see me have. 40 And when he had thus spoken, he shewed them his hands and his feet. 41 And while they yet believed not for joy, and wondered, he said unto them, Have ye here any meat? 42 And they gave him a piece of a broiled fish, and of an honeycomb. 43 And he took it, and did eat before them”.

Some may deny the existence of ghosts or spirits but there is evidence that they do exist. Many fear these sprits, however, those who are followers of Yahushua do not need to fear them. This is because they in His care and spirits aligned to Satan must flee at His presence or at the mention of His Name. Moreover, as followers of Yahushua, we can take authority in His Name and rebuke or cast out these spirits. Whereas the spirits of the departed, who rejected Yahushua in their lifetime, are under the control of Satan, the spirits of those who committed their lives to Yahushua, in their life time, are with Him and under His control. Yahushua, therefore, uses them as His angels to do good and bless others in this world as He sees fit.


In Psalm 115:16, it is written:

The heaven, even the heavens, are [Yahweh's] the Lord’s: but the earth hath he given to the children of men.

In Isaiah 66: 1, we also read:

“Thus saith [Yahweh] the Lord, The heaven is my throne, and the earth is my footstool”.

Heaven, indeed is a real place. It is the place where our Elohim dwells with holy His beings. It is a beautiful and holy place, free from sin and its curse! It is not a place for sinners, however, a few persons, while still alive, have been privileged to be taken there in the spirit and shown the glories there. John the Revelator, was one who was taken to Heaven in the spirit and whose account of what he saw, heard and experienced, are recorded in the Book of Revelation. In more recent times, Jessie Duplantis, one of the speakers on the Christian Channel, the God Channel, testified that He was also taken to Heaven in the spirit. He has told his story about that glorious place, including some of his experiences there. Others, who have been there, are a few who died but were resurrected and sent back to this world with messages to warn the peoples of Yahushua’s soon return. Heaven is also the place where the souls of the followers of Yahushua go when they die. Therefore, for those who are believers and followers of Yahushua, it is a wonderful place where they to look forward to go when they leave this world.


There are many accounts of people being resurrected or have had out of body experiences. Many such stories are shown on the Paranormal Channels on Sky. During the Revival meetings held in Lakeland, Florida in 2008; there were over thirty resurrections which were reported. These resurrections happened in many parts of the world, including one in Ireland when a young man was tragically killed in an accident. This young man’s resurrection was given media coverage. In the country of Mozambique, it was reported that in recent years there have been over eighty resurrections, through the Ministry of a young female missionary there. Many of Yahushua’s followers who have been resurrected from the dead over the years have told their stories, or are telling their stories about Heaven, that wonderful place, and the joy of being with their Saviour. Thus they confirm the story that Yahushua told about Lazarus in Luke 16: 22-25. Likewise, they confirm that Heaven is in deed a very real place. Among those in recent years who died and were taken to Heaven and were later resurrected and sent back to this world, are two pastors, The first is:

Pastor Daniel Ekechukwu from Nigeria, who died in a fatal car accident in December 2001, and was resurrected after three days later. His story is on the Video:

“Raised from the Dead” CFN Production.
Distributor: Chapel Lane, Hampton Bishop, Hereford, HR1 4JR UK. Tel (01432) 870437. email:

The second person who died and went to Heaven and was later resurrected, is:

Pastor Ian McCormack, a New Zealander. In 1982, while swimming in Mauritius, he was stung several times by deadly sea wasps and lost his life as a result of the venom injected into him. In 2003, I was at one of his meetings and personally heard him tell his story. He also prayed for me. He is often on the God Channel, where he continues to tell about his death and after death experiences. His story is also on the Video and DVD:

“A Glimpse of Eternity a True Story” , Ian McCormack,
It is available from:
FCS Sound Services Ltd. Phone No. 0845 120 4925 email: Website:

Heaven is indeed a real place of beauty and glory. Those who go there do no want to come back to this sinful world. It is Yahweh's throne and a place where His children go when they die.


Whereas those who accept Yahushua as their Saviour to the kingdom of Glory in Heaven when they die, it is not so for those who have not made him their personal Saviour during their lifetime. When they die, they share the fate of the rich man, whose story Yahushua told in Luke 16: 19-31. Thus they go to Hell, a place of torment!

Hell is a real place!! There are some who died and went there but were blessed to be resurrected. Many of those fortunate ones have told horrifying stories of their experiences there in Hell. So terrible were their experiences that they do not want to go back to that place of great torments. Thus as soon as they were resurrected, they committed their lives to Yahushua and many have become His servants, who make it their duty to warn others of that terrible place and try to lead them to Yahushua. Some of those who have been resurrected from the dead have told their stories on the Video/DVD:

“To Hell and Back” by Dr. Maurice Rawlings.

This Video/DVD is produced by:
The Trinity Broadcasting Network in the USA: VHS TBN 0030. TBN P.O. Box A. Santa Ana, CA92711.


Death, though it is an enemy, can also be a blessing!! Let us think how awful and tormented everyone would be if we were to go on living forever in this sinful world, enduring various hardships and troubles, as well as suffering from terrible diseases and illnesses which were accompanied by severe pains; yet there wasn’t any hope of escape from such terrible sufferings. Life would become unbearable and extremely miserable. It would be such that it would not be worth living and would become a great burden and a curse to us. Death came as a result of sin and was given by our Elohim for our good, so that we would not suffer eternally from its consequences without any hope of escape.


Life is a gift which we should all cherish and we should not do anything that would shorten or ruin the life with which we are blest. Neither should anyone deliberately take the life of another person because it is Yahweh's precious gift to us in this world.

He makes it plain that He created this world and formed it to be inhabited (Isaiah 45:18). We are also told in His Word that children are His heritage and that the fruit of the womb is His reward (Psalm 127:3). The peoples born into this world are therefore His reward!! Therefore everyone who is born in this world has the right to live his or her time in this world and that life should not be cut short by another. That is the reason Yahweh gave the command in His Word that we should not kill (Exodus 20: 13).

Yahweh is angry when anyone cut short the life of another person or persons because it robs them of life and for the purpose for which they were brought into this world. The shedding of innocent blood of human beings carries heavy penalties. Once of those penalties is famine, hence the severe famine which are in many lands following wars, ethnic cleansings, murders, etc. In the time of king Saul, he had many of the Gibeonites killed. Yahweh showed His displeasure for those murders by sending a severe famine in Israel and also 7 of Saul’s sons were executed to appease His wrath. Concerning this famine and the execution of Saul’s sons, we read in 2 Samuel 21: 1-14:

"Then there was a famine in the days of David three years, year after year; and David inquired of [Yahweh] the Lord. And [Yahweh] the Lord answered, It is for Saul, and for his bloody house, because he slew the Gibeonites.

2 And the king called the Gibeonites, and said unto them . . . What shall I do for you? and wherewith shall I make the atonement, that ye may bless the inheritance of [Yahweh] the Lord? 4 And the Gibeonites said unto him, We will have no silver nor gold of Saul, nor of his house; neither for us shalt thou kill any man in Israel. And he said, What ye shall say, that will I do for you. 5 And they answered the king, The man that consumed us, and that devised against us that we should be destroyed from remaining in any of the coasts of Israel, 6 let seven men of his sons be delivered unto us, and we will hang them up unto [Yahweh] the Lord in Gibeah of Saul, whom [Yahweh] the Lord did choose. And the king said, I will give them. . . .8 . . .the king took the two sons of Rizpah . . . . and the five sons of Michal the daughter of Saul . . . and he delivered them into the hands of the Gibeonites, and they hanged them in the hill before [Yahweh] the Lord: and they fell all seven together, and were put to death in the days of harvest, in the first days, in the beginning of barley harvest. . . 14 And after that [Yahweh] God was intreated for the land”.

While life is lent to us, we should do our best to make that life a worthwhile and profitable one. One in which we put our Elohim first and ensure that we accept Yahushua as our Saviour and help to lead others to Him. It should be a life by which we bless our fellowmen and do all the good we can in this world. While I was still a youth, I was given the following verse which I have patterned my life after it. That verse reads:

“I am passing through this world but once!
Any good that I can do,
Or any kindness that I can show,
Let me do it now,
For I shall not pass this way again!!”

Daily the records of our lives are being recorded by the recording angels and one day we will have to face those records, whether they are good or bad. By Yahweh's grace, we should endeavour to do as Yahushua, our Saviour, did while He lived upon the earth as Acts 10: 38, records:

“ . . . who went about doing good, and healing all that were oppressed of the devil; for God [Yahweh] was with him”.


Once we emulate our Saviour in true humility and allow the Ruach Ha Kodesh to teach, lead and guide us in this life, then we will not have to fear our records or be afraid of death. Therefore, it is important that day by day we do all the good we can, to as many as we can and as long as we can. At the same time we should remember that death stalks each one of us and could take us out of this world at any time. We should therefore live each day as though it were our last day upon this earth. We should also endeavour to make wrongs rights with our fellowmen and be reconciled to one another so that unforgiveness will not keep us out of Yahweh’s kingdom of Glory. In Matthew 6: 14,15, Yahushua tells us the importance of forgiving one another. He says:

14 For if ye forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you: 15 but if ye forgive not men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses.

Let us take heed of these words of our Saviour and allow nothing to come between us and our eternal salvation.


Death, for those who love and serve Yahushua, is not something to be feared! It is something that should be considered a blessing!! This is because as soon as we leave our mortal bodies, we will be with our blessed Saviour. Death, therefore, instead of being morbid and terrible should be looked upon as our graduation into the kingdom of Glory. It is the end of life in this world but the beginning of immortal life in Heaven. For those who have accepted Yahushua as their Saviour, then being with Him is always only a breath away because the moment the breath stops, then the rest of eternity begins with Him in Heaven. Thus as we say goodbye to this sinful world, there is the welcome party by the heavenly host to welcome us to Glory.

Life is Yahweh's precious gift to us! However, one day, sooner or later, we must leave this world, either at death or at Yahushua’s return. When that time comes, it is not what we possess in this world or have left behind which will be important. Neither will it be the positions we held, the families to which we belonged nor how well we lived, or how poor we were. It will not matter how well we are spoken about, or the places we travelled to in this world, nor the good we did. The most important thing at that time of death is Where our souls will go after we leave these mortal bodies. This is what is really important.


Each of us born into this world did not have a choice to choose our families or countries of birth. The situation, however, is different for us once we reach the age of accountability. We are all given the choice to choose where we will go and spend the rest of eternity when we leave this world. There are only two places: the kingdom of Glory in Heaven, for those who accept Yahushua as their Saviour. Hell and torment, for those who reject His love and sacrifice for them.

The choices we make in this world concerning where we will spend the rest of eternity remain unchanged when we die (unless we are blessed to be numbered among the privileged few who are resurrected and given another chance in this world). Unlike in this life where death brings an end to our sufferings, etc.; it is not so when we leave this world because the soul (spirit and soul) does not die . Thus if we make the wrong choice and reject Yahushua, our Saviour, we condemn ourselves to eternal torment and suffering from which we will not escape.


In Hell the suffering is real!! Some of those who have been there and were blessed to return to this world, tell of their sufferings there. Those who have done so, say everything remained the same as when they were alive. The only difference was that they were without their bodies. Thus they say that their emotions were the same and that they could hear, speak and see just the same, as well as experience pain and fear. They say they remembered the things they did in this world and some reported that they even saw the records of their lives. All of them tell a common story, that they did not know they had died because everything was so normal. The only difference they found was that they were no longer in this world and were without their bodies. Some spoke about the terrible sufferings they experienced from the demons there in Hell, whom they described as being very evil and which took real delight in inflicting great torture.


Please think seriously about what is written and please do not ignore what you are reading because it affects everyone, including yourself!! None of us can escape death because it is the lot of everyone!! One day the angel of death will surely visit us. This is a fact, unless our Saviour, Yahushua, returns for His children in this world before he does. Yahushua's return, however, will only be for His children who have made Him their Saviour and Adonai. Therefore, it is only His children who have not tasted death, who will escape death. All others will die at His return and suffer the torments of Hell, where they will remain for one thousand years. That, however, will not be their end because at the end of that one thousand years, Yahushua will return to this world and resurrect all the dead who rejected Him in their lifetime. He will then convene the Judgment, when they will have to give an account to Him of their lives in this world and the reason they are in that Judgment because He gave His life to save them from it. No one in that final Judgment will be saved because it will be too late to do so. Mercy's door will long have been closed for all of them. That is the reason we are told in 2 Corinthians 6:2:

(. . . behold, now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation.)

On that day of Judgment, all who are in it, will be cast into the Lake of fire and brimstone, where they will suffer with Satan who deceived them.

One day the angel of death will visit you. That day could be sooner or later. On that day when he visits you, How will he find you? Will you be ready to go in peace? On that day or night when he calls, Where will you go? While you are thinking about these questions, I will also ask you these other questions:

Are you afraid of death?

• If the angel of death should call you today or tonight through the many disasters and tragedies which are coming upon the earth, or through illnesses or natural death, How will it be with your soul?? Where would you spend the rest of eternity??

As I write, the Philippines and Vietnam have just had very serious disasters through typhoons; Samoa, American Samoa and Tonga in the Pacific have had severe tsunamis’ and Indonesia has had severe earthquakes measuring from 7.6 on the Richter scale. These severe disasters have had very heavy tolls on lives, properties and infrastructures in those countries. The peoples in those countries were getting on with their lives, as well as holiday makers who had gone to have a good time. None of them expected such disasters to strike them. Likewise, those who died did not expect to lose their lives so suddenly or so soon. For those who have passed so tragically, they have begun the rest of eternity. Only they know where they are now spending it. For those who made Yahushua their Saviour, there is great rejoicing in Heaven at their arrival. However, for those who did accept Yahushua as their Adonai and Saviour, there is great shock and terrible torment for them in Hell, from where there is no escape. This is why we must always be ready to leave this world and be with Yahushua because as the Scripture says in 1 Thessalonians 5:3:

"For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape".


Please remember that Yahushua has already bought your salvation with His own precious blood, for which you do not have to a penny. For those who have accepted Yahushua as Saviour, and are looking and waiting for His return to this world for them and all His children, or who could leave this world in death at anytime and go to Him in Glory; I would like to encourage you to remain faithful to Him. Please continue to allow the Ruach Ha Kodesh to help you and to lead, guide, teach, empower and use you to His glory, until your time in this world is over and you go that that better land of Heaven to be with Yahushua.

For those, however, who do not know where they are going when they die, and who would like to make the choice to accept Yahushua, so that you can be sure of His salvation and know definitely that your place in Glory awaits you, whether you leave this world tonight or sometime in the future, or at Yahushua’s return, then I would like to invite you to accept Yahushua as your Saviour and Adonai (Lord). Thus you can have the assurance of being saved by Him and know for sure that you will be with Him when you leave this world. For those who would like to accept this invitation, please repeat this simple prayer:


Gracious Yahweh, my Heavenly Father, Today in the righteous name of Yahushua Ha Mashiach, Your beloved Son, I come to You. I thank you for Your great love for me and for sending Yahushua to suffer and die for my sins to pay for my salvation.

Today I personally confess with my mouth that Yahushua Ha Mashiach is Adonai and that He suffered and died for my sins and was buried in the tomb for three days. I believe in My heart that You, Yahweh, my Heavenly Father, raised Him from the dead on the third day (Romans 10: 9, 10; Galatians 1:1).

I confess that I am a sinner in need of the saving grace of Yahushua, My Saviour. I am sorry for the wrong things I have done in my life. Yahushua, please forgive all my sins and give me permanent deliverance from the sins which easily beset me. Please come into my heart and be the Adonai of my life from this day forward.

Today I receive Your free offer of salvation and accept You, Yahushua, as my personal Saviour from all my sins. I believe that upon my confession this day, I am “born again!” I believe also that I am NOW saved by your grace and have passed from death unto everlasting life.

Heavenly Father Yahweh, by Your grace, I will remain faithful to You and to this my Vow which I have taken this day. Therefore, I am confident that whether I leave my mortal body in death or if I am alive at the awesome, grand and glorious Return of Yahushua my King, I will go back to Heaven, Your throne and dwelling place, with Him and spend the rest of eternity with Him both in Heaven and in the new earth which He, Yahushua, will make. Thus I will be with You my Elohim and with all the saints and the heavenly host.

Loving Father Yahweh, I thank you in Yahushua’s name, Amen.

Once you have prayed this prayer, you will become a new person in Yahushua and our Elohim: Yahweh, Yahushua and the Ruach Ha Kodesh will come dwell in your heart.


To maintain this new life in Yahushua and be His child, you will need to read His Holy Word in the Scriptures each day. I would like to encourage you to begin with the Gospel of John. Before you read Yahweh’s Word, just bow you head and ask the Ruach Ha Kodesh to be your Teacher and to open your understanding so that you can understand His Word. You are also to pray to Yahweh, our Father, in the Name of Yahushua, at least twice each day (in the mornings when you wake up and in the evenings before retiring for the nigh). You can, however, pray as often as you can throughout the course of the day as the needs arise. As you do, you will develop a prayer habit whereby you will have a personal relationship with your Elohim.

Once you have become a child of Yahushua, it is important to attend a place of worship. If you do not have a place where you already worship, please pray and ask the Ruach Ha Kodesh to lead you to a church, or ministry where He is in control and where sound Bible truth is taught. This is necessary and important because you need a spiritual home where you can grow and develop spiritually. You also need to fellowship with others who love and serve our Elohim. Likewise, you need to be in a place where our Elohim meets with His people and speaks to them through His designated servants.

May the Ruach Ha Kodesh lead and guide you each day as we look forward to the return of Yahushua, our beloved Saviour, or to go home and be with Him in Glory, if we die before His return.



Monday, 28 September 2009


Are you keeping yourself out of the Kingdom of Glory?? This is a personal question to you!! Many who profess to be followers of Yahushua and who believe that that are “born again”, “washed in the blood”, “water baptised” “saved” and “sanctified Christians”, will have some very nasty shocks when they leave this world, either at death or at Yahushua’s return.

Sadly, many such ones make themselves the separated ones and keep themselves from others in the body of Yahushua. Yahushua’s command to all those who profess to be His followers is that we should love one another and be united in Him. In John 13: 34, He gives the command:

“A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another”. 

Yahushua further endorsed this command by saying in John 13:35:

“By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another”.

Yahushua knew that Satan would bring division and separation among His followers and in His last prayer before His suffered for the sins of the world and for all humanity, He prayed to Yahweh, His Father:

9 “My prayer is not for the world, but for those you have given me, because they belong to you. 10 And all of them, since they are mine, belong to you; and you have given them back to me, so they are my glory! 11 Now I am departing the world; I am leaving them behind and coming to you. Holy Father, keep them and care for them—all those you have given me—so that they will be united just as we are. John 17: 9-11 (NTL). 

Here in this passage of Scripture, we see Yahushua praying for all those who are His throughout the centuries up to the time of His return to this world for His children. He did not stipulate groups, churches or religious denominations. Instead, He pointed out to His Father that those who are His were given to Him by He, Yahweh, Himself. Therefore, He claimed all as His and gave them back to His Father. Then He prayed and asked, Yahweh, His Abba (Father) to keep them in His care and that they would be united as He, Yahushua, and His Abba were.

In spite of what Yahushua prayed, what He has written in His Word, and the example He set and left us, there are many who profess to be His followers who ignore all His commands and instructions. Instead, they set up and exalt their own beliefs and teachings above Yahushua’s and allow Satan to be in control. Such ones are married to religions and not to Yahushua, whom they profess to love and worship. Many, having carved out their own little world of religion, or follow certain religions, make it their duty to isolate themselves from the body of Yahushua.

Such ones make religion their saviour and lord, instead of Yahushua, our Creator, Who gave up His throne in Glory and came to this sinful world, where He suffered and died to redeem the souls of lost mankind. Thus they set themselves above others in the body of Yahushua. They take on airs of pride and arrogance!! Instead of using their pulpits or time to exalt the Name of Yahushua and His saving grace for the children of men; they do the opposite and condemn, accuse, criticise and judge those who are believers in Yahushua,  but who in their eyes are despised,  because they do not belong to their religions or religious groups.

This is indeed very sad because through their arrogance, pride and conceit, Satan has effectively blinded their eyes and thereby deceives them. Yahushua did not give the command in His Word, or instructed His followers to condemn anyone, or that they should set themselves above any of His followers. The commandment which He left is this: 

“This is my commandment, That ye love one another, as I have loved you”. John 15:12.

He further endorsed this by saying: 

“These things I command you, that ye love one another”. John 15:17.

As followers of Yahushua, it is our duty to love one another. That is His command to us and that is how He expects it remain. He did not tell us that we are to hate, despise or condemn one another. His command is that we should LOVE ONE ANOTHER AS HE HAS LOVED US (John 15:12). 

Due to Satan’s deceptions, many, who profess to be followers of Yahushua, refuse to heed His command to love one another. Sadly, many such ones
, based upon their own beliefs and teachings,  take it upon themselves to decide Who will be saved in the kingdom of Glory and those Who will not be saved!! They fail to realise that Yahushua gave them no such authority. Therefore, in their arrogance, they set themselves as judges and take upon themselves the condemnation of being accusers of the brethren, which is the work of Satan (Revelation 12:10).

It is a wonderful thing to know that no man died for the souls of men. Therefore, no one has the authority or power to decide who will enter Yahushua's kingdom of Glory and be saved. I am pleased about this, otherwise there would be no hope of anyone in this world being saved!! I am thankful that it was Yahushua, our Creator, Who came to this world and suffered and died on behalf of all mankind. Likewise, I am thankful that it is by His grace that we are saved (Ephesians 2:8) and not through any man.  I am also thankful  that my Saviour, Yahushua Ha Mashiach, does not  condemn or forsake anyone who comes to Him. Instead, He says:

“All that the Father giveth me shall come to me; and him that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out”. John 6:37.

We are also told in Romans 8:1:

“There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Yahushua Ha Mashiach, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit”.

(Apologies to KJV for changes).

Today, I would like to say to those who are joined to religions and who set themselves up as judges and condemn those who are followers of Yahushua, Please take notice of the above Scriptures. Please note that Yahushua does not judge, despise or criticise anyone.  Neither does He condemn anyone. He does the opposite.  

It is interesting to note that even though He is our Creator and Redeemer and the Just Judge of the earth, He judges no one. Instead, it His Word which will be our Judge. Concerning this it is recorded in John 12: 47.48:

“47 And if any man hear my words, and believe not, I judge him not: for I came not to judge the world, but to save the world. 48 He that rejecteth me, and receiveth not my words, hath one that judgeth him: the word that I have spoken, the same shall judge him in the last day”. 

Moreover, Yahushua has told us plainly that He will not reject or cast out those who come to Him (John 6:37).

Yahushua loves us, everyone, in spite of what others may think. So great was His love for us, that He did not give the purchase of our salvation to any other created being; not even to His angels who minister to us in this world and who do great and wonderful works among the children of men (Psalm 34: 7; Hebrews 1:14). Yahushua took that responsibility upon Himself and personally suffered and died for us. WE ARE PRECIOUS, VERY PRECIOUS TO HIM!! So precious are we to Him that He will do everything in His power to save us, as we are told in Hebrews 7:25: 

“Wherefore he is able also to save them to the uttermost that come unto Yahweh by him, seeing he ever liveth to make intercession for them”.  

 (Apologies to KJV for changes).
Everyone has hope in this world and those who come to Yahushua will be saved by His grace. The only ones who will not be saved according to His Word are those who commit the sin of blasphemy against the Ruach Ha Kodesh. That sin of blasphemy is to attribute the works of the Ruach Ha Kodesh, which He does through the followers of Yahushua, to Satan. Such works include: the healing of the sick, casting out devils and demons, etc.; which  Yahushua clearly states  in Matthew 12: 25-32. 

Sadly, many who profess to be followers of Yahushua are guilty of this sin of blasphemy against the Ruach Ha Kodesh. Those who are guilty of this unpardonable sin  and have passed on in death, have been shocked to find themselves in Hell. Likewise,  will others  who are guilty of this sin, when the, too, will pass on in death. Such ones are finding,  or  will  find, that instead of  the joy and eternal happiness which they expected, they find themselves in torments in Hell as they wait for the final judgment, where they will be cast into the Lake of fire and brimstone, along with Satan, who deceived them. 

There are, of course, those  who believe they are  just bodies, without an immortal spirit and soul which does no die  with the body.  Thus when death comes, then they  remain in that state until the return of Yahushua.  Therefore, they dispute that there is  no such place as Hell,  where  the souls of those who have rejected Yahushua go and are  tormented.  However, despite what they believe or do believe, does not annul what Yahushua says in Luke 16: 19-31.  Neither does their belief change what Paul has written in 2 Corinthians 5: 1-9.  Likewise, their belief does not change the experiences  of those who died and went to Hell and torment but, who,  were mercifully resurrected from the dead and have told their stories about what they experienced in that place of terrible torment.   

Let all who name the Name of Yahushua, take heed that they do not place themselves in the place of our Elohim, Who is love and condemns no one. Neither let them, through arrogance, take upon themselves to be judges and ascribe the works of mercy and compassion which the Ruach Ha Kodesh is doing among His people and thereby commit the unpardonable sin, for which they will not be forgiven in this life, nor in the life to come. 

Yahushua has set us an example whereby we should pattern our lives. The example which He set us is that of  LOVE, and He COMMANDED US TO LOVE ONE ANOTHER (John 13:34)!! Therefore, it is now high time that those who profess to be followers of Yahushua, whether  they are members of the clergy,  teachers or laity, ensure that they heed the command of our Saviour. I would like to appeal to any one who does not obey Yahushua's command to love one another, that you begin to do so with the help of the Ruach Ha Kodesh, our Elohim here in this world.   Please do not allow Satan to deceive you so that by an arrogant and self-righteous spirit, you keep yourselves out of Yahushua’s kingdom of Glory. 

We are living in very serious times. We are at the end of the age. This is NOT the time to be separate from the body of Yahushua and to be proud and arrogant. It is NOT the time to condemn others in the body of Yahushua. Neither is it the time to pour scorn and contempt upon fellow-believers in Yahushua and be segregated. It is NOT the time to let religion rule or separate those in the body of Yahushua. It is time to put religions aside because religion is a demon, which will rob you of  the salvation of your soul and of your  eternal happiness with Yahushua.  Please be aware that in the Kingdom of Glory and in the new earth, there will be no Baptists, Roman Catholics, Pentecostals, Seventh-Day Adventists or Anglicans, etc. Neither will there the names by which many call themselves in their religious  groups and ministries. There will ONLY be the Redeemed of Earth in the Kingdom of Glory and the new earth, where we will all live together in peace and harmony.  

Please understand that if you cannot associate with those in the body of Yahushua in this world, you are keeping yourself out of Heaven because there will be no separation or segregation there. Likewise, let us endeavour to be at peace with one another and to make wrongs right as soon as things go amiss. This is important because if we do not forgive others, neither will we be for given, as Yahushua tells us in Matthew 6: 15. Learning to live together in peace  in this  present world is very important.  Learning to understand each other  here below is also  very important. We should also bear in mind that if we do not get on with someone here in this world, and by Yahushua’s grace we get to His Kingdom in Glory (which will be followed by the new earth), we could find that that very person is our next door neighbour throughout eternity!! So let us endeavour with the help of the Ruach Ha Kodesh, to live at peace with each other in this world, so that if we are neighbours in Heaven and the new earth, we will be happy to be with each other and to enjoy the ceaseless ages of eternity together.

It is time to be united as Yahushua prayed in His last prayer in John 17:11. It is time for the followers of Yahushua to put away religions and petty beliefs!! It is time for them to pray together and pray one for another. It is time to work together and so finish the gospel commission which Yahushua gave us in Matthew 28: 19,20 and Mark 16:15- 18. It is time to be ready for the coming of Yahushua, our loving Saviour, Who will return at any time from now to take His faithful and true ones to be with Him forever, first in Heaven for 1000 years followed by the new earth, which He will create (Matthew 24: 30,31; 1 Thessalonians 4: 16, 17. Revelation 20-22). 

Many believe and teach that Yahushua will return in secret and take His followers away from this world. Others believe and teach that He will return to this world and set up His kingdom in present Jerusalem for 1000 years. No where in the Scriptures are we told these things. PLEASE KNOW AND UNDERSTAND THAT THERE WILL BE NO SECRET RAPTURE!!  NEITHER WILL YAHUSHUA SET UP HIS KINGDOM IN PRESENT ISREAL FOR 1000 YEARS. Please read for yourselves what Yahushua says in His Word about His return and the setting up of His Kingdom. Therefore, please read Isaiah 13: 9-13; Psalm 50: 3; Matthew 24: 24- 27, 30, 31, 44; Luke 9:26; 1 Thessalonians 4: 16,17; 1 Corinthians 15: 50-54; 2 Peter 3: 10-12; Revelation 1:7; Revelation Chapters 20, 21, 22. These are some of the Scriptures in which we are told about Yahushua’s return to this world, His children being with Him in the Kingdom of Glory in Heaven for 1000 years, the final judgment, the new earth and the new Jerusalem which will be in the new earth. 

By Yahushua grace, may you heed the command and be ready at all times for His return to this world for His children, or to leave this world in death. Let us bear in mind that we could leave this world at any time, regardless of our age. This is because death is no respecter of persons, whether we are young or old. May the blessings of our Elohim: Yahweh, our Abba, Yahushua, our Saviour and the Ruach Ha Kodesh be with you.



NB:  All Scriptures used in this Post are have been taken from the KJV Version, unless  other wise stated.